

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    wish I could go back to sleep...but not gonna happen....take the boys for a walk ,then go feed DFIL and off to work working 9-5
    made stuff for Tom to have BL , no tomato for him lol..
    enjoy the day everyone hope I can check in if the skies arent rocking tonight..
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK

    Hi all been a bit down this week DH decorating DD moving house (I worry because not near enough to pop in all the time) I am home bird too so only like to go away if it's a holiday not decluttering someone else's stuff. Anyway going to help again next week as they are finally going into new house.

    Went to Doctor this am as I have been suffering with back pain for quite a while. She has done bloods and referred me for DEXA scan as there is Osteoporosis in the family. Who knows how long I'll wait for an appointment but shouldn't moan as at least we don't have to deal with insurance companies

    Haven't done workout yet as dr app was early but will do this afternoon even though prefer morning.
    Heather I have always used my pressure cooker but now into crockpot so I use PC mainly for veg and soup
    Have a great day ladies and look after yourselves and your nearest and dearest
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Good Morning All!!
    Popping in to say Happy Friday!! I am way behind on reading all these. Looking forward to seeing what you have all been up to... I tried to read a bit here and there each day but I still need to take stock. Apple got the Ipad working so planning to spend some quiet time catching up while DH works this weekend. Unfortunately, we ended up having to attend the funeral for a good friend who lost a seventeen month battle with bile duct cancer. We will miss him greatly. He was one of those people who are just larger than life. Anyway, that jumbled up the week and am looking forward to getting back into the routine. Still continuing to log and read (a little) but now behind on exercise. Need to make that a priority this weekend.

    Becca- Hope your DH is feeling well. My mother is in much the same situation with my step dad and I know how much it takes. It is really a lot at times. Right now I am happy to say she is on vacation with my Nephew on college break and they are in New Orleans. Glad she's getting a break. You are obviously very strong and I admire your dedication to doing what you feel is necessary.


    "Change your thoughts and change your world"- Norman Vincent Peale
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    Michele, threaten to "call the man" on the quarterround? The prospect of having to spend money on another guy sometimes works.

    I used to get good results when his mother would plan a visit, but now that she no longer travels, I am back up the creek until October when brother and new sister-in-law are visiting. Might even get a headboard for the guest room!!! Be still my heart...

    Betty ROC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    (((Lisa ))

    Joyce Glad they figured our what was causing shortness of breath. With your diabetes I know you are careful with sugar n your diet. Fugal conditions like candida feed on sugar. Have you tried adding some fermented foods that do not contain sugar slowly into your diet? They might help with a rash if it is fungal. When I have a rash I add essential oils to whatever body cream I use to act as a natural antibiotic.

    Getting the bill for my trip to emergency room. It is around $500. That was a very expensive Japanese Beetle.

    :heart: Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Chris - Sorry to hear that work, squeeze and things are not going so well. Being mega busy is an absolute pain. Even though I am retired I really have to pace myself very carefully. I easily get overwhelmed. <3

    Ketone K - Are you OK? :flowerforyou:

    My first look at the pressure cooker showed that it hadn't been on long enough so I've given it another 8 minutes. At least I haven't blown us all up!!!!! I'm happy that this is a learning curve. :D Years ago I would not even have tried it out because I always wanted to be perfect first time. :laugh: I much prefer my life imperfect.

    Now to have my snack of beetroot and cottage cheese and hot pickle.

    Love Heather UK
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Michelle ~ The best way I have found to get the DH moving is to start the project myself and then he takes it over! It's a "man" thing I think.

    Joyce ~ Take care and get to the doc!

    Chris in MA ~ Hope things get better for you.

    Lisa ~ Thanks for checking in. Good wishes for whatever is troubling you.

    Heather ~ I bought an electric pressure cooker several years ago and love it. The insert pot is teflon instead of the old aluminum type. Food doesn't stick and it doesn't have that metallic taste that the old ones seem to give.

    DH was up most of the night! Evidently, he ate almost 1/2 jar of peanuts that gave him a terrible belly ache. So was off to the urgent care this AM to get meds for diverticulitis. They gave him antibiotics. He went to one urgent care center and the doc never showed up so he had to go to another. He was very upset because he is doing his monthly antique show and needed to go see about his booth.

    I made a delicious very, very low fat potato soup last night and plan to have some for my lunch. I am adding some cooked shrimp to it and guess it will be like shrimp chowder. LOL

    Carol in GA
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member

    Karen in Virginia

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather I started to reply in detail but realized that like Lisa says, it is numbingly boring...suffice it to say I am just fine, just needing to regroup from mundane demands on my time and energy. t2215.gif


    Karen in Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I'm learning to enjoy an imperfect life. I'm happy your pressure cooker did its job for you. :bigsmile: I've watched a bit of Olympics on my computer and a bit on TV. I tuned into the equestrian events via live streaming and liked that. They don't usually show the equestrian events on TV but they cover them in case something exciting/dreadful happens and I was happy that we could watch via live streaming. I've also watched a little bit tof the mainstream stuff on TV. Swimming has been fun to watch now and then. Fencing was quite amazing. They seem to have electronic suits on that light up if the opponent's sword touches. I would've liked to watch sailing, but I never saw any hints that it was televised. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: Sorry for your sleepless night. I hope things are going better now. :smiley:

    Lisa: I'm glad you posted. I've been wondering how you're doing. I hope the stress factor of life eases. :flowerforyou:

    Tracey: I'm glad that Apple got the ipad back to work for you. :smiley:

    Carol in GA: Shrimp chowder sounds yummy. :flowerforyou:

    We went to our local concert in the park last night and came back home rather quickly. The music was not enjoyable. We had a pleasant evening sitting on our deck and watching the river. I heard from my riding teacher yesterday. She's shifted my lesson to noon on Sunday and is sending me and another student off on a trail ride. I wonder whether she'll be coming along, too. I am REALLY looking forward to the trail ride this week. We will not be galloping down hills and jumping impossible objects like the Olympic riders did. I admire them but also wonder whether they are crazy. I am wise enough to know that I do not have anything close to their level of skill. I hope to get better and better as time goes along and I'll enjoy watching them take the crazy risks.

    Confession time. I've been eating badly lately and am up a couple of pounds. I'm still below goal, but heading the wrong direction. Time to get focused on eating right and get back down to my safety margin. :embarassed:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    Good morning! I don't think I checked in yesterday. It was busy with the grandkids. Both grandsons have gone to spend a couple of days with my folks. My oldest granddaughter has come to stay with us while her brother is gone so I have both my grandgirls. One is 11 & the other will turn 3 tomorrow. The 3 year old is a pistol. Her mother is going to have to toughen up or this one will run her over like a Mack truck.
    My 11 year old granddaughter has a weight problem. I've talked to her mother several times but she's like oh she'll grow out of it. Well, she's not growing out of it at all. The child weighs 158 pounds!!! She's asked me to talk to her mother about the way she cooks. I normally try to stay out of my kids business where parenting is concerned but this is very serious and I'm about to butt in like a nosy neighbor. I love this child and we're talking about her health, her life and her future. She's about to enter 6th grade and 6th graders are a hormonal bunch of little jerks. They're not little kids anymore and they're not teens either. She has already been bullied and I don't want her to suffer anymore. I would really appreciate some prayers for wisdom and guidance on how to approach my daughter and how to help my sweet girl.
    I have to get busy and get my house ready for a birthday party tomorrow. Y'all have a great day.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    MrsGLT wrote: »
    Good morning! I don't think I checked in yesterday. It was busy with the grandkids. Both grandsons have gone to spend a couple of days with my folks. My oldest granddaughter has come to stay with us while her brother is gone so I have both my grandgirls. One is 11 & the other will turn 3 tomorrow. The 3 year old is a pistol. Her mother is going to have to toughen up or this one will run her over like a Mack truck.
    My 11 year old granddaughter has a weight problem. I've talked to her mother several times but she's like oh she'll grow out of it. Well, she's not growing out of it at all. The child weighs 158 pounds!!! She's asked me to talk to her mother about the way she cooks. I normally try to stay out of my kids business where parenting is concerned but this is very serious and I'm about to butt in like a nosy neighbor. I love this child and we're talking about her health, her life and her future. She's about to enter 6th grade and 6th graders are a hormonal bunch of little jerks. They're not little kids anymore and they're not teens either. She has already been bullied and I don't want her to suffer anymore. I would really appreciate some prayers for wisdom and guidance on how to approach my daughter and how to help my sweet girl.
    I have to get busy and get my house ready for a birthday party tomorrow. Y'all have a great day.

