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  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited November 2016
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I never knew what a Chocodile was until I just watched an episode of "Lie to Me"..

    Must be living in the dark ages..


    I love moist snack cakes! Did know about those either.

    Never even heard of these but you know I love my snack cakes. The moister the better.

    I am all about moist snack cakes.. and i have been living on this planet for a while now and heard about these for the first time last night..

    Maybe where i live in the US all you get are Little Debbie Honey buns, Oatmeal Cream Pies and Fudge Rounds..

    I'm all about those oatmeal cream pies tho!!

    Oatmeal cream pies and bat brownies are king.
  • Grey_1
    Grey_1 Posts: 1,139 Member

    I learn a lot from my hardest times. Easier to say than do while you're in them but they do tend to make you re prioritize and reevaluate what you thought was important. Somehow we all make it thru. Sometimes we are better and stronger for it.

    well said :)

    I just hate seeing people go through bad times. Something else I developed more of was empathy. But it's also great to see a community come together, for moral support if nothing else.
  • Grey_1
    Grey_1 Posts: 1,139 Member

    During my hardest times, and even sometimes now, I can only take life one second at a time. The whole "One Day at a Time" thing somehow can seem like too much to handle. But keep moving forward, and eventually we can get through the hard times and become stronger and wiser because of them. Sometimes the just focusing on right now in this moment can help carry you a long way, as opposed to always thinking about how things were or how you'd rather things be.
    All so true - I've been moment by moment myself time to time. It does pass eventually...
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    Grey_1 wrote: »
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    I think I'm there right now. I've been unemployed over 3 months and with the holidays coming up. I'm struggling to have any kind of positive attitude. No good job prospects. I'm sleeping away the time as a way to not have to deal. I'm starting to stress eat again. I do my runs and workouts, but it's a struggle and I'm only on auto pilot. I have to take over the counter sleeping pills just to fall asleep at night. I struggle to find anything I don't absolutely hate about myself. And people keep feeding me lines of bull about how everything happens for a reason, when a door closes another opens kind of *kitten* that I guess makes them feel better but makes me want to punch them.

    TL:DR yeah, I've felt that way. :disappointed:

    We've never even chatted, much less know each other, but I had to respond. A while back I went through a horrible time I didn't think I would make it through. Literally.

    I learned two lessons from it. Hard times are as temporary as good times can be, and aren't the enemy. Please don't hate yourself. I won't toss in a bunch of "feel good words" because it can take a while to get through, but I will say hang in there. Sometimes...the flip side is right around the corner.

    Wishing and hoping the best for you.

    Thank you :kissing_heart:
  • Grey_1
    Grey_1 Posts: 1,139 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »

    Thank you :kissing_heart:

    You are welcome <3 Hang in there.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    Grey_1 wrote: »
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    I think I'm there right now. I've been unemployed over 3 months and with the holidays coming up. I'm struggling to have any kind of positive attitude. No good job prospects. I'm sleeping away the time as a way to not have to deal. I'm starting to stress eat again. I do my runs and workouts, but it's a struggle and I'm only on auto pilot. I have to take over the counter sleeping pills just to fall asleep at night. I struggle to find anything I don't absolutely hate about myself. And people keep feeding me lines of bull about how everything happens for a reason, when a door closes another opens kind of *kitten* that I guess makes them feel better but makes me want to punch them.

    TL:DR yeah, I've felt that way. :disappointed:

    We've never even chatted, much less know each other, but I had to respond. A while back I went through a horrible time I didn't think I would make it through. Literally.

    I learned two lessons from it. Hard times are as temporary as good times can be, and aren't the enemy. Please don't hate yourself. I won't toss in a bunch of "feel good words" because it can take a while to get through, but I will say hang in there. Sometimes...the flip side is right around the corner.

    Wishing and hoping the best for you.

    During my hardest times, and even sometimes now, I can only take life one second at a time. The whole "One Day at a Time" thing somehow can seem like too much to handle. But keep moving forward, and eventually we can get through the hard times and become stronger and wiser because of them. Sometimes the just focusing on right now in this moment can help carry you a long way, as opposed to always thinking about how things were or how you'd rather things be.

    My daily schedule anymore is so monotonous. I don't really talk to anyone much anymore because even though well meaning, the same old questions of "How's the job search going?" and "How are things with you?" have become irritating. I just say, I'm fine. When really I'm not but have no energy to go into it all, and besides I highly doubt most people even want to hear the truth.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited November 2016
    Girls, what would happen if we really told what was on our minds?

    When asked how are you doing? And we replied.. How do you think I effing feel?

    When asked hows the kids? And we replied.. I don't know, have you seen them this week?

    When asked are you ready for Christmas? And we replied.... what the hell is that, people still celebrate Christmas?

    Don't you think it would really throw people off.. AND What do we do if someone replied this back to us?? My first thought might be to say "well alrighty then".. and the other thought would be to high five them for honesty..

    I just got back from doing this "small talk" in my home office, and I wanted to throw up when I left.. I think I am getting too old to care anymore.. i was bothered about it for about 30 seconds...LOL
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Girls, what would happen if we really told what was on our minds?

    When asked how are you doing? And we replied.. How do you think I effing feel?

    When asked hows the kids? And we replied.. I don't know, have you seen them this week?

    When asked are you ready for Christmas? And we replied.... what the hell is that, people still celebrate Christmas?

    Don't you think it would really throw people off.. AND What do we do if someone replied this back to us?? My first thought might be to say "well alrighty then".. and the other thought would be to high five them for honesty..

    I just got back from doing this "small talk" in my home office, and I wanted to throw up when I left.. I think I am getting too old to care anymore.. i was bothered about it for about 30 seconds...LOL

    People aren't ready for our level of truth.
  • Grey_1
    Grey_1 Posts: 1,139 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Girls, what would happen if we really told what was on our minds?

    so.....what's on your mind?

    *runs like hell!*

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