November 2016 Running Challenge



  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    I did intervals and worked on speed (which I never do). I didn't even know my legs could run at a 8:00 min mile pace...ha ha of course it was only for like 2 - 3 tenths of a mile ha ha
    @skippygirlsmom A PR is a PR no matter what the net distance is. :)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    11/1- 4 miles solo plus 1 mile with Stella
    11/2- 0.8 miles with Stella (AM)+5 miles lunchtime run
    11/3-5 miles AM + 1 mile with Stella
    11/4-Rest Day
    11/5- 10 miles
    11/6-7 miles +1 mile with Stella
    11/7-Rest Day
    11/8- 5.1 miles solo + 1.1 mile with Stella(who killed it...pace PR for her!)
    11/9-5.1 miles of Mound hills+1 mile with Stella
    11/10-6 miles Beckett Ridge +0.7 miles with Stella
    11/11-4 mile lunch run +1.3 AM run with Stella
    11/12- Rest/travel day
    11/13-9.1 miles in Charlotte
    11/14-1.2 miles with Stella
    11/15-5 miles + .5 miles with Stella
    11/16-5 miles + 1 mile with Stella
    11/17-6.1 miles +1.1 miles with Stella
    11/18- .5 mile run with Stella (plus strength training)
    11/19-10.1 miles with Mojo group
    11/20-6 miles
    11/21-5.8 miles total (last 1 with Stella)

    @kristinegift- I know I posted on your wall yesterday, but I will tell you again that I am sorry to hear that your race did not go as you hoped. You are very right about a lot of things you said in your post and I commend you on your maturity and your attitude. You are young and Boston will always be there. That's the most important thing to remember. Taking a break from the pressure of it all is probably a very wise thing. I always say that one of the toughest components of running is patience. We are always pushing ourselves towards longer, faster, whatever. Sometimes the biggest gains come when we just sit back and let them come to us. I think shifting your focus to the half marathon will be great for you. No doubt you will succeed in your goal, and it will only help you in your long term marathon goals as well. Then when you are ready, you will be in great shape for a BQ. At 25, you are leaps and bounds ahead of where I was as a runner at that age. You have so many years of great running ahead of you. And last but not least, congrats on a gritty and tough performance yesterday too. Most people would kill for that time, and you pulled it out under enormous physical distress. You have lots to be proud of!

    Nothing exciting to report about today's run. Same old gripes: cold, windy, dark, is it spring yet?, blah, blah, blah...
    But on a positive note, Stella had a fantastic run!
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    November goal: 75 miles
    11/1: 3 miles (m)
    11/2: Rest Day
    11/3: 3 miles
    11/4: 3 miles (m)
    11/5: 3 miles
    11/6: 2.75 miles
    11/7: 3 miles (m)
    11/8: 3 miles
    11/9: Rest Day
    11/10: Rest Day
    11/11: No running per Doc
    11/12: No running per Doc
    11/13: No running per Doc
    11/14: No running per Doc
    11/15: No running per Doc
    11/16: 4 miles
    11/17: 4 miles
    11/18: 4 miles
    11/19: 4 miles
    11/20: 5 miles
    11/21: 5 miles

    My Total/November: 46.75 miles
    Mike's Total: 9 miles

    Missed checking in yesterday. It has been a good couple of days for running with Fergus. I wanted to go longer yesterday, but I woke up late and had to get home to make brunch. 5 miles felt good yesterday though, so I did it again today! I was shooting for being up to 5 miles per day by the end of the year and it looks like I may just hit that goal early. I am tentatively planning to stick at 5 miles per day once I am consistent with it and then just concentrate on getting stronger and faster while adding distance to a weekly "long run." Like I said, I don't really have a solid plan; I just kind of go.

    @MobyCarp, @kkabambe & @_nikkiwolf_ Thanks for the diverse input. I personally flip flop between thinking it is too early to commit and thinking that the commitment might be that extra bit of motivation to keep at it. I didn't even consider that I might be able to "back out" of it and downgrade to a half if I end up not being ready. The most distance I have ever run at once was, I think, 8 or 9 miles. But that was back in 2010 when I was training to run a half. I actually did do a half that year but I alternated running and walking each mile. So I do have a little experience with some longer has just been a while and I have not run the whole way. Time commitment is not really an issue for me. I already have a workout schedule that runs between 2-3 hours per day and there is planty of time on Sundays for me to work in long runs. I don't see that changing any time in the next year or two. There is also a USAFit marathon training group in my town that kicks off in June to prep for the Houston Marathon in January; I am considering working with them for a more structured training program with some experienced marathoners (which, of course, I can do whether I commit in January or not).

    @kristinegift You are definitely an inspiration. The day may not have gone your way, but you pushed through and kept going! I am impressed. :)

    Have a great day everyone!

    Upcoming Race:
    12/3 Snowball Run 5K, Kingwood TX

    OK, so the ticker does eventually update, it just seems to take it a while. :(

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited November 2016
    The wind shorts are a wise investment. And then there's always this.
    @Calvin2008Brian and I didn't know THAT was a thing!
    I should the LRT again soon. I really like that I can park next to Excelsior Brewing Company, run, then enjoy a recovery IPA before heading home. Maybe next time I'll park near ENKI Brewing. I haven't been there yet.

    So what I'm asking is what are your favorite run tracking devices? I don't want to spend a lot (maybe around $200). I don't need one that tracks steps. I don't need heart rate, but if it's built into I wouldn't mind. I don't use a chest strap though.
    @RunsOnEspresso If you don't have to have something new, and you live in a somewhat populated area, check out Craigslist. I bought a Garmin Forerunner 305 for $45, then upgraded to a Garmin Forerunner 220 for $60. The FR305 is a very capable GPS watch but it must be hooked up to a computer to download your runs, and it's bigger than current watches, so I later upgraded to the 220 when I found a sweet deal. My next upgrade will be something that has enough battery life for ultramarathons.

    Here's a great site to compare various versions (current and discontinued) of the Garmin Forerunner GPS watches

    @_nikkiwolf_ glad you're getting back to enjoyable runs!
    @MobyCarp it's great seeing your steady progress. I'm very impressed with your discipline and how you're handling it.

    @kristinegift I don't care what your finish time was, you impress the hell out of me with your training and how you toughed out those brutal conditions this past weekend.

  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @kristinegift I echo what everyone else says. You are an inspiration. Even if the race wasn't what you'd hoped, you still made it through despite the pain. Hopefully you'll get some rest and get right back to killing it.
  • Getfitat54
    Getfitat54 Posts: 526 Member
    My goal is to get a new PR for the winter Holiday Strreak. My PR so far is 79 miles ( I know I'm a rookie runner lol) I've done the HS the last 3 yrs, but for one reason or another I end up stop running after the first of the year. This will be my 4th HS...and I WILL break my PR.... looking for 80+ miles.

    And to those of you runner who thinks 80 miles is a piece of cake for you... this will be a hardy goal for me. lol, it's all good.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    My weekend report:

    11/19 - 11.1 trail miles
    11/20 - 10.2 trail miles, with Kody

    Saturday a new local running store was having a demo of the On Running Cloudventure trail running shoe. I slid a pair on and then the store owner and I, along with another runner, ran for 6 miles. I was very skeptical because they have goofy looking "Cloudtec" pods which stick out on the bottom.

    I thought they looked like a gimmick and would take away all feel of the trail. I was wrong. I had solid footing on all surfaces and I had very good feel of the trail, while providing enough cushion to absorb the impact. When I put them on they felt like a very comfortable slipper. After running for a bit they felt like...nothing. I loved them and will be adding some to my stable. The owner told me for Black Friday they're having a "buy 2 pair, get 1 free" sale on shoes so I'm going to see if I can find three pair next week. They are at the top end of my price tolerance at $150, but the 3 for the price of 2 brings the cost to $100 each. I'd like to get 2 of the Cloudventure and 1 pair of something else.

    I did demo their road shoe, the Cloudsurfer, and found I didn't like that at all. I felt very jarring with each step for me. Odd that it has such a different feel to it.

    After the 6 mile run, I ran another 5+ with the other runner I had met at the shoe demo. This part I ran with my Merrell All Out Charge trail shoes and found that after running in the Cloudventure I no longer like the Merrell. Unfortunately I still have 150 miles left on this pair and a new pair in waiting.

    Sunday my intent was to run 5 miles with Kody but after a couple of miles I knew I wasn't going to be able to stop at 5. Kody had a blast and halfway into the run decided I was going too slow so he left my side and started running 20 yards ahead of me. Any time we came to a trail intersection he'd stop until I pointed to the trail I wanted him to go on (He's trained to follow hand signals for direction). I've been trying to train him to change directions like a sled dog, Gee and Haw, but that hasn't clicked yet.

    Sunday was also the day I gave my Salomon Speed Cross 4 shoes a second chance. The first time I wore them I ran 6 miles and the toe box was so tight I got a blister on the side of my big toe. This time I used a thinner sock and a liberal amount of Trail Toes and my feet felt great after the run, so they're a keeper now. They certainly felt better than my Merrell's.

    These two long runs give me 35.9 miles for the week, which is my largest weekly total since I ran the marathon in May. Everything is feeling good and I'm encouraged about ultra training. My plan is a gradual mileage increase between now and April, with cutback weeks ever 2 or 3 weeks depending on my schedule and how I'm feeling.

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    @kristinegift Sorry your marathon didn't go as you'd hoped, but in my eyes you're a rockstar. You fought through to the finish, when giving up would have been understandable and even expected by some. Your attitude about it admirable and I thank you for sharing your experience with us. Now rest up!

    @7lenny7 Thanks for the shoe review! Bummer that you don't care for your Merrells anymore, though!

    @MNLittleFinn Ahh, 7 months?? It feels to far away but so soon at the same time. We WILL do it!!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2016
    @7lenny7 love the shoe review. I may try to find them. I have the All our Charge too, they feel stiff and bind on push off.

    I'm in Brooks ghost 9 now, but I'm leery of committing to a 12mm drop. I have some Mizuno Hitogami 3 coming this week with a 9 drop.

    The drop in the cloud trail shoes looks like it'd be 8-10? I like the looks of the uppers. They so look comfy.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited November 2016
    Quick check-in to post my miles since I haven't in a week. I a trying to pop in when I can just to see how everyone is doing. Working 12-16/hrs/day isn't leaving me a lot of time to spend reading here and when I do have a moment the last thing I want to do is spend more time sitting in front of my PC. I am hoping it will calm down a bit this week though with the holiday.

    11/01......0.00......0.00 - + Strength Training
    11/03......0.00......4.66 - + Strength Training and Rally Obedience (2 classes!)
    11/05......0.00......8.95 - Agility Trial
    11/06......0.00......8.95 - Agility Trial
    11/07......4.23....13.18 - + Agility class
    11/08......3.00....16.18 - + Strength Training
    11/10......0.00....20.59 - to Napa
    11/11......0.00....20.59 - Wine
    11/12......5.02....25.61 - Wine country run + Wine
    11/13......0.00....25.61 - Back to reality
    11/15......5.06....34.34 - Sunset run
    11/16......0.00....34.34 - + Strength Training
    11/17......4.60....38.94 - + Rally Obedience
    11/19......0.00....44.52 - Dog Beach
    11/20....10.32....54.84 - Long almost rain run


    ^^^don't know why my ticker is not/won't update. I know it has been slow in the past but it is getting ridiculous!

    My completed and upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half Marathon
    02/20/16 - Divas Half Marathon - Temecula
    07/04/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    08/21/16 - Tiki Beach 10k, Huntington Beach
    09/18/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle
    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!) - CANCELED!!

    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 love the shoe review. I may try to find them. I have the All our Charge too, they feel stiff and bind on push off.

    I'm in Brooks ghost 9 now, but I'm leery of committing to a 12mm drop. I have some Mizuno Hitogami 3 coming this week with a 9 drop.

    The drop in the cloud trail shoes looks like it'd be 8-10? I like the looks of the uppers. They so look comfy.

    @Elise4270 they have a 6mm drop though it felt to me a bit more. I guessed 7-8 when I asked the store owner during our run.

    I think it was @_nikkiwolf_ who mentioned that she didn't like the thin laces. The owner mentioned they do that so you can tight the whole shoe quicker, but then you do loose the ability to adjust different areas of the shoe differently. You can either switch to a thicker lace or do some double looping in areas where you want the show a little more snug.

