Pregnancy-How many weeks after delivery did you lose weight



  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    Let me see... I gave birth in March 2006, and lost the weight in 2012... so... um, let me see... how many weeks in a year again? :laugh:

    ^^ THIS! I think i may have even gained more weight after he was born! September 2011 and im shifting it now so 2 years and on going? :drinker:
  • MyChange4Life
    I had my son 3 weeks ago and have already lost the 25 pounds that I gained during pregnancy.

    I am now dropping additional pounds and can't tell if it is still pregnancy weight coming off, or if it is my low calories that I've been consuming.

    Don't get me wrong I am happy for weight loss either way!, but I was just wondering when everyone else stopped losing pregnancy weight???

    I'm sure it is a combination of both and different for everyone, but I just want to know after how many weeks my body will stop losing pregnancy weight and start losing fat?

    Edit: I am not breastfeeding, only formula.

    I'll get the studies linking early autism and formula in non breastfed children...brb.

    Breast milk is the most important nutrient dense food the baby can eat for the first 16-18 months of its life.
    3 weeks and on formula?!
    also the hormonal cascade you get from it ensures your health and longevity.
    Genetically we are here to procreate the human race so youve popped a kid out but you sholdnt stop at that.

    I'll get the studies for you and post but i'm staying out of this conversation.
    Selfish moms piss me off.

    People who comment without knowing all the facts piss me off. You have no idea why she chose to use formula over breast milk, and there could be any number of reasons to do so, which do NOT include selfishness.

    Hey guess what? I formula fed both of my kids...both of them are healthy and strong. Personally its not being selfish, its determining what is right for you. The thought of my kid sucking on my boob totally grosses me out. Some moms need to open their eyes.

    I don't agree with judging based on if the mother has health issues which don't allow her to breastfeed, if she HAS to go to work because her kids would not be able to live without her going to work and the pumps don't work for her ( they don't for me) . BUT, and I don't care who you are, if the ONLY reason you are denying your child the best food it can have is because "The thought of my kid sucking on my boob totally grosses me out" THAT is a selfish reason. If you are too immature to realize that this is what boobs are for, technically the only reason why you actually have them, please don't have anymore children. Forumula fed babies can survive and do just fine, but yes, if you have no medical or other REAL reason why you are UNABLE to feed your child formula, try to do whats best for them. I breastfed my son for only 4 months because I had a serious health issue and had to stop because of the medication I needed, and I am currently still exclusively breastfeeding my 6 month old daughter. YES its hard and takes dedication and preserverance, but that is what moms are for. GAWD! /end rant

    This post just irks me. Who are you to tell someone not to have children or not if they don't fit your standards on when someone should breastfeed or not? I swear, women are becoming breastfeed nazis anymore. Plenty of children are formula fed everyday and turn out just fine. The mom that might be breastfeeding that you would give praise too could be an abusive horrible mom and not teaching or caring for her children well while the one formula feeding might be way better of a parent when it comes to actually caring for ALL needs of their child and of course visa versa. If that is your standard on someone having kids then your outlook on the world is very narrow and immature in its self. Women are women's worst enemy sadly.
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    I am now 23 kg lighter than my pre pregnancy weight (my dd is 3.5 i was overweight bmi 32.something when we ttc) I gained 19 kg, lost about 10 before leaving hospital (PE and fluid retention). I breastfeed and ff when requiredbut wasn'tvery active and bad food choices so never got back to my pre preg weight until she was about 12-13 months old.

    Seriously never thought the breastfeeding debate/guilting would come up on MFP. It does not matter how (bf/ff) or why you decided feed your baby that way, as long as you feed it!!!!
  • Th3stral
    Th3stral Posts: 93 Member
    I breast fed for 6 months and the first 3-4 months I put ON weight! To the point I weighed just as much 4 months post partum as I did at the end of the pregnancy. I found BF'ing horribly uncomfortable and exhausting so I admit to having to comfort eat through each feed.

    5 months on the bulk of the weight has gone through concious effort, most had gone prior to joing MFP. I'm just toning now and hoping the last few lb will disappear as I tone up!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I had my son 3 weeks ago and have already lost the 25 pounds that I gained during pregnancy.

    I am now dropping additional pounds and can't tell if it is still pregnancy weight coming off, or if it is my low calories that I've been consuming.

    Don't get me wrong I am happy for weight loss either way!, but I was just wondering when everyone else stopped losing pregnancy weight???

    I'm sure it is a combination of both and different for everyone, but I just want to know after how many weeks my body will stop losing pregnancy weight and start losing fat?

    Edit: I am not breastfeeding, only formula.

    I'll get the studies linking early autism and formula in non breastfed children...brb.

    Breast milk is the most important nutrient dense food the baby can eat for the first 16-18 months of its life.
    3 weeks and on formula?!
    also the hormonal cascade you get from it ensures your health and longevity.
    Genetically we are here to procreate the human race so youve popped a kid out but you sholdnt stop at that.

    I'll get the studies for you and post but i'm staying out of this conversation.
    Selfish moms piss me off.


    Gotta love it when men post about how selfish it is for a woman not to breastfeed.

    I nearly killed myself - yes, literally - trying to breastfeed both of my sons and had to stop after 4-6 weeks with both of them because neither baby would latch on properly, among other reasons. I spend hundreds of dollars on equipment, lactation consultant, blah blah blah...I was so depressed about being unable to continue breastfeeding that I had suicidal thoughts constantly. So Dan, when YOU give birth, THEN you can tell women about how horrible they are for not breastfeeding. Until then, STFU.

    Oh, but you're "staying out of this conversation," right?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Is that it? You made that ridiculous post earlier based on ^^that? You have got to be kidding me.

    Did you actually read it?

    And it is irrelevant as many, many women cannot breastfeed as has already been noted. Way to make them feel like they have done something wrong.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Dan really derailed and hijacked the whole purpose of this thread. Just remember that was started by a childless man. Don't let him polarize us mothers.


    OP, I didn't gain much at all with my pregnancy--just 30 lbs. I had a difficult time--was very sick throughout the whole thing. I was back in my tight jeans a week after leaving the hospital.

    I'm sorry that people have unnecessarily judged you in this thread. I breastfed my son for about 7 months, at which point my milk supply just dried up. It was pretty upsetting for me at the time, but I knew then that I did what I thought was best and what I was capable of doing at that point. I can't imagine some GUY, childless at that, making some sort of public judgement of me based on whether I breastfed my kid, or if I breastfed long enough or whatever.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    For a moment there, I thought I had accidentally went to instead of MFP.

    Oh, and Dan: shhhh.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    All apologies to the OP and anyone I've pissed off.

    I understand done people cannot breast feed for whatever reasons and I truly hope you accept my apologies.

    I wish OP good health and longevity and her baby to thrive.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Dan really derailed and hijacked the whole purpose of this thread. Just remember that was started by a childless man. Don't let him polarize us mothers.


    OP, I didn't gain much at all with my pregnancy--just 30 lbs. I had a difficult time--was very sick throughout the whole thing. I was back in my tight jeans a week after leaving the hospital.

    I'm sorry that people have unnecessarily judged you in this thread. I breastfed my son for about 7 months, at which point my milk supply just dried up. It was pretty upsetting for me at the time, but I knew then that I did what I thought was best and what I was capable of doing at that point. I can't imagine some GUY, childless at that, making some sort of public judgement of me based on whether I breastfed my kid, or if I breastfed long enough or whatever.

    Yeah, I was one that didn't help the derailment so I guess I should sorta answer the question to avoid being a complete accomplice.

    I gained 35 lbs with my pregnancy. My son was 2.5 when I decided that weight could no longer be called pregnancy related. It took me until he was a little over three years old before I regained my pre pregnancy weight. Everyday he sees me now, there's just a little less of me.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Everyday he sees me now, there's just a little less of me.

    This made me chuckle because of what I'm going through with my little guy. I'm fortunate in that I've lost weight in my belly; he always enjoyed wrestling me and ending with a belly wiffle--his or mine. Well he's started showing distress lately that my belly isn't nearly as large, flabby and gushy as it used to be when he wiffled it.

    He's getting used to it though. Wonder what he'll do if I ever have "abs"...
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I had my son 3 weeks ago and have already lost the 25 pounds that I gained during pregnancy.

