August (2016) Running Challenge



  • hockeymom95
    hockeymom95 Posts: 157 Member
    Hello All. I am starting to train for a 10K in October and I am not a consistent runner, so I am going to set my goal at 30 miles this month.
  • ChrissyTCheerZ
    ChrissyTCheerZ Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! Been stuck in bed for years. All set to hit the gym on Monday. Excited!
    <a href=""&gt;
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  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    August Running Totals (miles)
    8/1 – 5.90 easy plus 4 strides
    8/2 – 6.24 hill run
    8/3 – rest day
    8/4 – 13.56 hot and humid
    8/5 – rest day
    8/6 – 14.13 paced run
    8/7 – 7.75 almost easy
    8/8 – 6.30 easy + 4 strides
    8/9 – 7.34 warmup, easy with a few fartleks
    8/10 – 6.66 group run

    August total to date – 67.88

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 200 miles
    Real Goals: Survive last month before retirement. Train as well as possible toward Rochester Marathon. Avoid putting myself back on the couch.

    Today's notes – Another 91º F (33º C) run this evening, this time with the other running store's group. Humidity was higher today than yesterday, so there were fewer people in the group. One of the regular leaders didn't show - some excuse about just having run a 100 mile trail race. The leader who did show kept the pace reasonable, till he let me and a couple of faster guys find our own way back while he went to guide some folks who had lagged. Had a nice chat with younger guy the last 2 miles or so, where I knew the way back and he didn't. Mile splits were nicely progressive, 8:21, 8:20, 8:11, 8:08, 8:03, 7:49, and a 7:37 pace for the last 0.66 mile when we knew we were almost there.

    Since I'm doing all this running in the heat, I suppose I should sign up for the Oak Tree Half on September 4. It would be a pity to waste training in this weather without a race in similar conditions.

    2016 races:
    January 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY) finished in 53:58
    January 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) finished in 1:30:59
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 32:32
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY) finished in 1:05:24
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) finished in 3:23:01
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY) finished in 1:36:50, targeting MP
    May 15, 2016 Highland Hospital Lilac Run 10K (Rochester, NY) DNS - injury
    June 19, 2016 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY) DNS - recovering from face plant
    July 16, 2016 Shoreline Half Marathon (Hamlin, NY) finished in 1:31:11
    August 13, 2016 Bergen Road Race 5K (Bergen, NY)
    September 18, 2016 Rochester Marathon (Rochester, NY)
    November 24, 2016 Race with Grace 10K (Hilton, NY)

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @ariceroni - have you tried some directed ice rubbed into the area of your shin? That and the calf stretches the PT cave me made a huge difference. I would also consider like @KatieJane83 going to have it checked by your doctor if it isn't getting better with rest.
    @RespectTheKitty - in my limited experience knee pain generally is a result of the hips and/or glutes being weak resulting in your form not being aligned properly. But it could also be other things like a torn meniscus or an ACL issue. In any event if it doesn't improve with rest I would get it checked out by your doctor.
    @greenolivetree - I hope your husband's tests turn out to be ok! Hang in there!

    Rest day for me. I was mighty grumpy today - not exactly sure why... maybe because it was lovely running weather this morning and it is supposed to get HOT again going into the weekend and I was stuck behind my desk all day in meetings!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member

    8/1 3.12....and I struggled through that!
    8/2 snorkel 4 hours
    8/3 life
    8/4 more life
    8/5 3.15
    8/6 4.00
    8/7 lazy (can't blame life) (however, I DID mow the 2 acres and muck out the chicken coop, so I wasn't a complete slug....)
    8/8 5.83
    8/9 snorkel 3 hours: this is the shell of a 7-11 crab

    8/10 3.20

    Total 19.30

    Upcoming races:
    SHEPower Virtual Half: July 18
    Las Vegas RocknRoll Virtual 5k runs--making the band
    ......Guitar Solo 6/28 3.85
    ......Drum Solo 7/21
    ......Lead Singer in August or September
    Las Vegas RocknRoll Half 11/13/16

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @kristinegift It's lovely when you see lots of nice beasts on your run. Just not so lovely if they attack you, hey, @karllundy ?!

    It'll be my turn next. Plover & magpie nesting season soon. Eek!

    2 Aug – 10.1 km
    4 Aug – Body Balance then 13 km
    6 August – 8.1 km
    7 August – 21.3 km
    9 August – 10.3 km
    11 August – 10.1 km

    Goal: 160 km / 100 miles
    Total: 72.9 km / 45.3 miles

    This morning I tried really, really hard to keep my heart rate under peak zone, which starts at 145 bpm. I averaged 146 bpm. Dangnabbit! :smiley:
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @ariceroni I'm sorry to hear that you may be facing injury again. Hopefully it's a weird fluke and you'll be good to go after some rest. But yes... you do have two months to go before the marathon; plenty of time to recover and get the rest of your training in so you can finish!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Still too swamped with school to catch up in here! One day!

    8/1 - 5.1 miles
    8/2 - 4.6 miles with intervals
    8/3 - 4.6 miles + Strength Training
    8/4 - 5.67 miles
    8/5 - 5.1 miles + hopefully Strength Training
    8/6 - 43 miles biking
    8/7 - 30 miles biking
    8/8 - 3.1 miles
    8/9 - 18 miles biking
    8/10 - strength training
    8/11 - 5.2 miles


    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for August
    8/1 9 miles - 9
    8/1 4.5 miles - 13.5 << Daily Double
    8/2 9 miles - 22.5
    8/2 4 miles - 26.5 << Daily Double
    8/3 5 miles - 31.5
    8/4 9 miles - 40.5
    8/4 4 miles - 44.5 << Daily Double
    8/5 5.25 miles - 49.75
    8/6 20.97 miles - 70.72
    8/7 REST DAY
    8/8 7 miles - 77.72
    8/8 4 miles - 81.72 << Daily Double
    8/9 9 miles - 90.72
    8/9 5 miles - 95.72 << Daily Double
    8/10 5 miles - 100.72
    8/11 9 miles - 109.72


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @ariceroni Sorry about your shin. I hope you figure it out real soon.
    @kristinegift Way to get that all sun route in. Summer running sucks, but it makes for a faster fall runner.
    @MNLittleFinn Glad to hear your wife supporting you by watching the kids while you run tommorow night.
    Welcome @hockeymom95
    Welcome @ChrissyTCheerZ

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    8/1 - Intended to run 4, but oversleeping and a thunderstorm kept it from happening :-(
    8/2 - Bodypump class, followed by Abs/Core class. I may be too uncoordinated for this ab stuff...I feel like a bull in a china shop for sure.
    8/3 - 4.11 miles. Cool but foggy/sticky. Felt like running through a shower.
    8/4 - 5 miles on treadmill (Trek class). The Y was so humid, kinda felt like I was outside anyway.
    8/5 - Bodypump class.
    8/6 - 6.33 miles with HM training group.
    8/7 - Rest Day.
    8/8 - 4.25 miles. Felt good!
    8/9 - Unplanned rest day. Some annoying back pain kept me awake all night, so I "overslept" without actually getting any sleep.
    8/10 - 4.3 miles in 75°, 90%, owl.
    8/11 - 4.95 miles on treadmill (Trek class). Then, some quick upper body weights. Again, humid.


    @kristinegift - Be careful! I think cutting it short and some extra popsicles was a good idea. Similar here today, but not with the warnings.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Today I failed miserably in my attempt to get up early and go running, so I once again ran on my lunch hour. I did an easy 3.5 miles (39:03 5k, not my best) and a little bit of walking after. My knees are once again giving me issues with stiffness, and I still have the twinge in my lower back right above the glute. I'm very familiar with pain in this area, having endured a pinched sciatic nerve and muscle inflammation above the sciatic nerve. I've even had to have PT for my back issues in the past. I will have to monitor this twinge very closely, as I do not want it to develop into more serious issues. It loosened up quite nicely after about a half mile so I think it's just a tight muscle in that area. My knees, OTOH, I'm not sure what to do about. I think it may be shoe related. I will have to go over to Runner's High and ask the dude there if he's got a different shoe that won't give me knee stiffness.

    Oh! My ticker:


    You sound just like me in the failed attempts to get up early for running, haha. Hence my regular lunchtime runs during the week, lol. The fb running group I'm a member of is actually doing their group on Sunday this time (usually it's Saturday) so I think it's actually going to happen for once, since I'll have to be up to meet them there! Lol
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Haven't posted an update recently:
    41.76% of goal

    01-Aug: 5.11 miles
    02-Aug: 5.38 miles
    03-Aug: 5.57 miles - Double Day
    04-Aug: 8.41 miles - Double Day
    05-Aug: 5.69 miles
    06-Aug: 5.08 miles
    07-Aug: <Life Day>
    08-Aug: 5.60 miles
    09-Aug: 7.35 miles - Double Day
    10-Aug: 3.40 miles
    11-Aug: 6.87 miles
    14-Aug: <Life Day>
    21-Aug: <Life Day>
    28-Aug: <Life Day>


    Just a LITTLE bit cooler this morning, so I decided to stretch it out a little. Hoped for 7, but the parking spot came too early. :wink:

    Upcoming Races:
    27-Aug: John 316 Cancer Awareness 5K, Lizella
    05-Sep: Labor Day Road Race 10K
    10-Sep: Glazin' a Trail Donut Run 5K, Centerville
    17-Sep: Joshua's Wish 5K, Macon OR
    Race for Education 5K, Warner Robins
    24-Sep: Georgia Golden Olympics 5K
    01-Oct: Terry's Run 5K, Eastman
    22-Oct: S.C.A.R.E. 5K, Macon
    05-Nov: Ridge Run 5K, Macon
    12-Nov: Pecan Orchard 10K, Fort Valley
    25-Mar: Cherry Blossom Road Race 10K, Macon
    08-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K/15K, Macon
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    1-stung by a bee yesterday. was told i shouldn't run today :(
    2-leg was doing well but woke up in pain this morning and a little swelling, putting run off till tomorrow just in case.
    3-1.66 mi and an 1hr of foam rolling class.
    5-nothing yet. aerial yoga or a run maybe-might have a kidney infection. i have to wait for results
    7-renfair. i walked 5 miles but no running
    8-slept in-recovering from faire
    9-back and neck seizing up :frowning: and i was up early and everything
    10-2.01mi and 1 hour foam rollling


  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    This morning's conditions were soup-like, hot, disgusting, hard to breathe. I still managed my 5K, but was it ever hard at the end...

    Happy Thursday fellow runners!!!


    1/8: REST
    2/8: 5.30 km + 20 mins yoga
    3/8: 5.38 km + 20 mins yoga
    4/8: 5.39 km + 20 mins yoga
    5/8: 5.43 km + 20 mins yoga
    6/8: 4.50 km (Walked Colour Vibe due to terrain on course, and it wasn`t even a true 5K)
    7/8: 6.05 km + 20 mins yoga
    8/8: 5.37 km + 20 mins yoga (New PR! 5K in 34:31)
    9/8: REST (early morning meeting; walked all over instead)
    10/8: 5.40 km + 20 mins yoga (New PR! 5K in 33:59)
    11/8: 5.42 km + 20 mins yoga
    14/8: REST
    20/8: REST
    28/8: REST

    Current PR: 5K in 33:59 / 10K in 1:17:??


    6/8: Colour Vibe 5K
    24/9: Obstacle Course “Coureur des bois”
    20/10-01/11 : Zombies Run! App 2016 Fall Virtual Run
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @greenolivetree So sorry to hear about your husband's flare. I have Crohn's disease and I know very, very well how difficult it can be for both the patient and the spouse. Fortunately I am currently in remission, but even then it still presents its daily challenges. I was diagnosed 13 years ago and have had many ups and downs. It's is a major struggle to not let it control your life and I know that familiar feeling of hopelessness. If you need anyone to talk to about it, feel free to PM me. I hope everything works out for your hubby. Is he currently on a biologic med? I get Remicade infusions and it has literally changed my life!
  • sunkisd1105
    sunkisd1105 Posts: 11 Member
    Woke up with a nasty sinus headache this morning. The thought of pounding pavement is horrible right now. This may be a rest day or maybe I can do a few rounds of 15 minutes just to get something in. I guess we will wait and see how well the Claritin works.

    Happy Friday Eve, everyone!
