My Gf's about to RUIN my thanksgiving!



  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Go ahead and say something. Tell them yo are a Carnivore and would appreciate a meat dish. Vegans never seem to have a problem voicing their ideology and neither should you.

    I think this. If they are vegan going to an omnivore's gathering, they are usually advised to let people know their preference and maybe bring a vegan dish or two to share. Just ask them.
  • juliagorina
    juliagorina Posts: 34 Member
    Give a turkey a break this Thanksgiving and go for the Tofurkey. You may be impressed by the friend's culinary skills, which I presume you have never tried.
    It's one day in a year - what's to lose.
    Second that! Tofurky isn't all that bad!
  • juliagorina
    juliagorina Posts: 34 Member
    lsutton484 wrote: »
    the turkey is only the beginning of the issues here. what about the gravy the butter, and at least in my family my grandmother always made green beans with bacon.
    There are options for vegan mushroom gravy that are actually better than a bland turkey one!
  • rnbperfection
    rnbperfection Posts: 36 Member
    faramelee wrote: »
    So your gf isn't vegan either - how is she feeling about tofurkey? I would presume you've actually discussed this with her already not just brought it straight here? if you came here first then you've got more to worry about than tofurkey my man!!!

    Also why do meat free alternatives often have some sort of a twist on meat names (if you're vegan, you're vegan) - just call it bloody tofu if it's tofu!

    Good luck :)

    She almost straddles the fence of vegetarian, mostly eating veggies, carbs, fish, and the occasional chicken breast. She has absolutely no problem going full vegan/vegtrn for the holiday, she thinks it's easy. She's bent for me the past holiday, eating with me and my carnivorous friends, just finding dishes she liked, no biggie to her. I just don't want to be the "one way" guy that has to have things fit my liking or it's off the table.. So I'm not complaining around her so much, because she didn't complain about me and my friends eating.. But I am nervous about the trip, I dont want to come off as rude.
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Here is one of the not-fun part of adulthood; relationships mean splitting holidays between your family/groups of friends and your partner's family/group of friends. Since she compromised last time, and you agree it's your turn, I'd go and only eat the sides that you want. If you don't want to miss real turkey, schedule a friendsgiving at your house when you get back & roast a turkey or turkey breast and do it up the way you want. As an alternative, most restaurants have some sort of Thanksgiving inspired option this time of year, maybe you can get your turkey fix elsewhere? Even some fast food places, like Boston Market & Starbucks have them this time of year, sometimes they are sandwiches that include stuffing & cranberry sauce.

    You also mention that you are traveling out of town for this, Is it a day trip? If an overnight, are you staying with the friends, or at a hotel? If you are staying at a hotel, they will probably have a turkey dinner option that you can order there either before or after the dinner at the friend's house. Enjoy, safe travels, & good luck *_*
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Get drunk and the food might taste better! :D
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Make a big turkey breast in a crockpot while you're there. Then eat all the warm, delicious turkey sammiches when you get home.

    Have a small turkey dinner, just you and your girlfriend over the weekend afterwards. Romance and turkey.
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    Since when is tofuturkey a thing? Gross... Listen, you're both adults and being in a relationship is about compromise. Since YOU are being invited to dinner, and you're a guest, you don't get to complain. Don't like what they are cooking, then bring your own food? I have a gluten allergy. I NEVER get to eat what others make, so I bring my own food- every time. I survive. If you can't handle what is being made, then you know what you need to do about that. Enjoy the company, and the cheat day. Don't worry about your macros!
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member

    And if you're worried about being rude, just say you're on a very strict diet and had to weigh your food ahead of time so you don't fall off course. They may laugh at ya and tell you to live a little, but they won't think you're rude :P
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,138 Member
    edited November 2016
    Do you have a medical issue that prevents you from eating the food there?
    Speak up then and protect your self.

    The food is different than you're used to and you will lose your gainz by not eating as you normally do for one meal?
    MAN UP.

    Or ditch the **kitten** who doesn't respect your gainz and is making you eat like her friends do, the horror!

    Up to you which one makes more sense when it comes to your life.

    I hear they sell protein shakes and power bars at every second corner store.
    You can chomp on them before and after you visit her friends.
    Show some respect to the house you visit.

    Or don't visit.

    Up to you.

    And you can cook your own turkey any day of the year. They freeze real well I hear.
  • novio50
    novio50 Posts: 778 Member
    Cuz, I bring my own cranberry sauce to every house I go to for thanksgiving. Not because I don't trust their cleanliness, ettiquette, etc, it's because I know that it will be there for me when I need it. I don't have to share it, but it's there. Bring your meat and your cranberry sauce (if need be) to the meal and do you! But before you open anything, say "no disrespect (or something of the sorts" and announce that you brought yourself some food because that's who you are. DO YOU! And then make sure you put it down on the GF, if she's mad, she'll forgive you...
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    faramelee wrote: »
    So your gf isn't vegan either - how is she feeling about tofurkey? I would presume you've actually discussed this with her already not just brought it straight here? if you came here first then you've got more to worry about than tofurkey my man!!!

