Is my marriage normal?



  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    I saw at least two other people mention this: Look into clinical depression.

    I *was* that husband for a while. I felt like everything was hopeless, I was stuck in a rut and life had lost its enjoyment. I really hit rock bottom.

    It took a lot of courage, opening up - both to my spouse and doctor - and other approaches, but I'm back being a hubby and dad again.

    Male depression is not something to mess around with. Please look into it.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Sounds completely normal too me. Can't you have someone watch the kids for a few hours a week and get a guy on the side like everyone else?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    No, not all men who work a physical job are like that. I would be miserable in that kind of marriage. I'm sorry you're having a rough time.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Does he need to go to the doctor? Maybe he's diabetic or something.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    If it is just a work thing would it be possible for you to work? Maybe the stress of being the breadwinner is getting to him? It's his responsibility to care for the family and if he doesnt work his children dont eat.

    He makes the comment about well if you did my job you'd be tired, so I'm wondering if that might be some of the issue.
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    Whether it be marriage councellor or something else, it seems like there needs to be a middle ground. He sounds like he is married is name and money only. If you are talking kid talk all day, then it is nromal to want some real talk later. I mean I work late too, but I try to make sure that at least two or three nights a week, plus weekends I have time for my family. I mean, I am not perfect and my wife gets on my case too, but I do not think it is nearly to this extreme. It sounds as if he does not know what he is missing. Marriage and Family changes things, Family first, friends on weekends are second.
  • happywithme12
    happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
    Yeah, I know it's its not probably normal, but I wonder how common it is... I feel bad, he's a good guy otherwise. It just stinks cause isn't that part of the reason we get married, to not be alone and to be around someone we love? Thanks guys :)

    This is more common than you think, i have been married for 15 years and we are very happy right now but it wasn't always that way. He used to work nights and even when he was home during the day he didn't spend much time with the kids and lets say our lives were a mess at that time. To be honest I almost ended our marriage because I had had enough, you need to sit down and have a serious talk with him and not hold anything back because if you don't you are going to have more problems. Let him know how you feel even if you have to yell, get it out don't hold it in and make your feelings known to him. I made the mistake of not saying anything when i was mad or upset and it almost ended my marriage so my best advice to you is talk, talk, talk because if he cares he will listen and hopefully it will help :)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I'm married with kids, stay at home mom. I feel totally alone. My husband works hard at his job, I try to make him happy always. But he has no time for me and the kids. He sleeps as soon as gets home, and when he wakes up he is on his phone or the computer and I go to bed by myself. We don't talk too much and while we do the deed its not as much as either would like. I used to care about him not helping out at all with the kids but now I just want some attention! period. He sleeps weekends too, mostly cause he drinks then. I know he can't be too tired, cause if he wants to work on his truck or do something with friends, he does. He goes to the gym with me also. Are most husbands who work a physical job like this? I ask him and he just says I should try what he does all day and then see how I feel. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks.

    Yes and no.

    It is normal for parents with kids to get caught up in the grind of daily life. That is kinda of an unfortunate biproduct of responsibility.

    But really, this is ony one side fo the story so it is hard to tell what the real issues are. As much as you sound unhappy with the way things are, i am sure he isn't too happy either. That said, you guys need to talk. That is the only starting point that will get you anywhere. If you can't communicate well together, you might try a counselor to help you learn to talk with each other and not at each other. Then you can continue to work on issues to build a marriage you both want. Most likely along the way you will have personal issues you both need to work on indivudually as well as what you want in the marriage. To make it all work, it will take work....and time.

    All the best.
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP and don't know if this type of thread is allowed, but I have no friends and no one to talk to besides on here and I would like some input somewhere! I've been really focusing on my health and would like to work on me mentally also.

    I'm married with kids, stay at home mom. I feel totally alone. My husband works hard at his job, I try to make him happy always. But he has no time for me and the kids. He sleeps as soon as gets home, and when he wakes up he is on his phone or the computer and I go to bed by myself. We don't talk too much and while we do the deed its not as much as either would like. I used to care about him not helping out at all with the kids but now I just want some attention! period. He sleeps weekends too, mostly cause he drinks then. I know he can't be too tired, cause if he wants to work on his truck or do something with friends, he does. He goes to the gym with me also. Are most husbands who work a physical job like this? I ask him and he just says I should try what he does all day and then see how I feel. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks.

    Maybe he has mono
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Does he need to go to the doctor? Maybe he's diabetic or something.

