Clean Eating



  • 6arrowz
    6arrowz Posts: 14 Member
    5arrowz wrote: »
    Wow...I'm just sharing my experience to the OP sorry I'm not knowledgeable enough for all of you...lmao

    Enjoy the rest of your day ✌

    'Clean' eating is a hot topic around here. It's a very subjective term that has a lot of woo surrounding it (as your previous post pointed out so well). But, to each their own!

    OP-you'll have better luck just checking out the clean eating group

    I'm seeing that .....yikes
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    5arrowz wrote: »
    "Clean" and gluten free are completely different. Gluten is a real thing that you can be intolerant to. "Clean" eating is a BS phrase for people who believe you can't lose weight eating "junk" food.

    If you want to lose weight for her graduation, you need a calorie deficit. If you are going to cut out gluten, I would look in the recipe threads for ideas or use google.
    it's def not bs phrase...or is it about just loosing's just healthier for you...being more mindful of your food will help you in so many areas...losing weight is a happy side effect..

    Why is it healthier for you? Why are the foods I mentioned in my prior post not consistent with a healthful diet? Why is eating occasional ice cream or cheese in the context of an overall healthy, balanced, nutrient dense diet less healthy than not doing that?

    I believe in being mindful of what you eat and eating a healthy diet (and personally I also care about where I source my food and try to eat as seasonally as possible and love cooking from whole ingredients, and have done this for years). But that's not all clean eating is, under the usual definition, so tell me why it's not just a popular buzz phrase but actually would cause me to eat a healthier diet and help me -- as you claim -- please.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Lizarking wrote: »
    I try to. I stick to bacon...

    You had me at Bacon. ;)

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    natalie3t wrote: »
    Well I try to eat as clean as I can. Buying minimal amounts of processed foods. No frozen, canned or packaged products. Try to buy whole foods and cook them from scratch yourself. This takes a lot more time but eliminates the chemicals and preservatives added in processed foods. I make more than I need and freeze small portions to reheat later. Like homemade soups, spagetti sauces, enchilada sauce, alfredo sauce, things like this.

    When you say you don't buy frozen, do you mean like frozen meals/pizza/etc.? I've always considered frozen or canned fruits and vegetables as clean.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    5arrowz wrote: »
    5arrowz wrote: »
    Wow...I'm just sharing my experience to the OP sorry I'm not knowledgeable enough for all of you...lmao

    Enjoy the rest of your day ✌

    'Clean' eating is a hot topic around here. It's a very subjective term that has a lot of woo surrounding it (as your previous post pointed out so well). But, to each their own!

    OP-you'll have better luck just checking out the clean eating group

    I'm seeing that .....yikes

    So you now recognize your post is full of woo?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    5arrowz wrote: »
    5arrowz wrote: »
    It's just food that's not processed. I usually say if it has more than 5 indgredients in it or if it has chemical words I don't understand (lol) I don't buy it. Gracious pantry (blog) has some really awesome recipes....Pinterest your butt off....and read!!! Milk for instance is only one ingredient but unless it's organic it's not clean....the antibiotics and rbst in it can make you sick....MSG is allowed to be called a "natural flavor" so I stay away from anything that says that too! so you just have to read read read!!! everyone will be a little different but if you just start incorporating Whole food into your diet you'll be better for it.

    On a side note...clean eating (and The Lord) cured my husband of severe asthma!!! Our whole family feels better!
    So I guess a salad with more than 5 ingredients is dirty? Why 5? How vast is your knowledge of chemistry? Do you avoid sodium bicarbonate and dihydrogen monoxide because they have "chemical" names
    No, I'm talking about shopping....if I pick up a product is loaded with ingredients esp ones I don't know I don't buy it. A salad I make ...I know the ingredients and that's different... I read so I know what all the chemical names are. I was trying to help her start shopping and incorporating better ingredients. That's all. Don't tax on my gig so hardcore cruster

    What does that last sentence even mean?
  • kshatriyo
    kshatriyo Posts: 134 Member
    edited November 2016
    Clean eating is a term widely used by people who need to simplify nutrition by number of ingredients or have dogma or sell vitamins. If you like science and medicine and want to eat in a way that benefits your personal health, there are some great resources on here. If you want to eat ethically, try Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Lizarking wrote: »
    I try to. I stick to bacon, salame, steak, birds, butter, fishes. Sometimes I'll have a snickers bar or a cookie.

    Is this one a serious post? Because I can totally get behind this definition of Clean Eating. Starts with bacon, ends with a cookie!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    5arrowz wrote: »
    It's just food that's not processed. I usually say if it has more than 5 indgredients in it or if it has chemical words I don't understand (lol) I don't buy it.

    Food that has 4 or 3 or 2 ingredients or even one ingredient but has been prepared or changed in some way (i.e., canned tomatoes whose only ingredient is tomatoes, pasta even though made with just wheat and water) is processed. Posts like this confuse me.

    Anyway, I guess I never really bought things from the grocery store with lots of ingredients, so this doesn't seem like a change that would be that meaningful to me (I do buy processed things like smoked salmon, cottage cheese, etc.). Now, I make foods with multiple ingredients and I go to local restaurants that also do (in much the same way I would at home). Is there a reason why the former is okay and the latter not?
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited November 2016
    natalie3t wrote: »
    Well I try to eat as clean as I can. Buying minimal amounts of processed foods. No frozen, canned or packaged products. Try to buy whole foods and cook them from scratch yourself. This takes a lot more time but eliminates the chemicals and preservatives added in processed foods. I make more than I need and freeze small portions to reheat later. Like homemade soups, spagetti sauces, enchilada sauce, alfredo sauce, things like this.

