

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Margaret - very beautiful tribute to your mom

    Bea is so cute!!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    I am caught up again. I'm sure that won't last.

    Came home to my living room / hall way being painted. Trying not to be annoyed. I don't think asking me what I think of the colour after it is on the wall really constitutes me having input. GRRRR
    Another diesel truck and the engine is shot. I keep hearing how redoing these vehicles and compressors is going to make us money. I have to wonder when that will start.
    Sorry people, feeling a little bitchy tonight.
    Looking forward to the potluck and the costumes tomorrow. In the afternoon I am going to a Steeped Tea party and then it will probably be movie time.
    My eating has been horrible and I need to really get that back on track. Tomorrow is a new day.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge.

    Sounds like a "OFF with their heads" moment!! Hopefully the color is close to likeable

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Off to a funeral today for a neighbor - darn Cancer!!

    Way to many occasions to eat coming up..... will have to hide my carrots sticks in my purse

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan.......would really like to see the sun :(
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    [img]h :)[/img]
    Fall.jpg 142.5K
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2016
    I just sent off the thesis to its author, all 101 pages of it, and am rewarding myself with a no-calorie treat: a couple minutes on this forum! :innocent:

    Kelly - I've been meaning to say how much I admire your creativity and your stamina working with all those kids every day. I have my two grandkids for a weekend and I'm totally exhausted!

    Glo - The same goes for you, only I admire your dedication and generosity in addition to your stamina. I hope the situation with your grandson's friend gets sorted out soon. :cry:

    Margaret - (((hugs)))

    Rita - Thanks for the suggestion. Actually, the first thing I tried was deleting and reinstalling. It has always worked before, but this time it didn't. Once I deleted the app, I couldn't find it at the app store. As I found out later, I can't expect to find it either, because I have a Windows phone and MFP has formally sworn off all support for Windows phones. My best bet is to switch to another brand. (Hey, maybe I'll try one of those Samsung Galaxy things! I've heard everyone talking about them recently...) :lol:

    Time to go make myself another pot of tea before I tackle the remaining 50 pages of student assignments (10-point font, single-spaced... thank heavens I've got a big screen to work with them on). :flushed:

    /Penny, going a bit cross-eyed at the North Pole
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Happy birthday, Katie! Somehow I missed that yesterday.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi all!

    KJ - Loving the Halloween pics. You are a genius!

    Lisa, Penny, Karen etc - I don't know how you do it! :flowerforyou: I have always chosen quality of life over a high powered job, but I had the luxury of a husband who supported me in my writing, which earned some money, but not a lot. I also taught creative writing part time. I knew, from a very young age, that too much stress and pressure is bad for me long term and I don't have the stamina. I just don't. I seem to need a lot of 'space' in my life, though I am happy to be busy in short bursts. My writing always came first, so I had to severely limit my commitment to anything, even leisure pursuits. I have to have downtime. As I say, no one was forcing me to have a high powered job, so I just dreamed of being a famous writer. I was a semi famous children's writer and that had to be enough. I had a short, exciting and exhausting theatre career, but the stress really got to me. Even teaching theatre skills was nerve wracking! I still dream of my memoir taking the world by storm, but, as I am not doing it at the moment, it remains a dream. >:)

    Made the ragu (bolognese) today. Should have four or so dinners from it. I've zoodled my zucchini!
    I haven't done the chicken as DH wanted to do the garage together. That was fun! :D:D:D Got two or three big boxes for the dump plus an old carpet. Found loads of things we never knew we had. How many extension leads do you need? :laugh:
    I tackled my old theatrical props box and kept a lot of them for the grandchildren - masks and antique hats and percussion musical instruments. I will keep them for when they visit.
    Found old stuffed toys from the boys' childhoods. All damp and moth eaten. One dog, called Johnny, was DS1's.. It was given to him by his beloved granny, my MIL. My ex used to tell the boys wonderful bedtime stories, featuring Johnny, and George, my younger son's toy dog.
    So I took a leaf out of Barbie's book and made DH listen to the tale of why Johnny was so important and why it was so hard to throw him away. I said I just wanted him to listen to the story. He looked a bit non plussed, but he did listen. Then I threw Johnny away........ :'(
    I did keep my old, fraying, threadbare Teddy, which my younger brother appropriated and slept with until he was 15 and was sleeping with his girlfriend. :noway: I claimed Teddy back. I also found a tambourine that my brother had written his name inside, despite the fact that it was mine and I had used it on the stage when I was at dancing classes. It may have belonged to my mother. Grrrrrr! I do love my brother though. :bigsmile: I will show him it one day.

    So, all in all, a very, very good day.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) Brandy's friends (two women and a dog) that we used to walk with, stopped for a visit this morning to see the new haircuts. I got up early enough to shower and dress so after the visit, I walked them home. Brandy was ecstatic to see them and Sasha enjoyed the visit, too. I've kept in touch with them via e mail, but it was extra fun to see them in person.

    :) Jake is making marinara sauce this morning. He'll make two huge pots of it and freeze it so well have it for the next few months.

    :) I had a good time at the line dance Halloween party yesterday but got there too late for the photo session so here's what I looked like last year

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    edited October 2016
    Kelly - love the pics of the littlies so cute

    Heather - Bea is so lovely makes me smile just to look at her

    Penny - don't buy the latest Samsung (the one which is bursting into flames) I don't think I'd log every day if I had to use my computer instead of ipad or phone

    Have eaten healthier today (so far) and walked the dog Also did a kettlebell workout this morning

    Going home tomorrow so will hopefully (no will definitely) get back on track next week. Need to lose some more as off to Spain again in 2 weeks but plan to walk a lot while there

    Kate UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    hidee ho again~
    well 55.00 bucks later ,home with more meds
    anti inflamitories for the pooch .. back hanging with the boys and having some water... and just hanging out...
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Barbie ~ What a cute pumpkin you are! :)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – I keep saying that “Karma” is a b****; and, she usually rears her ugly head when we have stopped caring about the 'drama' and almost feel sorry for that person. You said you found a ‘rock’ in your car with a note; well, I am still searching for that ‘stick’; but, stay quiet … unless she said anything like what she did several weeks ago; then, she found out just what she was up against. DOS and the girls stayed for supper, DnL#1 went home. But, we did send home some BBQ for her for later, if she wanted it. I know your pain with the ‘snatch up’ the youngest one and ‘huff off’. The last time, MDGD would NOT go with her; and, DOS would not let the DYGD go. But she threw gravel all over the place leaving. She does this once or twice a year (married 16 years). My attitude would be, I’d have a ‘new’ lock for the doors; and, the next time she left screaming and screeching tires out of the yard; I would ‘change the locks’ and put her stuff outside for her. But, that isn’t going to happen, so I must be ‘happy’ with it and not let it bother me. Hard to do, admittedly, I am just not sure how I even ‘feel’ about her.

    I’ve been told to several times, by a couple of people, to forgive her, I think I have; but, she brings it down here and leaves her ‘drama’ with me. “Ain’t ‘cha Mama; don’t want ‘cha drama’! I think we all have ‘history’ of the ‘drama Queens or Kings’ in our lives … sometimes you bite you tongue up so much that you tune them out, then you finally bite through your tongue; and with all the ‘blood’/’dramas’ you have nowhere to ‘spit it’ except out (to whoever is there). I got pushed to my breaking point and I ‘reacted’ very badly. We have not gone out of our ways to be around one another. So now, as well as in the past; when they 'need' something; such as keeping the girls so they can go to a party - she tells Trey to 'ask us' about it. We don't mind keeping either or both of them; but, while here - they follow 'our' rules. That did not happen this past summer and I got 'livid' about it. Said I would never keep them 'over-night', and, if a boy came over, they could come down here and sit out on the porch and visit with one another. The boy was a 'cousin' (but not 'blood'). She told her parents when they got home; but, she also said that she had told DH about it. He didn't remember it. I told her that 'if' she did not tell them herself, I was going to and let the chips fall where they may. No problem; but, I would have 'liked' to have 'known what they would have said, if it has been brought up when they came down to 'set the rules' for staying home, while they went on a short vacation. GGGrrrr!!!!!

    Margaret – OH, well, that makes sense; now-a-days kids get named things that are usually so ‘gender neutral’ and spelled differently. I did not want you to ‘think’ I was ‘nit-picking’ your Eulogy; I have the same problem leaving off letters; you probably see it in ‘you’ when I mean ‘your’. I type faster than my brain … and sometimes my computer ‘lags’ behind my fingers or something like that. I would hope that my boys will remember all the things we did as a young family. I’m sure they should remember the things we’ve done since they have become adults; and, sometimes they bring up things they did as teenagers. Sometimes WTI. My Mother could also always find something ‘funny’ in any given situation.

    We have a stained glass window that was in our house (not this one, my parents’) when we moved in. Two of them; oldest sister got the first one taken out to put in the window in front of their new house. There was a broken window pane in the one I got and the lead was beginning to sag … so we packed it up in blankets and I took it to Jacksonville, FL because that is where I found someone who could replace it, as well as another patch job; now you cannot tell which pane was ever damaged.

    Speaking of Mother, reminds me of the time a woman ran me out of Women’s Clubs headquarters in Atlanta, as she thought I was just a street bum (because of my paint clothes from school). Not that important; but, later when I came home for the weekend, I came in to speak to my Mother and there she was. Mother went to introduce us and I said we had already met, and turned on my heel and walked out. She later asked why I was so rude; and, I told her what had happened. She laughed and said, under those circumstances she might have done the same thing. My Mother really could 'slice and diced' someone without them really knowing it, until she turned around and walked off.

    Amazing Grace is one of those ‘tear jerkers’. I like the IL Divo quartet singing it in ‘English’. That and “The Lord’s Prayer”.

    Rori – I never could dry my hair with a regular blow dryer and a round brush. But, DDnL#2 would clip my hair up and start at the back and work forward. My hair would just 'frizz'. The brush/flat iron is so much better. The only thing I had to do is use my curling iron at the very ends, so it will turn under a little and slant towards my face. Best $12.95 + tax I have ever spent. I know my DDnL#2 said that she could get a brush/roller/dryer that would do all 3 things at once; but, it was a little ‘too pricey’ for me. However, if they want to ever buy one for me, I would be thrilled.

    My middle sister bought ‘cancer’ insurance after our oldest sister had breast cancer the 2nd time; that they found when they were replacing the implant on one side that she had put in back when she was 39. That Plastic surgeon, would NOT be my first choice, if I ever have breast cancer. He mutilated my sister; and, I had tried to talk her out of the rotation flap surgery because they had just begun to do because her torso was so thin and the skin over it was so tight. When they did the surgery every time they tried to close it up, it cut off the blood circulation. She spend 12 hours in the initial surgery to do reconstruction surgery, and, the last time about another 10 hours in 2 days; still had to have an implant and had a hole in her breast, top to bottom, big enough to drop a #2 pencil through it. After moving to Atlanta, after they found cancer in the other breast, they did a bi-lateral mastectomy on her and put expanders in and she had not issues with it. The only thing I remember about it was that she had 4 tubes coming out of her body that her DH had to help her drain. Middle sister kept getting infections, and the surgeon left one nipple on; when she had been specific about taking them off because she was not going to have them reconstructed. She has prosthetics; but, only uses them when she is going ‘out’. I gave her a bathing suit that had 3 rows of ruffles across the top of it that I had been using. She was thrilled to get it. She'd still have to have a surgeon remove that nipple as it is a part of the 'breast tissue' that he should have taken off in the first place; the plastic surgeon should have noticed it as well. I do a 'self-exam' just about every day when I step into the shower. My GYN has been surprised that I have felt some of the lumps; because of how deep they've been. He usually does a sonogram every 3 - 6 months or so.

    Had to take DH back to town, after putting in an ER call to the Urologist 'on call' ... he met us at the office and flushed the catheter out; and, then gave me a syringe to do it ourselves if we needed to. Looks easy enough and DH was 'out of pain'. Urologist 'on duty' had called the MD who had done the procedure and talked to him about what needed to be done, if the flushing of it was not clearing it. He explained how the scar tissue that apparently floats around will get into it and stop it up like sucking a lemon seed thought a straw; you have to push the water into the catheter tube and push the water in, then draw it out. He's taken a pain pill and gone to bed (this time) ... already asleep.

    So DOS is going to drive me to Macon on Monday to see my MD up there. Told him that he would have to just 'go to lunch' with me and meet some of my HS friends (and their hubbies or SOs).

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
    Hello all: Rainy here again today. DD is working overtime so no outside projects any way. I have been trying to increase my fiber intake the last couple of weeks so bought some high fiber, high protein flax muffins. They taste good but one serving is 1/2 muffin. they are not big so this is somewhat problematic. Just have to plan for the extra calories I guess.

    Re - Wish I could get some lawn mowing done but it keeps raining and doesn't dry out much even if the sun does shine for a few hours like yesterday. Soon the grass will go dormant but needs to be mowed before then. We did not know to do this last fall and in the spring had a horrendous mess and had to hire some help.

    Penny - Were you the one worrying about not having enough work? Hope things ease up for you soon.

    Lisa - I know you will make the right decision for you. Good luck.

    Welcome Peggy.

    Carey - Do you know what is causing the eye inflammation? Wishing you resolution of the problem.

    "Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. Start all over again." - Dorothy Fields

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Not much sleep last nite so decided to do laundry instead of weeding. The one flower bed that is left is really hard and I know I am avoiding it.
    Re - makes me tired just to read all you do!!
    Penny - I can relate to doing two peoples jobs. I did an impossible job for three years and whe. I left for another job they hired two people to do what I did. You definitely deserve more pay for doing two peoples work.
    I've read where one important element of weight loss is sleep, so I guess I will have a problem this week.
    Everyone have a great Saturday
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Hi y'all,

    Made it back to Dallas. Waiting on shuttle to College Station. HOME! Thank you wonderful ladies for riding on my shoulder and in my heart during my travel.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Penny: I think the latest iphone update is horrid. My phone is burning energy like crazy and doesn't have near the available time for use as it did. I may give Apple a piece of my mind about it. :grumble:

    Barbie: I am happy that you are recovering so well. :heart:

    Lisa in TX: Good luck.

    I'm still at DD's place in IL. I don't seem to have the time to respond to everyone but I am checking in when I can. I have several more days here and am getting homesick. DD seems to be healing well and DGS is thriving. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison