

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes! Usually, she's not but she was on Monday! I hope you can find the mug you want. That was nice of your cousin. I hope you enjoyed your swim.

    @theslightedgeforever Me too, apparently, I wasn't very clear lol! That material was only $1.97 per fat quarter (I used 2 fat quarters for the bag), so it was an inexpensive project...except the time it took to make it lol. I hate the waiting game, too. That's good you are trying to be flexible. What are you doing with your time since you aren't cooking? Was there a mutiny? LOL

    Hi all. I had a hectic day yesterday at work. I hope today isn't like that, I don't like busy days lol. I made Skinnytaste's Air Fryer Asian Meatballs last night. It was really good. Tonight is Skinnytaste's Italian Wedding Soup.

    Water yesterday: 89 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, in a bit of a rush. I have a hair appointment in 45 min. I cooked chicken Santa Fe last night, the people who ate it said it was good. Tonight I am going on strike and they get spaghetti. I did stretches yesterday and realized I am a body in KNOTS.....LOL

    @trooworld I would be upset too, I HATE the waiting game. My GD plays that and I tell her after a bit..sorry I am busy now. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever I am sorry you are not feeling well..I have actually not had to cough or sneeze for a bit..YEA!!!! It's going to be nicer the end of this week, so will try to go for a walk to get back into the routine.

    @fabgeekmom that was nice of your cousin. Good for you for taking a break. Yes black is one of my favorite colors..LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @fabgeekmom It wasn't so much a strike as I don't feel well enough to cook, you are on your own. Yesterday they had Chinese food delivered. I like to go once a week to a cafe and go read for an hour. I usually do self-help books then so I can take notes and ponder. Then every other day or so I make myself an iced coffee at home. Sometimes at Caribou I get an iced tea with 1/2 shot of sf vanilla.

    @trooworld I was laying in bed reading. Or sitting in my chair reading. lol What is in the Wedding Soup?

    @cbabie That's good that you are trying different recipes

    Well I exercised for 15 min but that was about all I could do. Either I'm really out of shape or my body is just tired. maybe both. :smiley: I did one YouTube video that I swear was advanced. She had no warm up or cool down. I couldn't keep the pace up so I switched to another one. But I moved my body. I'll try for 20 tomorrow.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Not feeling well is a good reason not to cook. I hope you are feeling better. Good job on the exercise. @cbabie I’m glad everyone liked the chicken recipe. Spaghetti is a good choice. @trooworld I have made the wedding soup and it is good. The Asian meatballs sound good. Hi, all. It is cold here! Now a balmy 34. It was in the 20’s this morning. I had a yearly doctor’s appointment this morning. The office was freezing as they were having heating problems. But all was well and I lost 10 pounds since last year. So I am at a healthy BMI. I’m trying not to gain any, just staying the course. Lunch today was leftover chicken with vegetables and broth. Very filling and hearty. I’m late in doing exercise so I’ll get on my bike.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie I'd be happy with spaghetti lol. Did the stretches help the knots? Yeah I almost said I was busy and had things to do (which I did), but I chickened out. I hope you enjoyed your hair appt.

    @theslightedgeforever Ah ok. The soup has ground turkey breast meatballs and some veggies and small pasta: It was really good. Good job moving your body! How are you feeling?

    @fabgeekmom It is! Wow, that is cold. Congrats on a good doctor appt.

    Hi all. Yesterday was a bit better but I didn't get much done because of interruptions. We got a new phone system at work and there was pretty much chaos because of it: we were having problems all day, it wasn't quite set up right. I woke up with a headache. I took a Naproxen so hopefully that will take care of it. I also hope it's not the start of a migraine. We are having flounder piccata from the Skinnytaste website tonight with broccoli. Nice and easy and healthy.

    Water yesterday: 100 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, I didn't exercise yesterday, just didn't seem to have time. I was chasing the baby all over the house. He is just INTO everything...he is one of those you say no, he looks at you and grins and goes right for it. So I made something not healthy at all yesterday, but I only had a bite of it to see how it was. It was a chocolate cake mix, butter, eggs, water, and wait for it....MINI PEANUT BUTTER CUPS in the batter. put in the crock pot cook, when done, top with...wait for it..melted peanut butter and powered sugar and crumbled mini peanut butter cups.... LOL I just had to try it.

    @trooworld so sorry you started the day with a headache. Oh anything that changes is always chaos in the beginning, hopefully the bugs are all worked out and you have a calm day.

    @fabgeekmom YEAH for you losing 10 lbs, that would be my goal for my next appointment..great job on learning how to maintain it. I think Dr office's are always germs can live in the cold. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever I hope you feel better quickly, but don't tell anyone you do and let them see how hard it is to come up with meals. LOL. Yea for you trying to move...good job.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @cbabie Running after the baby is exercise! That dessert sounds heavenly. My family would go for it. @trooworld Too bad about work problems and the headache. The flounder sounds good. Skinnytaste has a recipe online for Marry Me Chicken that looks good. The NYT recipe has about 700 calories. Ouch! Hi, all. Still cold here. My son is off today and is making chicken noodle soup for a late lunch. Today is a swim day.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @fabgeekmom What a great accomplishment on the drs scale. You are our roadmap to better health.

    @trooworld Thank you for the recipe.

    @cbabie I'm chuckling because prior to reading your post I was reading about flounder and broccoli and as I was scrolling I saw your post that had words like powdered sugar and PB mini cups. Good on you for only having a taste but unless it's all gone you might end up caving in to another taste or more. So what made you decide to cook and fix this versus a different recipe? I'm thinking about mindset right now. The problem with letting the family come up with meals is that they won't order anything healthy and then I eat it. That doesn't help me with one of my 2024 goals. So I'll be making some soup tomorrow. Now I have two good recipes to choose from.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That is so true about mindset. I’m glad you have some good recipes. Enjoy the soup.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie Hahaha that little stinker! Ooh that cake sounds amazing! I would have had to try that, too. Thanks, the headache went away so that was good. I think you are right about new things.

    @fabgeekmom I saw that recipe for Marry Me Chicken, it does look good. I made a full-fat version a while ago and it was good. Chicken noodle soup sounds perfect for a cold day! I hope you enjoyed your swim, great job!

    @theslightedgeforever You are welcome.

    Hi all. I lost weight this week: down 1.8 lbs. I'll take it. Yesterday was a good day. I've been having good days lately. The flounder: my husband's night to cook and he "made up the recipe" grrrrh. I appreciate him being willing to cook but he does not cook low-fat unless it's with a recipe. He put 2 tablespoons of oil and 4 tablespoons of butter in that flounder! That's for 4 servings. :( I hate when he does that. Just stick to the friggin' recipe!

    Water yesterday: 90 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Good job on the weight loss. It stinks that your DH is sabotaging you. My son occasionally uses more fat than I would like but it’s part of a recipe and I make allowances during the day for the extra calories. Hi, all. Soup yesterday was good and hearty. I didn’t eat any snacks afterwards so I ate a sandwich, chips and chocolate covered Oreos for dinner. After breakfast I cut up some celery and carrots and added them to 2 chicken breasts and broth to simmer. I am going to add that to the soup my son made yesterday to have more protein and vegetables. I am staying home today as it is cold. Luckily I have the recumbent bike. Dinner is steak, baked potatoes and roasted green beans with garlic powder, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, I went for a walk, but really didn't get to exercise. Baby is only sleeping at 2 hours, 4 hours. at night. Then it's a race like this morning..he has been up since would be ok I guess if I didn't have a 5 year old to get off to school. LOL. So I am going for my eye exam here in a few min. I think my eyes have changed, but I could be wrong. LOL Could just be tired eyes. I made potato soup last night, not diet friendly but good. Today it's chicken and dumplings. I will just have one dumpling. It's just to have a taste right?

    @trooworld I wish my DH would cook, but I am happy he helps with the baby. I laughed about staying with the recipe...glad your headache went away!!! Yea on the loss!!! great job! {It's mindset} it really does help us.

