

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just want to say you ladies are awesome.Thanks for all the support ,love and prayers.
    Having a tendon repair in my quad muscle,in case I forgot to say,6 weeks in a splint with rehab daily and 1-3 day in the hospital,then home.Waiting for the hospital to call with time,trying to keep busy.New hospital,new dr,so hopefully I better outcome.
    Happy anniversary to any who are celebrating.hugs to all that need them.
    will be back when I can
    hugs jane
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Jane -I agree about those bp cuffs that squeeze so hard it hurts. No wonder the pressure goes up. Good luck and sending prayers for a speeds recovery.
    Rori- when we lived in Co Springs I could see Pikes Peak from my living room. Loved it there but the Air Force sent us elsewhere.
    Katla- just a typo. I've know your nickname for a long time.
    Melanie -so sorry for your struggle with the floods. We have relatives all around Baton Rouge.
    My grandson ask me in June what my goals where for the summer and I had to admit I didn't have any. I have been back on MFP for 33 day and logging every day. I have been exercising a lot but not making much progress on weight loss so I must think long and hard about September resolutions. Thinking it will be about choices.
    Just realized I say "lot" a lot!!! Lol
    SueBDew in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm back home after a very successful trip to London. Great weather, great company and really nice, non fattening food. I had sushi on the train home. My friend seemed pretty good, but a bit angry about the pension changes which mean she has to wait an extra two and a half years for her pension. She has terminal cancer so she might never see it.
    Speak tomorrow when I am less tired.
    Love Heather UK xxxxx
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Hi everyone new and all the rest! 2 days without internet - withdrawals start around 1/2 a day :) Can't read or post much right now but wanted to update you on a few things.

    My interview that was suppose to be this Monday was rescheduled to 9/12 because the supervising paralegal called in with a sick child (guess she won't be able to complain if I have to do the same sometime when I get hired there! LOL) Her supervisor was none too happy to have to reschedule as it's dragging the process out and she just wants to get someone hired!

    So the day before I went to get my hair colored and cut and after she had all but about 2" of color on she says "there is a bug in your hair." I said "oh it must have flown in the car." But no, it was lice! I've never had them in my life and have no idea how or where they came from. So she had to wash the color out and send me on my way. Checked the boys when I got home, called all their friends who had been spending the night recently, found nothing on them. I did not have a bad infestation only a few - but of course still have to do all the bedding, etc. again. Same process as when I had fleas in the house. From now on I'm checking every kid who comes in our door! :s

    NSV - while looking for an interview outfit I found out that I will have to get rid of 90% of my work clothes that I had left from purging before. Everything I tried on made me look dumpy and like I was swimming in it. Finally was able to find one skirt and top that will be appropriate. But no more jackets. Going back to work is going have a clothing expense tied to it. But that's Ok - I haven't updated my wardrobe in years.

    I am happy to say that I have lost another 2.8 pounds! I also need to increase my protein intake and I think the only way to do that is planning ahead. Log the foods in advance and see where I need to make adjustments.

    Be back when I can - thinking of you when I'm not on!

    Gloria in WA

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited August 2016
    Jane ... I've never seen you write so much in one post !!! Sorry it was due to being upset, Good luck with your surgery!

    Melanie ... Will continue to pray for you and your family. Glad to hear things are at least moving along.

    Penny ... I read the Rankings ... I'd like to see this too. I, however, never hear the music so will get the full quiet effect.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,888 Member
    Hello all: Cloudy day today,supposed to have rain tomorrow. Found out not long ago that I have apparently developed an intolerance for milk. Yogurt and cheese don't seem to bother me but milk does. My gut just plain does not like it. Trying to stick to protein, fruit and veggies for a while and pass on dairy with just a little grain.

    Jane - Sorry the doc was not more supportive. Hope the surgery goes well and be sure you do the rehab.

    Terri - Glad to see you back. Sorry about the ankle.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    edited August 2016
    Re, I'm completely with you on being active. My mom has had both hips and knees replaced, and she never truly did a full round of physiotherapy for any. Now she's so weak that she gets frustrated that she can't do things. I will not follow in her path. Mobility is too important.

    Melanie, so glad you are managing. Things sound a little better.

    Jane and Sue, like you I hate those electronic blood pressure cuffs. They hurt and they don't measure consistently.

