Criticised by a gym professional...



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,761 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    Trish1c wrote: »
    I have noticed some bigger people working out in my gym. I'm a people watcher. When I see those folks I think to myself what a courageous person who is taking charge of their life & making positive changes. I admire people who act in their own best interests.


    Tell your husband and let him sort it out with the guy.

    Oh, noNoNOnoNO! Grown-ups do not send other people to "sort it out" with third parties, and definitely not over hearsay.

    Yes, a person absolutely should defend his/her spouse if a third party talks c**p about said spouse in the person's presence. And I could accept a proposal that the husband might possibly tell his mother to FerPity'sSake stop repeating gossip that's distressing to his wife. But go confront a guy who might or might not have said something, as if his wife is a 4th grader who needs a grown-up's oversight, because of alleged gossip? Just No.
  • amwoods72
    amwoods72 Posts: 35 Member
    That is wrong. I admire heavy set people in gym, especially since I am one of those heavier people in the gym. I would much rather see that because it means they want to make a change. Find out for sure if it is absolutely true before getting someone into trouble, but definitely say something if it is. No one should be saying that about someone trying to better themselves. Keep at it and don't let some *kitten*, who may never have known what it is like to be overweight, bother you.