

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good morning ladies. No, Larissa, you haven't lost us. Always know we are here and never give up on anyone just because they have a life to live also.

    I think I got myself to tired yesterday. Going to grocery store twice, getting supper ready, playing with grand kids, all the antics my two daughters can get into when they are together. My legs just did not want to relax last night. It was several hours before my body would relax enough to go to sleep. Right now both my grand kids are having the fudge they bought at the park as their pre-lunch appetizer. Mom says they are still on school break.

    To anyone who is tempted to use this Icy Hot for pain relief. The icy hot I get is extra strength with Lidocaine. The regular has as it's main ingredient as menthol and I'm not sure how that would give any relief at all except the massaging it in.

    Joyce, tired in Indiana
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Happy Labor day!! Going to be a hot one today so glad I am working and inside.
    Heather--Thanks for my Bea fix. She is a cutie. How can someone not smile when they see that face?
    Cheri--Great news on DS. Sounds like you are getting right into meeting people and doing things. You go Girl!!
    Katla--Glad to hear DH is doing better.
    Ladies I need to confess, my eating is out of control. I have gained back almost 40 pounds. I have to get this under control. The doctor upped my meds for depression and I am hoping they kick in fast.Today is a new day and start and I am logging everything I eat. Where's that boot kick when I need it.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,212 Member
    Vicki - Sending you a big hug <3 and a kick if you really want one. I think a hug is better.
    Do you know why you are depressed? Sometimes it can be hard to work it out, but usually there is something "stuck" that you are ignoring. That's my experience anyway. :* Pills are helpful, but not the answer. You are such a lovely person, you deserve to be happy. :flowerforyou: Does your insurance pay for a talking therapy or CBT? It's important to make yourself the priority. You can't help other people if you are not happy and healthy.

    My dinner was B)B)<3

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK

    Went to Docs for result of DEXA scan I haven't got Osteoporosis but have Osteopenia Doc says no treatment needed but take extra Vit D and calcium he suggests another scan in about 3 years
    So glad that I haven't got Osteoporosis
    Barbie love your little walker
    Lisa in West Texas – It is always good to feel like you can ‘think’ in longer terms than never knowing from day-to-day or month-to-month where and what you’ll do or be. v :p

    cdicostanzo – Great weight loss! Proud of you! Let us know what you prefer to be called and tell us a little about yourself; i.e. family, hobbies, anything. You’ll find that we are a real ‘chatty’ group. Try not to let more than a day go by without checking in … or else you’ll find you will have over 100 posts to try to catch up to the end. Barbiecat posts a 'link' on the last day of the month to send us to the next month. Make sure you 'bookmark' the new month by clicking on the outline of a star up in the upper right-hand corner; then when you need or want to come back all you'll have to do is click on the gray star between the bell and gear. If I have more than 100; I usually start in at my last post (when possible); or just with the current page and not worry about the previous ones. It will take you back to your last post. One thing you cannot do once you have started posting in that yellow box, is go back a page; you will lose your post unless you post it (save it). Always make sure that the yellow block is really at the very end of the posts. Otherwise, your post might not get seen. Several people at a time will be posting - we are 'world-wide'. It can be ‘edited’ for one hour. A gear will show up and you can click on that and it will drop down with the time you are allotted to edit it. Some of us open up a word processing program and go back-and-forth (or we put it minimized side-by-side. I find that a lot easier. Exercise is key to losing weight and ‘tracking all that crosses your lips’ (even those nibbles we take when tasting whether or not something we’re cooking has enough spices in it.

    “Hello Kitty” is a term that some of us use, instead of certain words that MFP finds ‘offensive’; like TV, some words that you'd think would be 'ok' aren't while others are 'ok'. Go figure! LOL! On this site, we really try not to discuss 'politics' or 'religion' because of everybody having differing opinions and some who live across the pond as they might say ... are not necessarily interested in our local, state, or federal politics and vice versa.

    KJLaMore – Does this mean we can call you “Kelly?” That was a good game between Texas and Notre Dame. When I last remember it … it was a 2 point spread; fell asleep for the double overtime. I don’t have a FB account (too much ‘family’ drama); so the link did not work for me. But, being the only navy and gold in a sea of orange (?) … probably was a trip. DYS’s bosses all graduated from LSU … so that was a difficult game for them. One had flown up to see the game. Once, a couple of years ago, DYS was given the tickets to the LSU/GA game; and, GA won … he wore something that would not stand out for one team or the other. But, he’d laugh and quietly – I don’t care about which teams are playing, just watch it with DH and root for the team he is pulling for. I think last night (or whenever they played) he was rooting for the Irish!

    Cherie – Beautiful pictures … especially the ‘butterfly’ afghan. So are the 3 girls supposed to ‘share it’? I think all of us call things by different names, depending on where we live. I know my DDnL#2 says things and I ask her ‘what’ does that mean.

    Vicki – I agree with Heather … “You can’t help others if you don’t help yourself FIRST.” And, to do that … we need to be ‘healthy and happy’ (not necessarily in that order).

    Happy Labor Day for all you that celebrate it on this day (1st Monday of the month of September).,

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy labor day.
    Hubby is working,but should be home for dinner.Thanks for sharing pics.
    hugs jane
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
  • mwopm3
    mwopm3 Posts: 21 Member
    I agree with both Becca and Annr that food is one of those things that isn't always logical. But when it comes down to it, our relationships with people and work and money aren't always approached logically either. I work with domestic violence victims, and they can't understand their own behavior and choices in the past. We humans are supremely "illogical".

    Sometimes I eat or drink when stressed, sometimes I don't. When I'm not taking care of myself, I "know" the right things to do, I just don't always do them. All we can do is forgive ourselves, and treat each day like it's a new day to take positive steps.

    This group encouragement is important and can help when the will-power just isn't there!

    Thank you, Marcelyn, for your explanation of the Kettle ball that I've seen many of you use. I'm going to check it out!

    Marcelle in Virginia <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
    got a mouse for my laptop.. so far so good
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Sitting on my back porch listening to the wind whipping up as my chicken roasts on the grill (lemon Rosemary garlic roasted chicken) and will serve it up all week for my lunches. Have a pile of work papers to get through! I am at peace. Wishing you all the same. NYKAREN
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well, tomorrow I am donating blood at our local Elk's Club. I plan on fixing a huge spinach salad with tomatoes, Quinoa, walnuts, cranberries, and anything else i can put on it. Oh and some great buttermilk Ranch dressing. I always show really good numbers when I eat spinach the day of. Crazy to think of eating like that. "oh I need to eat this or that so my blood is healthy". I get some great homemade cookies made by some of the Elk women, and I think this time I shall be getting some kind of present, like a gift card or something!
    I bought a great glass 16 oz. bottle of "sparkling cucumber and citrus water. Really bought it for the container.... It is really streamlined and looks like a bottle The Jetsons used! I fill it with water, and in a couple of hrs it gets really cold so I can add my packet of Crystal Light Lemonade. Sort of looks like I just have a urine sample in my hands, but not really. More like a drinker mixer of some kind. hahahaha!
    Be well, and enjoy moments when they present themselves! For me its when my son comes out to visit with us in the living room. It's like, "He's HERE!!" He is such a happy hermit. But at least he doesn't mindlessly play on the computer. He is doing 3-D computer drawing (CAD), looking up numbers, angles, and he eats up statistical numbers like candy. So, its not just porn. I asked him. He is 17 so, out of curiosity I asked him out of a week, how many times does he look at porn. He said 3-6 times. Then I asked him how long until does he engage in this. He answered about 10-20 min. 20 minutes??? I said, "wow that is a long time son..." He then replied, "well until I am done". For a moment I felt the need to flee from the conversation, but I stood my ground. I calmly said, " Well son, don't do it in front of the computer, just in your own bed, preferably with a towel". He replied, "oh ok Mom". I am proud that we can have these conversations without the need to erupt in endless laughter, or yelling. I know you are all thinking, "Wow Becca, open conversations with your teen is one thing, that was really getting up into his personal space". Well, I figure its just laying the groundwork for open conversations with his girlfriend, wife, whatever to talk openly about sex. Enough said.. :-)
    keepin it real in Oregon
  • lauriekins1957
    lauriekins1957 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I just joined Fitness Pal - I'm 59 and my goal for September is to track everything I eat and exercise at least twice a week.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,703 Member
    I am back and caught up, but so tired,I am waiting for stuff in the dryer, will take a shower and pass out..
    Nice time up North, But as Hosts for a large family gathering, it is exsausting to say the least, Dad and I got up there around 8 on Saterday leaving a little after 5 Saterday morning...Then I hit the ground running.. as everyone that was coming would be there Sunday, My Uncle ,his Lady Friend and his grandaughter came up Saterday afternoon... I could, Jean cooked and Sean ran around like a chicken with his head cut off..
    The highlight of the weekend for me was when I woke up Sunday before Sunrise and went to the beach and got some stunning pictures..
    My daughter and granddaughter came up yesterday morning and stayed overnight, so they were there for the festivities, but I was about ready to pack up and go home yesterday afternoon as Tracy's boyfriend(the punk) she was on the phone with him for about an hour.. and she is walking around outside... well we have screened in sleeping porches so I am up changing and all I can here is her bit#hing about me, and how lousy etc... well as soon as Taliah gets in the house, she said to me I am in time out.. and kept repeating it, so daddy must have bum rushed me there, and then she put TAL on the phone with him while she was talking to him and when she got off she came in and said that I should be ashamed of myself..this is her father feeding her mind with nasty lies, and so I started packing up to go home... yesterday was my brothers birthday and I went up and talked to my dad and tracy came up and we talked a bit, told her how I want her to enjoy her life and not to be tied to a man that freakin whistles for her or Tal like a dog...
    then heard from my friend, that my friend that was in the motorcycle accident on friday,, the wife and kids had to decide to turn the machines off, so he has passed away..
    Tracy also brought her dog that barked from the time they got there to the time they left, and I got not alot of sleep...
    will fill you in with the rest tomorrow
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
  • jjfromkc813
    jjfromkc813 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, just trying to catch up on posts. We had much out of town family here over the weekend. Love having them but it is exhausting and am now enjoying the quiet. I did not do well with my food choices as we were seeing some historical sites and had fast food. Also had a cookout and had Somemores, made oatmeal cookies. So I had way too many calories and sugar. Oh well, will start again today. Will pick up wedding dress in one week and hope to fit into it!

    On the other hand, I feel good that I at least recorded all the food.

    Somebody said they have trouble getting enough protein in a day - me too! And I do NOT like protein powder, never have found any that taste good.

    I'm enjoying your posts! Hugs to everyone.

    Jessica in Illinois
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allie, you just come here and we will tell you how wonderful you are and no one is feeding us those wonderful words. We see your huge generous heart, you gentle loving care to your extended family. You just sty here with us.

    My kids just left for home. The were only physically here at home since last night since around 8. Soon after supper the kids were sound asleep. Ellie does not know that she doesn't have to wake up at 6 and turn on the wii wake her teenage sister. Water parks and roller coasters can wear a person out, even a teenager. So she was exhausted today and not much into being a grand child. She just wanted to be a couch potato. I did get a fairly decent hug before they left. You always get a huge hug from Ellie. That's why I often tell Christina or anyone I need an Ellie hug. She is just a bundle of sunshine.

    Charlie loves chocolate and feels like he should always be eating and serving it. At the store he bought the no bake cookies, chocolate chip cookies and wanted to buy a chocolate cake, which I said no to. I knew that the kids would make their traditional trip to the fudge shop before leaving the park. So when he opened the cookies, the joke was on him. they were expresso chocolate chip cookies and he hates coffee as much as I do. So everyone else enjoyed the coffee infused chocolate chip cookies.

    Vicki, I have joined you in gaining pounds back. I have gained 45 of my 60. I had lost a couple but after this weekend I am sure it has been gained back. To much watergate salad.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Allie ~ Just shaking my head! It seems like wherever you go there is drama. I am so sorry and am saying a prayer for you and your family. I am not judging at all because my family has had enough drama to last us a lifetime. Maybe you should try distancing yourself from Tracie for a while.

    Very quiet here today. My son had to work so we made no plans with his family. Sad that their community pool will be closing after Labor Day because it is something they all enjoy. I was shocked when I tried to go to Costco and it was closed.
