

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    suebdew wrote: »
    Happy Saturday. Everyone find something fun to do.

    SueBDew in TX

    SueBDewEEEEEEKKKKKKKK did I miss Friday!!! Oh no ....just teasing Sue....I am pretty sure it is Friday today, I have my Friday list sitting by my cell phone.

    Good morning all, Heading out for a walk right away this morning so I can get close to my 10,000 step goal. I want to finish the Safe Operating Procedures I am doing for a local company, then I will have the weekend free. Really not a free weekend - I will be outside getting my garden put to bed.

    Have a great Friday everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Janertr How cute is that baby llama.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    Morning peeps
  • DancesWithDogz
    DancesWithDogz Posts: 107 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm back at MFP, and hope to keep going on my journey to health, fitness, and smaller clothes! Will there be a November group created?
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Re, believe it or not I listened to old Desi Arnaz...that Cuban band music is pretty rockin'!

    Cubans are into the shakin' hip thing, so yeah, anything that makes you want to move is what it takes!

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm back at MFP, and hope to keep going on my journey to health, fitness, and smaller clothes! Will there be a November group created?

    Our Fantastic Barbie will put a Link to the new November thread in when she creates it. Welcome Back!

  • Whitbygramgirl
    Whitbygramgirl Posts: 75 Member
    Hi Everyone - I've been so sick off and on for 2 weeks - missing work, not getting paid - but I'm glad it's HAPPY FRIDAY!!! All the best to everyone here!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Janet really cute baby Llama, I love them and goats, my Grands bought me a cuddly toy Goat which I still have.

    I am at DDs for a few days eating not so good, Chinese takeaway last night but I only ate half will have the rest tonight. Took the dog for a walk with my DGS this morning and unpacked loads of boxes of books and shelved them ( hopefully that burned a few calories)

    Resting my back at the moment reading your posts

    Kate UK ❤️
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    OK, who is ready for their Bea fix. DDIL just sent me this.


    And this one of the other two out finding all the "snow dogs" around the town. You can see what the centre of Brighton looks like.


    Can't wait to see them on Monday. I now have four houses to view. Hoping for another one.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Heather ~ What cuties!

    Quick & Easy Lunch Today....2 oz deli sliced roast beef sauteed with frozen chopped onions, peppers, and mushrooms. Topped with one slice of deli sliced Swiss cheese. Delicious and under 200 calories.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Heidi, Happy birthday! It was mine, too.

    I'm subbing today. Kids are being really well behaved, thank goodness!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2016
    Re – Not a soul in town; only big trucks on highway. DH is now home, I drove home … GEEZ, if I was a gun carrier, I might have shot him to get us both out of misery. He tolerated the procedure; but, this next week, with a urine bag hooked to his thigh; he is not going to be a ‘happy camper’. MD said the blood was usual. He sort of had this stunned look on his face when I told him that another MD in his practice (now out on a ‘medical leave’ – and the rumors have been flying) had done it the last time when he was fully awake; and, if this procedure is ever going to happen again, it WILL be done in their surgery center and NOT awake. He told DH that the opening was about the size of the tip of a pen, before you click it so the ink cartridge will pop out; and, was about 1” long! Really had a time breaking through it. It is because he had radiation seeds implanted about 15 years ago. I know I drove him to the hospital because we thought he was passing a kidney stone, which he was actually doing. The put him in that tub that breaks them up so he could pass them on his own, without having to have any type of procedure or surgery.

    GEEZ, I’d like that other MD to go through it as well and not be put under. Karma is what I’d call it. He had to thread a wire up his Johnson and break through the scar tissue and ‘roto-root’ it out. He has taken an antibiotic, a pain pill, a muscle relaxant and he is ‘still awake’. Oh! Snap!

    He had me so flustered that when we drove through the drive-thru, I almost drove right through it, he yelled at me; but, thankfully the guy behind me saw that I had not stopped and honked him horn and motioned for me to back up so I could place my order. Of course, I drove through the DQ drive-thru, simply because my DGDs had said, they wanted to 'go through a drive-thru'; they were so embarrassed (but also laughing at the same time) and it was funny to me. "Little Bit", was not quite old enough to know what we had actually done. Got to the window and told the cashier that we were just driving through the drive-thru. Such a dumbfounded look on her face. I laughed and we drove off. About an hour later, we came back and went inside. They have 2 drive-thru lanes at the little Chik-Fe-Let in Albany; and I was looking at the 2nd order kiosk; when I thought that the 2nd one was actually ‘behind’ the building. We parked in the mall parking lot and I told him that ‘if’ he was going to ‘back-seat drive’ he needed to be sitting back there. On the way home, he told me I ‘was doing a good job’.

