Is porn ruining expectations about sex?



  • lenoresdream
    lenoresdream Posts: 522 Member
    It was awkward man, I can tell you. He's seen things no 13 year old should have.
    I had to have a word with his Mum after about a little more parental supervision of his browsing.

    It's good that you are there for him. I can't imagine having sex talk with any kid or teen I know. Awkward!
  • lenoresdream
    lenoresdream Posts: 522 Member
    Lol if any guy ever said who is your daddy I'd walk out. That's gross. I have one dad. And I don't believe in incest. I'm gonna throw up gross. :s

    Yeah dirty talk has to come naturally. Can't be forced.

    True story. I once opened up to my bf that I wanted to experience and experiment with kinky stuff. My previous ex had introduced me to the world of BDSM and I finally had a community and a name for everything I always wanted.

    Well, he gets this nervous look on his face, stands there awkwardly and I kid you not says "Umm... Do my laundry? "

    It too kind every bit of willpower to not bust out laughing or I'd hurt him.

    Needless to say I never brought it up again and just lived that world in my dreams. It's not for everyone. I could tell not for him. (I was his first, he was VERY shy about sex).

    Poor thing I felt so bad for him lol. The look on his face was priceless though.
  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,394 MFP Staff
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