

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    Good morning all!

    Katla - I'm not sure what to say about your sailing boat. My DH always seems a bit disappointed when I want to do things without him, but he would never say so. He has his cricket, which leaves me alone for four days. I wouldn't let his disappointment stop me if it was something I really wanted to do, though you could approach it carefully and ask his opinion on what you should do. I hope to go to Dresden next spring with my BFF. He is clearly not thrilled, but it's something that has been on my friend's and my bucket list for a long time and he is not keen, so I am going anyway. If you ask his opinion he will probably advise you to go out with a friend on the water. You could always take a nice video with your iPhone, like my son did of his holiday, and share it with him. <3 Good luck!

    Joyce - So glad your needs are being attended to at last! :flowerforyou:

    I'm expecting my yoga friend this morning for a session. I haven't heard from her, so I've texted her.
    The weather is going to be hot for the next two days, then thunderstorms.

    Love Heather UK

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Morning ladies~ was awake and got up at 3:30 am Tom is complaining that the towels smell musty.. so I am doing a load with just the towels to see if it takes the smell out.... also just finished cooking a meatloaf..
    Lenora~ I truly think Tom feels the same way as your husband.. although his dad will be 89 in december all that poor man ever did is work, and after he couldn't work any more he was basically ignored, not by us of course, but by his wife and 2 other sons..
    I asked him the other day when he wanted to retire and he said we talked about this already.. but he says a couple more years.. he is eligible for medicare next summer ,but I am 9 yrs away from that. and to be able to find affordable health care will be a challenge..
    getting some of the family together for Labor day weekend at the family place up in N.H. so that is what I am looking forward to next..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :) Up early to do all my dog walking, meditating, and other ablutions in time to leave the house at 5:50 so we can go to Seattle for Jake's appointment with the cardiologist.....any day with a ferry ride across Puget Sound will be a good day.

    <3 Barbie from dark NW Washington

    Be kind---no exceptions
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2016
    Becca Gosh I hate it when your computer is messed up. I miss your quirky wonderfulness.

    Gloria in WA Glad to see you are having more wifi access recently, I always enjoy your posts. I am a little in awe of your Craigs List expertise. Congrats on your job interview! You go, girl!

    GLo Thinking of you in these days after losing your dad. I still burst into tears at the oddest times 15 years after losing my mom.

    Katla Fresh peaches yum yum. Laughed at the image of you tossing that bad skein of yarn. And I'm with DJ, Heather, and the others about the sailboat...but I do understand. It's like dancing with a new dance partner when your main squeeze is sidelined. It takes a bit of negotiating and reassurance.

    NYKaren I'm with you about Penny and the other outdoorswomen being an inspiration to get outside more. The weather is promising to be cooler & less humid this week so I plan on walking around the neighborhood for an hour or so in addition to (indoor) Jazzercise class. The dogs will be thrilled.

    Barbie That was a sweet story about the women walkers that Brandy adores. o:)

    Marcelyn Good luck with the shoulder surgery. And the half-marathon, whenever you run it. Sorry you are in pain.

    Brenda from KY Hey fellow Jazzerciser! Welcome!

    DJ LOL about men not reading directions. Have you used your new grill yet? Ours is hooked up to our natural gas supply so that part I need a plumber for, but the assembly I now feel empowered to attempt. Of course I have yet to purchase the new grill. Good time of year to do that. I recently made mashed cauliflower for the first time also and I am hooked. I haven't made the "rice" yet, but am looking forward to more cauliflower. I have always loved it but always ate it raw or steamed.

    Penny I loved the vicarious hiking adventure, the inch tall tundra willows, and the frog-eating stork, as well as the hug. Thank you. <3

    suebdew Some people are having problems with posts. One problem some of us had a few weeks ago concerned adding emoticons. The post (from the emoticon on) would disappear. Lately there has been some other kind of issue. Of course you can't navigate away from the page you are composing your post on until you have actually posted it. Some people do the word processing thing...I just open a second window and go back & forth so I can navigate on one and add to my post on the other. Gotta keep 'em straight, though LOL!

    Charleen Hope you enjoyed your chat with your daughter and didn't die of sticker shock at the bill. And so sorry you have a tough week with funerals. A woman who worked for my company died earlier this year - she was so well-loved - before she died she requested that everyone wear some red at her funeral, her favorite color. Most of the women wore red dresses, blouses, or jackets. Most of the men wore dark suits and red ties. Over 200 people there so it was visually spectacular, and so poignant as she was adored, and her family is very articulate so told wonderful stories.

