What was your rock bottom to get heathly?



  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Although I did not do an immediate Hollywood-turnaround complete with Rocky Balboa music and fix my every last overeating habit on the spot, what really got to me, stuck with me, and ultimately was my rock-bottom moment and then my motivator was my son asking me, "Mom, why are you so fat?" and then starting to ask me here or there whether I "should" be eating this or that.

    I'm sure a lot of people will think, "Wow, what a snot" or "that kid should mind his own biznidge" but it really struck me. Yes, it IS my body and not his and no, a child CAN'T tell a parent what to do but imagine being the child of the fat parent? My child was. (Or, two of my children were.) I'm sure he was not only embarrassed, but afraid. It was obvious I was not healthy like that. What a burden for a child to carry.
    Awe. When my daughter was 4 she asked me if my belly made me sad. Kids are so honest!
  • VeganRaptor
    VeganRaptor Posts: 164 Member
    I didn't eat for an entire week before my exam, did terribly in the exam, and lost my period :)
    Although I didn't really even want to get better after that, but I told my boyfriend I was struggling and he made me eat three meals a day until I was re-accepted into my treatment centre.

    It was pretty bad to be honest.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    XXXL shirts and a size 38 waist had me thinking something was wrong.
    A weekend in the hospital want good either.
    Fat and sick, time for a change.

    Researched weight loss, committed to it, here we are.
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    XXXL shirts and a size 38 waist had me thinking something was wrong.
    A weekend in the hospital want good either.
    Fat and sick, time for a change.

    Researched weight loss, committed to it, here we are.

  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    I didn't eat for an entire week before my exam, did terribly in the exam, and lost my period :)
    Although I didn't really even want to get better after that, but I told my boyfriend I was struggling and he made me eat three meals a day until I was re-accepted into my treatment centre.

    It was pretty bad to be honest.
    I'm glad you got some help. Good luck from here on out!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    XXXL shirts and a size 38 waist had me thinking something was wrong.
    A weekend in the hospital want good either.
    Fat and sick, time for a change.

    Researched weight loss, committed to it, here we are.


    Changed career too.
    Sales to personal training and habit coach.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    MeganAM89 wrote: »
    I know that this isn't on par with other people because I've never been overweight, but I really started to pick up my routine back at the end of August - I saw a photo of me with my niece and I just felt that I looked awful and I decided that I don't want to feel like that when I look at photos of myself anymore.

    The moment is always relative, and will actually shift for most people, so the fact that you were never overweight is immaterial. As an example, though I was once 265 lbs., I recently bailed on a bulk (more like a fulk) at 177, and started cyclic hard cuts and maintenance periods. My new "damn you're getting fat" is a lot different than it used to be.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Mine was when I couldn't wipe my behind anymore. I just couldn't live with that anymore.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Reaching 115kg on the scale didn't do it for me (it just made me depressed).

    Needing gallbladder surgery because of chronic inflammation (because of all the visceral fat in my body) didn't do it for me (it just made me more depressed).

    The surgeon telling me a week after the surgery that I have a fatty liver and that the blood work they'd done was anything but good didn't really do it for me, bu it did start shaking me out of my depression and I did start reaching out to people who could help me.

    It was the work colleague (10 years older than me) ending up in the hospital because of a failing liver (because fatty) and getting a "detox" of the kind you really really really don't want that finally woke me up to reality. He almost didn't make it and will probably need a new liver before long if he can't manage to make the necessary changes ASAP.

    I didn't want that to be me in 10 years time.

    I'm currently at around 85kg (so that's 30kg gone) with a "mere" 20 to go. My blood works came back nearly all clear.

  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    I didn't fit in the highest size offered by one of my favourite shops (UK size 18); some discolouration on my thighs; not looking good in literally ANY photo!
  • shaq370
    shaq370 Posts: 36 Member
    Being size 40 at the waist and not getting the jeans I want pushed me alot
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    The roll of fat that was spilling over the top of my jeans.
  • kims19622016
    kims19622016 Posts: 9 Member
    I have struggled with my weight for years and told myself it was ok to be overweight, however I caught a site of myself in a dressing room with all round mirrors in a shop and was absolutely disgusted with myself, this was 7 months ago and I feel so much better now
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    My rock bottom was exactly a week ago. I found out I have NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, basically the next stage of fatty liver). I'm 18. I put on almost 80 pounds from the start of this year. I've always been a little chubby since I was an older kid and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, but now I'm obese at 5'4" and 223 lbs, the most I've ever weighed. This has been the worst year of my life. I started out the year by failing out of half of my AP and college classes due to severe depression, anxiety, and spending late nights at the hospital with my grandfather. I stopped exercising and I started overeating which made my depression worse. At one point I stopped showing up to school completely and was unable to graduate on time, all the while being bullied and stalked which I could barely handle under normal circumstances. My grandfather had been in and out of the hospital constantly for about a year and lost his ability to walk after heart surgery. He had his second heart attack (first one not related to the heart surgery and was years ago) two weeks before he passed away in hospice. He was fine (by "fine" I mean he was aware and able to speak and eat with some assistance, usually mine because hospital staff neglected him and let him go hungry... I know that is horrible and yes I did speak to management about it) for about a week, went into hospice then could no longer speak or eat... it seemed to have happened pretty quickly, but apparently his Parkinson's progressed to the final stage. I felt completely powerless watching him die. It was horrifying to watch and spend the nights with him waking up to a death rattle in the middle of the night. I basically stayed there with him to his last breath joined by someone I absolutely hate who played no role whatsoever in helping take care of him, just showed up out of nowhere pretending to be surprised when they heard he was dying. He passed away one month and two days ago today. Trying to grow up and take responsibility for him, taking care of him and advocating for him in hospitals, nursing homes, and finally a hospice was one of the most difficult things I've ever done, and unfortunately I do not have much in the way of support of any kind in my life. Things settled down a little after his memorial service and some family members finally came back into my life and my nightmares about the ordeal were disappearing, so I had a positive outlook for a while until I was diagnosed with NASH a week ago and started making major life changes.
    Within one year I gained almost 80 lbs, barely graduated and ruined my GPA, missed out on college to take care of my grandfather, lost family members (for reasons I won't get into), had someone make a false report to DCFS to get "revenge" on me, had to file a no-contact order for a girl stalking my boyfriend and me, lost several friends, let go of my grandfather who raised me in place of my father, and finally was diagnosed with what I just mentioned.
    At the moment I feel totally lost and scared for my life, and I suppose that's what made me commit like I never have before to losing this weight.

    So... yeah. I joined a few hours ago and I didn't think I would participate in the community but I came across this and felt I had to say something, possibly for therapeutic reasons... I'm not really sure. I apologize for the rambling.

    I'm so glad you've decided to take this step!! Good luck!
  • chrissjourney
    chrissjourney Posts: 121 Member
    Wow what response. I enjoyed reading all of your stories and thank you for sharing your vulnerable moments with me. Looks like you guys and gals are kicking some serious butt and are truly an inspiration to me! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. Hope you have the best day!
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Wow what response. I enjoyed reading all of your stories and thank you for sharing your vulnerable moments with me. Looks like you guys and gals are kicking some serious butt and are truly an inspiration to me! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. Hope you have the best day!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your little girl and your whole family!

    I am busy cooking over here and waiting for everyone else to wake up, LOL. The smells ought to bring 'em...

    Hope everyone enjoys today. <3
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    I wasn't very worried about what I looked like, even though I could see my size go up from an 8 to a 14 and could see the chunkiness of my body. I am a very busy full-time single mom to two elementary aged kids, a full-time elementary school teacher, and a full-time graduate student. What got me, was going for my annual check-up and having the doctor say that I was pre-diabetic and being very insistent on putting me on high cholesterol medication. (I did not go on the medication at that time, we will recheck the cholesterol at my next visit) For me, this weight loss journey has been about the future I want for myself and my kids. I don't want them to have to deal with a mother with health issues later in life. Also, I was very surprised that my weight was 193 at that visit in July. I think that for almost a year, I snacked my way through late night studying. I have been overweight since I gained about 60 pounds in my first pregnancy over 10 years ago. Since starting mfp in July, I have lost about 42 pounds.
  • Sara1791
    Sara1791 Posts: 760 Member
    I was just unhappy so I made a "mind map" to greater happiness. On it there were things beyond my immediate control, but one thing I could begin to change immediately was health and fitness. I had a pretty good inkling that exercise would help my mood (I was right) and I knew that being slimmer would make me happier with myself. It's been about eleven months now and I'm in a much better place in spite of seasonal depression.
  • CanadianRockies
    CanadianRockies Posts: 10 Member
    edited November 2016
    I've always enjoyed hiking, especially in the mountains. Despite slowly gaining weight over the years (up to a maximum of 315), I had remained healthy enough to continue this activity. I added the extra pounds gradually enough that I didn't really notice they were limiting my range of hiking options (at least not enough that I chose to do anything about my weight).

    During a Costa Rica vacation, I did lots of walking/hiking, and by the end of the trip my right knee was so painful that I could only hobble around. Upon returning home, I went to my doctor and learned that I had arthritis in both my knees. If I wanted to continue hiking, then the prescription was to get more regular exercise (to strengthen my knees) and to lose weight (to reduce the load on my knees).

    I started walking an hour a day for 5-6 day per week and eating much healthier. Dropped 75 pounds over the course of 2.7 years, but then added 25 of them back during the next nine months. Learned about MFP (love the graphs), started counting calories and lifting weights, and have lost 55 pounds over the last six months.

    I still have a ways to go yet, but my knees are feeling great and I'm climbing mountains that have long been off my radar.
  • maidengirl_
    maidengirl_ Posts: 283 Member
    Being told I was class 1 obese and pre-diabetic are what led me to my journey!