

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hello, ladies. Am so sad this morning and just not sure I have the gumption to do this social media stuff anymore, but I am going to continue to log my food. I am really going to just try to hold on while in my bunker mental state. Will try to exercise and be kind to people. I would love for more people to friend me so we can support each other that way. Maybe I will get over this black mood but today is not that day. Said much the same to my FB people. Would love to somehow stay in touch with you lovely ladies! If you feel broken this morning you are not alone--hugs!

    Big hugs Betty
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Another beautiful fall Day! So some more crushed rock will get moved.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2016
    Walked over 13,000 steps yesterday so more than burned off my shrimp and grits. Here are a couple other things we saw. This morning headed north to Charleston. How far to Canada?

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Chiropractor really helped my back and sinuses. Mood better but still grumpy. Going with my DH for pneumonia shots today. Flu shot made me sick this year. Hope this won't be so bad. Selfie on walk. I think I have a fat face.k0qn6d1xgg0j.jpg
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Oceanmelody I am so disheartened that I'm sick to my stomach...trying to focus on my husband's PT app't today after back surgery & another followup with his medical oncologist to get his latest scan results. It's been 27 months since he finished treatment for epiglottis cancer & everything has been fine so far but today I'm feeling a good deal of trepidation...everything seems topsy turvy. One thing for sure no TV for me.
    Deep breaths & focusing on kindness & caring of my fellow human beings

    Lois in the North Shore of Ma :'(
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    ljdw99 wrote: »
    Oceanmelody I am so disheartened that I'm sick to my stomach...trying to focus on my husband's PT app't today after back surgery & another followup with his medical oncologist to get his latest scan results. It's been 27 months since he finished treatment for epiglottis cancer & everything has been fine so far but today I'm feeling a good deal of trepidation...everything seems topsy turvy. One thing for sure no TV for me.
    Deep breaths & focusing on kindness & caring of my fellow human beings

    Lois in the North Shore of Ma :'(


    deep breaths & focusing on kindness & caring for my fellow human beings!!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    My good wishes to everyone over the pond today. <3

    DH has just gone out in a big huff "to have his hair cut" after we had a row. We were trying to sort out the loft, where we have stored lots of things that I find difficult to make decisions about. There are lots of archived papers and books that represent different stages in my life, manuscripts of old books I wrote etc. etc. I went up there with him and agreed to start with a few boxes. I asked for his help and understanding as I tackled a difficult task, but he let me know that he thought I was being unreasonable and difficult and there was no room in our new house. So then I escalated and said I had hoped he could support me through it at this difficult time and then he said I never supported him in his difficulties (!) , so I said I wasn't moving if he was going to be like that, so he's run out, as usual.

    I really do feel I don't want to move if it's going to be like this. :'(

    And what is it I don't support him with? ? ?

    He usually takes quite a while to calm down so I'm expecting the rest of the day to be awkward.
    Double grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    As I've been writing this I've just remembered that November is always difficult for him as his previous partner died around now. He's always much more sensitive at this time of year. I always forget and he never says anything. I wish he would remind me. :* But I need help too. My archive represents for me all my hopes and dreams that I could have been a famous writer and the kind of author that people wanted to preserve an archive for. I know that isn't going to happen, but there is that little tiny breath of life left in the idea that I can't quite let go of. Him rubbishing my stuff is a bit like him saying I am no good and not worth a bit of floor space. My life's work is there.

    OK, finished with that rant. Hope he comes home soon.

    Love Heather UK
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited November 2016
    Heather I have reams of stuff my mom and my sister wrote. Someone suggested taking the time to scan it and then get rid of the paper...haven't done it, but find it a hopeful plan. I hate paper mites and mouldering old paper...however, I understand wanting to hold on to the original manuscripts. I have a friend with a wonderful way of whittling down. She spreads it out in piles around her and picks the 1 or 2 most precious items/stacks and lets the rest go. I so admire that.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited November 2016

    Rita love fall pictures. I worry how my face looks when I take a close up too!

    Janetr thanks for sharing your trip with us beautiful weather, too!

    :heart: Margaret
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I am saddened and worried by the outcome of this election. Who will champion the interest of the 50+ population? Education? Children? :cry:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hello, ladies. Am so sad this morning and just not sure I have the gumption to do this social media stuff anymore, but I am going to continue to log my food. I am really going to just try to hold on while in my bunker mental state. Will try to exercise and be kind to people. I would love for more people to friend me so we can support each other that way. Maybe I will get over this black mood but today is not that day. Said much the same to my FB people. Would love to somehow stay in touch with you lovely ladies! If you feel broken this morning you are not alone--hugs!

    Huge hugs Betty hope you feel better soon <3<3

    Kate UK
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    Re – Thanks! We are all glad that he is still fighting. Now has had some small bites of food and drink. Everybody wonders when they are going to let him have his PB&J sandwich for breakfast; and when they are going to let him put ketchup on just about anything else. When that happens … we’ll know we have him ‘out of the woods’ for sure.

    Patceoh – Actually, it teaches them ‘how to communicate’ better; rather than ‘spelling out every word’ as the alphabet; then ‘learn’ that certain multiple signs say a lot more, and, a lot easier. Grandmother would normally take 11 signs to say it; but, instead they make a motion to their forehead with their thumb – it is basically 4 more years of a learning lesson for them. She made her choice to go there after seeing the ‘sit-in’ the students had when the school wanted to hire a ‘hearing’ Dean. Students won out. She watched it on TV; turned to her parents and said, ‘I want to go there’! So they made the arrangements, she had to go up the summer before to learn ‘signing’ as her parents (mostly her Daddy) wanted her to ‘read lips’ and ‘talk’. If you did not know her, people generally thought she just had a speech impediment. I don’t think it is cruel, it is just a fact of her life.

    She and husband sign; but, they also speak at the same time, especially when dealing with their ‘hearing’ children, who have learned signing. Her sister and her children have learned. My sister knows a little; but, BnL has never wanted to learn; but, he has never really wanted to admit that she is deaf. Of course, they could speak when they went home and sometimes 'if' they were talking to a ‘hearing’ person. They were not just standing around twiddling their thumbs. They went to the same ‘core classes’ that any college student takes. She is deaf because oldest sister contracted German measles in her 4th month. She has no physical defects; but, regardless … she still would have been born and loved and taken care of. One of her friends also got pregnant, but, was earlier in her pregnancy; her child is both deaf and blind and goes to school in St. Augustine (they moved down to be close to her). Since then, sister has found out that no matter how far along she might have been in her pregnancy, the chances of the baby being deaf or having a hearing loss was very high. Niece has always been very animated and ‘vocal’. Once when her Papa was dipping out creamed corn (which they both loved) she said, ‘that’s enough, Papa’. Cracked up the entire table. She wore her hearing aid when she was a child in a pouch in the front; with wires going to earpieces; if Mother or Daddy stopped while strolling her … she would just pull them out when she got tired of them talking to whoever stopped them. “Time to GO!” I’ve got several books on signing; would love to know how; but, unless you learn it as a young child or adult, I think it is hard to do. They have classes at one of the churches and I might see what is involved in taking the course. Our DMGD is learning it, on her own. Jeanne Robertson has a hilarious skit about her husband (“Left Brain”) deciding it would be good for her to learn it, so that she would not have to pause if there was a need for an interpreter for the death in her audience. I’m sure by now she has either put it on a DVD or on YouTube. We took sister and BnL to the show when they came down to spend the night before we left on a ‘sisters’ trip. I thought my sister was going to fall out of her chair, she laughed so hard she was crying. If you have the opportunity to try to see if it is on YouTube, you ought to watch it; also one she is famous for it ‘sending husband to grocery store to pick up items for pound cake’. She is a really good comedian … true life events and NO nasty words. Refreshing!

    Janetr okc – PAULA DEEN!!! … she used to live in Albany before she moved to Savannah, GA. She also weighed a lot more until she found out she was diabetic. She has a cookbook for her recipes that she has had to make for herself and diabetic followers. You probably could not tell, if nobody told you.

    Cheri – All 3 of my B9 lumps were milk ducts that were stopped up. I had milk in my breast for years after my last baby nursed.

    Katla – I have a friend who lives in Florida (or did); just the same lives now in Alabama; but, they changed the time for the polling booths to close for Florida so that they did not ‘call the state’ before those in the Panhandle of Florida had gotten a chance to vote; so they close now at 8 o’clock EST.

    Michele – Liked your friend’s post. True! Funny … someone had to really be on the ball to come up with that one.

    I think this country (USA) will always have a 'few' hiccups at every election when the party changes. I think it will work itself out, like it has seemingly done over the past few decades. It was a pretty nasty campaign; and, I hope we can now 'move on' and work together and most of all, communicate. Some people will never like that a Republican won; others would not have liked it if the Democrat had won. But, as it was said today; we are ALL Americans first. We need to try to try to act like it. IMHO!

    Lenora - But, NOT because I am feeling that way.