    Jo Mrs. Mumpalump :D Welcome!

    KarenE Do you crosstrain? I noticed the different exercises. I used to be in spectacular physical condition when I crosstrained. I had 14 different activities, so even though I swam only once every 2 weeks, when I would get back in the pool, I would be so much stronger and with more stamina due to the other exercises. I never got hurt, either. I don't belong to a gym any more and don't have access to a pool but I could do better than I am. You and some others (Michele) tend to mix it up which does appeal.

    Heather Glad you enjoyed your trip to London. After reading your post and a couple of others, I reflected on my good fortune at still having my health, both physical and mental. My dear high school girlfriend developed Alzheimer's disease in her late 40's and my grandfather had ALS. My daughter-in-law's mother has MS. When I feel discouraged about my life and progress I must remember my good fortune and just get on with it.

    Re Dang it, I'm going to be a buff goddess, too! I have spun my wheels the last 6 weeks and I am sick of myself. I know how to do this thing and rather than spend another moment trying to figure out why I am self-sabotaging (rolling eyeballs), I am determined to JUST DO IT. I have been self-indulgent recently and am so over it.

    drkatiebug <3

    Joyce Gosh, so glad there is an explanation for your symptoms, do you feel much better now that you have the stent in? Have you thawed out from the cath lab yet?

    Cheri Exciting that Ros has a boyfriend, yay! And your son may actually get to Texas! All good news, not to mention you & your husband are settling in and enjoying Texas and each other. Life is good.

    Newbies Welcome!

    Everyone I didn't mention Have the greatest day! As Rori says, we can do this!

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Kay, I sent you a private message.

    Cheri, so glad to hear that things are going so well for you in your new home! You are rocking the move!

    Gloria, I am so excited about your job interview. Most jobs are found through connections, and you have a great connection here so I am very hopeful for you!

    My oldest daughter starts middle school today! They have a half day with just the 6th graders there so they can find their classes without so much chaos.

    Now that I get my sanity back, with 7 hours a day to myself, I am recommitting to this process. Just been stagnating all summer.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    morning my numerical peeps
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    miriam I do love the start of a new school year to get a clean start. :) good luck!!

    Joyce speedy recovery, hope you are feeling better quickly <3

    Beth I had a weird dream last nite that we had adopted a baby!!! How's that for my subconscious being in overdrive with DD leaving for college this friday :#

    It's a beautiful day here so after making breakfast for DD (he's back from his adventures with his mother and neice&nephew) I plan on getting out to breathe in this beautiful day.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather Was it you who has the Instant Pot? Is that the actual brand name of the one you have? I am thinking of getting one. Anybody else can chime right in...
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Morning Girls,
    I have been out of touch for the last few days. Just busy with DH off for the weekend and then starting a fresh week. The weather here is finally gorgeous! 80 degrees no humidity. Now I don't want to be trapped at work all day!. It rained pretty much all day Sunday so we used the opportunity to get caught up on some shopping. Aside from Groceries and Sam's Club, we hit Bed Bath and Beyond where I treated myself to a new digital food scale and a new bathroom scales. Loving both already!. Good for motivation!. I actually went to use my stationary rower this morning and the battery was dead. It was too dark in there to see to change it so I will ask DH to do it for me today. Wish I could say it died of overuse but that is not the case. Have started a little (very little) Pilates but really liked the result. It was just the right stretches and amount for this bad hip. Feeling much more mobile already. Makes one wonder why we procrastinate doesn't it? Any way even though the exercise portion of my goals for the month are lagging, I am happy to say the weight and logging portion are going well if not ahead of schedule. Fingers crossed, another week to go. My birthday is tomorrow, (52) and DH is taking me to lunch since he has to work tomorrow night. He is off on Thursday, so he is taking me out to dinner then!! Planning to do my best not to sabotage myself while still enjoying it. I'm not where I would have liked to be this year but happy to know that I am actively making progress and excited to face another year to see what I can accomplish.

    So much going on with you all so just a couple mentions til I have more time to get caught up.

    Purl- Ono in Hawaii! Oh yum!. I have been there a couple of times (married on the beach in Kauai). Loved the fresh fishes there! Also fell in love with Portuguese Bean soup!

