Diet coke or pepsi?



  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys, and thanks for not jumping down my throat :lol: I was worried some people may have seen my post as combative/anti diet soda, which was not my intention :flowerforyou:

    I get what you're saying and for me, (diet) soda is my main caffeine source, which is why I have no interest in cutting back on it. On the days I drink black tea then I do drink less soda, but I've figured out what caffeine amount works for me and my lifestyle and that translates to a larger quantity of soda. Drinking diet allows me to not use up calories, which means I have more calories for food :)
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I've been wanting to ask this for ages...

    Most people preach everything in moderation and sugar is fine and not evil etc etc, but then choose diet drinks. Why not drink regular soda "in moderation". Is it because some people cant moderate their soda consumption?

    I'm assuming the answer is calories in drinks are a waste of said calories.
    Diet soda is the lesser of two evils due to 0 calories.
    You can drink as much as you want and not have to worry about calories.

    It just seems "everything in moderation" and "sugar is fine" is a direct contradiction when they turn around and drink diet drinks.

    It's a matter of where I want to spend my calories.

    I don't want to spend them on soda, it's that simple.

    The other issue, and this is for me personally -- I've been drinking diet soda since I was a kid. And I'm old. My grandfather was diabetic, and I've been drinking diet soda since the only two options were Fresca and Tab and they used to be sweetened with saccharine. The taste of regular soda is just too sweet to me.

    This. I've been drinking diet soda for over 25 years since my babysitter used to have it when she watched us in the Summers's. I actually can't stand the taste of regular soda, which is why when people talk about how Coke Zero tastes just like regular, that doesn't appeal to me at all.

  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    I've been wanting to ask this for ages...

    Most people preach everything in moderation and sugar is fine and not evil etc etc, but then choose diet drinks. Why not drink regular soda "in moderation". Is it because some people cant moderate their soda consumption?

    I'm assuming the answer is calories in drinks are a waste of said calories.
    Diet soda is the lesser of two evils due to 0 calories.
    You can drink as much as you want and not have to worry about calories.

    It just seems "everything in moderation" and "sugar is fine" is a direct contradiction when they turn around and drink diet drinks.

    I used to drink regular soda and only had it when I could spare the 150-200 cals. Then one day I really wanted something bubbly and caffeinated but didn't have calories to spare, so I tried a Coke Zero and I loved it. So now I can have a soda whenever I want, and save that 150-200 cals for ice cream! I do still moderate it, because too much carbonation in a day doesn't agree with me, and I just think you shouldn't overdo anything. I still have a regular soda once in a blue moon, but it seems silly to waste calories on it when I like the Zero just as much!
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I've been wanting to ask this for ages...

    Most people preach everything in moderation and sugar is fine and not evil etc etc, but then choose diet drinks. Why not drink regular soda "in moderation". Is it because some people cant moderate their soda consumption?

    I'm assuming the answer is calories in drinks are a waste of said calories.
    Diet soda is the lesser of two evils due to 0 calories.
    You can drink as much as you want and not have to worry about calories.

    It just seems "everything in moderation" and "sugar is fine" is a direct contradiction when they turn around and drink diet drinks.

    This assumes the only reason people drink diet drinks is for the calories.

    I drink Diet Coke and Pepsi Max because I hate the taste of the full-strength stuff. But I only drink full-strength Vanilla Coke because I hate the taste of Diet Vanilla Coke (that stuff is gross).
  • Jeannie3099
    Jeannie3099 Posts: 61 Member
    Both are crap. Water, unsweetened juice or veggie juice.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited November 2016
    I've been wanting to ask this for ages...

    Most people preach everything in moderation and sugar is fine and not evil etc etc, but then choose diet drinks. Why not drink regular soda "in moderation". Is it because some people cant moderate their soda consumption?

    I'm assuming the answer is calories in drinks are a waste of said calories.
    Diet soda is the lesser of two evils due to 0 calories.
    You can drink as much as you want and not have to worry about calories.

    It just seems "everything in moderation" and "sugar is fine" is a direct contradiction when they turn around and drink diet drinks.

    You got it in your first one. I'm all about the moderation and sugar is fine, but that doesn't mean that I don't look for ways to save calories where I can. Yup, I'm that person who buys a Quarter Pounder meal with a Coke Zero. Why? Just because I'm blowing a bunch of calories doesn't mean I'm going to go as high as possible.

    Same reason I don't need to buy everything in home-brand but I'll still look for the best deal on the top of the line version.

    A can of coke is 140 calories. I can have a Coke Zero instead and spend those calories on a chocolate bar.

    "Sugar is fine in moderation" means you build it into your day. If I wanted a full sugar version, I'd build it into my day and often do (usually Schweppes Green Lime - that stuff is the best). But if I'm going to slam a bottle of fizzy drink on the daily, I'll go 0 cal and spend them elsewhere.
    This is me, too. I will always order a zero or diet drink if I eat out. I do drink the full sugar drinks as well, but only if they are in a can and I have the calories. I also appreciate zero calorie drinks for when I want something sweet and have no calories left.
    Both are crap. Water, unsweetened juice or veggie juice.
    That's not what the OP asked, though. It is not nice to label a food/beverage that OP likes as 'crap'. :/

  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    How can so many people prefer "diet" pepsi/coke to pepsi max/cokezero?!!??! The diet versions are terrible compared to them!
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    Also is there is a zero calorie drink why would you waste your calories and have calories that are just sugar when you could have diet? Seems like a no brainer to me. I never want to or plan to drink regular soda. I think it is a waste of calories.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    LOl y'all have convinced me :smiley:

    As for the original post. I only drink regular soda, so if there's a choice between coke and pepsi, I'll choose coke. If it's a choice between pepsi and nothing, i choose nothing! Pepsi is the watered down flatter version of coke :confounded:
  • soda80
    soda80 Posts: 26 Member
    coke, then pepsi max, then coke zero a distant third, followed (a long way behind) by diet coke and diet pepsi. Real pepsi is last
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    edited November 2016
    LOl y'all have convinced me :smiley:

    As for the original post. I only drink regular soda, so if there's a choice between coke and pepsi, I'll choose coke. If it's a choice between pepsi and nothing, i choose nothing! Pepsi is the watered down flatter version of coke :confounded:

    This. If I'm going to have soda, it will be regular coke. I cannot stand artificial sweeteners (not afraid of them, but think they are all nasty). Like many who have posted, I don't waste calories on drinks, so will go with unsweetened ice tea with lemon. I gave up soda in 2008. I usually only have about 5-6 per year.
  • rennickm1986
    rennickm1986 Posts: 70 Member
    edited November 2016
    It baffles me that some of you can drink soda all day (diet or not), consume little to no water, and not feel like total *kitten*... Maybe it's because I live in an arid climate in the Southwest, but I don't get how you don't feel lethargic, dried out, overheated, and irritable living that way, not to mention the stomach ache from so much sugar.
  • bboyd223
    bboyd223 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Agreed. Ive cut out all soda in my diet and have felt so much better....stay away from that stuff.
  • bboyd223
    bboyd223 Posts: 1,430 Member
    No....I enjoy doesn't agree with the results I'm after.
  • rennickm1986
    rennickm1986 Posts: 70 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm not talking about people having the occasional soda in a day. I'm talking about people who pretty much get all of their hydration in the day from soda. Like what, you come in the house sweating on a hot day and chug a soda? Not to mention the dehydrating effect of caffeine in many sodas. Would give me a bad headache as well if all I drank was soda.