

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    mom and my sis came thru!!! i got $975 bucks! i'm sure to get my jersey now!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :)Re and others, It is not required to have goals or resolutions to start each month. Many of us like making a new plan for the month and getting focused on a new behaviour...others have a set of resolutions and use them over and over.

    petting-poodle-smiley-emoticon.gif Poor Brandy went to the vet today for a check-up about her injured knee and indigestion and came home with two more prescriptions---one has to be taken before she eats and not with other medication so now there will be two pill session in the morning and the evening.....after Brandy gets her pills, all three pets expect a treat..maybe Jake and I should get a treat, too.

    <3 Barbie

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Walked on the treadmill for an hour today. Then I went to the Senior Expo. Boy, was it crowded! But then again, they were giving out a lot of freebies, and I suspect a lot of the senior citizens went for the freebies. I found it interesting that a lot of places were giving out candy and two booths were giving out ice cream sandwiches/pops, however, one place was giving out apples and another was giving out strawberries or chocolate covered strawberries. However, I did manage to get three canvas bags for putting groceries in. I refuse to pay for a bag. The only time I ever paid for one was when I bought an insulated one. Otherwise, all the ones I got for free. So what if the outside of the bag says something related to being a senior? I still get 5 cents off a bag when I use it at the store. That's what I'm mainly concerned with. Guess deep down inside I'm a cheapskate at heart. Well, cheap about some things, but not cheap about others.

    After the senior expo I went to Aldi. First stopped at Habitat for Humanity. They usually don't have much, but I was looking for a glass jar with lid for the Halloween social. Well, I have time

    The plan for tomorrow is to do the deep water class.

    It looks like the Y opens at 8 next Mon. I have a body pump DVD that I may take with my laptop and use the Y's equipment.

    Jane - vent all you need to. I'm very surprised the MD didn't chalk your high blood pressure up to white coat syndrome. Please let us know how you're doing.

    Alison - Did Tom have to do something special to get the free clearance?

    Told Vince that if the weather is nice, I would like to work on stringing the popcorn (I like to do it on the deck) but he can go to Mexican Train. He said "well, I guess we'll skip this month". I don't care if he goes himself, as a matter of fact, I'll make brownies for him to take so that I know that there's something he'll eat.

    Linda in Iowa - I'm so sorry about your MIL. I'm sure you did her very proud with the eulogy. Then your BIL!

    Jessica - congrats on your upcoming wedding

    polixeni - welcome to a great place for support

    Marcelyn - sounds like you had a great weekend. So happy for you

    katie - happy anniversary

    melanie - you are always in my thoughts

    Heather - how very sad about your friend

    Gloria - oh no, lice!!! But great NSV in that most of your clothes aren't "appropriate" and congrats on the loss

    Re - I love my salads with everything and anything in them. Usually I put into it whatever it is that I want to use up. Like avacados were on sale last week at Aldi so I got 8, having that in my salad in add'n to lots of other things

    pip - you go girl!!!!

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Sheryn, welcome. MFP is great and this group of supportive and informative women is even greater. Please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you. It’s also nice to sign each post and give a location, general or specific.

    KarenE, your get away sounds wonderful. If you figure out how to do luxury cheaply, do share!

    Joyce, does your insurance not pay for any of the cardiac rehab? DH probably didn’t go for more than a week, as I recall, but learned a lot.

    Margaret, the pictures are great. You look marvelous but what is that box you are in??? LOL That is a thing of the past.

    MicheleNC, Denise is spending $1200 on a BD party for her BF??? Where did our kids leave their heads???

    Betty, beautiful sunset! Wow.

    NYKaren, you mean to tell us that you can’t read DH’s mind? Are you a newlywed? LOL

    Lisa, cute shirt but hope you are feeling better.

    Re, congrats on the loss. Keep it up!! And belated Happy Anniversary.

    Barbie, congrats on finishing your project that you wanted done. I love that feeling of accomplishment.

    Terri, it is so good to hear from you!!! Sorry to hear about your ankle. Hope to see you more often.

    Rori, beautiful pictures. I was there many years ago in July and had booked a ride on the cog wheel train but it got snowed out. I was really happy because I wasn’t crazy about that ride up the mountain. Now that I see your pictures, I’m sorry we didn’t make it.

    Jane, thinking of you and your surgery. Some doctors just don’t think past the blatant facts, like weight and bp. I wonder if they ever consider that those tight BP cuffs cause it to read higher?

    Linda, sorry for your loss. I lost my DMIL a number of years ago from the same thing. I have to agree that they are in a better place once they get to that point. (((hugs)))

    Jessica, my class is Western Line Dance steps but we rarely use western music. Lately we have added a couple of Soul Line Dances to our routine. It took me forever until I felt comfortable in the class. I could do most any of the steps but just couldn’t remember what came next. Never considered it was part of “Old Age”. Lol

    Kay, Happy Anniversary! It sounds like it was a good one.

    CarolGA, they had said the storm would not touch us, but the latest weather has it possible going right through here with 45 mph winds and heavy rains. They did say that could change again in the next two days so time will tell.

    Melanie, still sending prayers for you and all those affected by the floods. I hope things get better each day.

    Gloria, sorry the interview was put off but happy you have lost more. Yes, it’s okay to buy mostly new clothes when it’s because the others are too big. Congrats !!!

    Joyce, sorry to hear you are still having problems. I hope the doctors can find the cause and correct the problem. (((Hugs)))

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    DH and I went to the beach yesterday morning. It was somewhat overcast at our house but just the 7 miles to the beach the sky cleared and it was beautiful. We just stayed about 2 ½ hours and shortly after we got home there came a thunder shower. Of course it may not have rained at the beach. Today I had line dancing lessons and was fearful about my hips since they were so painful last week. Luckily, I only had a little pain and was able to dance about an hour and a half. Tomorrow is working out at the gym and then dinner with friends. This is a belated birthday dinner I’ve been putting off. Some friends of ours that we used to work with opened this Italian restaurant about a year ago and it has gotten rave reviews. I’ve read all but the last page but need to head to bed. Hopefully I’ll have time to catch up tomorrow.
    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Thanks DJ. When I was in Europe ten years ago if I saw a phone booth I took a picture of it because you could tell they would not be around much longer. The booth was in the technology and ecology building at the fair. Not quite sure why they had it other than to remind us how quickly things can get outdated.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I could spend an entire day at Bass Pro shop. It's like going to Disney World, waterfalls, animals, beautiful outdoor displays.

    DJ, I have no idea how much each rehab session is but the copay is $45. But I will have to wait until I can be able to stand up and not get dizzy.

    Oh, PCP nurse practitioner gave me Voltaren patches. I only have 4 but it will show me it they work. If they do I will call my insurance and see how much they cost.

    Joyce, indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Rori - thanks for sharing the gorgeous pictures. My parents and oldest two sisters were all born in Colorado Springs. Several of my mom's older brothers helped built the cog railway up Pikes Peak. I've never taken it up the Peak but driving up used to be a family outing most every summer. Brought back many fond memories. Thanks :)

    Janetr OKC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Hello Vivacious Vixens;

    I will continue to set that alarm, and spend a minimum of 20-30 minutes on the elliptical every morning… because “Use it or Lose it” is a true statement… or perhaps in this case, it should be Use it AND lose it.

    And it’s not like I can even use the “old” excuse… as I have a lot of shining examples of fabulously fit women in their 50’s, 60’s and even in their 70’s to choose from.

    So… once again, today, I am happy that NOW is the time I am getting a handle on this… that I am not “waiting to start” getting stronger or fitter for even one more day. NOW is the time, This is the place. And if it takes me three years to lose the next 90 lbs… well, then it takes three years.

    I will treasure every instance that I can bend over, and pick something up off the floor, I will make excuses to get up and walk around during the workday… I will fight for every tiny bit of strength and fitness that I can get my grubby little hands on…

    I love her, very much… but, I will never become my Mother.

    On a happier note… DH and I celebrated our 27th Wedding Anniversary on Friday… and on Saturday… and on Sunday. The man still knows his way around the park, ladies. And, Woe is Me… I was forced to eat copious amounts of food cooked by other people, all weekend long… Thankfully, all under calorie goal, with a smidge of assistance from my daily trip to the gym. So, that was my weekend in a nutshell…

    I was thrilled to find that the scale didn’t beat me up for eating restaurant food all weekend.

    I am enjoying all the photos, and I will do my best to keep up for the rest of the week.

    Hugs for Everyone!

    Re in TX

    I am proud of you..."not waiting to start"!!