    @fabgeekmom YUM I love chicken noodle!! I don't know how I could go swimming for mind says it's too COLD...I know excuses excuses.. :)

    @theslightedgeforever Yes it's not gone, but I will be throwing it away as not to tempt me if they don't eat it tonight. I bought some recipes from someone I follow for the slow cooker, she makes the meals for like 2 months, gives you the grocery list, etc. I have had it for a year, but this time I was in such a state, I just decided to make whatever she said for the week so I could use her grocery list to get food. That was the desert for the that's how I made the choice. There isn't a recipe that someone here has said...don't make that again...her's are just not always "lean" friendly. I laughed, they would "order food". not cook it. I know why you have to cook, same here.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @cbabie It’s good you went for a walk. Baby not sleeping really drags you down. It’s cold outside but the water is warm. I couldn’t do without my swim. It’s good that you are cooking. I would definitely throw away the dessert unless everyone else was eating it. There is homemade bread on the counter that I am not eating. It’s probably stale. I won’t throw it away until my son says it’s okay.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, need to get on here before everyone wakes up. I was so tired last night, didn't even wash my face, just told everyone wake me up when the baby wakes up and went to bed. I have lots of "housework" to do today and need to get my meal planning done. Exercise is such a hard thing to work in...I have to though to get my body healthy. I just saw a calendar reminder and I can't believe my DH will be 68 in a few days. I never thought we would be in that "old" category. Both my parents died in their 70's and I am just not there in my head, so I have to work on this body.

    @fabgeekmom Yes I have the loaf of bread that probably needs throw away today too! LOL I have not eaten any of that. I know once I start I won't stop. The cake goes today too, I got into it last night, (comfort food) and that wasn't bye bye cake and never make again. LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yeah it ended up okay because it was anotherwise light dish and I had eaten light otherwise during the day but still lol. I hope your soup was good and so was dinner.

    @cbabie Wow, that's not much sleep. Is he feeling better? I love potato soup. AND chicken and dumplings. Yum. That's good your DH helps with the baby. Too bad he doesn't cook...not even grill? Guess what? I woke up with a migraine hahaha but hopefully the meds I took will take it away. Thank you! I hope you got good sleep last night. Happy birthday to your DH. I never thought I would make it past 30 but here I am lol. Yes, we have to take care of our bodies.

    Hi all. It's supposed to rain today which may explain why I woke up with another migraine. We are going to the zoo this morning, hoping we miss the rain. I have to pick up healthy groceries before we go. Yesterday, I put a bunch of chicken breasts in the Ninja Foodi and pressure-cooked them to make a bunch of shredded chicken for the week to use in our recipes. Then, I put a beef roast I got on clearance in there and did the same thing but with Mexican/barbacoa spices. It was easy to do and will really help out with meal prep.

    Water yesterday: 24 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @cbabie I threw the bread away yesterday as my son told me I could. It’s good you went to bed early. Sleep is so important. Meal planning will help so cooking healthy is not so hard. Living a healthy lifestyle is important for all ages, especially those of us who are older. Years ago my son told DH and me that we were elderly. I said, no way and then googled it. Yep, we are elderly. @trooworld Sorry about the headache. Good job in prepping the chicken and beef. The zoo was lots of fun in San Diego. Have fun! Hi, all. We have another cold day. We’re going swimming and eating more of the soup for lunch. I’m going to freeze it tomorrow after lunch. Tonight we are eating at a local Italian restaurant. I’m looking forward to my manicotti.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    edited January 20
    @fabgeekmom I made the chana masala. It was really good. I added a side of white rice to it. I'll post a pic later. My phone is upstairs and I'm too lazy to go get it. Yummy manicotti.

    @trooworld Every time one of you types Marry Me Chicken I hear J-Lo singing that Marry Me song. I loved that movie. Woohoo on the big weight loss. Keep doing what you are doing.

    @cbabie I think it would be too cold for you to swim in your outdoor pool during the winter. That's good that you got outside and moved your body. How could you start tweaking that lady's recipes to make them "lean". Although depending on what type of food plan you follow would be how you make tweaks. Someone following a keto plan would be different than a low-fat plan, or a reduced sugar plan or a calorie based plan. What would be okay for me to eat on a carb cycling plan is not necessarily okay to eat for a points based plan. Right now I'm double tracking to see which way do I want to go.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @theslightedgeforever We ate white rice with the Chana Masala. Yes, it was so good! I have some in the freezer for later.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Got all my assignments completed and submitted a day early AND made a nice dinner. Go me today!

    How is everyone else’s weekend going?

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @gemwolf110 Good job! I’m good. I just got in after going out to dinner. It’s cold here, 28 degrees! I’m going to get sweat pants on and wrap up. And watch an episode of Father Brown on Britbox.