    When you say you don't buy frozen, do you mean like frozen meals/pizza/etc.? I've always considered frozen or canned fruits and vegetables as clean.

    Depending on the time of year frozen veggies and fruit are actually more nutritious than fresh, because they're frozen soon after being harvested, vs being transported across the country
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    HeyaBerg wrote: »
    I've been told I'm doing a clean eating cause I don't do processed food, no gluten or corn or milk products, just lot's of clean meat, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds.

    I don't know what clean eating is but I recommend that diet I'm on.. It's proving to be very effective for me.

    Why is dairy "dirty"...there's nothing wrong with gluten unless you actually have an's just a protein...corn is a whole food...

    Again...this is why this topic is off the charts stupid....
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited November 2016
    OP-you'll have better luck just checking out the clean eating group

    Actually, although I agree with most of what you say, I disagree with this. OP wants help with gluten free and just cutting down on ultra processed things and cooking more from scratch. Many of us who aren't "clean eaters" can help with cooking more from scratch, and she'll get the most helpful posts, probably, by finding a gluten free group or even changing the title of this one. Clean and gluten free aren't really the same thing at all.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Paging @GottaBurnEmAll for scratch cooking, gluten free meal suggestions and tips.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    natalie3t wrote: »
    Well I try to eat as clean as I can. Buying minimal amounts of processed foods. No frozen, canned or packaged products. Try to buy whole foods and cook them from scratch yourself. This takes a lot more time but eliminates the chemicals and preservatives added in processed foods. I make more than I need and freeze small portions to reheat later. Like homemade soups, spagetti sauces, enchilada sauce, alfredo sauce, things like this.

    When you say you don't buy frozen, do you mean like frozen meals/pizza/etc.? I've always considered frozen or canned fruits and vegetables as clean.

    Depending on the time of year frozen veggies and fruit are actually more nutritious than fresh, because they're frozen soon after being harvested, vs being transported across the country

    Right. And canned tomatoes (which you can get from really high quality tomatoes and without anything else added) are much tastier than out of season tomatoes which I won't buy, as they have no taste.

    I find it so odd and, yes, annoying that people go on about the evils of processing and even frozen foods and ignore the fact that (1) the "fresh" produce that many of us get much of the year is no more natural -- it's at best picked early and carted in from far away; and (2) it's certainly no more "natural"--how is it naturally for me to have "fresh" asparagus or tomatoes or zucchini in Chicago in January or bananas and oranges at any time of year, for that matter.

    One benefit of processing is that it makes produce much more available at a reasonable price and retaining its nutrients and also makes such things as fish (frozen or smoked or in a tin) available to those of us who don't live where we can get them fresh.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    HeyaBerg wrote: »
    I've been told I'm doing a clean eating cause I don't do processed food, no gluten or corn or milk products, just lot's of clean meat, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds.

    I don't know what clean eating is but I recommend that diet I'm on.. It's proving to be very effective for me.

    Why is dairy "dirty"...there's nothing wrong with gluten unless you actually have an's just a protein...corn is a whole food...

    Again...this is why this topic is off the charts stupid....

    Also, why corn? I get that corn is in everything and if you eat lots of ultraprocessed things (which many people who aren't "clean eaters" still don't and never did) you may get far too much, but one of the things I look forward to all year is the abundant fresh corn one gets here (Illinois) in season. People I know have grown it in their gardens in the suburbs, even, although I usually get mine from a local farm I do a CSA with -- why on earth is that more processed than a banana? Because of what we did to corn as a crop? It's not the only thing that is nothing like it was in the wild.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    5arrowz wrote: »
    It's just food that's not processed. I usually say if it has more than 5 indgredients in it or if it has chemical words I don't understand (lol) I don't buy it. Gracious pantry (blog) has some really awesome recipes....Pinterest your butt off....and read!!! Milk for instance is only one ingredient but unless it's organic it's not clean....the antibiotics and rbst in it can make you sick....MSG is allowed to be called a "natural flavor" so I stay away from anything that says that too! so you just have to read read read!!! everyone will be a little different but if you just start incorporating Whole food into your diet you'll be better for it.

    On a side note...clean eating (and The Lord) cured my husband of severe asthma!!! Our whole family feels better!

    OP: ignore the post I quoted. It is complete and utter nonsense.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    5arrowz wrote: »
    5arrowz wrote: »
    It's just food that's not processed. I usually say if it has more than 5 indgredients in it or if it has chemical words I don't understand (lol) I don't buy it. Gracious pantry (blog) has some really awesome recipes....Pinterest your butt off....and read!!! Milk for instance is only one ingredient but unless it's organic it's not clean....the antibiotics and rbst in it can make you sick....MSG is allowed to be called a "natural flavor" so I stay away from anything that says that too! so you just have to read read read!!! everyone will be a little different but if you just start incorporating Whole food into your diet you'll be better for it.

    On a side note...clean eating (and The Lord) cured my husband of severe asthma!!! Our whole family feels better!
    So I guess a salad with more than 5 ingredients is dirty? Why 5? How vast is your knowledge of chemistry? Do you avoid sodium bicarbonate and dihydrogen monoxide because they have "chemical" names
    No, I'm talking about shopping....if I pick up a product is loaded with ingredients esp ones I don't know I don't buy it. A salad I make ...I know the ingredients and that's different... I read so I know what all the chemical names are. I was trying to help her start shopping and incorporating better ingredients. That's all. Don't tax on my gig so hardcore cruster

    What does that last sentence even mean?

    I think she has been watching Pauly Shore movies
  • 6arrowz
    6arrowz Posts: 14 Member
    Really guys...I'm new to this community...I know better now. Thanks for the education. OP I apologize for any misleading statements I've made.