    And happy anniversary

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • bkind2nmals
    bkind2nmals Posts: 27 Member

    -Implement a weight-training plan to supplement the cardio
    -Lose at least 6 pounds this month (Sep)
    -Start doing some of the workouts with my kids to be a good role model for them (I am an older mom. At 50, I have three kids ten and under) and I really need to get over the exhaustion excuses and do more activities with the kids so that they can see how great living healthy is
    -Start doing family workout activities to include all of us
    -Get prepared for our fall trip to Aspen where we like to hike A LOT. (Want to be in good shape this year so I am not huffing and puffing so much as we ascend the trails!!! It will shock my ten-year-old!!)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Night all....
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • mwopm3
    mwopm3 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Marcelle and today is my 53rd birthday and I'm once again trying to lose some weight I've gained the past two years. Feels like my whole adult life I've been playing yo-yo with 20-30 pounds. Anyhoo- looking for friendly advice and support along the way.
    - I started tracking 2 weeks ago on MFP and really like it although my app crashed and I had to reinstall.
    - I like exercise a lot but am not consistent. I bike, walk and do yoga primarily.
    - I'm trying to meditate. My mind is not cooperative!
    - I'm a mom of 3 boys and have a husband who is supportive

    I look forward to learning about your journeys!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2016
    Re - Thanks for your reminder of why I am here. My oldest sister is on oxygen, is very overweight, sits in her chair all day long only walking only a few steps at a time with her walker to go to bed. I saw her a few years ago and it hit me like a ton of bricks...in a few years that is right where I'll be. I was pushing the upper 280's in weight and having trouble walking with my knees so bad, Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, the whole nine yards. I made the decision right there and then I was NOT living the rest of my life like that. Sometimes it takes something drastic to wake us up, but thank goodness we did.

    So proud of you. I appreciate the pep talk. <3

    Janetr okc
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Jane – virtual hugs!!!! I wish you had not been treated like that! We are sending good thoughts that this works perfect and you are dancing by this time next year.

    Linda – good job on realizing that you need to get back to logging

    Penny – toe OUCH! The mom and cub would have me at the window as well

    Gloria – I have depended on the 2nd hand and consignment shops for new clothes and have found some wonderful stuff for very little money..

    Joyce – do you know anyone who could help you with a spread sheet?

    Re – if cottage cheese doesn’t work what about fat free plain yogurt in the dip mix?

    August Goals:
    2 fun things a week, visiting with college prof, walking tour of tea gardens, birthday hike, learning to set and catch a gopher, planning camping trip, dinner at a new Chinese restaurant, trying coffee beer. 4 fab! Days of camping

    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2016
    Heather: I'm happy that you had a good visit with your friend. :smiley:

    Gloria: Congratulations on the weight loss! I'm sorry about the lice and the delay in your job interview. :flowerforyou:

    Sue in WA: I developed lactose intolerance in my second year of college. The doctors wanted to give me librium for it. They thought I had a case of anxiety. One of my roommates was from Saudi Arabia and recognized my problem as lactose intolerance. She'd been in college in Lebanon and some of her friends had the same problem. She was a real blessing for me. As soon as I quit drinking milk the symptoms went away. Now we have options I didn't have back then. Grocery stores sell lactaid milk. Lactaid is an enzyme that digests the part of the milk that we don't tolerate. There are also soy and almond milks that don't contain lactose & shouldn't bother you. Good luck finding something that you like and will work for you. :star:

    Joyce: (((HUGS)))

    Becca: Practice makes perfect. You need to send us a message from the new computer twice a day. :devil:

    Barbie: I'm working on the pain in my shoulder with yoga, pilates & the kettlebell swing. I'm taking it a day at a time. I've been told I have a "frozen shoulder," which I've mentioned before. It is the reason I can't saddle the horse I ride. This condition supposedly goes away on its own in about a year. I'm coming on 9 months with it. I hope your situation will not take so long to be resolved. :grumble:

    Marcelle: Welcome to a great group. We have loads of good advice. Really. :wink:

    Today my grandson turned two. We sent him a trampoline aimed at little kids & it was a hit. Lucky for us, my daughter suggested the idea. I got to see him and my DGD using it thanks to a smart phone video our daughter shared with us. I also got to talk to him on the phone. It is tough being so far away, but technology helps with that. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, Sleepy Sisters!

    I decided I would check in tonight, so it would be a little less to read tomorrow… I have a gazillion meetings… *sigh*


    Barbie – Poor Brandy… Poor Barbie…you most definitely should get a treat! LOL.

    Michele – Oh, I am so with you on the cheap thing. My Daddy always says – it doesn’t matter if they offer you the world with a gold fence around it for a dollar… if you don’t have the dollar. I save those pennies wherever I can.