    Monday he has to drive me to Macon to see PsycheMD and have lunch with several HS friends. I sure hope he feels better than he does now. Says it is leaking around his penis; if that continues I will have to call the MD back; and, he might not be ‘on call’ this weekend; but, he told DH that he should call the MD 'on call' and they'd meet him at the ER; not to allow the ER MD to do anything to him insofar as the catheter is concerned. DH goes back Thursday to see if he can have the catheter removed; then his MD goes on vacation for 2 weeks. Planned before the other Urologist went out on a ‘medical leave’. He must have been on some kind of drugs for him to expect that DH could tolerate that type of surgery/procedure without anesthesia.

    If I did ‘squats’; I’d fall over backwards. No balance; but, I did buy a pair of those ankle high boots with a chunky heel … love them; but, that makes me the height of the heel taller than DH. I have had to get used to walking in them; but, had to do the same with the sandals that DDnL#2 gave me because they rubbed her heels.

    Lisa – Ellie is a ‘cutie’ … was it a big adjustment for your DS; and, also for his daughter? Makes me wonder what the Mother said to her. Is she about 3 or 4? I agree with NYKAREN, there is going to be a ‘long adjustment’ period on everybody’s side. At that age, DH’s daughter was already flying from New Orleans to Jacksonville, with a ‘helper’ who would only turn her over to the 2 people on the list … her Daddy and her Nana and they had to show picture ID; name and address had to match what his ‘ex’ had put on the sheet.

    Heather – Bea looks like such a ‘happy’ baby; I cannot even imagine her crying; seems like she goes along with whatever program that is set for her.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2016
    Margaret, beautiful. I can only hope to live my life is such a way that my daughters will remember me like this. What a special lady she must have been. We know that because her very special daughter is our friend. <3


    PS - the mystery writer is Mary Higgins Clark. My most favorite author, I think I've read every book of hers.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather, the grandbabies are so precious. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    Janetr okc
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Thank you I made the correction. It turned it around when I wrote it.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited October 2016
    Margaret, what a lovely tribute! Your mom sounded like quite a spitfire!

    Heather, thank you for my Bea Fix! The face of an angel. I have a feeling she will be quite the handful though!
    A happy child gives me such hope for the future, a visual that a smile is all we need to put us all right again :-)

    I am trying to come to terms with my hair these days. It's a grown out short haircut, and if I wash it at night, I wake up to interesting curly hair. It reminds me of the 1940's when wavy hair with bobby pins were all the fashion! Of course I don't have any "dippity Do" to do it. Soo...its more like late 1960's curly hair....picture Janis Joplin but with shorter hair...
    You ask why I take a shower before I retire, well with mentalpause it just feels better! I start my night out abhorring my covers, then sometime during the night we make friends. It feels good to start my night with a wet head. It's crazy how mentalpause will make my inner temperature so hot, I actually feel fuzzy. Not light-headed, but like my body is incased in an adult Onesie!

    This morning I woke up fairly early. Not as early as my teenager. We both yelled at him "Have a good day at school" at 7:15 am when he opened the door to go to the bus. Sometimes we are up with him, but most of the time we let him have the rule of the roost. I remember being a teenager EONS ago, and it was fun being the only one up doing my thing. Also interacting with him in the morning is pretty much a monosyllabic kind of thing. In the afternoons when he bounces up the stairs, (yep he bounces UP...I can hear him!)... you get a running monologue of his daily highs. What the teachers said, what his friends said.....and its peppered with "you know like" every few moments. As parents, we are thrilled he loves school so passionately, and we try not to say, "Don't say "like" so often". I was 36 when I had this amazing kid, and some days my age really shows, but most days his energy is just infectious!
    So after we hear him go, my husband usually takes his shower, and the sound of the water lulls me back to a deep sleep. Last night I told him to wake me up after his shower, so we could eat oatmeal together, which he made and we did.
    I have one more Christmas project to do, the candy trains, but I am holding off until later in November.

    Last year my MFP advent calendar was fun. Lets do it again ok? To all that are new to this site, I have a felt calendar that has a nice story of "why is there a star upon our Christmas tree" etc.. My mom and I made a bunch of felt ornaments that are flat with pins on the back. So those are in the date pockets along with a piece of paper of the story. I had friends on here that wished to participate send me a picture of them that I put on the tree. My requirements are that the picture be the size of a quarter of a bit bigger. Face forward picture. No emails just a picture stuck in an envelope with your site name/or real first name, and where you are from if you wish. During the month of December I will post the story, and a picture of the tree and who is on it. Just as we are one big worldwide family, we come together on my tree. Just message me privately and I will send you my address.

    (if I lie on my back and balance the scale on my feet I am sooo slim!!)
    in Oregon..
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    I stand corrected again. It is Wendell Willkie.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member