Weight loss is 90% food, 10% exercise?



  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    edited September 2016
    Well it's calorie in vs calorie out, ie. Creating a deficit. Exercise creates a bigger deficit just as eating less creates a bigger deficit. You can balance the two out in any way that fits you. Me personally, I enjoy exercise for both the health and the physical well-being aspects, but I'm not going to lie it makes me happy to be able to eat a little more.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    edited September 2016
    I tracked 20 pounds of my weight loss. According to MFP and Mapmywalk I lost 16 pounds due to a dietary calorie deficit, only 4 pounds were attributed to the exercise I did.

    Of course all the exercise did was createa larger deficit.

    That said the exercise was important to how I felt.

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I tracked 20 pounds of my weight loss. According to MFP and Mapmywalk I lost 16 pounds due to a dietary calorie deficit, only 4 pounds were attributed to the exercise I did.

    Of course all the exercise did was createa larger deficit.

    That said the exercise was important to how I felt.

    That doesn't make sense, all 20 would be due to the deficit, unless you lost 4 lbs of water due to exercise.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    I tracked 20 pounds of my weight loss. According to MFP and Mapmywalk I lost 16 pounds due to a dietary calorie deficit, only 4 pounds were attributed to the exercise I did.

    Of course all the exercise did was createa larger deficit.

    That said the exercise was important to how I felt.

    That doesn't make sense, all 20 would be due to the deficit, unless you lost 4 lbs of water due to exercise.

    I mentioned all the exercise did was create a larger deficit. That's all that exercise does for weight loss.

    To be clearer:
    The exercise accounted for 14k calories burned. This is in addition to the 56k calorie deficit from the diet. Giving a 70k calorie deficit that's responsible for 20 pounds of weight loss. Hopefully that's cleared for you.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    The 80/20 is the Pareto Principal:

    Examples from this site: https://betterexplained.com/articles/understanding-the-pareto-principle-the-8020-rule/

    The Pareto Principle helps you realize that the majority of results come from a minority of inputs. Knowing this, if…
    • 20% of workers contribute 80% of results: Focus on rewarding these employees.
    • 20% of bugs contribute 80% of crashes: Focus on fixing these bugs first.
    • 20% of customers contribute 80% of revenue: Focus on satisfying these customers.

      The idea when it comes purely to weight loss is calorie intake is more important that exercise. The absolute split is inconsequential.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    I tracked 20 pounds of my weight loss. According to MFP and Mapmywalk I lost 16 pounds due to a dietary calorie deficit, only 4 pounds were attributed to the exercise I did.

    Of course all the exercise did was createa larger deficit.

    That said the exercise was important to how I felt.

    That doesn't make sense, all 20 would be due to the deficit, unless you lost 4 lbs of water due to exercise.

    I mentioned all the exercise did was create a larger deficit. That's all that exercise does for weight loss.

    To be clearer:
    The exercise accounted for 14k calories burned. This is in addition to the 56k calorie deficit from the diet. Giving a 70k calorie deficit that's responsible for 20 pounds of weight loss. Hopefully that's cleared for you.

    gotchya, but I could burn 10,000 cals from exercise, and eat an extra 10,000 cals and then exercise has no benefit for weight loss, it just allows me to eat more and lose the same as I could with no exercise.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Fat loss comes from a calorie deficit. The majority of people trying to lose weight don't burn enough calories through exercise to create a deficit without dietary changes. I believe that is the heart of the saying.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Fat loss comes from a calorie deficit. The majority of people trying to lose weight don't burn enough calories through exercise to create a deficit without dietary changes. I believe that is the heart of the saying.

    True, you would have to be at maintenance or a slight surplus for most people to be able to lose through exercise alone. Most people just don't have the time nor energy to devote to burning 500 calories or more a day.
  • gonetothedogs19
    gonetothedogs19 Posts: 325 Member
    This is a great article about the myth of exercise for weight loss. Full disclosure - I am a gym member, love it, and go for my health.

  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 357 Member
    edited September 2016
    I eat more when I work out intensely - but not really with the motivation to burn off calories. I fuel my body for my workouts. I eat more, but my body seems to use as energy to power my workouts instead of holding on as fat.

    In general, reducing calories, you will lose weight. Your body will essentially become a smaller version of what it was before. If you want to look toned, lower body fat %, tighten up, look more sculpted...then you need to exercise. Strength train.

    I always read about people cutting calories and slowing their metabolism. You have to be really careful about preserving muscle mass, particularly women over the age of 30 when it starts decreasing. I did an "inbody analysis" - basically a body composition thing that breaks down your body fat %, skeletal muscle mass, etc, and your BMR - Basal metabolic rate, how many calories you burn just existing.

    My BMR is higher NOW than it was a year ago, even though my overall weight is down. Meaning I'm burning about an extra 150 calories a day at a smaller size as a result of lifting heavy and building muscle mass. Body fat % went down, muscle mass went up. A pound of muscle burns more at rest than a pound of fat does - and takes up less space.

    So while I absolutely think you can lose weight by reducing calories only, or that you cannot train away a poor diet or out exercise eating too many calories, I am a huge proponent of adding strength training to your routine. Otherwise you drop weight, you lose muscle in the process, and risk slowing down your metabolism.
  • MsRuffBuffNStuff
    MsRuffBuffNStuff Posts: 363 Member
    Exercising on a calorie deficit is extremely difficult - and may back fire in the long run. I'd say weight loss is 100% diet. I lost 95 pounds, 100% diet. Exercise built me back up when I was able to eat to maintain and gain muscle.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited September 2016
    This is a great article about the myth of exercise for weight loss. Full disclosure - I am a gym member, love it, and go for my health.


    For weight maintenance exercise is the best predictor and maintenance is much harder than losing. The main reason why I believe that it's the best predictor is that those who continue to exercise are more actively attentive to their weight and better able to correct for weight regain.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    AprilCoe wrote: »
    Exercising on a calorie deficit is extremely difficult - and may back fire in the long run. I'd say weight loss is 100% diet.

    I disagree. Training for competitive sport on a calorie deficit is probably extremely difficult. Getting a moderate amount of exercise on a calorie deficit is not. Heck, I'm forced to walk a minimum of 4 km/day just to get from my parking spot to my office to my classroom back to my office back to my parking spot. Regular daily activity (as opposed to "exercise" per se) allows you to eat a reasonable number of calories while still losing (and, later, while maintaining).
  • tlovese2016
    tlovese2016 Posts: 5 Member
    mds438 wrote: »
    I have heard the same. Just 80% food and 20% exercise, but the message is the same: focus on the food instead of exercise.
    Exercise is good for you, no doubt, but to lose wheigt the food is more important.

    Same here
  • tlovese2016
    tlovese2016 Posts: 5 Member
    I heard its 80 - 20 too
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    leaninsc wrote: »
    I eat more when I work out intensely - but not really with the motivation to burn off calories. I fuel my body for my workouts. I eat more, but my body seems to use as energy to power my workouts instead of holding on as fat.

    In general, reducing calories, you will lose weight. Your body will essentially become a smaller version of what it was before. If you want to look toned, lower body fat %, tighten up, look more sculpted...then you need to exercise. Strength train.

    I always read about people cutting calories and slowing their metabolism. You have to be really careful about preserving muscle mass, particularly women over the age of 30 when it starts decreasing. I did an "inbody analysis" - basically a body composition thing that breaks down your body fat %, skeletal muscle mass, etc, and your BMR - Basal metabolic rate, how many calories you burn just existing.

    My BMR is higher NOW than it was a year ago, even though my overall weight is down. Meaning I'm burning about an extra 150 calories a day at a smaller size as a result of lifting heavy and building muscle mass. Body fat % went down, muscle mass went up. A pound of muscle burns more at rest than a pound of fat does - and takes up less space.

    So while I absolutely think you can lose weight by reducing calories only, or that you cannot train away a poor diet or out exercise eating too many calories, I am a huge proponent of adding strength training to your routine. Otherwise you drop weight, you lose muscle in the process, and risk slowing down your metabolism.

    That's a major benefit right there! Good for you!
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 176 Member
    For me finding the right combination of calorie management and activity was a challenge. I do best with staying at or below my daily calorie goal, and moving no less than 30 minutes per day with improvement in mind. As you begin to loose and weight comes off in greater quantities, you will have to adjust one or both of these numbers to accommodate your smaller size and level of fitness. Honestly there is no magic percentage, you just have to do the work, and adjust for improvement. Good luck and be safe! -Nancy