    I need to start of by explaining that I am not a Mom. I have been step mom to 3 children (and one a girl who has struggled with her weight and self esteem issues all her life) so I may not be the best advisor here. First I think it is wonderful that your DGD felt that she could share her concerns with you. It is important that she have someone in her life that she feels she can confide in. Where her mother is concerned, perhaps if she understood that her daughter already has some concerns on this issue, she would be more empathetic. Believe me, as a Step Mom, I know the whole BUTT OUT feeling. Perhaps her mother just doesn't really understand how she feels. It can be tough at that age sometimes to talk to our parents. In the meantime I would make sure your DGD knows that she can always come talk to you about things and perhaps try to give her guidance on portion sizing, making smarter choices when possible and the value of quality physical activity. We all know there is strength in numbers and hopefully you can help her see that she is a beautiful girl with a great deal of strength and can accomplish anything she wants to be.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited August 2016
    GLT - What a hard one! My niece is severely overweight as is my grand niece, as are much of my family, but I have never felt able to say anything. It is such a touchy subject, as you well know. Frankiesgirl had some good advice. Empowering the child is one way to go,but even that has pitfalls. The truth is our society is screwed up around food. :s She could perhaps be influenced to move more at something she enjoys, which, at her age, would really help. Is her mother overweight?
    The whole area of weight and eating is a very emotional and complicated matter. I know you will tread carefully. Personally I have found that any input from my side to anyone falls on deaf ears. The person has to be ready and eager to do it for themselves. It is hard to watch those you love floundering, but setting a good example and hoping they will be interested enough yo ask what worked for you seems to be the most we can do. Even then they don't listen! The minute I mention CICO their eyes glaze over! Everyone wants a magic bullet.

    My spicy pork and lentils was fantastic! As was the half bottle of Manzanilla sherry we shared with it. :D Dessert is stewed apricots with homemade yoghurt. And I still 150 cals to go!

    Love Heather UK, where the weather is perfect.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Kylia from OH~ I have heard daughters can be a handful! I never rec'd the manual on how to make girls I tell people! I know my sister (that got the girl manual but not the boy manual), used to state that daughters talk a lot of "shock talk". Its words that make your hair stand on end, and your blood pressure to climb. And they do this because they know what it does to you! Crazy! So I guess all your daughters defiance worked out in the end. Oh but getting out of the Navy with 14 yrs in.....so close to the 20 yrs to retire, he probably tasted it!! We almost had to get out at 19 yrs in, because of a twit of a sailor gal charging my husband with sexual harassment! In the end, after my husband was reassigned off the ship, they found no evidence of that. He treated all the ladies in his division as sailors FIRST then ladies second. As it should be. Oh I was mad at her. She had the gall to tell the new head of the division that took my husbands place that, "If you don't give me a good evaluation you will get the same thing as (my husband)". Crazy... He was able to finish out his career with his head held high, and that's all I wished for as his wife. We got to travel somewhat, doing 7 yrs (two tours) in Japan so that was fun for my eldest son. Yep its a hard life, but watching a ship come in, well it puts a lump in your throat with pride. Of course my husband tells those stories different. As the ship would be coming in, everyone was with binoculars looking at the wives. And I can tell you in the 80's some of the fashion and hairstyles were so comical!! Once one of my friends "channeled" Madonna, wearing lace dress, lace stockings, hair all ten feet high, and jewelry up the yin-yang, and the guys saw her and yelled, "REVERSE!!!" hahaha!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Tracey~Thanks for your words of concern, much appreciated. Aw, don't admire me though, each of us does what has to be done, simply carrying on... He is better, back to his normal ornery self. I can always tell when he is happy and feeling good, because he gets up with a start, showers, takes out the dishes from the dishwasher, and makes his breakfast. It's a comfort to hear him active.
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    ok, I have been reading posts and many have initials like DH, DD, and others, Can someone please clarify what they mean :)