Juice cleanse



  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    I've never done a juice cleanse. I bought a juicer once, trying to get more veggies into me, and was horrified at the amount of fiber I was throwing away. It didn't make sense to me when I saw that, and the juicer went to goodwill. Are the juices you're using maybe whole food and not just juice?

    Unfortunately, with bottled juices, a good part of the vitamins are gone before it even hits your mouth. Depending on how its processed. https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/05/cold-pressed-juice-5-facts-you-should-know.html

    Mostly for me personally, I'd be concerned about a lack of protein. I'm so hungry without getting protein in a meal.

    I can appreciate you might feel bloated or backed up with all the delicious cheese, and other foods, and alcohol can be dehydrating. I find eating a huge salad daily keeps my innards in tiptop "clean" and moving condition and the occasional scoop of metamucil! Fiber is what helps things pass through.

    I do have a blendtec that I use every morning for a fruit smoothie, I used to also make veggie smoothies but I just didn't like them as much! lol Now I keep the veggies whole, steamed in the micro or pressure cooked usually.

    Good luck with your plan, hope it works out for you!
  • ShammersPink
    ShammersPink Posts: 215 Member
    I usually feel like a period of relatively light eating after a period of feasting, too. I think that is fairly normal.

    As for the juice cleanse, I'm not sure I understand the concept.

    What is in them that makes them so special? Are they literally just fruit and veg juices, and if so, couldn't you do it much, much cheaper with very little effort, assuming that you thought it was in any way worthwhile?
  • NewGemini130
    NewGemini130 Posts: 219 Member
    Hey OP- I'll be nice :)
    Yes I've done juicing. Several times I've done it for 2-5 days. Not recently though. I have a juicer so didn't pay for pre made ones but did spend a ton on produce. I actually really like fresh juice, my fav I still make sometimes is carrot grapefruit orange. So bright and yummy. Anyway, it will lighten you up for a day or two or three. If you get real hungry have something real light in between (raw salad, veggie proteins if you feel you need); also ease on both ends with light foods- don't go straight back to Brie lol. Enjoy it, take it as an experiment. I personally felt like I was getting a lot of vitamins and my skin looked great!
  • NewGemini130
    NewGemini130 Posts: 219 Member
    Also- even though you're all liquids- do drink lots of water too and you may cut the juice w/water. Herbal teas are also nice.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    Why? Why is giving your guts a rest from what they are designed to do a good idea in a normal person e.g. An adult without any risk of liver damage

    Have you never felt a bit rough after a period of over-indulgence? Maybe a bit delicate or constipated or generally feeling the need of a break from the gravy train?

    I know I have, too much rich food can leave me with a sad tummy and a touch of malaise, and upping the fibre and water and eating a bit more simply for a few days can make me feel better. That's all. I realise if you have a tougher digestion than me, you might not experience this, but I didn't think the suggestion was all that controversial. I'm certainly not talking about risks to health or "toxins" or anything like that. Just taking it easy if you're feeling rough after you've been living it up.

    I get it with solid cheese. Go yonks without any and then indulge and then think oh *kitten*, I forgot about "that". Dammit.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    That better be some fruit grown on pastures fertilised with organic unicorn poop. Then juiced by the hands of virgins, or something. Because even for the Groupon deal that's some expensive fruit juice.

    I've dubbed that the monetary call to authority, a.k.a if it costs a bundle, it's because it's just so darned effective. ;)
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    That better be some fruit grown on pastures fertilised with organic unicorn poop. Then juiced by the hands of virgins, or something. Because even for the Groupon deal that's some expensive fruit juice.

    I've dubbed that the monetary call to authority, a.k.a if it costs a bundle, it's because it's just so darned effective. ;)

    Then why am I losing even more consistently than when I counted calories AND took adipex?! Surely you're not saying that 70 bucks a month was...a....waste?!

    At least it was per month, and not for a few days of just juice. Smh. ;)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited December 2016
    That better be some fruit grown on pastures fertilised with organic unicorn poop. Then juiced by the hands of virgins, or something. Because even for the Groupon deal that's some expensive fruit juice.

    I've dubbed that the monetary call to authority, a.k.a if it costs a bundle, it's because it's just so darned effective. ;)

    Then why am I losing even more consistently than when I counted calories AND took adipex?! Surely you're not saying that 70 bucks a month was...a....waste?!

    At least it was per month, and not for a few days of just juice. Smh. ;)

    If you're losing weight, the answer *always* is that you're burning more calories per day than you're consuming. Regards of how you get there.

