Summer Sixer-tini's: Week 1



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    what a boring day. i have so wanted to eat the boredom. i have finished all my work (early this morning) just been playing around. tomorrow will be a workout on the treadmill. that will kill some time. i need to find something to do, besides sit.

  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    what a boring day. i have so wanted to eat the boredom. i have finished all my work (early this morning) just been playing around. tomorrow will be a workout on the treadmill. that will kill some time. i need to find something to do, besides sit.

    I totally understand Cathy. I felt like that yesterday, so I reorganized 5 cabinets in my kitchen. It felt really great and took a long time. Today I worked on a spare room. Who knows, I might actually get all the things I want to get done this summer. LOL
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Hello Ladies~
    oh the ole bordom monster set in and I just did not give in this time.Too hot to really do anything outside(hard to believe we were under so much snow just a couple months ago!!) I took a nap-a long relaxing no worries about anyone saying anything about it nap.My hubby and daughter just left me alone-it was bliss-and when I woke up I felt great and made a great broil and sweet potato fries(I have to get the recipe posted soon) I add a side salad (greeens cherry tomatos avacado) then outside to water my garden,four very thriving tomatoe plants and fresh basil.Feed my birds,the greedy things..they seem to just sit out there on the power lines and .....wait-lol.and this year I have 2 hummingbirds coming in regular-

    Bahamomma you are inspiring!! Thank you.
    all of you are great-just taking a few moments to read over all posts and it makes me realize--I am not alone--

    hang in there Ladies~
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    I resisted the pie! Wow that was hard... I really hope she took the leftovers home with her so I don't have to see it sitting in the work fridge tomorrow. Had a good 4 mile run tonight. The gym right by my house closed, so now I have to drive across town, so that stinks. Fortunately, the Corecamp (sort of like bootcamp) class I like will be offered at the same time by the same instructor at the other club!

    I totally understand the boredom thing. I work in Parks and Rec, and in the winter there is NOTHING to do some days. I have started doing sets of push-ups and crunches in my office to keep me from getting a snack. I haven't tried that in the winter time yet, so hopefully I can keep it up until then.

    I hope everyone had a good day. I'm enjoying this group a lot! Thanks for the support so far!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Lindsey - Great job resisting the pie!! I know how hard that can be.

    Didn't get to go running tonight. Tony had an overnight work trip, so there was no one to watch the kids. I'm going running tomorrow night though! :happy: And they're calling for rain! That's my new addiction ... running in the rain! :bigsmile:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good mornin"

    molly....i love me a good nap. i had one yesterday too. just refreshes you. i had my 2 granddaughters and great nephew last week. so just now getting back to normal. it was a catch up nap. all in all a good non-guilty nap is the best.
    lindsey...yes, no pie. summertime must keep you busy?
    amypyr...running in the rain. at least you stay cooler.

    hello everyone else.

    dizzy this morning. i had asked doctor about these dizzy spells, he just shrugged his shoulders. this will last a day or two. might lay back down. sometimes that helps. sugar numbers are good, BP good i think, should check. oh, well.

    trying to decide if i want to continue with real estate or put my license inactive for awhile. i have put out $1000 for this and nothing yet in return. i still have at least $300-400 to pay before the end of year and than it starts all over again. DH and i hare praying about. tough one, but, i can't keep putting out money. all this money is for fees/dues. it's not the gas, ink for printer, none of those expenses.

    well off to get another cup coffee and see if i can get in a workout and than lay back down see if dizzy spell goes away.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!!

    Not a whole lot of time this morning!

    Had a good night last night. Eclipse was AWESOME!!! The book is better, but they did a good job sticking with it! Now the wait is on for Breaking Dawn which doesn't come out until Nov. 2011! Bummer!

    Got in a run and shred day 16 level 3! yay!

    Plan today:
    B-Multigrain Cheerios, skim milk, coffee, sugar-free creamer
    S-Kashi TLC Baked Apple Spice bar, banana
    L-Turkey, 1 oz. cheese, lettuce, honey mustard on light wheat, baby carrots, light yogurt
    D-Pork Schnitzel with probably potatos and veggies (dinner at my moms tonight).
    S-Knowing my momma, probably some kind of cake

    2 mile run, Shred day 17 level 3!

    Busy weekend ahead:
    Baby shower Saturday, also need to get groceries, clean house, start packing for vacation (what I can), laundry, get some paperwork notarized, get shoes at stride rite for Kadence...gonna be busy!

    Have a good one gals, and if I don't get a chance to get back on today, I'll talk to you all on Monday!! Let's all have a great weekend of losing!!!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Lindsey- Good job with the pie! Yea! I have a friend who loves to run in the rain. He said it's primal. LOL

    Cathy- Sorry to hear about the real estate stuff. I have several friends who have gone through that as well. I agree with nap time.... it's good! I am concerned about your dizzy spells. My sister was getting them and of course the doctor wasn't concerned until she passed out in the store. She had a really bad sinus infection. No matter what your doc say or doesn't say don't blow them off... it is something. Get another opinion or call your doc on it. I don't know isn't a good enough answer or even a shrug of the shoulder. His body language is saying ..... He doesn't know or doesn't care. Either one is not okay. Be proactive for YOUR sake.

    Kristen- Where are you going for vacation? Love the Kashi bars... Yummy. The rest of your week sounds busy and fun.

    It rained a ton here last nite but it suppose to clear up today and be a bit cooler with less humidity. I am feeling so good about all the stuff getting done at my house. Just taking one step at a time. Don't know what todays project is yet but I will do something. I need to clean out and organize my closet shelves and shoes. Fun stuff! LOL
    Chat later ....
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    ended up mowing the lawns instead of exercising. son did back i did front. got it done before the heat index today hits 110+. i love my DH for being out in this. he takes lots of drinks with him. no sodas he realized it didn't help. yea.
    dizziness went away. i have an appt with the endocrinologist monday will bring it up with her.

    well off to rest and do a little research.

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Cathy, I hope they figure out those dizzy spells. I've had a couple before, thankfully short lived, but it was awful!!

    Izzy, have fun with Ella today!

    Kristin, I don't know where you get all your energy!

    Daily weigh in: 165.6 lbs. Up 0.2 lbs from yesterday, cause I ate like a pig last night. *sigh*

    I have scar tissue from my c-section that started aching a few years back, intermittently. I fondly call it my "golf ball" since it's a round mass in my lower right abdomen. The pain began getting more frequent, and now it hurts all day (and night) long. It hurts worse when I exercise :frown:. I've got to set up an appointment with my GP to get things moving. Surgery is probably the only way to fix it, and even that isn't a guaranteed fix, but it hurts too badly not to do anything about it, and it keeps me from even thinking of exercise right now.

    I'm not depressed but I'm certainly in a funk this week. I just wanna go home and sleep. :ohwell:
  • Haismais
    Haismais Posts: 26
    Hey Everyone,

    It has been a laid back day. Stayed home from work so the heating and air guy could come recharge our air unit. We've had no air conditioning upstairs since Monday. I have done all my laundry, evn hung it out to dry, Shouldn't take long in this heat. Now I am helping my son make banana peanut butter cookies. This should be interesting.

    I needed a day like today to try and get things reset. Maybe if I get the house work done today I can go kayaking tomorrow.

    Cathy - I hope the dizzy spells go away soon. No fun.

    Lauryn - I understand the funk lately. It has been the same here. No motivation and doing anything just seems like work.

  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Afternoon Everyone~~<3~~
    all in all a laid back day.Hubby goes back ro work tomorrow(4:30am!!) Him changing over to day shift has messed me up !! but adjusting.
    Amen Cathy on the nap-those are the best.and yes,get those dizzy spells checked out.
    Everyone else **hugs** and hang in there !!

    New change in food -switched from real butter to whipped(less calories and tastes just fine) and fat free creamer.
    Adding more tea in (no sugar in mine) but family loves the southern style I have made for years.

    Back doctor appt monday and hope there is something that can be done .The PT may start after next week (gotta love insuance companies-always hurry up and wait!)

    Time for my banana and bought kashi strawberry bars..yum!!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hey molly....
    you seem to be doing some the changes i had made. i cut down artificial sweetner(1 a day). we have always drank unsweet tea. cut tea to one glass instead of many. drink water instead. as for the butter. the partially hydrogenated oils are worst than butter. i still use butter. i just give in for the extra calories, or i use spray butter. i have found that nonfat, lowfat, all have added sugar substitutes in them and they are worst for you. the body doesn't know what to do with all the artificial stuff in our food anymore. i found that when i just go ahead and use regular sugar, butter and get back to the basics my body feels better. it seems everything is functioning on track.
    i did find at walmart a buttery spread. it's "great value cardio choice light buttery spread with flax oil and omega-3s" some don't have the flax. it's about $2 a tub. same price as their butter. has 50 cals. it's cheaper than all the other brands and doesn't have the partially hydrogenated oils in it. i haven't tried it yet, as we are still using up what is open.
    i am diabetic so i watch all these things. my dietitian told me to watch the artificial stuff, just use the regular, full what ever. because they have to sweeten it some way to make it taste good.
    comes down to reading the labels.
    sure hope your back feels better. i have a bad lower back. among all my other aches and pains. LOL. my clothes hung out today too, took just a short time to dry. can't believe this heat.

    hope everyone is staying cool

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i am going to eat, i am not going to eat. i do need to fix dinner late to the table.
    just found out our checking acct was hacked. someone used my card and signed up for a dating service several times. what a mess. it drained the checking and went into overdraft. so now have to borrow gas money for doctors appt. on monday. and go to the police on monday.

    i will not eat, i will not eat.

    gotta get dinner ready it's almost 6:30, tummy upset it's hungry.

  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Night everyone~~
    Tomorrow looks good so far.suppose to be just in the 70's what a relief!!!
    and the rain is refreshing.
    I agree Cathy on the using full on foods.I did not even look at the ingridents of the whipped most I assumed and you know what that means.I just found out 3 weeks ago I am borderline diabetic (A1C is 6.3) so time to make small chnages.I found huge fast changes only lead to over eating in the my case any way.

    Anyone know the calories burn just in sleeping?

    well good night ..
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hey everyone! I found out at the last minute yesterday that I had to work "on call" which basically meant I ended up having to do a 24 hour shift! So basically I'm still at work, from yesterday! But it's ok because now I get my whole Sat/Sun :-) I woke up and did turbo Jam fri-am, and have walked 19,000 steps since being at work! that's ~ 9 miles or so! YAY!

    I am each day trying to stay active and hoping that I will see a loss soon. Praying that I will see a loss soon. Going to remain positive. And I did lose 5 lbs since last challenge. So I guess that counts for something. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    When I get home from work ( @ 7am - 27 hours after I left for work lol) I'm going to do yoga. Then go to bed! :-D wake up and study lol. Test in 2 weeks AND my 25th bday in two weeks! then a bday trip with my love! :-) Oh, it is sooooo nice when you find someone who is positive and whom you can enjoy. Much different than my previous situation.

    Anyway, hope you ALL are doing well!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    still now word on our checking acct. the charges are still in memo state, haven't been paid. hope to get somewhere on with the bank on monday about it. the dept. i need is closed on the weekend. it will work out.

    molly.... i was DX in 06. i was watching carbs at first to lose the weight, than when i quit smoking i went a different route. i gained 35 back, than lost it, DH lost job, gained 40+ back and haven't been able to take it off again since. i just can't stay with something for long. i am looking for the magic words from the doctor saying i have a reason for being fat. not the reason of i keep eating, that's why i am fat. someday it will click again. i just keep plugging along.
    tiff, you are doing great. you will be a happy birthday girl, whether you make goal or not. love you. hows tamm?
    kristen....enjoy your weekend is the pain lately? are you doing? feeling better?
    frogy...hows the new digs? was the grandbabysitting?
    amypry...great job on running. slow and steady wins the race. are you doing?
    lindsey...have a great weekend. cool down for you yet? still hot hot hot here.
    sarah, bj, april.. how are you ladies doing?
    amy36...hows the new puppy, and how are your iron levels?

    i think i got everyone. if i didn't i am really sorry. i hope you have a great weekend.

    nothing on the books now for me no money, since he drained the checking acct and 1/2 my over draft. getting on the treadmill. son download the book "under the dome" for me. putting it on my ipod. it's a big book, and i can't renew anymore from the libary. over 1000 pages.

    back later
  • amy36
    amy36 Posts: 11
    Cathy-I read Under The Dome. Good book! It took me about 2 months to read it. It can drag on a bit but the story is good.

    Wow, there are alot of new people. Sorry, no personals....I keep having to go back and read what everyone said. Then I start to type and dont remember! LOL!

    On the home front.....things are going well. I exercised 4 out of 7 days this past week. I am pretty proud of me! it was just walking but it was a good start. I will pick up the pace this week for sure. Might just start 30 Day Shred on Sunday. For those of you who don't know, I have been battling with severe anemia for the last year. I have finally been given an iv iron treatment and am now feeling SOOOOO much better. I go in for another next Sunday. I am actually looking forward to a needle stuck in my hand for 3 to 4 hours! I just feel so much better. I have so much energy.

    I have guests in town this weekend and my kiddos are back from 2 whole weeks at the beach with grandma. Lots to do this weekend. I hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • momieof2boys
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Hey sixers!!! OMG SOOO MUCH TO TELL AND NO TIME TO TELL IT!!! I wish I had a scale I feel so great anymore, I love it here. but here is the big news, I have been seing a guy for awhile, named JEff from Austin, Texas. It was all just fun and games, and really out of the blue, if you guys remembered I planned on being single for a while. and because of that I really wasnt looking for anything, well out of the blue Jeff came into my life.. and omg, I havent been more impressed witha guy. He is turning 24 on the 18th.. he is really working on getting healthy too, he is essencially the male version of me too boot!! It is nuts how much we are alike. We were voted cutest staff couple a few weeks ago, and we werent even seeing each other we were just hainging out... we have been "dating" for like a month... and he has already mentioned once or twice that he really likes me and doesnt want this to just be a summer thing. I am sooo in puppy love stages it is rediculous. We work out together a couple times aweek. and I never worry about my appearance because hell, I am working at a boy scout camp, am never wearing make up, and half of hte time I am in a bathing suit with salt water hair. haha. I LOVE IT!

    So that is my update, thanks so much for continuing to keep me on the list guys! I miss you all and cant wait to have stable internet wehre I can update more often, and cannot wait for my day off because I am going bathingsuit shopping and getting an electronic scale!!