

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    I like what I have read and will be following.

    I am shocked at what has happened to my body more quickly once I turned 50. At 51, I was close to goal weight and had stayed close for a year. Then life happened. I had hand surgery that kept me down for several months. Many dinners out. Gained some back. Then fell and broke other wrist and damaged knees. Down for several months again. More dinners out. Now can't get scale to budge! During those two years I became lax in my logging as I was embarrassed by my eating habits. And never seemed to have time. That is changing!

    I am 53. I work in the family business 50+ hours a week with my husband, sister in law, niece, and my son in law. I have two dogs (Pyrenees and a Shepard). I have two adult daughters who are married and have blessed me with 4 wonderful grandchildren. I love to read. I love music. I love to dance. I love cars.

    August goals:
    1) LOG everything, Every day!
    2) WALK
    3) Water
    4) Lose 4 pounds (would like to lose more, but have to be realistic ;)

    Goals for this coming week
    1) Water I am really bad at drinking anything! I pretty much only drink a cup of coffee in the morning, water all day, decaf tea at night. Just need to make sure to get fluids.
    2) 12,000 steps a day. Work slowed down and so did I. :neutral: Gotta get back to it! Maybe need to try listening to books as well as reading.....
    3) Maintain the daily challenges with my daughter

    My Life mantra is to look for the positives in everything. It doesn't make me perfect. It makes me stop and think when things get hard or don't go the way I want them to.

    Heading out to a car show today. Have a blessed day!


  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • kapatoddjohnson
    kapatoddjohnson Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I am just getting back on track after a couple of years off. I started a new teaching position and it required me to travel quite a bit more each day to work, so my exercise routine just got lost in the transition. I am definitively feeling the effects of the non-exercise and I am ready to commit to getting that back into my daily routine. Plus, I am trying to get control of my stress eating.

    My August resolutions (starting today)
    1) Walk 10,000 steps a day
    2) Strength training (every other day)
    3) Log all of my eating on MFP

    School will be starting soon and I know that the back to school time is always a stress-or for me, but I am determined.
  • Xmingxue
    Xmingxue Posts: 33 Member
    For me it's eating mindfully - and remembering that calories count. I used to think that this little bite doesn't count or eating without thinking, putting things in my mouth mindlessly. But I try to remember now that yes calories count and when I eat to eat mindfully, enjoying and not just by habit for the sake of eating. It's a daily struggle because the mindless eating for me had been so ingrained. I'm down 25 pounds and am determined to keep going. One thing I realize is that I need the support from others on this weight loss/living life free journey.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    Miriam (((Hugs))) I worked with a woman who couldn't be in the same room when someone was having fish for lunch. She ate Chia seeds to get her Omega-3s. Does she have ID warning of this allergy. Epipen?
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Margaret, we had no idea that she is allergic, although her mother was. I am definitely going to be calling the doc monday to get an Epipen for my purse, and for school. There is a source nearby for grass fed beef that is higher in Omega 3 than grain fed beef. I live near Amish farmers. At least she is aware of the dangers of cross contamination from watching me with my celiac! So she will know not to order deep fried foods at a place that also serves shellfish. Hopefully the airborne doesn't bother her. I would have thought we would have seen signs before if she was that sensitive. I am that sensitive to, of all things, pumpkin! I cannot be in the house if someone is carving a pumpkin! Cannot breath!
  • roxyspitfire53
    roxyspitfire53 Posts: 15 Member
    Since I started back yesterday, I think I did pretty good.

    I logged all my food for the day. Everything that went in my mouth (including the donut). We went to the park yesterday and DH ran and I walked (48 min. 2.5 miles). We went to Chilis for dinner and I had the buffalo chicken salad, but substituted grilled chicken for fried chicken. Watched Houston Astros game and then a movie then to bed.

    My DH was laid off on 3/3 this year. He is in the oil & gas field. We were living in Houston Texas. We loved it there, but that industry is taking a really bad hit. Thousands of people laid off and the outlook is not good for the future. We thought about moving to Oklahoma, but they are having the same problem. So we decided to move to Albuquerque New Mexico. We did the uhaul and moved here the end of June. Things are a bit cheaper here, so my paycheck will go a little further. He has been off 5 months now and we have our fingers crossed on this one job. There just isn't much out there. Retirement has been pushed back. DH was wanting to retire at 66, now not sure. A two bedroom apartment is small when you are both home every day all day.

    So today is day 2. Grocery store then church then some time on budget.

    Have a good day ladies
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well I am finally sitting down at least for a minute.. have been going non stop since before 7 this morning...
    I went grocery shopping, I go through the produce part first to stock up on the good for you stuff... bought a few things that arent great but will dole them out mindfully...
    Tom should be home soon.. he was in Virginia at 6:45 this morning was going to stop for breakfast and then drive on home, depending on which way he goes he could be home between 2-4 we shall see, the wash is done, swept and washed the floors, cleaned the kitchen and sinks and took dogs for a walk.. have a roaster chicken in the oven..
    My DSIL left me a check for 300.00 for taking care of Faith while they were on there honeymoon which was very nice.. will stash that away...
    went down and stopped to see DFIL he had already had breakfast because I was late getting out of grocery store, but just wanted to make sure he was ok.. ate a hearty breakfast and is happy #2 will be home..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Re and Pip, that's cause I'm an expert cyber-stalking Google freak!

    Well, and because Pip has told us her last name before, and it's pretty distinctive. LOL.

    its a fine mexican german name as kirby always says!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    Purl62 wrote: »
    What a great thread to find...hope you all don't mind me joining in! I'm Karen (my girl scout camp name is Purl, which is what I used here) and I'm 54 and live in the Seattle area. I have a husband, 2 girls (17 and 23) and the 23 yr old's boyfriend is renting a room from us now too, so it's like I have 3 kids. The 23 yr old is back home while she's in grad school. It is a little chaotic, but fun.

    Over the last year I have lost 70 pounds and have 20 more to go. I need to get re-dedicated and renew some habits that I have let slip a bit over the summer.

    August goals:

    Track everything, every day.
    Meal plan.
    work out cardio 6 days a week (favorite activities are running, cycling, spin class)
    strength train 3 days.
    No coffee after noon. (this will be the hardest!)
    welcome! where in seattle area are you at. i'm in Tacoma. i runs cycle (strictly road riding) and spin classes)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    morning peeps -

    miriamwithcats yeah, i'm isabel, no le on the end. that's how we mexicans roll. i have never liked the name, i go by izzy or iz (preferably iz) this will sound funny but when i hear me say isabel in english it sounds awful, but as i've aged, when i hear isabel in spanish, it sounds ok. when i hear a caucasian person say my name in english is sounds nicer than when i say it.. i can't explain it. but there you go.... i have people at work trained, i don't respond to the name if they say it.

    a little lesson from the mexican
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    a friend texted me saying she just donated... i didn't see it so i texted her back. i then looked on kirby's page and she donated on his page so i let her know i found the donation. loololol... she didn't know that we each have our own donation page. i told her, he works at a hospital in seattle, he's got rich friends, mine aren't llololol...i'm going to ask the office to switch the donation to my page.!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Grandmallie – I love 9 to 5; although I’ve never had a boss that was as big of a prick than he was. Got exactly what he needed!

    Pip34 – Now it’s you turn to tell us your ‘real’ name, too! LOL!!!!! Never mind ... I see on subsequent postings that it is Isabel.

    – I liked watching The Bird Cage, too. I had a couple of ‘gay’ friends in art school; but, only one that would ‘sashay’ like they did. He would entertain everybody who was on ‘break’ from the offices around the deli I worked in part-time. It was pretty ‘risqué’ with it came out; but, today … you see it everywhere, or so it seems.

    KJLaMore – Our cat killed a quail last week … DH was pissed; wanted me to go out and put it in a Ziploc so he could see if it was male or female; went to the door, he had eaten the entire thing; either that, or he had moved it. He was lying down at the door so he probably ate it. DH said that the female will act like she is hurt and move away from the nest (on the ground) to lure the predator away from the babies. Guess she miscalculated how quick the cat was (or high how he could jump). We don’t have too many; but, the ones we have … we’d like to grow up and populate the area. Sometimes called “Bob Whites” … sound is “Bob White” or “Bob, Bob White”. I think it is the male who has the second “Bob” in his call. The turkeys also do the same; hiding in high grass. Deer as well. I’m surprised any make it to a size to be able to make it on their own.

    We found a fawn, that obviously had been separated from it Mama, either he had a problem, or maybe she had been killed by a predator. When DOS’s lab found it, DH ran out to keep him from killing it. In the process Luna had broken his leg, trying to get it to play with her. He brought it up to the house and I got a towel to wrap her in. DDnL#1 took a video and posted it on FB; within minutes DYS told us to put it back where we found it, and ‘hope’ that the towel wiped off our scent. About 4 hours later, DH and DOS went out to check on it … they had to ‘put it down’ … would not have made it; but, the DGDs were so upset about it. There used to be a vet in town that would take injured deer and keep them penned up so that they could get out on their own; but, he stopped doing it. The Wildlife Management would not take it either. They said the best thing was to let it die (or put it out of its misery).

