60 Minutes per Month Plank Challenge - December 2016



  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    Serenade_N wrote: »
    Ps can someone enlighten me as to the pictures of the man planking between two camels in previous chats?-ah mazing!!!

    Something triggered me to comment on the fad of 'planking' which lead to me posting some of those pictures. I swear a lot of them during the fad probably were photo-shopped, but some of them weren't and were pretty amazing. If you google images for "planking fad" you get some pretty funny ones:


    I really like the escalator pictures too...I even remember playing an online game where we could make our avatars 'plank' (ie, fad plank, not exercise plank)...it was pretty funny.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    alipsie19 wrote: »
    @b3achy With all you do, you're pretty darn amazing in my book!

    You are too kind! I've actually been a big ol' slug this week, but nice to get the encouragement! Thanks! :smiley:
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    @b3achy & @Serenade_N
    OMG, those pics are hilarious! :smiley:
  • leapyearcin
    leapyearcin Posts: 39 Member
    12/15: 2 min (running total: 20/60 goal, behind: 10 min.)
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    Joining this very late!

    Dec 15th
    1 min basic plank
    1 min elbow plank
    1 min side plank (right)
    1 min side plank (left)
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    @HM2206 - always happy to see more people here. Welcome!
    @leapyearcin - you're doing great! :smile:
  • Serenade_N
    Serenade_N Posts: 152 Member
    alipsie19 wrote: »
    @Serenade_N Darn fine article! So, if I understand it correctly, using a TRX type apparatus, bosu ball, or exercise ball would be better for me than going 8min. Right?

    Aye I agree. This is exactly what I understand that this article suggests. If I do find anything in regards to duration and effectiveness I shall share here.
    This is pretty exciting stuff though!

  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    December 1, 3 x 2 min planks (6 min)
    December 2, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 3, Nada, Nuttin, Bumpkiss, cardio wore me out
    December 4, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 5, None, Total rest day today for me.
    December 6, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 7, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 8, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 9, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 10, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 11, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 12, None, Nada, Nuttin.. Rest day today!
    December 13, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 14, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 15, None, Rest Day #2 this week. Bah Humbug.
    December 16, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)

    Total for the month: 72 min

    Personal Goal 120 minutes, 48 left to go.
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    @Serenade_N - I'll let you know how it goes after work. I have a TRXish thing at home.

    Bring on the pain!
  • Serenade_N
    Serenade_N Posts: 152 Member
  • Serenade_N
    Serenade_N Posts: 152 Member
    Great Alipsie! I'm not one for befriending pain. Prefer natural post exercise ache or DOMs. Much a believer of pacing and prevention. Trx sounds mega!
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    Sorry gang haven't found out about how plank is with the TRX. Got called back into work tonight. No plank for me today :(
  • Serenade_N
    Serenade_N Posts: 152 Member

    Something triggered me to comment on the fad of 'planking' which lead to me posting some of those pictures. I swear a lot of them during the fad probably were photo-shopped, but some of them weren't and were pretty amazing. If you google images for "planking fad" you get some pretty funny ones:


    I really like the escalator pictures too...I even remember playing an online game where we could make our avatars 'plank'

    B3achy - I just looked these up, wow! I hear you when you say some were photoshopped. But the real ones are pretty inspiring!!! Thanks
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    December 1, 3 x 2 min planks (6 min)
    December 2, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 3, Nada, Nuttin, Bumpkiss, cardio wore me out
    December 4, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 5, None, Total rest day today for me.
    December 6, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 7, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 8, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 9, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 10, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 11, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 12, None, Nada, Nuttin.. Rest day today!
    December 13, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 14, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 15, None, Rest Day #2 this week. Bah Humbug.
    December 16, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 17, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)

    Total for the month: 78 min

    Personal Goal 120 minutes, 42 left to go.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    December 1, 3 x 2 min planks (6 min)
    December 2, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 3, Nada, Nuttin, Bumpkiss, cardio wore me out
    December 4, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 5, None, Total rest day today for me.
    December 6, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 7, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 8, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 9, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 10, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 11, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 12, None, Nada, Nuttin.. Rest day today!
    December 13, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 14, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 15, None, Rest Day #2 this week. Bah Humbug.
    December 16, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 17, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 18, 2 x 3 min mixed planks (6 min)

    Total for the month: 84 min

    Personal Goal 120 minutes, 36 left to go.
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    Goal 60:00 min
    Dec 1: 1x2:00 on elbows
    Dec 2: 4x:30 side plank
    Dec 3: 1x2:00 on elbows
    Dec 4: 1x2:00 mixed
    Dec 5: 2x1:00 straight arm
    Dec 6: 1x2:00 on elbows
    Dec 7: Zip
    Dec 8: 1x5:00 PW
    Dec 9: 1x5:00 PW
    Dec 10: Zip
    Dec 11: Zip
    Dec 12: 1x5:00 PW
    Dec 13: 1x5:00 PW
    Dec 14: Zip
    Dec 15: 1x8:00 PW
    Dec 16: Zip
    Dec 17: Zip
    Dec 18: 2x:30 SA & elbow on TRX
    Total: 41:00

    Ugh! @Serenade_N yeah, that was definitely a bigger challenge!
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    December 1, 3 x 2 min planks (6 min)
    December 2, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 3, Nada, Nuttin, Bumpkiss, cardio wore me out
    December 4, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 5, None, Total rest day today for me.
    December 6, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 7, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 8, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 9, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 10, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 11, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 12, None, Nada, Nuttin.. Rest day today!
    December 13, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 14, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 15, None, Rest Day #2 this week. Bah Humbug.
    December 16, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 17, 3 x 2 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 18, 2 x 3 min mixed planks (6 min)
    December 19, None, Rest Day.

    Total for the month: 84 min

    Personal Goal 120 minutes, 36 left to go.

    I did do some side planks mixed in the last couple of days and seem to not be hurting from it, so it may be in my permanent future for those. Transitioning from a forearm plank to a straight arm plank, back to a forearm plank, then to side planks. Makes for a tougher workout for sure, and I need to improve my balance lol, fell over a couple of times going to side planks. ;P
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    Goal 60:00 min
    Dec 1: 1x2:00 on elbows
    Dec 2: 4x:30 side plank
    Dec 3: 1x2:00 on elbows
    Dec 4: 1x2:00 mixed
    Dec 5: 2x1:00 straight arm
    Dec 6: 1x2:00 on elbows
    Dec 7: Zip
    Dec 8: 1x5:00 PW
    Dec 9: 1x5:00 PW
    Dec 10: Zip
    Dec 11: Zip
    Dec 12: 1x5:00 PW
    Dec 13: 1x5:00 PW
    Dec 14: Zip
    Dec 15: 1x8:00 PW
    Dec 16: Zip
    Dec 17: Zip
    Dec 18: 2x:30 SA & elbow on TRX
    Dec 19: 1x5:00 PW with straight arm and elbow on TRX
    Total: 46:00

    It is a lot tougher on the TRX.
  • sfhappy
    sfhappy Posts: 59 Member
    OK. Confession time!! I thought I could easily spend 2 minutes per day doing a modified plank (for seniors). BUT, excuses, excuses: Very busy with holiday tasks and forgetful and lazy in the evening. So far:
    Dec. 14 1 min.
    Dec. 16 1 min.
    Dec. 19 2 min

    Goal: 36 minutes

    Yikes! 32 minutes and 12 days left. I think a big note on my dresser mirror may help! Best Wishes for Success to All Challengers.

  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    @sfhappy I've got the same things (holidays/forgetful/lazy) going on. No judgement here :smiley: