November 2016 Running Challenge



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've been using the Nike app on my phone & I like it but since the last update it messes up on long distances. I put in my goal distance and then after mile 3 it reverts back to the default goal of 2.5 miles. It's annoying & one time didn't record my splits.

    I have the fit bit surge but the battery drains if I use the run feature. I still wear it because it detects I'm running & I can easily check the time and heart rate but it's not ideal for tracking.

    So what I'm asking is what are your favorite run tracking devices? I don't want to spend a lot (maybe around $200). I don't need one that tracks steps. I don't need heart rate, but if it's built into I wouldn't mind. I don't use a chest strap though.

    Thanks for all your input!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso you can get a garmin forerunner 230 in that price range. I love mine. It doesn't track HR on its own, but it does pair with the Garmin soft strap HRM for HR tracking.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    3:51:57 finish time for @kristinegift
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    11/1- 6.05
    11/2- 6.13
    11/3- 6.01
    11/4- 6.12
    11/5- 10.25
    11/6- Rest
    11/7: 6.05
    11/8- 6.01
    11/9- 6.02
    11/10- 6.14
    11/11- 6.01
    11/13- REST
    11/14- 6.02
    11/15- 6.06
    11/16- 6.15
    11/17- 6.41
    11/18- 6.14 plus an hour and a half of snow shoveling
    11/19- "rest" Does it really count as rest when you shovel snow for an hour?
    11/20- 11.01

    Total: 117.59/150

    Today's notes: Today I sad *kitten* it, stopped all active HR monitoring and ran by how I felt. Ended up doing my 11 mile run in 1:45:54 for an average pace of 9:37. I know this was "too fast" and my average HR was "higher than it should be" at 162 average. Thing is, I felt WAY better running the 11 miles this pace than when I run slower. Of course, this now makes me confused about how I should run, but that's nothing new, I never know.

    It was somewhat chilly, 9F when I started and around 11 F at the end. I got pretty hot on the run, with the sun out. It was a very good run, and I'm pleased to report that, except on ice, my Glycerin 14's worked great! I was really thinking I'd regret not going with my trail shoes, but I was pleasantly surprised!

    All in all a great run, and I really enjoyed running a bit faster again. Oh, I'll write about winter wear in the winter running gear thread for the Long Distance Runners group.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member

  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    It was a chilly run today -2c with northwesterly wind. Saw a beautiful family of deer, almost came eye to eye with the straggler that was crossing the trail!!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Got out for a hike to Ebbor Gorge yesterday once the rain had stopped. It was pretty much and a lot of up!! I go walking with a friend who's main hobby is walking, so I have to find time for non-running and non-dancing activities to!! I did reject the idea of another walk today.

    Had planned a six mile run into the woods. Think I've given up on the HR thing for now - it was showing 202 after if been chatting to some dogwalkers so I just don't know what to make of it. Also I'm trying to increase my mileage and get into a routine so worrying about zones and stuff is probably one thing too many right now.

    Ended up 6.6 miles, up a steep climb then around the woods, back down onto the towpath. Everyone was very friendly today, it must be a Sunday thing, dogwalkers, families, runners, cyclists, I must've spent the whole time saying 'good morning' to people!!!

    Good to get out, probably overdid it and should've slowed my pace.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    A few slow miles around my favourite fields just because it was daylight and I've missed them this week.

    November Running Challenge

    2nd - 4.05 miles
    3rd - 4.27 miles
    5th - 4.60 miles
    6th - 7.28 miles
    7th-12th - injured
    13th - 5.37 miles
    15th - 3.20 miles
    16th - 3.40 miles
    18th - 3.08 miles
    19th - 8.38 miles
    20th - 4.03 miles

    MTD - 47.66/80* miles
    *Adjusted down due to injury

    Upcoming races:
    17th Dec - Lee Valley VeloPark Half Marathon
    9th April 2017 - Brighton Marathon
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @midwesterner85 about walking during races: I walk at each aid station whan I want to drink. Running + drinking from a cup = choking and coughing for me, costs me a lot more time than just walking a bit.
    For the rest of the race, I keep running. Not because I think there is something "wrong" about walking in a race, I'd just be worried that once I was walking, I wouldn't be tough enough to go back to running afterwards ;)
    I certainly wouldn't frown at anyone doing it - unless people are doing it in a group of four, blocking the road for everyone, or causing me to stumble into them because they suddenly walk sideways or backwards to take a better selfie, but than it's not the *walking* bit that I have a problem with...

    @abqrnr Welcome! Running can be a nice stress relief after work, so restarting both at the same time sounds perfect.

