Don't you hate it when people try to talk to you while workin out?



  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    edited October 2016
    wanzik wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    wanzik wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I was in the middle of a set and a nice lady approaches me and starts talking.

    She was attempting to ask me something about .... I don't know what.

    I totally ignored her. I looked right through her like she wasn't even there.

    She got the message pretty quick and sulked away.

    Point is:

    Don't talk to others when others are lifting.
    Wipe down benches after use.
    Don't stand between the person lifting and the mirror.
    Always rack your weights; always.
    Put your &^!%! Phone away.

    Others? .......

    ...keep polite distance - don't invade my personal space

    Stop innundating people with a list of rules as if you owned the place. Because some people don't rack because they can't - they actually gave their workout 100%. And some people listen to music/motivational stuff or log their workouts on their phones, so, yah.

    But on the topic of racking, so annoyed at having to go on a hunt for the right weight! But I get it.

    How would you be able to lift it but not rack it?

    If you lift and struggle for that last rep.

    It's a technique used by a lot of weightlifters and bodybuilders. Arnold said it was the only way to make real progress.

    I know what you mean. I lift heavy like that, too. By "struggle" they mean "struggle while still maintaining good form". You should always be able to pick up a weight high enough to re-rack it. If not, you are lifting far too heavy to have good form, in which case you could badly injure yourself.

    Thanks for tip. The guys that advise me assure I'm doing it right.

    I benched 160 the other day. Today, I took it easy at 130 for 3 sets of 7.

    The only reason I can lift that heavy is because I lift that heavy.

    If some dude wants to wait for me to recover to rack the weights he'll just put right back on the bench he's welcome to wait. But most just want to hurry up and get the bench. Me too. Please don't put away the 45s so I'll just have to put them back on. That wastes both of our time.

    *****add to things that annoy me. Don't harrass me about my workout routine. *********

    There is no excuse. If you don't rerack your weights, you don't belong at a gym. It's disrespectful to every other gym goer and the staff. Obviously if someone is waiting and says not to rack them, that's different.

    I agree but they (those above the rules) are everywhere. I work in my gym (I clean one night a week. Free membership and a couple extra bucks) so I take it upon myself to re-rack and straighten the place up when I'm there. It's part of my workout now. Some people have actually learned from my example and thank me for putting things back where they belong. Others do it just because they think I'm watching them. LOL!

    It's the world we live in. People are just lazy and disrespectful these days.

    Doesn't it feel great to be morally superior to others at your gym?

    In my other thread, you can list what you do at the gym that is annoying.

    There are much less posts on that. Wonder why.

    It would feel much better if other people didn't think they were above those who are "morally superior."

    When did following etiquette/rules and courtesy/respect for others become a bad thing?

    Following rules of etiquette is great. But acting as if anyone that does not follow a detail in that etiquette is automatically "lazy and disrespectful" is acting condescending.

    I put away my gym mats, towels, the bars I use for shoulder presses and the bars I use for deadlifts. Every time.

    There was once I didn't put back a dumbell because I caught a cramp. And then I thought "so that's why they don't rerack their weights."

    According to some, that was "lazy and disrespectful." And there is no excuse.

    There are quite a few times I don't rerack the bench because huge dudes are in line waiting for the bench. I think they would rather not wait another minute while I sit down and recover, so I can take off weights they're going to put right back on. When the situation is reversed, and I'm the one waiting, it annoys me when they take off the 45, because now I have to wait to put them right back on.

    Instead of being "lazy and disrespectful" I thought I was being "prudent and considerate of people's time."

    The same people calling people out probably drive aggressively and find plenty of excuses for that. No one is perfect.

    What do you do at the gym that annoys other people?

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member warm up sets

  • lista10
    lista10 Posts: 73 Member
    I've never had a random person come up to me and chat!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    No one ever tries to talk to me at the gym. And I always rack my weights.

    Nobody tries talking to you?

    Either you're plugged in with ear buds or you're rockin your game face; am I right?

    Heck..... I'm always tempted to say "hello" , at the very least, to a pretty girl.

    (Gym setting notwithstanding )

    Yeah, I always assume it's my RBF. I'm told I'm intimidating. Dunno how true it is, but hey no one ever harasses me in public, so there's that.
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    wanzik wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    wanzik wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    I was in the middle of a set and a nice lady approaches me and starts talking.

    She was attempting to ask me something about .... I don't know what.

    I totally ignored her. I looked right through her like she wasn't even there.

    She got the message pretty quick and sulked away.

    Point is:

    Don't talk to others when others are lifting.
    Wipe down benches after use.
    Don't stand between the person lifting and the mirror.
    Always rack your weights; always.
    Put your &^!%! Phone away.

    Others? .......

    ...keep polite distance - don't invade my personal space

    Stop innundating people with a list of rules as if you owned the place. Because some people don't rack because they can't - they actually gave their workout 100%. And some people listen to music/motivational stuff or log their workouts on their phones, so, yah.

    But on the topic of racking, so annoyed at having to go on a hunt for the right weight! But I get it.

    How would you be able to lift it but not rack it?

    If you lift and struggle for that last rep.

    It's a technique used by a lot of weightlifters and bodybuilders. Arnold said it was the only way to make real progress.

    I know what you mean. I lift heavy like that, too. By "struggle" they mean "struggle while still maintaining good form". You should always be able to pick up a weight high enough to re-rack it. If not, you are lifting far too heavy to have good form, in which case you could badly injure yourself.

    Thanks for tip. The guys that advise me assure I'm doing it right.

    I benched 160 the other day. Today, I took it easy at 130 for 3 sets of 7.

    The only reason I can lift that heavy is because I lift that heavy.

    If some dude wants to wait for me to recover to rack the weights he'll just put right back on the bench he's welcome to wait. But most just want to hurry up and get the bench. Me too. Please don't put away the 45s so I'll just have to put them back on. That wastes both of our time.

    *****add to things that annoy me. Don't harrass me about my workout routine. *********

    There is no excuse. If you don't rerack your weights, you don't belong at a gym. It's disrespectful to every other gym goer and the staff. Obviously if someone is waiting and says not to rack them, that's different.

    I agree but they (those above the rules) are everywhere. I work in my gym (I clean one night a week. Free membership and a couple extra bucks) so I take it upon myself to re-rack and straighten the place up when I'm there. It's part of my workout now. Some people have actually learned from my example and thank me for putting things back where they belong. Others do it just because they think I'm watching them. LOL!

    It's the world we live in. People are just lazy and disrespectful these days.

    Doesn't it feel great to be morally superior to others at your gym?

    In my other thread, you can list what you do at the gym that is annoying.

    There are much less posts on that. Wonder why.

    It would feel much better if other people didn't think they were above those who are "morally superior."

    When did following etiquette/rules and courtesy/respect for others become a bad thing?

    Following rules of etiquette is great. But acting as if anyone that does not follow a detail in that etiquette is automatically "lazy and disrespectful" is acting condescending.

    I put away my gym mats, towels, the bars I use for shoulder presses and the bars I use for deadlifts. Every time.

    There was once I didn't put back a dumbell because I caught a cramp. And then I thought "so that's why they don't rerack their weights."

    According to some, that was "lazy and disrespectful." And there is no excuse.

    There are quite a few times I don't rerack the bench because huge dudes are in line waiting for the bench. I think they would rather not wait another minute while I sit down and recover, so I can take off weights they're going to put right back on. When the situation is reversed, and I'm the one waiting, it annoys me when they take off the 45, because now I have to wait to put them right back on.

    Instead of being "lazy and disrespectful" I thought I was being "prudent and considerate of people's time."

    The same people calling people out probably drive aggressively and find plenty of excuses for that. No one is perfect.

    What do you do at the gym that annoys other people?

    I've said if people are waiting for equipment and ask you to leave the weights racked, then it's polite to do so. That happens and I'd say that is proper gym etiquitte. If I couldn't put something back I would probably ask someone to do it for me.

    The gym I go to, at the times I go, isn't that busy. Classes are full but the weight rooms aren't crowded. I go in and half the chest equipment is loaded with plates and nobody is in the room. I can't tell if people are using it or not so I have to wait, ask around. The gym used to be all racquetball courts but was converted - so one "court" is a chest room, one is a leg room... so people do move between rooms. Removing the weights lets people know the equipment is available.

    There may be reasons someone can't re-rack but I think that's rare. The people I've seen leave them are fully capable.

    It's not holier-than-thou to expect others to follow simple gym etiquette.

    I'm not sure what I do that annoys people... I'm sure there's things. I get the feeling that some get annoyed that I re-rack the weights. There have been times when I've seen a bench sitting for 10-15 minutes that nobody came near so I put the plates away - then someone comes back. They were off doing other stuff. My thinking is it's not right to tie up multiple pieces of equipment at the same time. I pick one... I'll use others if available between sets but one at a time is my focus. I am considerate though and go out of my way to try to NOT annoy anyone else. If I see someone wanting a bench or something I'm using I'll sometimes even move if I can. No biggie. I know the usuals and what they do and if they are eyeballing my bench I'll tell them how many more sets I've good and I'll get them done in reasonable time. Most do for me too so it just works nice. From what I hear about these busy gyms like you're talking about it's not quite that nice.
  • Gaygirl2120
    Gaygirl2120 Posts: 541 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    There is a guy at my gym. He is nice and he talks to me but I let him know I have a schedule to keep so he knows not to talk to me too long. I usually have to cut him off really quick.

    But I've seen him talking to other people and he will literally talk to them for at least 30 mins or more. I know the other people are probably pissed. He is the social butterfly of the gym.

    He is at the gym for like 2 hours doing nothing but talking.

    lol I'm pretty sure this guy goes to my gym as well.
  • no_russian
    no_russian Posts: 893 Member
    Doesn't bother me but it's never long enough to interfere with my workout.
  • TheProudDadLife
    TheProudDadLife Posts: 654 Member
    edited October 2016
    I don't hate it but ..... Hat low, music high, and no convos.. for me the gym is my me time. Helps me process my thoughts and provided perspective which would be hard to do with interruptions