    Or he's drinking too much or is depressed... or all three. It's hard when you are sad and lonely, but you might need to focus on him for the moment. And also, try to get out and make some friends, even if its just parents of your kids' friends.
  • Caddell
    Caddell Posts: 23 Member
    As someone who was the guy in this situation, it sounds like he is depressed. He could also have a number of medical issues ranging from Thyroid to Diabetes to a Vitamin D deficiency to any number of things. For me, it was depression and Vitamin D. I was working two jobs, had very little time for friend, didn't have any family local to me, and got stuck in a cycle of being unhappy and not wanting to do anything. I don't have children though. Eventually my wife was able to get me to counseling. Unfortunately it was too late to save the marriage but now she and I are very good friends. It was not easy accepting things so you will have to be patient with him, but not too patient. Eventually you have to make sure you are taking care of your own happiness so that you can be the best parent you can be for your kids.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    It is and it isn't. My DH works about 60 hours a week. I run my own businesses and stay with the kids. He makes time for us. I eat dinner at 9pm most nights so he has someone to eat with. We work on our computers together. I travel to meet him for lunch. We are very protectful of weekends or time off. We schedule as much as possible, make sure the kids are in bed early enough to enjoy some time together.

    Just talk to him, he likely has no idea.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I saw at least two other people mention this: Look into clinical depression.

    I *was* that husband for a while. I felt like everything was hopeless, I was stuck in a rut and life had lost its enjoyment. I really hit rock bottom.

    It took a lot of courage, opening up - both to my spouse and doctor - and other approaches, but I'm back being a hubby and dad again.

    Male depression is not something to mess around with. Please look into it.

    Yup. Was there last year. Taken me a lot to turn it around, but the wife and I are doing MUCH better.
  • EnviousDan
    EnviousDan Posts: 107 Member
    How much of this have you shared with HIM?
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    I would just talk to him about it. Have a heart to heart. But, here's the thing. You need to communicate to him how you feel kindly and with love. Guys automatically shut down when they are spoken to with disrespect. He could be depressed. Some guys struggle to talk about how they feel. He probably just needs to know that he can be open with you without condemnation.
  • XxYeaIrocxX
    XxYeaIrocxX Posts: 224 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP and don't know if this type of thread is allowed, but I have no friends and no one to talk to besides on here and I would like some input somewhere! I've been really focusing on my health and would like to work on me mentally also.

    I'm married with kids, stay at home mom. I feel totally alone. My husband works hard at his job, I try to make him happy always. But he has no time for me and the kids. He sleeps as soon as gets home, and when he wakes up he is on his phone or the computer and I go to bed by myself. We don't talk too much and while we do the deed its not as much as either would like. I used to care about him not helping out at all with the kids but now I just want some attention! period. He sleeps weekends too, mostly cause he drinks then. I know he can't be too tired, cause if he wants to work on his truck or do something with friends, he does. He goes to the gym with me also. Are most husbands who work a physical job like this? I ask him and he just says I should try what he does all day and then see how I feel. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks.

    Wow, you pretty much just described my marriage. Cept without the working all the time, and his job isn't a physical one......but he's constantly on his phone. and ignores me and our daughter. We literally just fought about this and well, we still are cause I'm finally just tired of dealing with it.
    I hope things get better for you! Wish i had some advice for you =/
  • Kitwitch
    Kitwitch Posts: 7 Member
    I think before just giving up and leaving you two should go to marriage counselling together. This seems like a communication problem that can be solved. My father had the same issue when I was growing up and it really hurt me seeing him go to bed without talking to me. It really frustrated my step mother and they are now getting a divorce. If you love him try to fix the problem together. I know you guys can.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    My marriage has had its ups and downs and this sounds like it can "potentially" be mired through. I say that as I've dealt with this before and my husband didn't even have a physical job just a mentally taxing one.

    One of the biggest ways I solved our problem was I had to decide if I was going to stay with this person or if I was going to leave him. I practically begged him for attention. I finally decided that I just couldn't see myself leaving at this point in our marriage (only 8 months in to it) that we deserved to really give it a chance. Any ways, I decided to say f#%@ sitting around here waiting for his to realize he was ruining a good thing. So I got online and I found a mommy group to go meet with during the day while he was at work. I also figured out the library's kid stuff. (this should help claim you have no one to talk to so that may mean that you are shy and/or neglecting your wants and needs by looking only to your husband to fulfill all your friendship needs.) What I realized was that my life was centered around my children, my home and my husband for all my entertainment...etc... So I truly had a sit down with myself and really looked at what I needed. So I decided to just treat him as a roommate. He didn't like telling me where he was going so I started not telling him where I was going. I made play dates. I made friends. Since he would sleep in on the weekends I started taking the baby for a walk in the park. Meeting the girls for a baby play date. It took almost a month for him to realize that I wasn't following him around like a puppy. All of a sudden he was missing me. Where I had now found happiness all of a sudden he realized that I wasn't there waiting for him at home. Maybe it was jealousy on his part or maybe it made him realize that he truly did like having me around.

    So I found ME and in the process became a happier me. He got his act together and started putting forth some effort to pay more attention to me.

    Not saying this will work for you but even if it doesn't it will give you the confidence to enjoy your life and not to wait around for him to lead the way.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Are most husbands who work a physical job like this? I ask him and he just says I should try what he does all day and then see how I feel.

    Mine is the same way. He thinks is 4 hour a day physical job is more exhausting than my 9 hour a day job. Lots of men will always think their job is harder, whether it is or not!