    The issue here is that there are healthy ways to do that, and lots that are not so healthy. Juice, in and of itself, does not provide the necessary nutrients and fibre to be sustainable. Plus, it's actually quite high in calories which can make it counterproductive. If you're going to consume that amount of sugar and calories anyway, why not just eat something?
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    That better be some fruit grown on pastures fertilised with organic unicorn poop. Then juiced by the hands of virgins, or something. Because even for the Groupon deal that's some expensive fruit juice.

    I've dubbed that the monetary call to authority, a.k.a if it costs a bundle, it's because it's just so darned effective. ;)

    Then why am I losing even more consistently than when I counted calories AND took adipex?! Surely you're not saying that 70 bucks a month was...a....waste?!

    At least it was per month, and not for a few days of just juice. Smh. ;)

    If you're losing weight, the answer *always* is that you're burning more calories per day than you're consuming. Regards of how you get there.

    The issue here is that there are healthy ways to do that, and lots that are not so healthy. Juice, in and of itself, does not provide the necessary nutrients and fibre to be sustainable. Plus, it's actually quite high in calories which can make it counterproductive. If you're going to consume that amount of sugar and calories anyway, why not just eat something?

    Yeah, I was being sarcastic lol. If only there was a sarcasm for the on here!

    I'm just happy that I've gained enough knowledge and can put that 70 bucks to something more useful. Like chocolate.

    Or new clothes. :)
  • livehealthier1
    livehealthier1 Posts: 56 Member
    I just did a 14 day of juicing and the reasons were I was at a standstill with my weight loss. I must tell you it was very easy, more energy.. I'm sleeping better and I've dropped 17.2 lbs! Yes you will feel better after the 3 rd day because you get used to it. The juice I did for the entire time was the mean green juice. I've decided this will get me to my goal so I will juice twice a day and eat a dinner for here on out. Amy more questions don't hesitate to ask me every month I will do a 7 day straight juice. I just like how I feel on it.
  • livehealthier1
    livehealthier1 Posts: 56 Member
    And it's not costly I blended it in the blender with ice cubes and spring water,. I do have a juicer but I chose to blend and I'm only spending about 7 dollars a day
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    That better be some fruit grown on pastures fertilised with organic unicorn poop. Then juiced by the hands of virgins, or something. Because even for the Groupon deal that's some expensive fruit juice.

    But think of the cleansing & detox benefits................
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    And it's not costly I blended it in the blender with ice cubes and spring water,. I do have a juicer but I chose to blend and I'm only spending about 7 dollars a day

    Blending is quite different from juicing (I think preferable) because it keeps the fiber, although I still think there are negatives to relying so heavily on drinking your meals -- not for the 3 days OP intends, but for the 7 days + 2 of 3 meals all other days that you are apparently encouraging. Main thing for me would be that it seems quite unlikely that someone would be getting a balanced diet -- no protein, no healthy fats unless you get them all in at dinner or include them in the smoothie (likely with smoothies, but not juice and it depends on the smoothie recipe). I also wonder about adequate calories -- 17 lb is likely largely water weight, but still.

    Another issue with drinking calories as a really significant part of the diet (although again I wouldn't worry about it for 3 days or something like a breakfast smoothie/occasional smoothies) is that chewing tends to help stimulate the digestion. I don't totally agree with this (I think it depends on the person), but I do think it's worth considering: http://nutritionstudies.org/are-smoothies-good-or-bad/

    I'd also wonder about WHY juicing is being perceived as making you feel better: is it (most likely) psychological, the idea that it's better or healthier or virtuous to eat very little? that seems worrying, is it that you feel like you are eating a lot more vegetables or not some foods that make you feel bad (then change the diet and don't think the only alternative is drinking calories), what? This myth spread that there's something hard on the human body about eating and that drinking calories gives the body a rest (you still have to digest, so this doesn't even make sense) or that ordinary eating involves toxins are all quite scammy and messed up claims.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I just did a 14 day of juicing and the reasons were I was at a standstill with my weight loss. I must tell you it was very easy, more energy.. I'm sleeping better and I've dropped 17.2 lbs! Yes you will feel better after the 3 rd day because you get used to it. The juice I did for the entire time was the mean green juice. I've decided this will get me to my goal so I will juice twice a day and eat a dinner for here on out. Amy more questions don't hesitate to ask me every month I will do a 7 day straight juice. I just like how I feel on it.

    Seventeen pounds in fourteen days? That is not healthy!

    Its a lot of water weight and a small amount of fat and muscle I would think.