All calories may not be equal



  • VividVegan
    VividVegan Posts: 200 Member
    I lost over 50 pounds and recomp'd before even calorie counting or joining MFP. Just saying... Honestly, MFP seems to have made it stressful, not gonna lie. Calorie counting + OCD = bad combo.
  • caimay199
    caimay199 Posts: 39 Member
    I lost weight on weight watchers once. About 49lns. I ate McDonald's and drank Starbucks frappuccinos, along with some healthy stuff. Moderation at its finest!
    After 3 months I fell off the wagon, slowly regained the 40lbs...and then some. Looking back, I didn't eat enough calories or protein to keep me satisfied. So yes, CICO works. I lost weight. However, there is SO much more to the picture - like eating in a way that you know you'll still be able to maintain in ten years time, or on vacation, or when you're out to dinner! Some people do best with a calorie counting approach, where no food is off limits. Others do best focusing on healthy foods and minimising unhealthy ones. That's how they get their calorie deficit and sustain it over time. It's not questioning the CICO method, it's just taking a different mental approach to get there.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I think if a "Newbie" was to read this thread it would scare and put them off straight away! So many judgemental, rude, aggressive people getting their back up!!
    I also noticed that a lot of people on here may have developed OCD with weighing and numbers, weighing a pre packaged yogurt haha come on REALLY!
    I dont take a food scale out of the house and carry it around with with me, that is just sad.
    I have and I am still losing weight just fine.

    Wait a minute, now......

    As to the bold statements: While you are pointing that finger out, there are three more pointing back at you. Rude judgemental and aggressive are all in the perception. ;);)

    That said....

    What is wrong with weighing pre-packaged food? The nutrition information on the package often does not match up with how much a food weighs. Weighing food is just one tool for personal accountability.

    What is sad about carrying a scale around in your purse? It is just another tool for personal accountability.

    Everybody has to do what works for them. I don't weigh my food when I eat out at a restaurant or at other people's houses, but but I have a scale I keep at work in case I want a small snack not on my plan.

    The reason you are losing weight is because whatever you are doing is creating a calorie deficit. In fact, it does not matter what you do to eat less than you bun, what matter is you eat less than you burn because it's the only way to lose weight.

    All this does not negate the fact that a calorie is a calorie.

    Does anyone actually do this?
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    VividVegan wrote: »
    I lost over 50 pounds and recomp'd before even calorie counting or joining MFP. Just saying... Honestly, MFP seems to have made it stressful, not gonna lie. Calorie counting + OCD = bad combo.

    Congrats on your weight loss. You chose one of the many ways to lose weight and maintain, which is to not count calories. That's wonderful.

    How has MFP made calorie counting stressful for you? I ask because calorie counting is not stressful for a whole boatload of people who visit here, including me. ;)

    Exactly. Not to mention that not everyone calorie counts to lose weight. Before I got a food scale, I was actually overestimating my portions and undereating. There is this perception that every person who joins here is morbidly obese and knows nothing about nutrition. My "high" weight before starting here was 139 pounds which is normally the goal weight for most women my height and the only reason my weight got that high was because I went through a period of months where I didn't even get out of bed. I'm 108 pounds now and I use my food scale and calorie count to make sure I maintain my weight. I've been trying intuitive eating and some days I'm spot on, but other days I'm under by several hundred calories and the last thing I need is a deficit. I poured out what I thought a serving of cereal was and it was half a serving. Peanut butter? I assumed around 1 tbsp was 2. If I have tools that let me know I can eat more food, I'm using the crap out of them.
  • xjessicaxrx
    xjessicaxrx Posts: 144 Member
    Let me be clear, the OCD comment was aimed at those who stress over weighing a pre-packaged, single serving yogurt just incase the calories are off by +/- 5-10kcal. Those who weigh restaurant food and pick apart meals "just incase".

    Counting calories is one thing but that is just not normal behaviour.