    DJ – Thanks! And I am so glad you could dance without hip pain. Shake it, Mama!

    Pip – (-15)

    Margaret – Phone booths are like vinyl records… so many young folks have never even seen one, much less used one. Someday, these “smart phones” will go the same way… for whatever the newest thing is.

    Joyce – I hope the patches work! I hate the idea of you in pain.

    Janet/OKC – Thank you. I am glad I could remind you… every so often I have to remind myself.

    Lily – Thanks! I am a little proud of me, too.

    Peg – Hello! And oooh my. Three pre-teens? You have your work cut out for you.

    Mary <3

    Marcelle – Welcome – I think you have landed in the right spot. We have all levels of weight and fitness people here… people trying to lose, trying to maintain, just in it for the fitness… Stop by any time.

    Kim – I am not a fan of the yogurt substitute… strange, I know – because I love the yogurt on it’s own. However, I find that the yogurt sourness just doesn’t belong in some things – like the dip. I hope that the cottage cheese and the ranch flavor will blend better. Trust me, I will make my report.

    Katla - Ah, so nice that your gift was the perfect thing… I hope your shoulder thaws out soon!


    I am off to sleep, now, Ladies… The alarm will ring far too soon, as it is.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Sorry I didn't check in last night work has been a bear... we are going paperless and so we have the old fashion charts.. and it all has to be scanned into the computer..well guess who they taught to scan, so when not assisting and doing the ordering I am scanning yesterday I assisted for all of about 2 hrs, the rest of the day, I made phone calls and scanned.. by the time I get home from work my brain is fried and I want to go to bed..
    Tomorrow afternoon us ladies from work are going to lunch as I told you and going to see Bye Bye Birdie...celebrating Zina's 50th...
    Today my DGD starts her first day of school in a new school, one her mom and uncle went to.. her other grandmother took her to the meet and greet yesterday.I got up at 3:30 this morning.. and am having my first cup of tea..
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2016
    Re wrote:
    I will continue to set that alarm, and spend a minimum of 20-30 minutes on the elliptical every morning… because “Use it or Lose it” is a true statement… or perhaps in this case, it should be Use it AND lose it.

    I will treasure every instance that I can bend over, and pick something up off the floor, I will make excuses to get up and walk around during the workday… I will fight for every tiny bit of strength and fitness that I can get my grubby little hands on…

    Re, I'm 100% with you on those statements. First, use it or lose it. I realized a few years ago that I no longer bounced back quite the way I used to, and that I now have to work to maintain the stamina I had "for free" when I was younger. Second, I've been treasuring certain abilities ever since understanding that they're not necessarily going to last as long as I do. The first thing I began to treasure was ('scuse me :wink:) being able to go to the bathroom all by myself, and at a time of my own choosing. Much of your life you think you're home free once you're potty trained, but as I grew older I realized that continence isn't an eternal given. :'(

    Karen in VA - I hope you get to see Ice Town eventually. I was tickled to see that you posted a link to the "rant" ranking the characters from least to most interesting. The person ranked as least interesting is the same one who wrote the rant and he's very definitely in my circle of acquaintance. He runs what he calls "the world's northernmost alternative newspaper" (http://icepeople.net). He does everything himself - reporting, editing, copying, distribution - and he hands it out free of charge. He admits it's "a lousy business model". Poor Mark! His blurbs have attracted so much attention that his website keeps crashing from all the traffic. Ah, well. Maybe some good will come of it for him personally. He's been struggling financially for years.

    Melanie - Thinking of you and your daughter. I particularly note your optimistic outlook. Catastrophes like the one you've been through have a way of resetting our priorities. It reminds me of Barbie's Yutang Lin quote about the secret of contentment: enjoying what you have and losing all desire for things beyond your reach.

    Where's Lenora? I miss Sylvia and Lisa, too, but assume they're just busy.

    My brother-in-law and his friend gave the boat excursion another try yesterday and it was a tremendous success! They left while the two polar bears were still just across the fjord, so the boat's captain took a detour on the way out to give all the tourists an incredible photo-op. Later in the trip they spotted another polar bear by one of the glaciers, and then they had a great visit to Pyramiden. We had to point out to them that they've been exceedingly lucky to see so much on their very first trip to Svalbard. Three polar bears within three days of arriving! I had lived here nearly three YEARS before I saw one.

    Must run. Lots to do today!

    /Penny, busy-busy-busy near the North Pole