    My youngest niece is deaf … with an 85 decibel loss in one ear and a 90 decibel loss in the other. She could ‘lip read’. He Daddy never wanted her to ‘sign’. She could ‘talk’ but sounded a lot like she had a bad ‘lisp’. When she got closer to being in her Senior year of school was about the time that the students on the Gallaudet College for the Deaf in Washington, DC, she told them that was where she wanted to go. So they went up and she applied and got accepted. She had to go to summer session so they could teach her to ‘sign’ as for the entire 4 years she was there, the students and staff could ONLY sign. The sit-in the students were having was over Gallaudet wanting to ‘hire’ a ‘hearing Dean’ and they did not want that to happen. The students got a ‘deaf Dean’ afterwards.

    Karen/VA – They much buy the cheapest land they can find in a place where the ‘think’ they’ll get customers. I never think of them because of their location (and the difficulty getting there). You have to ride through 3 parking lots of other businesses. So stupid. What really got my goat is that SteinMart close up here and I bought ALL my clothes there and it was always packed with people ‘buying’ and not just ‘looking’. Here, Kohl’s is a little ‘pricey’ as is TJMaxx. Now most of my clothes are bought at Belk’s.

    Re in TX – Gee, previously being that heavy … you should be proud that you’ve lost that much weight. Unfortunately the ‘bat wings’ and ‘thighs’ really isn’t something that any form of exercise will change. That really does have to be reduced through surgery. I even have a pooch; but, was told over and over that the stomach/abdomen is the last place one usually loses last; and because I have a scar down the middle of my belly; I might still have a bit of sag to my skin. All my weight was put on AFTER having the scar from surgery made.

    I had to come in after 30 minutes of being outside. The heat just zaps me. Even for a little while. I was trying to help my husband who painted a chandelier for a client who really wanted white splatter put on the ‘light’ gray; he is going to take it to them anyway because the ‘white’ did not show up on the gray and he decided that maybe they’ll like it anyway. IF they had painted it a ‘dark’ gray … that would have been pretty; but, they picked out the paint for it. I guess they thought it would stand out. Actually, I think it would have been pretty to lightly sprinkle iridescent glitter on it (because of the light color). But, ‘my artistic ways’ might not be to their liking. He also would to want to repaint it (although they might want him to). “Cha-Ching”

    Michele – We don’t have a BB&B – nearest one is in Columbus (over an hour away on a good day); and the mall is even further and hard to find, if you don’t know how to get around there (and I don’t). I’ll look at Kohl and TJ Maxx here and see if I can find one with a zipper; and, if so … will send the other one back and get a credit back to my card. A lot will depend on whether DDnL#1 wants to ‘ferry me around or not’.

    Miriam – My best friend is highly allergic to shell-fish; she can’t even taste something that has it in it. I’d be ‘sad’ to find out I was allergic to shell-fish … love them all. I do think I might be allergic to ‘ginger’ …. So drinking ginger ale is pretty much out for me; it causes my throat to feel like it is closing up.

    I don’t know how old she is; but, you might want to get an Epi-pen or inhaler for her to keep (or for some adult to have on them at all times … which I guess would be you).

    Kylia – A couple of years ago, we had a stray goat, French Pyrenees, lab, part-pit bull, some smaller mixed-breed dogs running around in the area; they came through our property from about 5 miles away. The French Pyrenees was ‘herding’ all the others around. It was pretty funny. We had called animal control about it; but, unless they saw them ‘on the road’ or ‘off the road’ they would not do anything; especially not come on our property to remove them. Guess maybe they were two lazy. We finally 'figured' out who they belonged to and called him. Told him it was 'ok' for him to drive onto the property to see if he could find them. I guess he must have, never saw them again.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Pip, my Isabelle was called Izzy by her grandmother and biological parents. I discouraged it because she is so immature and not focused that I did not want it to become "Ditzy Izzy" in school. Or "Dizzy Izzy". She is already having problems not fitting in because of her immaturity (common among kids with traumatic histories). It may happen anyway, but at least people are initially thinking of her as Isabelle. Oh, and my girls are 1/8th Native American. Half of that Cherokee, and the other half we don't know (mom's side) but it is probably one of the Iroquois tribes, perhaps Mohawk, since that is the area her grandmother was from. The kids here are learning Spanish in grade school, on. Back when I was a kid, it was French, which wasn't very useful in real life (how many French people immigrate to the US?). Not like Spanish where a large part of our country was originally Spanish speaking (Texas through California) until the Euro-Americans immigrated there!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member