Do guys really...



  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    @GnothiSeauton23 maybe once or twice but I won't take it seriously until you're screaming it out of a car window

    What kind of car...? :wink:

    Oh my god, PLEASE say Subaru! You don't even have to tell me, I know nothing gets women hot and bothered like a station wagon.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I know that this kind of behavior can intimidate women so don't get me wrong when I say..

    When I was young my friends and I enjoyed being yelled at it caused a lot giggling and we also met a lot of nice guys believe it or not. In fact I met my first serious boyfriend this way. He was riding a motorbike and yelled "Hey gorgeous" I smiled and waved and he drove out of sight around the corner. When I got around the corner he and the bike were on the floor. I rushed to see if he was okay (he was) and he asked me out. We dated for a couple of years.

    But please bear in mind that I lived in the UK and in the countryside and it was a different era than today. It was one way of meeting men in fact. Men may have yelled but they never yelled nasty stuff just compliments.

    Please don't think that I am defending this behavior now, I am not as it obviously is very upsetting to a lot of women and things have changed a lot in the last 40 years since I was a youngster and I am sure that some of these guys shout very offensive stuff and can be very intimidating.

    I haven't noticed it here in the UK these days but then I am past my sell by date now but maybe it still happens to younger women.

    I am sorry that some of you have gone through some bad experiences with this, I was lucky I guess that my experiences were more positive and fun.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Just want to add that of course not all guys do this stuff, in these ways. There are just a bunch that do. And we know from our life experiences how bad things can go sometimes. But, a lot of the time it's just shouting and nothing more. My husband would never do these things. And I know lots of guys that wouldn't. And there are different circumstances. Some that are just compliments in a non-threatening or jarring way. And others that are scary. And when one guy is grabbing at us, there will sometimes be another guy that helps intervene.

    Absolutely and I in no way meant to lump all men into one category. I wasn't trying to bash.

    I know you weren't. :heart:
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    When I was young my friends and I enjoyed being yelled at it caused a lot giggling and we also met a lot of nice guys believe it or not. In fact I met my first serious boyfriend this way. He was riding a motorbike and yelled "Hey gorgeous" I smiled and waved and he drove out of sight around the corner. When I got around the corner he and the bike were on the floor. I rushed to see if he was okay (he was) and he asked me out. We dated for a couple of years..

    Well, there you go, @littlemissbgiff. I can stop lying now. Except about the Subaru.
  • amcalmond768
    amcalmond768 Posts: 289 Member
    It's worse when they stop the car and try to get me to get in and keep following me trying to get me to get in. I keep saying no. They only drive away when I shout that I'm married. That's very creepy. Why would I get into a car with a persistent strange man?

    Does the car look like this...because that's a whole other thing altogether.


    That's a SVU episode waiting to happen! Funny though, my doctors office looks just like that! He said it's our special place lmao
  • JukeboxHeroine
    JukeboxHeroine Posts: 348 Member
    I only got cat called while working as a nurse in a male prison. Kinda takes the swagger out of your step.....
  • JukeboxHeroine
    JukeboxHeroine Posts: 348 Member
    It was yelled out the bars of the cafeteria window. I'll take yells out of a moving vehicle any day. Unless they want me to get into that vehicle.
  • JukeboxHeroine
    JukeboxHeroine Posts: 348 Member
    The prison yard? No, that's the opposite of what my milkshake does.
  • zenaxe
    zenaxe Posts: 203 Member
    lol men are really just bears with furniture
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »


    Soooo watchu doinnnnn