Annoyances at the gym!



  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    ogtmama wrote: »
    There's some evidence of people incorrectly associating bodybuilding with low iq's and I understand that PF's use of the word "lunk" perpetuates that myth, and can be considered offensive, but I would argue that if we were to try to measure who was on the lower rung of our social ladder, obese people or bodybuilders, I'd say it's easily obese people. If you could convince obese people to come to a gym without slamming bodybuilders, so much the better, but if calling bodybuilders "lunks" gets more obese people into the gym perhaps the end justifies the means. Bodybuilders have broad shoulders, figuratively speaking,

    So it's just fine and dandy to put down a group of people who are tough enough to take it, as long as the fragile obese people are exercising?

    Gotcha. Nice moral reasoning there.

    Were it MY company I wouldn't use a derogatory term in my marketing even if it meant improved sales or profits. It's just not who I am. But I wouldn't sign a petition forcing PF to remove the word "lunk" unless someone could show me that it does nothing to increase the likelihood that obese people would go to the gym.

    I can't see how my moral reasoning is faulty here, unless you believe that the whole "lunk" or "meathead" association with bodybuilders is increasing. I don't. IMO bodybuilding has become more mainstream and that association is decreasing.

    Moving goalposts here. Now the bar for questionable ethics in the scenario is that bodybuilders have to be actively harmed in an increasing fashion by PF's use of the term in order for this whole equivalence scenario your presented to be wrong.

    You're the one who said it was okay, bodybuilders could take it, so sure, put them down so that the obese people felt comfortable.

    Sure, Plus Size models can take it, they're rich and famous. So let me call them some name for their clothing choices that might be unflattering so people of size who can't afford to dress that way don't feel bad about themselves.

    Same difference, right?

    It's not a discussion I've had with anyone before, I'm thinking through why I don't find the use of the term "lunk" as offensive as others have.

    I had trouble figuring out the plus sized versus low income example you gave me. Let's take away the plus sized part of it and ask if it would be okay to mock people who spend large sums of money on clothing so that people who can't afford those clothes feel better about themselves. I wouldn't do it, but I wouldn't be up in arms if someone else did.

    The social underdog thing matters to me. I would, for instance, find it more offensive if a plus sized model were mocked for her size than an underweight model.

    I know you like analyzing things to death, so I'll cut to the meat of where I think you're coming from.

    You root for the underdog, and feel that the ends justify the means in upholding that morality.

    I do not think the ends justify the means.

    I think all people, regardless of being underdogs or not, are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. That includes not being called names and not being pitted against each other.

    Frankly, I find your stance morally repugnant, because you've gone as far as defending the use of derogatory language (which should never be okay) depending on who it was used against. That means your ethics are situational.

    Mine aren't.

    I don't mock people. It makes me boring, but it's just not something I do. People are mocked on MFP all the time. Are you offended each and every time, or does it depend on the situation?

    I'm startled by your use of the word "repugnant". Here I am thinking we were all having a friendly discussion. This just isn't a topic I'm passionate enough about to get into a brawl over. I'm out.

    Btw, it's unfortunate we went down this path. I quite liked reading many of your posts.

    You may not personally mock people, but you're okay with a corporate policy that mocks people that aren't the underdog since it supports the underdogs going to the gym.

    I think that fairly sums up your position.

    Yes, I do find all mocking offensive. I don't find sarcastic mocking pf oneself offensive, though, if it's being done in a light-hearted manner.

    I find situational ethics morally repugnant, yes. If something is wrong (mocking, when it's being done with serious intent), then it is wrong. Full stop.

    Hmmm...I put some thought into why many people get more upset about an obese person being mocked than a thin/fit person.

    I think it's a similar comparison to what many (not me) call "reverse racism" that it's not even close to the same thing.

    The odd person may give a thin person grief "eat a hamburger, blah blah blah" and yes, of course it can hurt your feelings or annoy you. What obese people get however, day in and day out from ALL of society..."you'rr lazy, you're ugly, you're not worthy of love, you're stupid...blah blah blah". It's a different thing and I think comparing the two is offensive.

    You think thin shaming is a-okay?

    I can't even. I was really good friends growing up with a girl who was really skinny, and she was hugely embarrassed by it, and as uncomfortable in her body as I was in my fat body.

    No one should be body shamed, and who are you or anyone to decide who gets to be "more"?

    Now, there are areas where the idea of privilege enters the discussion and adds nuance like race, but that doesn't apply here at all.

    I don't think it's ok. It's rude and mean...just not even on the same planet as the level of fat shaming people get from the ENTIRE society instead of the odd rude mean person.

    Again with the situational ethics. If shaming is wrong, it's wrong for everyone. Full stop. It's not just wronger because someone has a different shape.

    And yes, what StevenCloser said. The majority of society is overweight or obese (70%). How can the ENTIRE society be shaming itself?

    I'm sorry, I'm coming to the same conclusion about you that I had to face about about myself. I had a lot of internal shame about my own fat and imagined slights all over the place. Oh, I heard a lot in school, but if it wasn't my weight, it would have been my glasses. Kids pick on each other everything. Fat people grow up with chips on their shoulders and never outgrow that and think "society" is against them when all along it was the playground and high school cafeteria and their own internal shame and fear they carried as scars into the adult world keeping them on high alert for every perceived slight after that.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    I don't know. Read a book, open a magazine, watch TV, listen to people around you talk.

    Fat is short form for stupid, lazy, unworthy, gross, dirty, etc.

    If you believe that a handful of mean rude people is equal to an entire society mocking you day in day out, then we can agree to disagree.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    I don't know. Read a book, open a magazine, watch TV, listen to people around you talk.

    Fat is short form for stupid, lazy, unworthy, gross, dirty, etc.

    If you believe that a handful of mean rude people is equal to an entire society mocking you day in day out, then we can agree to disagree.

    We obviously don't consume the same media. I was fat for 40 years. Didn't experience it people mocking me day in and day out.

    I was afraid of it, and an honest frank recollection has forced me to admit that it was my internal insecurity projected outward, not "society" that was happening. No one ever said anything directly to me.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited December 2016
    Ok. People don't make fun of fat people. They are generally accepted as equals. Gotcha.

    Skinny shaming is the real problem.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited December 2016
    question to those who are scared of germs at the gym. i hope you are not wiping your own face with the same towel you have been wiping sweat off the equipment. gross.

    I go get a paper towel and put hand sanitizer on it to wipe down benches...

    The place where I work out has rolls of paper towels and spray cleaner readily available so we don't have to "double dip" with our face towels on other people's sweat puddles.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    I don't know. Read a book, open a magazine, watch TV, listen to people around you talk.

    Fat is short form for stupid, lazy, unworthy, gross, dirty, etc.

    If you believe that a handful of mean rude people is equal to an entire society mocking you day in day out, then we can agree to disagree.

    You get mocked all day every day? You need new friends as there are tons of people who don't mock others.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited December 2016
    People who don't wipe down the machines after their use. Gross
    ^This is probably the most frequent annoyance for me.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    There's a guy who wipes down the machined before he uses them but doesn't afterwards!
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    I don't know. Read a book, open a magazine, watch TV, listen to people around you talk.

    Fat is short form for stupid, lazy, unworthy, gross, dirty, etc.

    If you believe that a handful of mean rude people is equal to an entire society mocking you day in day out, then we can agree to disagree.

    You get mocked all day every day? You need new friends as there are tons of people who don't mock others.

    Yes, I meant by friends...way to set up a straw man.

    Anyhoo...a)i wouldn't describe myself as fat and b) this is off topic.maybe we could start a debate.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    I don't know. Read a book, open a magazine, watch TV, listen to people around you talk.

    Fat is short form for stupid, lazy, unworthy, gross, dirty, etc.

    If you believe that a handful of mean rude people is equal to an entire society mocking you day in day out, then we can agree to disagree.

    Again, 70% of society IS overweight themselves. The people who are fit are who is "a handful".
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    I don't know. Read a book, open a magazine, watch TV, listen to people around you talk.

    Fat is short form for stupid, lazy, unworthy, gross, dirty, etc.

    If you believe that a handful of mean rude people is equal to an entire society mocking you day in day out, then we can agree to disagree.

    Again, 70% of society IS overweight themselves. The people who are fit are who is "a handful".

    And yet are 99% of the media...imagine that! Again, this is off topic.

    I sincerely apologize, it was pretty far back but was it you who claimed that fat people were clogging up grocery store aisles? Anyway somebody did, as I'd they were actually bigger than their shopping carts @.@
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    Ok. People don't make fun of fat people. They are generally accepted as equals. Gotcha.

    Skinny shaming is the real problem.

    Oh, so sarcasm wins debates for you does it? I've faced real issues growing up half-native in a predominantly white area and the occasional issues I faced when I was obese didn't even come close to that. Nobody should ever feel made inferior for what they look like, but at least when I was obese I could lose weight, I can't change my DNA. So don't get me started on what's worse.

    None of it is good. Making fun of people who go to "sissy" health clubs isn't good either.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    Ok. People don't make fun of fat people. They are generally accepted as equals. Gotcha.

    Skinny shaming is the real problem.

    Oh, so sarcasm wins debates for you does it? I've faced real issues growing up half-native in a predominantly white area and the occasional issues I faced when I was obese didn't even come close to that. Nobody should ever feel made inferior for what they look like, but at least when I was obese I could lose weight, I can't change my DNA. So don't get me started on what's worse.

    You are 100% correct! The way that obese people are treated is not remotely comparable to how Native people have been treated by our society!
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    ogtmama wrote: »
    Ok. People don't make fun of fat people. They are generally accepted as equals. Gotcha.

    Skinny shaming is the real problem.

    Oh, so sarcasm wins debates for you does it? I've faced real issues growing up half-native in a predominantly white area and the occasional issues I faced when I was obese didn't even come close to that. Nobody should ever feel made inferior for what they look like, but at least when I was obese I could lose weight, I can't change my DNA. So don't get me started on what's worse.

    None of it is good. Making fun of people who go to "sissy" health clubs isn't good either.

    PF isn't a sissy club and I don't think I've heard anyone actually claim that here. It doesn't meet my needs but that doesn't mean others don't find it useful and I know of some pro bodybuilders that have worked out at a PF now and then and find it adequate in a pinch for them.

  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    ogtmama wrote: »
    I don't know. Read a book, open a magazine, watch TV, listen to people around you talk.

    Fat is short form for stupid, lazy, unworthy, gross, dirty, etc.

    If you believe that a handful of mean rude people is equal to an entire society mocking you day in day out, then we can agree to disagree.

    Again, 70% of society IS overweight themselves. The people who are fit are who is "a handful".

    And yet are 99% of the media...imagine that! Again, this is off topic.

    I sincerely apologize, it was pretty far back but was it you who claimed that fat people were clogging up grocery store aisles? Anyway somebody did, as I'd they were actually bigger than their shopping carts

    I think that was a different person who lost a lot of weight and talks poorly about obese people now that he is fit.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    ogtmama wrote: »
    I don't know. Read a book, open a magazine, watch TV, listen to people around you talk.

    Fat is short form for stupid, lazy, unworthy, gross, dirty, etc.

    If you believe that a handful of mean rude people is equal to an entire society mocking you day in day out, then we can agree to disagree.

    Again, 70% of society IS overweight themselves. The people who are fit are who is "a handful".

    And yet are 99% of the media...imagine that! Again, this is off topic.

    I sincerely apologize, it was pretty far back but was it you who claimed that fat people were clogging up grocery store aisles? Anyway somebody did, as I'd they were actually bigger than their shopping carts

    Wow, the few people who make the media are "all of society" now? What a sad society.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »

    Agreed, any shaming or discrimination is abhorrent. Except Martians, those guys should be deported. ;)
This discussion has been closed.