

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
  • santeeshimmy
    santeeshimmy Posts: 29 Member
    edited November 2016
    I did a bit of an intro way back on page.... 19 ?..? Maybe?
    Nice ta meet ya. ;)

    Katy, confusing people in New Mexico.... It was page 27
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Yay! My "old" neighbors husband just arrived and the window tinting has commenced! I am so glad he is doing this for me, bless his heart. Now tomorrow I can open my blinds again and let the light in! It is awfully dark in here with the blinds down, I don't like it. It makes me feel like I am living in a cave. I like to see outdoors.

    These "old" neighbors are such awesome people! They were so happy when I had that "man" physically hauled out by the police and got a restraining order against him. They all came over as a group the next day and told me that they felt bad because they felt all they could do was stand by and watch while that "man" abused me as they didn't want to endanger me further by saying anything or getting involved. They told me they all felt so helpless to do anything. They all offered to help me with anything I might need and have done exactly that. They were all bummed when I decided to move, but they all understood why I had to get out of that house. They are the closest thing to friends that I have and I am soooo grateful for them! Bless their hearts!

    Sherry in "Yay window tinting!" Portland
  • anniegraythomas
    anniegraythomas Posts: 1 Member
    My goal for this month is not eat late at night with my boyfriend.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!

    Managed to stay under calories, so far, despite no activity today. Tomorrow will finish weeding the front flower beds while waiting for the cable tech. Modem reboots itself intermittently then takes 2 or 3 tries to reconnect with internet. Foo!

    Michelle, LOL, indeed! Edamame peas and cottage cheese, ok. Oatmeal and cinnamon ok. but all 5? :p Thanks for reminding about the wii, still havent'd hooke mine up since the move (July?!?)
    NYKaren Tankini malfunction now THAT's an NSV!
    Welcome Katy, from another state in the forgotten time zone... ;) Some of us compose our posts in Word or WordPad, then paste them in, saves frustration ;}
    KarenE you're right adopting adult dogs means you have less time and it IS hard. We got a puppy last July and she brought new life to our Scooter who was 8 when we adopted him. Now at 2 and 12 both are still going strong.
    Katla without us "excellent reader"s, where would the writers be?
    Barbie, WOW!
    Sherry Good for you digging out your toolkit, talking to your counselor and privatizing. Delighted you have a GOOD neighbor but agree with Joyce to check out with the manager. Can learn how they're trying to get troublemakers out of the park at the same time. Focus, determination and help from those who care about you!
    Kim hot pepper jelly, YUM!
    Gloria bless you!
    Allie, what Heather and KJ said... <3 In 2005 I was done. Ran away from home, took the dogs (this is key!), talked to a counselor, even a divorce attorney. DH could have said "Thank God the witch is gone!" but instead agreed to counseling and we got a good one. Our lives have been so much better ever since.
    Anne from Wisconsin, Would she try Tai Chi from library or YouTube? Very smooth and gentle, adaptable to those who haven't been active, and I always feel better after I do it... ;}
    Carol feeling the cold is miserable, do you have a heated throw or electric blanket you can curl up in 'til the heat comes back on?
    Welcome Renee
    Lenora thanks for asking about the CBL and THC. I have the same questions for a terminally ill friend in Fla.
    Liz 4 pounds? Awesome!
    Anniegray late night eating is one of my challenges too.

    Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD who is happy to be here.
    Smile then listen
    Today: Log like Mary MSH, every bite lick or sip whether over, under or sidewise. . . EVERY day ;}
    November: Strength Training 3 days/week. Zumba, H20 Fit or Line Dance Class 4 times/week.
    Nov-Dec-Jan: Vitamin D 3 x day.

    Log: 100%
    Cardio: G/S, B/H20/LD, G/B/AZ, Z, 0, G, H20, S, LD, AZ, Z, 0
    Strength: 0, non-legs, legs, 1/2 non-legs, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
    Vit 'D': x x 100% 100% 100% 100% 66%* 66%* 66%* 66%* 66%* 66%
    *2/day but 1 is doublestrength
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    The job is done! He did it all fairly quickly and did a professional job! He said doing this will have a double benefit, people won't be able to see in and the "mirror" in the tint reflects heat so it will help keep it cooler in here during the summer. He did it so fast, I had to ask if he had done this before. He said he did part of the house they were in before the one they are in now to help keep the side of the house that was exposed to the sun all day cooler. He said it worked great and that I should not have to run the air conditioners as much as I would have to without it. So that is a big bonus! I tried to offer him money for doing this and he wouldn't take it from me. He said it was his pleasure to help and that it gave him the perfect excuse to come check this place out.

    We went for a walk after he was done and he asked me to point out where the "jerk" (his word, not mine) lived, so I showed him. When we got back he told me before he left not to hesitate to call if I have more problems with him, and if the park doesn't want to do anything about the situation he will get the "boys" together (the other husbands) and come over and have a "chat" with him and make him understand I am not to be messed with. Such bravado! Though it is nice to know there are people who will back my "play". I hope it doesn't come down to that, but he said they are there if I need them, and that is comforting.

    Tomorrow morning I have an appt at the " head" clinic to see the prescriber and get on some new meds for the nightmares, the "ruminating" and for sleep. It will be nice to get a good night's sleep again. Last night I woke up in a cold sweat flailing my arms from a "night terror" and couldn't get back to sleep. I think that incident triggered it, as it only happens when I feel threatened. Normally I just have nightmares. It will be nice not to have those anymore too. When I am knocked out with medication I have no dreams of any kind, good or bad. I should be able to sleep OK tonight though as I feel better now that "privatizing" is done.

    Well, I am going to put a movie in and relax. Thank you ladies for being patient with me and reading my ramblings. I gotta go roll up my awning a little as the wind has picked up and I don't want it to get damaged. Good night all, I hope you all get plenty of good refreshing sleep tonight! Love to you all!

    Sherry in "windy and rainy" Portland
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Morning all!
    Up early - woke up at 4.30 - but I had fallen asleep yesterday afternoon when we got back from DSIL's, so I got some sleep then. :) Guess I've had enough.
    She and her manfriend are going to come to us for New Year. That's great because we never do anything for that night and it will be nice to have company. He is vegetarian, but I have a folder of recipes I can use. It looks like we are going to have a lot of visitors over that period. Might have to organise a few meals out, or get DH to prepare something. He makes a wonderful moussaka, which can be frozen.
    I don't think too many people will be house viewing then, so the house doesn't have to be super tidy. :laugh: And I can buy in prepared stuff. Time to lower my standards. :D

    It's "sorting out boxes'" day today. Delving into the archives. :o I want to have at least the main novels waiting for pickup tomorrow.
    DH is still a bit dubious about all this. I will just have to move forward with resolution. If he sees I am serious he might come to believe in the reality of the project, but he is so used to me talking about it and then doing NOTHING. I am the head honcho of the Procrastinators Club. Stuck is my middle name. I felt buried under reams of old, mouldering paper. Now I am fighting my way out! I might even decide that the stuff is such rubbish that it doesn't deserve to see the light of day, but I can't do anything with it if it's stuck in a box. My new mantra, I don't have to know my ultimate destination in order to take my first step. I just have to know my general direction of travel. :D

    Time for the morning cuppa.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    All caught up with everyone's posts!
    Sherry you are a breath of fresh air to our group. You're like a butterfly who just came out of it's cocoon and is learning how to fly. Keep working on yourself and always remember you are worth it. This is from one former abused woman to another - it will get better and you can do it!

    The mother of the boys who spent the night didn't even come in just dropped them off, did not tell me that one of them had been throwing up the day before so last night he had a terrible stomach ache and felt like he was going to throw up. I tried two different phone numbers for her but no response. So unbeknownst to me he was up all night with diarrhea and flushed the toilet so many times that it started overflowing like a volcano and I had a flood all the way down my hallway into my kitchen. Thank goodness the hallway is not carpeted. I had to call the emergency number for maintenance to come and fix the toilet and they brought big fans to dry the floors and whatever else got wet. My DD#1 came over to help me wash and disinfect the floors and I had to wash and disinfect 4 loads of towels and cotton blankets that we used to sop up the water. Luckily my step-son had fixed the washing machine yesterday. This all happened at 7:30 in the morning so this is the chaos I woke up to and I SO totally overreacted. :s I called their grandmother and asked her to come pick up the boys. Then tonight their mother texted me and asked if they could stay again tonight and just take the bus to school in the morning. I said "No but they are welcome to come again when neither one is sick."

    I felt kind of bad but I've got my family to think of too.

    Gloria in WA remembering that tomorrow is a new day and new start!

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    gloria wow, I am glad you told that mother no, not if the boys are sick. Sounds like she would just take advantage of your generosity and compassion.

    Carol is your rental property primarily a vacation spot or more long term rental? It is a lot of work and money (DH owns only one now, previously had 3 rentals). It is hard to know when enough is enough.

    Sherry I think it is great that you took such a leap and just proof that it isnt like the movies, that there are tough situations and there are wonderful moments that can help you through.

    DH and I had a good visit with our 21 year old nephew. He is by nature introverted, anxious and is really smart. Our conversations at first were very polite, a bit strained but the last hour he really opened up about fear and anxiety for graduating and finding a job. We both told him stories about how starting out is tough, leap and the net will follow etc, also offered for him to come up to NY and look as well. We will see if he takes us up on it!

    Gonna look for a book on reaching out of your comfort zone, anybody here read Brene Brown? She writes what Heather calls improving books.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Forgot someone asked about our vacation. Anna Maria island is a barrier island about an hours drive from Tampa. November is Absolutely wonderful time of year to visit, not busy with tourists and weather has been perfect.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies~
    anyone see the Super Moon last night? Outstanding!! My mom used to sing a song to me when I was little and I sang it to Taliah~ I see the moon and the moon see's me, down through the leaves of the old oak tree, please let the light that shines on me shine on the ones I love..
    Well I went grocery shopping after feeding DFIL Yesterday morning.. It gives me anxiety when I have to go into a crowded store during the weekends...left at 9:30 and didn't get home until almost 1.. went to 2 stores..but stayed under budget....
    DJ- Tom and I always go in December for 3 weeks, we drive down because we take the Dogs with us..I get a whopping 2 weeks vacation to his 6 weeks. so thats why he has alot more time than me..he was much better yesterday and believe me I am not making excuses for him..after telling him off again.. he has quieted down.. and he knows what the bottom line is If we split..
    Will talk to Ruth and the funeral home.. the lawyer hasn't gotten back to me and It doesn't really have to be done right now.. but don't want his ashes just left at the funeral home..
    Ok off to get myself ready for work...
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Monday!
    Sherry- I am so glad that you have met and like your neighbor on your right. He sounds like a man who is happy to have a nice neighbor. I am sure a relief to him and to you! No offense on the suggestion of a peace offering. I get where you are coming from and I suggested it only as a means of maybe getting them to simmer down and stop harassing you. Just worried about your safety. Love and hugs to you and I really enjoy reading your posts and seeing how your journey is going!
    Anne- Some one suggested resistance band exercises for your mom...can't remember who. I like that idea. I believe in the idea that if you buy a new piece of work out equipment or new work out clothes you are more likely to get started and keep going. I think especially if you are there with her, she will stick with it. I personally would find Katy's suggestion of a belly dance work out AMAZING, but not sure if dancing is that good for right after knee replacement. I know Zumba really gives your knees a work out. So nice to see you on here, again, friend! <3
    Karen- LOve your sand sculpture picture! Living on Lake Michigan, we have a couple of sand sculpture contests in the summer. Some great stuff is created, but we don't attract many real sand artists like the contests on the ocean do.
    Gloria- Ugh! So hard when your heart is in the right place and some one abuses that. I am glad you stood up for your self and your family. You aren't closing the door on these people, just letting them know that they are welcome when they are healthy!

    Love and hugs to all who need them! KJ (Kelly) <3
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Morning Ladies

    Hooked up to WiFi today and spent some time catching up with all your posts.

    After 2 lovely sunny and warm days here in Spain today it is chilly and raining so snuggled up in apartment reading posts on MFP

    Haven't logged food or exercise but got lots of steps in on Sat and Sun

    Lots of parades and fireworks every day as it's Fiesta every morning they have these huge aerial bombs which are so loud you can hear them wherever you are.

    Kate UK (in Benidorm at the moment)
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good morning friends. Plan to spend morning helping DH pick up pecans. We have 23 trees so it takes awhile to gather them. We usually sell a lot and send some to friends and relatives for Christmas. But this year is different because we aren't mailing anything. It costs us about $65 last year in postage.
    Kate - a good book on a rainy day sounds great. That reminds me I have book club today. We read "The Sea Keepers Daughter". It was ok but not my favorite.
    Better get breakfast and out to pick.

    SueBDew in TX
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Some pics from parade
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    quick note, had a few extra min over breakfast before going hiking then to work....
    sherry - great job on getting the tinting done. And my guess is having a few guys around, maybe invite your old neighbors over for coffee occasionally , will help have the "yucky" one tone down, bullies like to pick on folks they see as vulnerable not on anyone who will stand up to them or who have there own posse!

    Sue - I LOVE pecans! 23 trees, do you pick them by hand? lots of good bending exercise!

    Heather - you go! I think you should take a before pic, of the boxes and piles and then an after pic of the thumb drive!

    smiles Kim
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    >:) Read to here. Off to Walmart and ALDI and who knows where else. DH sure loves to shop!

    Rita from sunny CT