    Glo- Right there with you about Jo's iron. Truthfully, that appliance belongs more to DH than me. I usually try to con him into it if necessary. He says he doesn't mind at all. That and washing dishes. Strange man.

    About the peaches, they should be well in season and I see them at all the markets, but they have been as hard as baseballs. I like them to ripen a bit after I get them but sometimes they just never getting there. Still holding out for some good ones. Maybe a trip to farmer's market this weekend.

    Marcelyn- what is a hatch pepper?

    Karen in Va- You mentioned how pretty it is. Looking forward to vacation there in Oct with DH for our anniversary.

    Rori- Did you say you are a football/sports fan? Me too! Trying for 3 football games as part of our oct vacation!

  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    once again forgetting to sign my post....

    Happy Tuesday!

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    What are the numbers for?

    For the hell of it, just cuz, no reason

    Ha ha ha ha ..... I was waiting for that question!!! Good answer pip...
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Karen ~ I'm not Heather, but, I have a Nesco electric pressure cooker which I love. My Pom will not eat dog food so I pressure cook a lot of chicken, beef and pork every week for him. It can also be used as a slow cooker (which I have not tried).

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Alison is your washer a HE. I understand they can get a moldy smell to them. We have a top loader. I have started using vinegar in my rinse water to get rid of excess soap. It also helps our towel be less smelly and the towels feel like I have used fabric softener.

    :heart: Margaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Gloworm, congrats on the job offer. I leave the dill out of the spinach feta pie. I don't know about the dry part, but I do know that the directions don't say anything about stirring it up, but if you don't, all the spinach floats to the top and it is not good.

    Janetr, I am flattered greatly to be confused with Beth, but I am Kay. I wouldn't point it out, but don't want to confuse the newbies. I'm confused enough myself. I just today realized there are two different Glos.

    Kay so sorry, I didn't even realize I had typed Beth. Thanks I need all the help I can get. :)

    Janetr okc

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I Googled "Instant Pot" and see that it has a lot of settings that my pressure cooker doesn't have. Will think about it for future use.

    Fixing to vacuum the carpet and waiting for repairman to check out my oven which has been taking forever to preheat and then finally bit the dust! Ugh!

    By the way, I had a 5th grade student from England one year who told her parents she just couldn't understand why I said "I'm fixing to...." Had to explain that this was just a Southern way of talking. Do any of you use that expression?

    Carol Again
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited August 2016
    Re I am aiming to be a buff goddess too!! When I am finished carrying all the boxes out of my mom's house I will have to go to circuit training to maintain my momentum!!

    Off an running.....I have surfed through everyone's posts and one of these days I will have time to respond to all, in the meantime ((((hugs)))) to all .

    OH wait!!!...I found an iron and ironing board at my mom's ....does anyone need one? I am advertising it on the garage sale as an antique.... I think I have an iron in my closet ...I think...Lol!
    I can't wait to be done at my mom's and finally home to catch up on my own house and yard!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    margaret I have found the same problem with HE washers- another trick, always leave the door/lid open. It doesn't have the mildew odor when we do that. NYKAREN
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    edited August 2016
    Karen - I bought my son the Instant Pot Duo 7 for his birthday this year. I thought he would use it as a slow cooker, but he loves it as a pressure cooker. I just use my 46 year old pressure cooker I got when I got married at 20. I've replaced the gasket and seal and I'm very pleased with it. The Instant Pot is very large, so you do need counter space for it.

    Just been out to spend my £5 voucher at my favouritefood store and bought expensive fillet steak because I had the voucher and, guess what, I forgot to present the voucher at the checkout. :| Luckily DH had already wheeled the trolley off when I remembered and I couldn't face checking all the stuff out again at the Help desk, so I didn't tell him. :embarassed:

    Hairy Bikers tonight. :D 400 calories of yumminess.

    My yoga went well and my friend and I had a lovely long chat. Unfortunately her stepdaughter, whom she is very close to, is struggling recently because she is married to a gambler. :sad: So sad. It has upset them all and my friend has developed IBS. :'( I suggested her daughter ring the helpline to get some support, but I don't know if she will. I have heard that gambling is the worst addiction of all. This guy will not admit it.

    Yes, Karen, we do have to count our blessings, you are sooooooo right.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    PS - My DH is the washer upper in our family and also the only ironer, even if rarely. Just shirts for special occasions.