    Glo and Re, Congrats on the weight loss!!!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I have now been taken off the 'qualified for cardiac rehab' list. My heart rate goes up to much just by standing up, can't get on a bike. She said I could go slowly on my recumbent bike here at home. She has taken the water pill combination out of one of the b/p pills. Glad I still had the pill without it here. If it doesn't improve she will get with the cardiologist that takes care of my fainting spells and see if I need another tilt table tests which main goal is to have you on a monitor while you pass out. That doctor said I may need to go to a clinic at Vanderbilt. I just want to be able to stand up!!!! I am to make a chart of what time I take what medicines, and then subsequent b/p readings are to see if there is a correlation to that. Wish I knew how to make a spread sheet. Clueless.

    Joyce, Indiana where it is getting a little cooler.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hi everyone, getting used to a computer sucks..... (((hugs))))
    missing my old tower in
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :) Jake had his final physical therapy appointment today after his spine surgery. He has several exercises he's supposed to do at home regularly. One of my resolutions for September will be to spend about 10 minutes each day doing stretches. I've neglected that part of my fitness because of the pain in my legs and something I did to my shoulder. I'm going to plan a series of stretches that I can do including some with resistance bands. I suggested to Jake that we set aside 10 minutes a day to do our exercises. He liked the idea and told the physical therapist about it.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    17,000 steps
    184 minutes of dog walking
    140 minutes riding the recumbent exercise bike while watching TV
    20 minutes puttering in the garden

    <3 Barbie from beautiful cool NW Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Quick hello! Big day back at school so I will catch up with a post later! So happy to be back at work!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    stats for the day:
    Rde hm 2 gym- 10.41min, 14.6amph, 128mhr, 2.5mi = 73c
    JOG- 21.30min, 6.5-8.0sp, 8.52ap, 166mhr, 131ahr, 2.5mi = 253c
    other- 23min, 141mhr, 118ahr, 14# ball toss, then 10#, then 8#, 2sts of 10 squat jumps = 154c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.08min, 12.1amph, 137mhr, 1mi = 58c
    ride dome 2 hm, windy!- 17.15min, 9amph, 150mhr, 2.5mi = 179c
    total cal 717
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    From "Better Than Before" by Gretchen Rubin:
    "Some habits become automatic; others require some effort always. What matters is to be moving in the right direction

    Thanks Barbie for recommending this wonderful book <3 NYKAREN
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Dazzling Damsels!

    Another exotic and exciting day... the scale is holding steady - which is better than puffy - but, not the plan...

    Otherwise, nothing much happening. Got some potato-free stew in the crockpot for dinner - DH will eat his with instant mashed potatoes and think it's just all right.

    I save my carbs for a delicious Bolillo - LOVE me some bread and butter.

    I also have my lunches under control for the rest of the week - which is a nice feeling - no stress about what to do for lunch - just grab and go.

    I made some Salad Stuff - and if you all recall, I like my salad with everything under the sun in it...so I stirred up a bowl with kidney beans, black beans, onions, a couple of kinds of cheese, a variety of veggies, some turkey ham and some cottage cheese with dry ranch dressing mix... dished it into one cup servings and Voila - salad without the pain and suffering and with a known calorie quotient. Just add greens.... or not - it eats just as well as a salad unto itself. Whoot! I have 9 cups left... so, it's a salad week for me. It's something like 350 calories a cup - but that is FAR better than my usual salad. I did put a cup of "light" salsa ranch in for moisture - but, the dry ranch mix was inspired... it adds a punch of flavor without adding a ton of fat and calories...

    Next, I am going to experiment with cottage cheese, the food processor and the hidden valley ranch dressing mix... I want to see if the "dip" recipe has an acceptable taste using Cottage cheese (high protein, low fat) in place of the sour cream. I LOVE the hidden valley ranch dip - but really it is ridiculous in fat and calories... so, if cottage cheese will do the trick, I am all over it.


    Charleen – 3 lbs is GOOD. You go, Girl! Can’t wait to see the tree skirt!

    Joyce – So glad you are getting the attention you need from the docs and such. You take care of yourself… if Charlie’s driving doesn’t scare you to death, we want you around for a long time… lol. Sorry it’s so frustrating, though. ((Hugs!!))

    Liz – Leaving it at work – a fantastic goal to have. Good luck!

    Rori – I am just SOOO anxious to have better quality of life than my Mom has. She is JUST old enough to be wary of the technology – so she doesn’t Skype or anything – and she seldom leaves the house. Her only human contact is my Dad, and the occasional Doctor’s visit. It must be like being in prison… *shudders* I would LOSE. MY. MIND. Wow… Snow… in August. Forgot about that… lol.

