

  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Hey Everyone! So it isn't that I hate this computer, its that I hate the relearning.... I am well, though, but have been kind of melancholy lately. Disappointed in myself, and my progress. I am a smart intelligent person, why can't I conquer this? Wouldn't my brain realize that this struggle of choices and options can be overcome, by just picking a lifestyle that is healthy?? Why does the human condition choose inner conflict over inner peace? I am baffled, and though I am trying to look forward, I can't help looking back at all the choices and roads I have taken that (if I had only had more stick-to-it-ness to my eating) I would be at a different place right now.
    I am always curious about our routines, how we do the same thing every day, learned behavior, yet with our eating we are all over the place. Our choices shift like the winds! Our desires change and I suppose its because our eating routine is linked to our emotions. I have an emotional connection to food, and unlike my fantasy of being in Tuscany Italy and enjoying food, I have made food a pleasure. That's not to say I over-indulge in food on a daily basis, but most of the time I am one thought away from it. That is frustrating and sabotages me. I can "think"myself into eating wrong, before I have even taken a bite of anything. Is that mental or what??
    Becca in

    Becca, I've been pondering the same thing. A year ago yesterday I started a weight loss/fitness program. Lost 70 pounds and finished the structured part of the program. I've been generally making okay choices and working out and exercising more than I ever did, but have hit a plateau- actually have gained 5 pounds. I am within 25 pounds of my goal and I'm trying to figure out why I am making it hard to get there. To try to switch things up and get going again I've joined a challenge for a month thru a neighborhood group, that involves a "proprietary shake" and workout videos (i.e. MLM, but I really like the shake). With school starting tomorrow that will help me get back on routine. I wanted to reach my goal within a year and before school started. I need to not feel like a complete failure and keep in perspective what I have done (and lose those 5 and more!). While I was in the structured part of the program I didn't feel like my eating was linked to emotions. Still figuring that out, but I think it is, because it is creeping back in to play. This is something I am going to need to be on top of for the rest of my life.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    When the kids left this afternoon I was tired enough I wanted to got o bed but I know what a nap that time in the afternoon does to night time sleep. I couldn't get to sleep last night and then a almost 10 year girl who does not know the meaning of come up stairs slowly and quietly when you get up at 6 AM disturbs your sleep. So this Grandma was tired. Well everyone was. Then around 7 the electricity went out and it really made it hard to stay awake. The house was beginning to get warm. heat index combined with a house full of candles was not helping. So now electricity is back on, husband is happy so I need to head to bed.

    Sleepy in Indiana, Joyce
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Today I went to work it was a good day! Yet all day I battled my anixiety tried a lot of grounding exercises. Went to the Y time in the water helped, Still was not good so after dinner j wrote a grateful list to help me get focus it help too not where I want to be but better. I am grateful for my fitness pal , grateful for this group coming in being able to read your posts helps a lot! Thank you so much.

    Caldwell idaho
  • reduceme16
    reduceme16 Posts: 2 Member
    September is my 5th month and I have lost 20 lbs. The last 10 in August. My thirst has increase a lot in the last 3 weeks, and I am drinking 2 1/2 gallons of water and ice tea a day. I am also post menopausal.
    age 54.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi Gals,
    Becca – if all parents were as open and straight forward as you are there would be some much healthier kids out there.

    Allie - I am sending a big hug….

    Margaret – what a tragic story, and so good of you to be thinking of the families.

    Heather – I saw MamaMia when it was here and loved it. How wonderful another baby in the family…

    Miriam – your grandchild is stunning! I wonder if the LBGTQ community would be able to help.

    Mary – glad you were able to see family

    Liz – hang in, there is a ton to “remember” to be grateful for as we take so much for granted, running water, electricity, transportation…

    So today was a gardening day… in MY yard!!! So nice a gal friend and I had breakfast at Panera then 4 hours of gardening, she worked with me so we got a ton done - weeded the dog run (which I do not use for the dog – it is where I store my firewood) turned the compost, took out the summer garden, removed some bamboo, and reset a pathway in gravel, so it is level again. It feels so much better. And not so overwhelming so maybe I can continue to do a bit here a bit there… I can be so tired after hours in other gardens that mine doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

    September Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lizard saving, gardening in my own yard
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning! I just found a habit tracker to use as a way to record my new habits! It's called "Productive" and just for fun and information I am trying it. I will be tracking

    •stretching every morning
    •going to gym 5 days a week
    •no clothes shopping for a month
    •reaching out socially once a week

    I am curious to see what will be the most challenging!
    Happy Tuesday to all. NYKAREN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    amazing what 10 hours of sleep can do.... and I needed it..
    I didn't tell you but every labor day weekend we make homemade peach ice cream in a crank freezer, and my brother wanted extra for people to take home. so i brought my ice cream maker(electric) one up.. I ended up quadrupiling the custard recipe so we would have for everyone. we got the crank freezer out and I had already made one batch in electric mixer, and put that in freezer, as they are cranking the vanilla, they open it to add peaches and it tasted like salted vanilla. awful awful so next year a new crank freezer will be bought, but I saved the day as everyone got a taste , and there was enough custard to make another in my mixer so that is what I did.
    The blueberry french toast I made with blueberry sauce was a huge hit.. so at least I know how to cook...and Tracy did help clean the kitchen with me before we left...
    today is my long day 9-6 so I have to get dinner made and Toms lunch made...
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    reduceme16 wrote: »
    September is my 5th month and I have lost 20 lbs. The last 10 in August. My thirst has increase a lot in the last 3 weeks, and I am drinking 2 1/2 gallons of water and ice tea a day. I am also post menopausal.
    age 54.

    reduce me - just as a precaution, you might want to get your blood sugar levels checked.... Excessive thirst can be a sign of diabetes--if you're working out a lot, that could be the reason, but well worth checking...

    Lisa in West Texas
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
    Morning all it's a bit grey here at the moment but we are promised some sunny weather later.
    DJ thanks for good wishes

    Miriam your DGC is gorgeous, wish my DGD wanted to be a boy but she seems to want to be gender neutral and although only 15 talks about having mastectomy when she is old enough. The services for teens with these issues in this country are woefully inadequate and what there is is biased to those who identify as opposite gender. This leads to depression and suicidal thoughts as she has her disability problems too. Life sucks as they say

    Sorry for depressing post
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Lisa - I had the exact same thought about reduceme. 20 pints of water a dsy is far too much and can be very dangerous . Please visit your doctor urgently.

    Heather UK <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Drinking that excessive amount of water is a worry . Diabetes is a worry. It also can throw off you electrolytes and make you sick. It happened to my niece.

    :heart: Margaret
    Continuing to log daily. The weight creep stopped.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Margaret ~ Thanks for your prayers and tribute to Jacob and his family.
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Lose 4 pounds (from now)
    Get some form of exercise 3 times a week. (Going to check out some 50+ strength and flexibility videos on the telly to see if I can do or stand any of them.
    Log every bite.
    Resync and begin using fitbit again.
    Continue drinking at least 100oz of water every day (for Keto)

    Hi Girls,
    Hope you all had a great weekend. I am seriously behind still on reading but will try to make it a point to get caught up this evening. Above were my goals for August.

    4 pounds. I don't think so but the yo yo-ing is more minimal so that is good
    Exercise three times a week- Not a chance.
    Log every bite. Not perfect but very much improved. I have logged on every single day for 43 days so that is definitely good!
    Resync and use fit bit. Done for better or for worse!
    Continue drinking 100 oz of water. Might have missed a couple days but definitely an A in this. This one I am rolling on.

    September goals....

    Be below the 140 mark. (I just can't seem to get off this plateau)
    20 minutes minimum activity on fit bit. (Only way to accomplish above goal.)
    Begin making life habit changes that benefit me. (Less Kindle time on the couch and more productivity. Less work focus and more home life focus).

    Hope all are well.

    Love to the Gang,

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Purl/WA & Becca: It took me well over a year to lose all the weight I needed to drop & I still need to log every bite and swallow so that it stays off. I've been having a few too many treats lately, and have been bouncing up and down a bit. I expect that I'll be posting here for years to come for the great support and because I need the discipline. Emotional eating is something many of us struggle with. Stress eating combined with lack of understanding is how I gained weight in the first place. It can still sucker me in. I am so happy for the support from the MFP calorie counter and for the women in this group. :flowerforyou:

    Liz in Caldwell: Congrats on a good day. :smiley:

    reduceme: Welcome to a great group! I agree with Lisa about checking your blood sugar levels. Excessive thirst can be a symptom of diabetes. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: It is so nice that your friend helped you with your personal gardening. With all the gardens you take care of, becoming too sedentary is not a big threat. Will the effort continue through the fall and winter, or is there a down time in your area? :huh:

    We have a rainy day today & I plan to spend some time looking for a horse to ride a couple of times a week. I'm starting with the stable where I have my lessons. I like it there. The facilities are excellent, and the people are even better. I have a short list of other local possibilities. One step at a time.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    Allie – My parents had a hand-crank churning ice cream maker; and, my mother would make a ‘custard’ to make peach ice cream as well. Vanilla or strawberry or whatever fruit was ‘in season’. It was delicious! I’m glad that you had extra custard to make a ‘new’ batch. When you make it do you put ‘rock salt’ in the ice around it?

    Lisa in West Texas – I go in tomorrow for my weigh-in and also to see the PA for my ‘medical health check’ which is covered by my insurance. Then I see my GYN as a ‘follow-up’ for my dizziness … which I was given an Rx to use when I had a spell. I have not had one in a couple of weeks; but, last night and this AM it hit me with a vengeance. Lisa – Twenty pints? Or twenty cups? – either are considered ‘dangerous’. There is an article about drinking too much water and it says it can be ‘life threatening’. “Drinking too much water can lead to a condition known as water intoxication and to a related problem resulting from the dilution of sodium in the body, hyponatremia. Water intoxication is most commonly seen in infants under six months of age and sometimes in athletes.” [webMD.com] and ‘chemistry.com’ both speak of drinking too much water … there are other sites that bring up ‘water intoxication’ being like ‘drowning in fresh water’.

    I’m so close to my goal and it seems a lot harder than when I had 60lbs to lose. I’m almost sure that my weight has gone up because we spent 10 days in Louisiana eating all that Cajun food. Yummy! I was unable to exercise as much as I do when I am home. I hate that summer is ending because I enjoy the pool so much; but, I will soon have other exercises to learn. I’d also like to take ‘belly dancing’ lessons; as well as a ‘sign language’ class. Just because. I won’t say that either are on “My Bucket List.” Most of them are only ‘dreams’.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Teens......My son got up at 4:45 AM was eating his breakfast at 5:15 AM. Have never had to wake him up...but I have knocked on his bathroom door saying "enough shower already!" He had his favorite breakfast of a bag of microwavable bacon, with two pieces of dry toast...(strange child!) and I did program the coffee pot to light off at 5:15 AM so I did my part... He got out to the bus stop at 7:10 AM and the bus came at 7:25 AM...and it was raining. At one point I yelled down at him, "If you start having a conversation with the dumpster there, I will be worried!!" He smiled thru the rain. He wears his black "driving cap" so he looks like a Frenchman. When he had a smaller black one (it was wool and we lived in California...), his friends called him "Pierre". He was learning French from the crossing guard so that was cool. He would say, "au revoir Kathy" and do that to everyone until they finally just yelled, "Oh Owain just say later like everyone else!" Anyway, this morning with the rain, he just loved it.