    @MNLittleFinn So you ran in an actual snowstorm? Wow! Could you even see where you were going?
    I agree with @7lenny7 - flashlights beat headlamps in snow and fog. In addition to the headache effect, I prefer the light to reach the ground rather than illuminating all the floating water in front of my face. :p

    @7lenny7 I have a pair of On shoes, the "Cloudflyer"s. Most expensive pair of running shoes I own, by at least factor two. Though that's more due to the fact that I bought them in downtown Geneva, cause I felt like buying in a store just for once, rather than ordening online... I guess I let the sales people at the store talk me into them - they are okay for running on roads, but don't do anything my "normal" shoes don't do. The quality of the shoes seems rather good. I replaced the thin laces, but that's just personal taste, they simply didn't feel like running shoe laces to me. The shoes are super annoying on rocky trails though, it feels rather uncomfortable when a stone gets stuck inside one of the air cushions (or whatever thez are called), and it's not always easy to clean those out..

    @ceciliaslater I hope your leg will be 100% okay soon! The work situation sounds tough, hope that improves soon as well. I'm sure taking the lunch break is the right decision - it might not even mean staying later in the evening, maybe clearing your head in between will help; I know I turn into a zombie if I spent eight hours at my desk without a break!

    @Orphia Congratulations on the PR. And that trail run looks awesome! :smile:

    @greenolivetree Oh no, shin splins suck :neutral: How many miles do you have on your shoes? Even if they look new, the cushioning might be worn down. I have some shoes where the upper looks rather new-ish even after 700km, so I wouldn't judge by looks alone. Or maybe it would help if you were rotating between different shoes? I hardly ever run two days in a row in the same shoes.

    @dkabambeP That riveside trail looks like a lovely place to run!

    @ereck44 Sorry that your last run wasn't great. I hope the rest day helped the knee!

    @lissadecker If you signed up for the 2018 marathon now, would there still be an option to downgrade it to a half marathon later? In that case, you could consider it, if you really want it. Although the sensible thing would be to wait another year and do a few halfs. I know that it helped me mentally with the long runs in training - I could tell myself "if I can race 21km, then I have enough energy left to run 10km after 21km at an easy jog". If you really want to do it, I'm sure you can - people have trained for a marathon in less than a year's time. But talking it a little slower might reduce your risk of injury and mean you have more run in the race.
    (although I'm probably not one to talk, I ran my marathon half a year after my first half... o:) )

    @RunsOnEspresso I have the TomTom cardio watch with optical heart rate monitor. For running it works fine and does all I need, although sometimes the heart rate monitor doesn't work right on cold days. But if you were happy with the Nike app before, without a dedicated running watch, you could also check out Strava. I've set up my watch to synch my runs with their website, and when I don't have the watch with me (on weekend trips or simply forgotten in the apartment and too lazy to walk back up all the stairs to get it ^^), I use the Strava app for tracking. Works great, and I like the feature of planning routes on the computer and than loading the map on the phone so that I can check where to go in unfamilar areas. Since it's free, trying it out before you spend money on anything can't hurt.

    @girlinahat Where there train tracks / power lines / other people with HRMs nearby when your heart rate monitor showed you the weird readings? Lots of things that can mess with them, aparently.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ it wasn't that bad when I was running, snow/sleet mix with 20-30mph (32-48kmph) winds with some gusts to 45mph. I also found out that a cap with a bill takes care of the headache problem, and still provided enough light to see my feet.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    11/1: 3
    11/4: 4.2
    11/6: 6
    11/8: 3
    11/10: 4
    11/13: 7
    11/16: 2.3
    11/18: 4
    11/20: 8

    41.5 of 60

    Training for: Key West Half Marathon, Jan 15, 2017

    Slow and reasonably steady long run. Just for fun, I did this as a point to point training run. Now I need to go fetch my car! Good times on the LRT along Lake Minnetonka. Cloudy and cold, but not much wind so felt ok. Still, winter weather feels very different after being spoiled though this extended fall season.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @girlinahat Where there train tracks / power lines / other people with HRMs nearby when your heart rate monitor showed you the weird readings? Lots of things that can mess with them, aparently

    Now that's interesting - there is indeed a train line running along the first part of my run which I guess may have caused the massive initial spike (222 BPM). And then the last couple of miles are along the same path where the line runs (I run on a towpath along by a gorge, and there a freight line a few feet above the path through the rocks). Just looked at it on strava and it makes sense.

    I'm going to have to do a test run somewhere else to see what it says!!

    The other issue I have with using data is that most of my runs are on trails with hills, so unless I do a flat run (even all my races have been pretty much up and down) my pace 'time' will be slower because of it.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited November 2016
    After two weeks, today was finally I run I really enjoyed again! I've heard people say it's normal to feel a bit unmotivated in the weeks after a big race - but actually, I think in my case the weather is to blame. It's been raining almost non-stop for two weeks (with a bit of snow mixed in). I think six out of my last eight runs ended with me curled up under a blanket, clutching a cup of hot chocolate in an attempt to get warm again, while I listened to the annoying drop-drop-drop my running clothes made where I strung them up in the bathroom.

    Yesterday I decided almost three weeks were enough marathon recovery that I could try a little speedwork again, just to shake it up a bit and have some fun. I planned 1km warm-up, 4km 10k pace, 1km cool-down. I even managed to time it right to have 10 rain-free minutes in the beginning - but when the rain returned, it brought back enough hail with it that I skipped most of the planned cool-down to get inside (not ideal, I know, but those hailstones stung!).

    By some miracle, I woke up to blue skies and sunshine today. Combine that with the fact that the last couple of days were horribly wet, but warm enough to melt the snow we got last week, I decided it was a perfect day to head for the mountains for a run! I always feel slightly guilty when I waste gasoline by driving somewhere to run, when I could just as well run at home, so I usually try to come up with some errands I can run on the way. Today though, I decided that "it might be the last chance to run up there before winter" was a good enough excuse. Seems I wasn't the only one - usually I have those trails to myself, maybe see one other person, today I met five! groups of hikers.
    And it was just as lovely as I had hoped! The only grain of salt was that I had to walk down one of my favourite trails - it's quite steep and full of loose rocks and roots, so usually I have to take really short quick steps and jumps and feel like I'm flying :) Today it was covered in so many layers of leaves that I couldn't really see the ground, plus the wet slippery leaves where a challenge in themselves, there's no whay I would have been able to run down the slope without falling. But the rest of the run was great!

  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    11/1: 3 miles
    11/2: rest
    11/3: 4 miles
    11/4: 3 miles
    11/5: 7 miles
    11/6: 5 miles
    11/7: 3.6 miles
    11/8: 4.4 miles
    11/9: rest
    11/10: 4 miles
    11/11: 5 miles
    11/12: 9 miles
    11/13: 4 miles
    11/14: 4 miles
    11/15: 6 miles
    11/16: 4 miles
    11/17: 3 miles
    11/18: rest
    11/19: 10 miles
    11/20: 4.6 miles

    TOTAL: 83.6/70

    4.6 easy-ish miles in 45:40 (9:56 pace). Was supposed to be a little slower and a little shorter but I decided to go a new way and got a little turned around. Also was running in the hilly neighborhood, so it was a little harder to control my pace but it still felt like a good easy run. Wind chill was 21 F but there was no wind or rain, so it was much more pleasant than yesterday.
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    @dkabambe That riveside trail looks like a lovely place to run!
    Only downside is it is very exposed to winds. However, it is 4 completely flat miles and when you get to the other end there are 4 pubs :smile: and some eateries in an old fishing town (and a train station to come back home!)
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    1/1: 7.4k
    11/3: 6.3k
    11/4: 6.1k
    11/5: 18k
    11/7: 10k
    11/8: 3k
    11:9: 2k
    11/10: 9.5k
    11/11: 2k
    11/12: 9.2k
    11/14: 3.2
    11/15: 10.4k
    11/17: 8.8k
    11/18: 2.1k
    11/19: Rest
    11/20: 21.2k

    Up until now: 119.2k

    11/27: Democritus Half Marathon
    12/18: Tour of Drama 10K

    Wish you all the best!
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    1/1: 7.4k
    11/3: 6.3k
    11/4: 6.1k
    11/5: 18k
    11/7: 10k
    11/8: 3k
    11:9: 2k
    11/10: 9.5k
    11/11: 2k
    11/12: 9.2k
    11/14: 3.2
    11/15: 10.4k
    11/17: 8.8k
    11/18: 2.1k
    11/19: Rest
    11/20: 21.2

    Up until now: 119.2k

    11/27: Democritus Half Marathon
    12/18: Tour of Drama 10K

    I wish you all the best!!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    28 degrees F today when I went out for my run, even colder than yesterday. Still no precipitation, and a lot less wind today too. Leaves all over the place. Almost stepped in Ginkgo fruit, which would have been a real smelly mess on my shoes. I've had a previous pair of shoes ruined by Ginkgo fruit.

    Not as fast as yesterday, came in at 11:16/mile average for the 5.4 miles. I was hoping to go longer, but I didn't sleep so well last night and was feeling sluggish.

    Needless to say, the warm shower felt pretty darn good after running in the cold. :smile:
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    edited November 2016
    Why I cannot post my progress? It says that my comment will be post after it is approved? wtf is this?

    EDIT: Did it again, I cannot copy paste the previous post of mine and add my new km
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    1/1: 7.4k
    11/3: 6.3k
    11/4: 6.1k
    11/5: 18k
    11/7: 10k
    11/8: 3k
    11:9: 2k
    11/10: 9.5k
    11/11: 2k
    11/12: 9.2k
    11/14: 3.2
    11/15: 10.4k
    11/17: 8.8k
    11/18: 2.1k
    11/19: Rest
    11/20: 21.2

    Up until now: 119.2k