    Barbie – My newest Friend! *sigh* I suppose I will have to make an actual goal for September. I think, “Be Active” is going to have to do it. Although, I suppose that would be like you putting “drink water” on your list, now… it’ has become natural. I will have to think of something else. Hope you and Jake enjoy your Stretch Time.

    Beth - <3

    Kim – See my note to Rori, above. I am and Auntie Mame kind of gal… Live, Live, LIVE… ohhh – and great idea on grating and storing the zucchini.

    Karen/VA – The Bass Pro Shop… everything you never needed for any kind of Outdoor adventure… LOL. Love that place – sparingly. I can’t take DH there, very often… or we will end up with MORE fishing tackle… as if we don’t already have enough to open our own shop! Enjoy the Grandkids!

    Michele – Thank you, I did. ;)

    Jane – Doctors… I hate it when they make comments without reading the chart! It’s not like you can wave a magic wand and make the weight disappear! You are doing what you need to do… pay no attention to the Doctor behind the curtain. ((Hugs!))

    Heather – I can so understand your friend’s frustration. Hope she does get to see that pension!

    Allie – gosh, Allie – you are getting up about when I go to bed… Hope you had a fantastic day!

    NYKaren – Hope you had a marvelous day! It does feel good to know that lunch is handled – and that you are ready to roll.

    Penny – wow – perhaps a bit TOO eventful trip. Glad you were spared the Plastic Bag Effect.

    Pip – Whoot! Go for the Shirt! Only $225 to go! And all for MS… you ROCK.

    KJ <3

    Margaret – thanks! I just keep chipping away…

    Linda/IA – So sorry for your loss – and glad BIL is out of the woods. Stress is very hard on maintaining good eating habits. So, you are back with us, and logging… you know how to handle that four pounds… (Hugs!)

    Jessica – two weeks off work? Sounds like HEAVEN… lol. So, have you started weighing and such? I know it was very enlightening for me. A stinking tablespoon just isn’t as much as I thought it was… LOL.

    Mary – wow – I tried a 15 lb KB at the store… I am thinking that is where I will have to start. I guess it will take some work to get to even 35 lbs – much less 50! *bows* We’re not Worthy… (Bill and Ted movie reference for our world-wide-and-perhaps-better-taste-in-movie friends :p )

    Polixeni001 – Welcome!


    Marcelyn – Put a bunch of smart women in the Escape Room… and of COURSE you escaped. Glad you had a great time… and Honey – unless you ate 3500 calories OVER maintenance in the last two days – what you have gained is water weight – often a consequence of travelling. You will be rid of that in no time!

    Kay – Wow – quite a number of us got married in August. Guess we were all rebelling against the June Bride stereotype… LOL. Great job on giving a gift that makes you BOTH happy. Yep, I am looking at that chair like a monster lying in wait. I won’t let it get me!

    Kate – glad you are feeling fit!

    Carol – Thank you! We made it a weekend event. Relaxed and never had to cook… Couldn’t have been much better.

    Melanie – ((Hugs!)) Hoping things get situated for you, soon.

    Katla – I gave up smoking YEARS ago… I was very overweight and I decided that smoking was easier to quit than food. Both smoking and being huge was a little too close to Slow Suicide for me… so, yeah, gave that up. Thankfully, Mom quit years ago, too.

    SueBDew – I am glad I am not the only one who has to think hard about goals… lol.

    Gloria/WA – ICK… bugs…WTG on the loss.

    Sue/Wa – I have the same intolerance… and it extends to Ice Cream – thank goodness! Ice cream was my weakness – until it started to make me unpleasantly ill every time I ate more than one scoop! I swear, I lost weight JUST from that. Hope it works the same for you!

    KarenE – Goooooo Movement! LOL. Thanks!

    Becca – LOL. Windows 13? ((Hugs!!))


    Having a few moments of computer frustration, myself, today. Our company is upgrading everyone to Windows 13 - but there isn't enough space on my hard drive to accommodate the upload... *sigh* So... I have spent countless hours sorting thru old e-mails and deleting stuff - and STILL not enough space. I guess it's another hour on the phone with IT... but tomorrow, I think. If I have to deal with this any more today, it might be dangerous for the people around me... LOL. G'Night!

    Hugs for everybody!

    Re in TX