What is the lowest IQ you would date?



  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    I'm just here for lolz, although I am curious:

    For all those that have IQ limits\ranges, do you whack out the test on the first date, or do you maybe get a group of potential dates together, and hire a hall and invigilator or something?
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Well as long as they are dressed up in the New York Times and not the National Enquirer...would bang.

    I'll take a single cell organism wrapped in the latest Victoria' Secret and heated in the microwave.

    Victoria's secret? Ill take wall street journal- it has girls with glasses.

    Grab a Sharpie and spruce it up.
  • jacobhyatt91
    jacobhyatt91 Posts: 120 Member
    i cant really say there is a particular IQ "cut off level" if you will..I mean i wont not date someone because they dont have a degree or something as long as im able to have meaningful conversations with them without feeling increasingly stupid listening to them lol
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    There are so many different kinds of intelligence and so much more to a person than their IQ. I think your actions and how you view the world are much more important than IQ or test scores, everyone has something to offer and valuing only one specific type of intelligence is a waste in my opinion.

    That being said, my husband is extremely smart, more so when it comes to numbers and analytical thinking than anything else. I'm okay at math but a lot better with ideas and words. I value his intelligence, but there's so much more to him that makes him a great person that his IQ wouldn't tell me!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Well as long as they are dressed up in the New York Times and not the National Enquirer...would bang.

    I'll take a single cell organism wrapped in the latest Victoria' Secret and heated in the microwave.

    Victoria's secret? Ill take wall street journal- it has girls with glasses.

    Grab a Sharpie and spruce it up.

    haha- see i didnt think of that. you have a higher IQ than me.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I have 3 degrees (BA Hons, MA and a PGCE - a British teaching postgrad degree) so I suppose that makes me quite smart. My husband didn't go to university. I don't think I am smarter than he is. Sure, academically I am probably better (at things like essay writing), but he can talk about many subjects, takes an interest in the news, can build a computer from scratch.....

    Degrees are not the be all and end all. I'm a teacher, so of course I have to be educated to degree level, but I have worked with colleagues with PhDs. That does not make them a better teacher.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Meh, depends on how they present their intelligence.

    I don't like teh dummehs.
    And I'll add to this, I really don't like people that are arrogant or are constantly trying to seem smart, like using big words that are just awkward in context of the situation, makes it seem like they're trying too hard to me!
  • Modern_athena
    Modern_athena Posts: 81 Member
    This ^^
    IQ tests are simplistic and inaccurate. It also doesn't take into account multiple intelligences as suggested by Gardner.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    IQ is a flawed construct. I need someone who cares about art, culture, and science. As long as he or she can keep up and present interesting thoughts, I don't really care what score they were assigned on one or more of several tests so biased they might as well be arbitrary.
    :flowerforyou: agreed
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    Def not stupid. My husband acts stupid but that it totally different.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    IQ-IShmew As long as she eats at least 1200 calories a day and eats her exercise calories back and hits her macros, I'm good.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Like are you ok going out with someone a little bit stupid, a lot stupid, or not at all stupid?

    I couldn't deal with any women less than about 150. I've tried. And, it's just exhausting having to explain things all the time. Of course, the flip side is they are more challenging. And, they're hard to BS. LOL.
    you're kidding right? that literally knocks out the majority of the population. I'm guessing that you are misunderstanding something here.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    IQ-IShmew As long as she eats at least 1200 calories a day and eats her exercise calories back and hits her macros, I'm good.
    lol :laugh:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Emotional intelligence must be include in the equation.

    And street smarts.

    There were dudes at Cornell with 4.0's but they couldn't cross a street or express empathy for *kitten*.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    How much money does this person have?
  • biscuitwelsh
    biscuitwelsh Posts: 86 Member
    I think the correct question is what's the highest IQ that would date you?
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm curious about all of the people claiming they would only date people with outrageously high IQ's.

    Are you aware just what percentage of the world population you're limiting yourself to if you go by people that actually can claim that? It's an insanely small number. (much less than 1%) For ****'s sake Einstein's estimated IQ is 160.

    You're discounting a high number of people that are most likely intelligent in ways that are not tested by an IQ test. You're dismissing those who have strong artistic (aesthetic) intelligence. You're also dismissing those with emotional intelligence.

    Also, what use is an IQ score in the real world? Does it mean that you've achieved anything tangible?




    I don't have cereal... Can you share yours?

    Just went to the grocery store...the pantry and refrigerator were pathetic.

    YAY Cereal! What kinds do you have?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    My husband is a brilliant physicist and the most emotionally intelligent person I have ever met. And I am saying this because of how people seem to think it is an either/or. I think they very much go hand in hand, in most cases. He is also a talented visual artist and has built larger than life puppets for theatre shows. He fixes our car, and anything else that needs fixing or building. He is very much aware of how many different types and expressions of intelligence there are. It isn't something that is measured in numbers or by tests. He is humble, and would be really embarrassed if he read that I was writing about him, like this.
  • Yarrowdays
    Yarrowdays Posts: 19
    I don't make my evaluation of someone based on a test. Everyone is smart about at least something or another, it all depends on whether or their knowledge and personal life preferences allow both of us to work well with each other. No one really wants to date someone that's completely unintelligent in all aspects of life, but I get that some people (me) really stink at Maths, but do well creatively .
    Street smarts are an awesome thing to have, but I've been sheltered most of my life...so I'm pretty naive. Does that make me stupid? I don't think so, just different from someone else who grew up in another environment.
    Unintelligent people are, in my opinion, someone who avoids all forms of educating themselves and wastes their lives away doing useless, unhealthy things.
    You don't have to go to college or have some high number on an IQ test to be considered smart in my book, you just have to be motivated. Have a goal, have something you're passionate about that makes you excited with life, and you're pretty great :)
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'd rather date someone who was emotionally intelligent rather than academically intelligent