    Also why do meat free alternatives often have some sort of a twist on meat names (if you're vegan, you're vegan) - just call it bloody tofu if it's tofu!

    Good luck :)

    She almost straddles the fence of vegetarian, mostly eating veggies, carbs, fish, and the occasional chicken breast. She has absolutely no problem going full vegan/vegtrn for the holiday, she thinks it's easy. She's bent for me the past holiday, eating with me and my carnivorous friends, just finding dishes she liked, no biggie to her. I just don't want to be the "one way" guy that has to have things fit my liking or it's off the table.. So I'm not complaining around her so much, because she didn't complain about me and my friends eating.. But I am nervous about the trip, I dont want to come off as rude.

    You say that you don't want to be rude, so then go into the weekend with an open mind. Try something different and you might discover that there are new things that you like. Ask your GF how staunch her friends are about serving meat for the non-vegan or if they'd be the type to be offended if you brought something. If all else fails, there is always the opportunity to eat extra sides and dessert!

    At the very least you'll know that you were a courteous and gracious guest in the home of your GF's friends, and that will be appreciated.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Make the best of it and enjoy your Thanksgiving with your GF!
  • Daleykai
    Daleykai Posts: 3 Member
    Grey_1 wrote: »
    Let's see...."Awesome" girlfriend vs having to work around one meal.....

    Dunno, the math looks pretty clear to me.

    Did you remember to carry the 7?

    But I agree. Surely you can cowboy up for one meal. Sneak some protein bars and eat them in the bathroom if you have to. I will say long term I'd be chatting with the girlfriend to see how into the Tofu\vegan thinking she is. If she's pondering making the jump and you aren't, Things may beheaded down hill. Hopefully it's just a phase
  • Grey_1
    Grey_1 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Daleykai wrote: »

    Did you remember to carry the 7?

    But I agree. Surely you can cowboy up for one meal. Sneak some protein bars and eat them in the bathroom if you have to. I will say long term I'd be chatting with the girlfriend to see how into the Tofu\vegan thinking she is. If she's pondering making the jump and you aren't, Things may beheaded down hill. Hopefully it's just a phase
    I ALWAYS forget that :'(

    Lol, that's good advice there.
  • WinterLuminesce
    WinterLuminesce Posts: 9 Member
    edited November 2016
    You're kidding me right? She's gonna "ruin" your thanksgiving? Puhlease. Stop whining and suck it up. It's one effing meal. Look up high protein vegan recipes and bring one or five if you can't get enough protein from one. Make your own meal the next day. Grow up and find a solution to the problem. Or find the real problem and fix that
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I was vegetarian for five years and ate five Thanksgiving meals with my omnivore family. I ate the sides and skipped the turkey and gravy. I likely didn't get enough protein that day, but big deal, it's one day. Eat what looks good and skip what doesn't. As a former veg I warn you do not eat the tofurkey. That stuff is just nasty. Veg people who pay attention to their protein are usually pretty good about making dishes with a decent macro mix. If not, as these people seem to think tofurkey is food, one day of low protein will do nothing to your gains. Chill out and try to enjoy yourself.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    No lie, I would tell her it's over. I'll eat thanksgiving with a dirty vegan never.

    I'm very clean but good more tofurky for me
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    edited November 2016
    In my experience most people who say they 'can't stand tofu' have either A. Never tried it and just picture a flavorless white block, or B. Had it once or twice prepared poorly.

    I make a tofurky every year and tastes good, texture is good, stuffing is good. My little trick is to add alittle brown sugar to the marinade and let it marinade overnight or a few hours.

    You do NOT show up with turkey in a tupperware at a vegan thanksgiving or bring your own food. That's extremely rude and immature. It's one meal, and you've eaten vegan food I bet, I mean have you never had a peanut butter sandwich or a bean burrito?
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    In my experience most people who say they 'can't stand tofu' have either A. Never tried it and just pitched a flavorless white block, or B. Had it once or twice prepared poorly.

    I make a tofurky every year and tastes good, texture is good, stuffing is good. My little trick is to add alittle brown sugar to the marinade and let it marinade overnight or a few hours.

    You do NOT show up with turkey in a tupperware at a vegan thanksgiving or bring your own food. That's extremely rude and immature. It's one meal, and you've eaten vegan food I bet, I mean have you never had a peanut butter sandwich or a bean burrito?

    Is it extremely rude and immature to bring vegan food or gluten free food or whatever food to a carnivore's meal?