The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • jpduff_wwc
    jpduff_wwc Posts: 8 Member
    41 here feel free to add me :smile:
  • crazycat1977
    crazycat1977 Posts: 68 Member
    40 this year, fell free to add
  • gottennis_2
    gottennis_2 Posts: 204 Member
    Just turned 53 and I still play tennis like Im 25. I feel great except for the recovery time from a hard match. I can still keep up with some college players and that makes me feel great about myself.
    Looking for friends or other tennis players out there.
  • howiroll2015
    howiroll2015 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Linda. I'm 36 aka the wrong side of my 30's!
    I am restarting today and doing Keto starting tomorrow. Wish me luck!
    Feel free to add me.
  • Fatmuscleguy
    Fatmuscleguy Posts: 20 Member
    47 in a few weeks.Weighed in today,down 11lbs since Dec 21.Add me
  • RedHeadHotMama
    RedHeadHotMama Posts: 50 Member
    I am having to start all over again after a few rough years of dealing with abuse from my in-laws. I turned to food. I am 42 and need motivation to keep going. Feel free to add me.
  • NewBiker1971
    NewBiker1971 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, I'm just starting my second life now kids are grown, and I am doing it the way I want it! Starting with getting healthy and fit. Feel free to add me to help keep me away from chocolate and crisps!
  • eattless
    eattless Posts: 10 Member
    well im new here...would be nice to have some people to chat with, send me a msg thanks happy new year!!
  • fnwabs
    fnwabs Posts: 7 Member
    Day three of fitness pal. It is definitely keeping me in check. Skipped lunch because I went to the movies and got popcorn. I shared some and I ate some. It was hard to say no. Still, it all worked out. I had salad for dinner and vegetables for dinner. I am trying. Need to drink more water and stay away from snacks. Luckily, the fitness pal makes me more conscience of my portion size. :-)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    2 hour snowshoe done today. Finishing the day off with over 19,000 steps. I'll take it.
  • AdeleCrystal
    AdeleCrystal Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me. I'm 54 and trying to get back into shape. Love the gym, working on trying to get back to better eating habits again.
  • iknowiknow
    iknowiknow Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! 49. I'm back on MFP...again! Recently started attending Overeaters Anonymous meetings. Feel free to add me.
  • showerbeer182
    showerbeer182 Posts: 798 Member
  • dusty7954
    dusty7954 Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just turned 50ish. Feel free to add me
  • mdlady65
    mdlady65 Posts: 7 Member
    Cat here, 51. Started my journey Jan 2015. Feel better at 51 than I did at 31. Looking for Keto friends. I'm just starting to get into lifting and would appreciate some advice...any advice really.
  • rjcham1995
    rjcham1995 Posts: 2 Member
    42 here......Not sure how I feel about being considered a "middle-ager." Guess I will have to make my forties better than my 20's!!! Feel free to add me!
  • fnwabs
    fnwabs Posts: 7 Member
    Today, not a great day, but I got through it. Snacking is a big problem. Also, I made a mistake and got on the scale. I weigh more than I said, sooooo...I really, really have to get serious with staying on track. Also, I need to add the exercising into my daily routine. Ugh! Slim all my life until this past year or so. Need to get more active. I can do this. I can do this!
  • Crazyjro
    Crazyjro Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hey just turned 40 in October feel free to add me