  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member

    Date .. Miles .. Total
    11/01 .. 05.6 .. 05.6
    11/02 .. Rest
    11/03 .. 06.5 .. 12.1
    11/04 .. Rest
    11/05 .. Rest
    11/06 .. 08.4 .. 20.5
    11/07 .. Rest
    11/08 .. 07.0 .. 27.5
    11/09 .. Rest
    11/10 .. Rest
    11/11 .. 04.9 .. 32.4
    11/12 .. 10.3 .. 42.7
    11/13 .. Rest
    11/14 .. 01.5 .. 44.2
    11/15 .. 05.2 .. 49.4
    11/16 .. Rest
    11/17 .. 05.0 .. 54.4
    11/18 .. 03.2 .. 57.6
    11/19 .. 03.1 .. 60.7

    With a prospect of being able to race the 5k on Thanksgiving day, I ran some sort of an interval run on the 18th. On the 19th, I made it to run a faster tempo 5k before picking up my visiting sister at the airport. I could not make a long run yesterday like the past few weeks. I thought I could make up some of the miles today but it rained. With a mini trip planned after the race on Thanksgiving, I may not be able to make the mileage goal this month... :(


  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I'm in Brooks ghost 9 now, but I'm leery of committing to a 12mm drop. I have some Mizuno Hitogami 3 coming this week with a 9 drop.
    @Elise4270 Have you previously worn the ghost 8? I've been in those awhile since they seem to work well for me and the price dropped once the 9s came out but will probably move onto the 9s soon. I've been hoping they didn't change them too much...what do you think?

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I'm in Brooks ghost 9 now, but I'm leery of committing to a 12mm drop. I have some Mizuno Hitogami 3 coming this week with a 9 drop.
    @Elise4270 Have you previously worn the ghost 8? I've been in those awhile since they seem to work well for me and the price dropped once the 9s came out but will probably move onto the 9s soon. I've been hoping they didn't change them too much...what do you think?

    I like them, the fit is nice. I did have a problem with the heel rubbing, but I think that's solved with a change of socks. My gait is still off too.

    I haven't worn the ghost before. These are my first pair. I had run in the cascadias before, then moved to a lighter more minimal shoe. But I'm having an issue with tendonitis, so I figured to try a shoe with more support.

    Sorry I can't really compare the line. I don't regret the purchase though!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @MobyCarp That looks like the snow was protecting a sheet of ice underneath it.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MobyCarp looks like you got some decent snow there.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date:: :::: Miles :::: Nov total (goal = 75)
    11/01/16 :::: 5.7 :::: 5.7
    11/02/16 :::: 2.9 :::: 8.5
    11/03/16 :::: 2.2 :::: 10.7
    11/04/16 :::: 2.0 :::: 12.7
    11/05/16 :::: 6.4 :::: 19.1
    11/06/16 :::: 2.5 :::: 21.6
    11/07/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 21.6
    11/08/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 21.6
    11/09/16 :::: 2.4 :::: 24.0
    11/10/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 24.0
    11/11/16 :::: 2.4 :::: 26.5
    11/12/16 :::: 7.2 :::: 33.7
    11/13/16 :::: 3.1 :::: 36.8
    11/14/16 :::: 2.8 :::: 39.5
    11/15/16 :::: 5.6 :::: 45.1
    11/16/16 :::: 2.7 :::: 47.9
    11/17/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 47.9
    11/18/16 :::: 2.2 :::: 50.0
    11/19/16 :::: 7.3 :::: 57.3
    11/20/16 :::: 3.0 :::: 60.3
    11/21/16 :::: 2.6 :::: 62.9

    Treadmill run at the Y today. We've had about 17" of snow since yesterday morning. The roads are clear enough for driving but not for running and the wind is biting. I took Stella out for a short walk this morning and it was painful. Kind of a comedy of errors in getting this run in - I forgot my earbuds so I decided to stop at Target and pick up a new cheap pair. Get to the Y and realize that my ENTIRE water bottle spilled in my gym bag. Somehow my shoes were spared and I was already dressed to run so I just took out what I needed and headed in. And forgot the new headphones. And forgot the water bottle. I didn't want to go back out to the car so I just toughed it out without either. Good grief, my head is clearly not in the game today! In good news though I found my neck gaiter that I was searching for all weekend.

    I hope someone stops shaking this snow globe tonight some time. I head out tomorrow for my Thanksgiving holiday week in Iowa. Not exactly the tropics but at least it's not supposed to snow there.

    Upcoming races:
    11/24 Turkey Trot 5k, Cedar Rapids IA
    12/3 St. Nick Shuffle 5k, Syracuse NY
    1/22 Chilly Chili 5k, Cazenovia NY
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I know there are some folks stalking this thread. Don't be shy. Jump on in and share your monthly goal!

    Come on newbies!