August (2016) Running Challenge



  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @TattooedDolphinGirl78 Mondays are always my hardest day too. Something about waking up early afternoon a rest day, is just so hard.
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @TattooedDolphinGirl78 Mondays are always my hardest day too. Something about waking up early afternoon a rest day, is just so hard.

    So true!!! lol
  • BetterMike
    BetterMike Posts: 131 Member
    29 miles done with goal of 70.
    Flu kicked my butt last couple days. Going to try and run a bit today and have a 5k race on Wednesday. Hard to imagine how I'll be able to breathe by then but time heals :smile:
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ That's some awesome running on that mountain!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    8/1 - 40 mins total body strength + pilates, 20 min light cardio, stretching
    8/2 - 3 mi walk - .75 mi of which was running intervals to test out my leg
    8/3 - 3.1 mi walk - again I ran about .75 mi in short intervals, also a few tiny hill repeats
    8/4 - 20 min light cardio, 55 min strength&pilates
    8/5 - 3 mi walk
    8/6 - back to school shopping wore me out!
    8/7 - just totally being a lazy bum excuse :(
    8/8 - 20 min light cardio....45 min mix of strength and pilates with a little cardio
    8/9 - .5 mile warm up walk...3 mile RUN :smiley::smiley::smiley:
    8/10 - 3 mile walk, 20 minutes pilates/body weight exercises
    8/11 - .5 mi walk/3 mi run/.5 mi walk
    8/12 - 3 mi run
    8/13 - Funeral day and yardwork
    8/14 - .5 mi walk, 4 mi run with 3 third mile hill repeats, .5 mi walk......17 min pilates/body weight exercises
    8/15 - 3 mi walk

    Running Goal: 13 of 60 miles (adjusted down further due to leg pain)
    Non-running goals: Take my strength training more seriously this month/Lose 5lbs (dang it!)

    Things are not going well for me :angry: During the time that I was resting my right calf and shin issue - last few days of July and first week of August - I started to feel that nagging pain again behind and slightly above my left knee. Now, why in the world would this flare up during a rest from running? Well, now after running 13 miles in the past week, it's "raging". This is the same pain that started in early April and I saw a Dr and he xrayed and said it was just a little muscle strain and don't run on it. So back in April I rested it like 9 days or something but ever since it's just been a little nagging thing off and on, usually when I run several days in a row. I don't know what exactly this is or what to do about it and I'm thinking August is pretty much shot. If it's worsening now while I've just come off a rest period and am still running less miles (13 in a week compared to 20-25) then there's not much hope of me ramping up mileage again right now. Maybe I'll run 3 miles every third day or something but I just don't know. Grrrr. :'(

    Besides that I had this sharp chest pain while running last night and my chest felt sore all night and then it happened again this morning just walking in my office. Geez. NOW WHAT?!

    On a positive note, it was 66 degrees here this morning :-o And for the first time in 6 years I didn't have to fight insane first day of school traffic getting the boy to school 6 miles away. You have no idea how far 6 miles is until you go bumper to bumper for an hour..... He walked the mile to the new school and the exercise will be good for him.

    @_nikkiwolf_ I think that's pretty normal to get up a big hill faster with run/walk or even all walking compared to all running :) Frustrating but good job running it all!

    @BetterMike Good luck with your post-flu running.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited August 2016
    Sorry about the double post this morning. I attempted to post my run this morning and replaced the left angle brackets with parentheses. Still wanted "approval". Blah! What seems to work is only posting part of the message and edit it by adding a little more and more. Weird! Whoever is doing the "approval" this morning did a quick job of it. I sent a PM to Nova and Jordan (2 folks that were listed as staff members at the top message in the Challenge forum) Saturday morning and neither have even read my PM. Ridiculous!

    On a good note, I feel stronger. My legs were able to keep a good pace this morning with great form. I am able to maintain that high heel kick and keep my hips relaxed. I was able to hit GMP for 5 miles, and the next 3 miles were much more relaxed pace but still around 8:00-8:24. Breathing was a little labored at times when I was picking up the pace a bit, but overall I wasn't feeling like I am ready to die. Even better news, it's not even September yet. I am very excited with my Summer progress.

    I feel that a BQ this December is becoming more and more of a reality.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ Thanks for the encouragement. I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure I'm ready. It's my first race so it should be fun!

    Nice work on that hill (mountain). I have one here I haven't been able to run yet but I keep inching up a little further each time I try.

    Nice work everyone!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good night 43 posts since last night....gotta go read. I can't get the stupid stream for the Olympics to work at work, what's up with that :cry:

    Rest day since Skip had an early dentist appt.

    This one made me true


    @mobycarp this cracked me up...

    The marathon plan wants me to run a 10K this morning, but sleeping late after a long day including a PR 5K yesterday was a no-brainer. Looked at the hourly forecast; it would be warmer, but perhaps less humid in the afternoon. So I went to church in the morning and got out to run about 2:45. After not running all that many miles yesterday, I was thinking somewhere in the 7 to 10 mile range.

    ... us runners have a horrible time with math... my plan calls for 10K which I know is 6.2 miles, but I'm thinking 7 to 10 miles will work :wink: love it!

  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Had a great strength training workout this morning followed by a 1 mile run. I'm doing Arnold's Supersets twice a week and then a leg day once a week with some compound lifts thrown in each day as well.

    08/04 – 1 mile
    08/05 – 1 mile
    08/06 – 3 miles
    08/09 – 1.3 miles – HR 135-140 HR running flat surface………154 running hills
    08/10 – 80 min Strength Training + 20 min Xtraining – Stairmaster and Stationary Bike (140 HR)
    08/11 – 3.05 miles – AVG HR 143, lower on flat (lowest 127) higher on hills (highest 153)
    08/12 – 1 mile – AVG HR 144 + 90 min strength training
    08/13 – Rest Day
    08/14 – 3.3 miles, 12 laps at park, HR average 155 & took 35 seconds off my mile time
    08/15 – 1 mile - 85 min Strength Training


    Tiki 5K Run in Huntington Beach this Sunday.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member

    The marathon plan wants me to run a 10K this morning, but sleeping late after a long day including a PR 5K yesterday was a no-brainer. Looked at the hourly forecast; it would be warmer, but perhaps less humid in the afternoon. So I went to church in the morning and got out to run about 2:45. After not running all that many miles yesterday, I was thinking somewhere in the 7 to 10 mile range.

    ... us runners have a horrible time with math... my plan calls for 10K which I know is 6.2 miles, but I'm thinking 7 to 10 miles will work :wink: love it!

    Any good 10k requires a warmup & cool down. My plan actually includes a few races in where the assignment is to do a 1-2 mile warmup & 1-2 mile cool down. So a 10k race could easily get logged as 10.2 miles.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    8/1 - 2.23 - HS XC Practice
    8/2 - 6.0 - Easy
    8/2 - 4.15 - Easy
    8/3 - 15.03 - Easy
    8/4 - 6.0 - Recovery
    8/5 - 11.06 Easy + 3.47 @ MP XC Practice
    8/6 - 7.0 Easy W/ 10 x 160M Strides
    8/7 - 10.22 MP
    8/8 - 4.38 Recovery
    9/9 - 9.53 Easy
    9/10 - 11.05 VO2Max workout with 6x600 w/ 400 recovery @ 5k pace.
    9/11 - 6.02 Recovery
    8/12 - 12.49 - Easy w/ 6.3 @ MP
    8/13 - 8.5 Easy
    8/14 - 22.01 - Long Run
    8/15 - 3.0 - Recovery

    Total 142.15 of 285 miles

    Today was scheduled as a rest day, but I had xc practice to help with so I took an easy stroll through the nature center we run at today while the kids did a fartlek run. The legs felt pretty heavy after yesterdays long run but they feel a whole lot better this afternoon compared to this morning when I got up. I'm actually pleased I was able to get a few miles in. In past training cycles after a 20 mile run my legs would be shot for a few days, so being able to recover this quickly is a good feeling. Tomorrow is a scheduled recovery double of 6/4, but since I was able to get in a bit of recovery today, I'll probably just run the 10 easy in the morning to avoid the evening heat.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Haha! @AdrianChr92 That has to be Photoshoped!
  • BetterMike
    BetterMike Posts: 131 Member
    @AdrianChr92 That is an awesome pic!
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    3 slow, easy miles today. I decided I needed (and am ready for) some structure to my running, so I'm loosely following a 12 week half marathon training plan. I just don't push myself as much when I don't have someone or something telling me what to do.

    Today was day 1 of that plan. So far, so good. Average pace was around 11:40 per mile--very slow for me, but comfortable. The temps were tolerable today (70s) with heavy cloud cover and sky high humidity (80+%). There were several times when I swore I felt a raindrop or two, but I never saw any evidence of raindrops on the sidewalk and it was very sporadic. I'll just blame it on the humidity and assume I'm not crazy.

    My 10 week post op appointment is tomorrow afternoon. This should be my last time seeing the surgeon. If all checks out, I should be released from his care completely. I don't anticipate any issues. There is still some residual swelling in my ankle, and some numbness in my lower leg/behind my knee (though that is finally starting to fade). The swelling isn't supposed to fully dissipate until about 6 months out, so I think all is going as expected. I am able to do all of my normal activities, though my heel tends to ache after a long day on my feet (especially just walking around). And my incision scar is finally losing its sensitivity--I can wear most of my shoes now without serious pain :smiley: Here's to hoping I never have to go through it again (Don't get any ideas, right ankle. I'm watching you)...

    ETA: 18.5 of 40 mile goal completed for the month

    What did you get fixed. I've got screws holding one ankle together and a rod w/ 4 pins holding the other leg together. The numbness does go away after a while but I still get swelling and stiffness.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited August 2016
    @Elise4270 @BetterMike that picture is all over the place. it's real. it's pretty awesome.
    there was another one where it looks like he is skipping and smiling too
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    08/01 - 4 miles
    08/03 - 4 miles
    08/04 - 2 miles
    08/07 - 6 miles
    08/12 - 1 mile

    I haven't updated in a while, I had to go to Chicago for work and am just now getting back in the swing of things. Tons of pages to catch up on here!

    Definitely spoke too soon with my last update of running pain-free. I ran 6 miles on the 7th and initially felt great, but right when I hit mile 6, my left knee started screaming and I ended up hobbling home. I attempted 1 mile on Friday to see how I felt and it was still really bothering me, so I decided to skip the Magnuson Park 10k on Saturday.

    I'm taking this entire week off from running, compensating with the elliptical, and have a doctor's appointment today since PT hasn't been doing much (or maybe I'm just being impatient). I will say, my knees haven't been aching at all walking this week, which is an improvement.

    I'm leaving for Iceland on Thursday and have the Reykjavik 10k this Saturday so really hoping I can run some of that. I'll walk it if I have to.

    I'm also still planning to run the half marathon's in September. My plan is to use the elliptical to keep up my fitness, continue with body weight exercises and stretching, and run/walk the HMs. Worst case I'll decrease to the 10k for each event, but I'd like to attempt the HM if I can.

    Thanks everyone for your continued support!


    Upcoming races:
    08/13: Magnuson Park 10k - Had to skip due to knee injury
    08/20: Reykjavik 10k (what better way to explore a new city than by running it?)
    09/10: Lake Chelan HM
    09/17: Destination Woodinville HM