    I am now dropping additional pounds and can't tell if it is still pregnancy weight coming off, or if it is my low calories that I've been consuming.

    Don't get me wrong I am happy for weight loss either way!, but I was just wondering when everyone else stopped losing pregnancy weight???

    I'm sure it is a combination of both and different for everyone, but I just want to know after how many weeks my body will stop losing pregnancy weight and start losing fat?

    Edit: I am not breastfeeding, only formula.

    You are already below your pre-pregnancy weight, in which case you should now be losing 'real' weight, which is a combination of water weight, fat and muscle, in different proportions depending on whether you do any strength training.

    I believe most people consider 'baby weight' to be all the excess weight they gained above their pre-pregnancy weight. The initial loss is baby, placenta, blood and water. Last pregnancy that had all gone by a week post-partum (my once swollen legs shrivelled right down again, not pretty :ohwell: ). After that I gained, through ignorance more than anything else.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    Oldest son (7 yrs old) - I have another 6 lbs to go to be under my pre-pregnancy weight for him - breastfed for 4 months.
    Surrogacy baby 1 (4 yrs old) - I lost her weight just before her first birthday - arrived WAY too early, not able to pump as I was in the ICU and she was in the NICU.
    Youngest Son (2 yrs old) - I lost his baby weight within the first year - Breastfed for 15 months.
    Surrogacy baby 2 (8 months old) - I reached my pre-pregnancy weight 6 months after her birth - Pumped for the first 4 weeks, then she was slowly weaned to forumla for the last 2 weeks while still supplementing with pumped milk.
    Surrogacy baby 3 (getting prepped now for IVF. Sibling to Surro baby 2) - I'm hoping to loose the weight within 3-6 months after his/her/their birth - Hoping to do the same as his/her/their sibling.
  • andreagenther
    andreagenther Posts: 67 Member
    I gained about 25 lbs with pregnancy but had about 40 extra that I was working on when I got pregnant. I lost all my baby weight in about 4 weeks and about 5 lbs in the next month. I breastfed for a year and nine months and could not loose any weight until I quit breast feeding. I have about 30 lbs to loose right now and my little guy is about 2.5 but my baby weight is long gone.

    Best of luck to all you Moms. We can kick this extra weight!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Every pregnancy is different. I waitressed with my first three. I lost all except for the last 10 pounds at delivery and lost the last 10 quickly after returning to work without counting calories or dieting.

    I changed jobs before i got pregnant with the twins, gained 100 pounds, lost 40 at delivery and about 10 the next two months. A series of health issues kept me from losing the last of it.

    I gained 55 pounds with child #6. Lost 20 at delivery and a whopping 5lb breastfeeding the next two months. Then I found MFP.
    I only logged everything I ate the first week. ( and did a lot of research on food that was high in the nutrients i was missing)
    I showed a loss at the check-up 2 weeks later.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    My youngest is 7 weeks old and I am about 5 pounds below pre-pregnancy weight. The pregnancy before that, I lost all that I gained by the time she was two weeks old. Staying active and eating well during pregnancy made all the difference for me.

    Now, if I can just lose all the weight from the first. :laugh: (I have 8 kids and didn't always take good care of myself.)
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    5 weeks with loads of walking everyday but rhen when i stopped i gained loads :(
  • t4eaed
    t4eaed Posts: 25
    All apologies to the OP and anyone I've pissed off.

    I understand done people cannot breast feed for whatever reasons and I truly hope you accept my apologies.

    I wish OP good health and longevity and her baby to thrive.

    Apology accepted.

    If anything, I hope that you've learned that most women (myself included) do not decide to give formula for selfish reasons. There are numerous reasons beyond our control that don't allow us to breastfeed or in some cases women just decide not to. No woman should be judged on her decision, we each do what is best for ourselves and our family.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Wow...just wow.

    OP my youngest is 6. Still working on it ;)
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    Apology accepted.

    If anything, I hope that you've learned that most women (myself included) do not decide to give formula for selfish reasons. There are numerous reasons beyond our control that don't allow us to breastfeed or in some cases women just decide not to. No woman should be judged on her decision, we each do what is best for ourselves and our family.

    :drinker: well said! :flowerforyou: