Summer Sixer-tini's: Week 1



  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    B - my husband and I love to work out together. It's a great "free" date for us a couple of days a week! Good luck with your new relationship, you sound really happy!

    Cathy - I'm so sorry to hear about your checking account fraud! That's awful! Our credit card information was stolen a few months back and was used to purchase several hundred dollars worth of stuff in Illinois (we live in Indiana). Luckily, I check our statement online everyday, so I caught it on the first day it posted. Got a new credit card within a few days. That really sucks for you, and I hope your bank gets everything figured out.

    Well, I went to a family reunion today, and I think we all know how that goes... I ate like a pig, and now I feel tired and terrible! So many good (well, bad...) choices today, so I had to try them all. I think this is my last family reunion of the summer, so that's good. I'm going for a run tomorrow morning with a friend, and I'm going to try to eat much better tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day...

    Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!
  • Saloule
    Saloule Posts: 19
    Hi everyone, well I'm pretty sure when I get on the scales next it ain't gonna be pretty!

    I just started a new job this week which means I'm on my feet a lot, and when I get home the will to exercise is non-existent. Another downside of this is that I'm finding it hard to even eat 1200 calories a day, I'm often quite under. To try and make up for this I eat foods higher in fat and calories to make sure I hit my goal! Well, I'm not gorging on crisps (chips) and chocolate, but a pop-tart every night can't be a good thing, can it? Oh dear!

    - Sarah
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning.. will be fine. move on and do the best you can. maybe on a day off fix a bunch of freezer meals you can just pop in the microwave.

    hope everyone is having a great weekend. mine is doing good. getting ready to start c25k. i am going to try it and see how the heel does. i just want to run. the scale was very nice this morning. hope it sticks. i didn't eat DH's new chocolate crunch and munch last night. i had my sugar free pop-cycles. after run, church, home to put together a few packets for work.

    will check in later. need to finish up my last cup of coffee and get moving.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    did my C25K. now to eat a fast acting carb. trying this. it's suppose to help work something. have to eat it within 30 mins of a good workout.
  • amy36
    amy36 Posts: 11
    I saw a very nice # on the scale this morning! I am hoping its still there on Tuesday!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    I saw a very nice # on the scale this morning! I am hoping its still there on Tuesday!

    me too, me too......
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    slit pea soup with corn bread for dinner. not my fav, but it's cheap....

    hope everyone is having a great weekend. mine has been mellow. tomorrow is the start of a busy week. lot's tomorrow. doctor, file police report, bank.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Cathy - Great job in starting back to the C25K. Does that mean your foot is feeling better? Slow and steady.

    Amy36 - Congrats on your happy number. Keep it going so it holds til tomorrow :)

    B - So happy to hear you are happy. He had better be something special as you deserve nothing less than greatness.

    Mentally just not doing well. Ready to throw in the towel on everything, which means I must be overly exhausted. But hubby is taking me to Florida next week for a week's vacation while kiddles are with other family. Of course, I still have to work, but I get to spend the afternoon sleeping on the beach. So today, after work, then gym, then sleeping my day away to try and catch up for my very busy week.

    Hope you all are doing well!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    One interesting positive thing though. Every Monday, my HRM watch has a little envelope in the top right corner that lets me know how many calories I burned the week before. It says I burned over 5000 calories (and I didn't even use it for all the yard work I did or playing in the swimming pool). Let's hope it makes a difference on the scale.

    BTW, I go for a body fat assessment this coming Friday and it is making me anxious. Especially since my "nemesis", one of my close girlfriends just had her's done and was 120 lb at 5'7" and 14% body fat after having 2 kids. sjdklfjasfdl;fjasdklfjasfkl;ajsdfkl;asjfl;jk
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning...

    lula....i want to get away for a week. the body fat should be interesting. you very well could have low like your friend. all the working out. 5000 that's over a pound of burn.

    i hope everyone had a good weekend. i have a busy week ahead of me. need to finish up here and get in the shower to head to the doctors.

    will check back in later.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    WOW...I cannot even begin to get caught up on posts!!! I have a lot to do this morning!! But wanted to check in!! I will also start a new post later! SO...have a FABULOUS morning!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    doctors went well she was pleased with the weight loss. asked about the new medication i had started, and it was working great, she was pleased with my sugars. she upped my dose, cause i wasn't feel the weight loss benefits as much as in the beginning. come to find out this drug acts somewhat like ali. it is appetite suppressant, makes you a little nausea when you eat too much, and makes you go to the bathroom when you eat too much. she said i needed to learn to listen to my body of if it hungry and eat, watch the fat.
    son took me to mcdonalds for lunch i ordered the mc chicken and side salad with dressing on side. ate the salad dipping fork in dressing, ate sandwich slowly. it was spicy too. i don't do spicy. they had given me fries that i didn't want, ate just a few and that was it. just that didn't sit well with the tummy. left overs for dinner. sure hope the scale is nice in the morning.

    well, off to put my feet up. left the house at 8:40 this morning and got home at 2:30. i am tired.

  • aprilcan
    aprilcan Posts: 6
    Hi girls! I have been camping since Friday, so I haven't been able to post anything or read anyone else's!! Wow!! There is so much going on, I can't even begin to keep everyone straight!!!:)
    First off, I haven't done so good....Why do I do this to myself?? UGH! I guess I will wait to see what the scale says tomorrow.
    One thing I want to know that maybe I am missing is..: Do you guys plan your day AHEAD of time and keep your meal plans to a minimum? Like, the same thing everyday so you know what to expect and what you are allowed to do? I have never done that. I just think I make reasonable choices, log it into MFP, and see what I end up with or if I have to "tone it down" by evening. I am thinking that isn't the best way to go. Advice??