Losing Vanity Weight... HELP



  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    ccsernica wrote: »
    savithny wrote: »
    It took me a long time to realize that whatever weight I was, I was never going to have the hip curve of the women in the magazines, because my hips are not and never will be shaped like that.

    This cannot be emphasized enough. It's not just you or OP whose hips are not shaped like that, no one's hips are shaped like that. Not even those of the models. Magazine covers and ads and fashion spreads have the kitten Photoshopped out of them. They do this to both men and women, creating body image problems everywhere by setting up an artificial, unrealistic, and downright fake standard. People only ever hurt themselves trying to conform to it.

    Absolutely! But even beyond Photoshop, I know women compare themselves to other women in real life and build an idea of what about *real* women they want to look like -- and even within the un-Photoshopped real world? Not every body can attain every shape.

    Everyone says my daughter looks JUST like me. But while she's almost my height, I wear tall jeans and she doesn't, because she inherited her father's proportions. I have ridiculously long legs and I'm very short waisted, she's much more evenly balanced between leg and torso.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    Thanks for the answer! I definitely just want to look smaller and thought being in the 130s would achieve that but if I could look skinnier in the 140s I would take it! What is a recomp? My maintenance is 2491 calories which I CANNOT eat, I would gain five pounds in a day and 10 pounds by the end of the week. I ate 1700 by accident last week because I forgot to add a snack and gained .8 pounds. What do you suggest as a calorie intake? If I cut back on cardio can I just keep doing 1500?

    You did not gain .8 in a day by eating 1700 cals, our weight fluctuates naturally, most of us see daily fluctuations of several pounds - completely normal.
    Stop stressing, you are at a good weight, those vanity pounds will go, they'll just take a while longer - also perfectly normal when we get down to last few pounds.
  • Baydogger
    Baydogger Posts: 37 Member
    Your post reminds me of me - a younger version mind you. I'm 49 and 5'10. At my lowest I was about 126 lbs (when much younger) and I looked like a skeleton. Today I am 160 and trying to lose 10-15. My happy weight is at about 146 but my focus is on eating healthy and doing exercises that I enjoy - running and lifting. You sound obsessed. You understand that your exterior does not define you, right? A self confident woman is a sexy woman.
    As I enter menopause I have to shed some of my old ideas about beauty and sexuality. It's not easy, especially with stubborn abdominal weight gain. But I continue to make healthy choices and to enjoy exercise. And I've talked to a counsellor about body image because it really was hard for me to accept that I was getting older.
    My advice? Put some time and effort into who you are, not what you look like. Find some meaning and purpose besides this torture you are putting yourself through.
    You are beautiful just as you are, no matter what the scale says.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    savithny wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to look your best if you work hard for it :)
    And they tried the pill but it did not work. I am aware of the cancer risks but unfortunately nothing is working so I do not have many options or control over the situation. What I do have control over is my body and eating healthy.

    Honey, take a minute.

    One problem I am seeing is that you are defining "Look your best" by some external definition of what "best" looks like. The problem is that bodies are very different things, and they're shaped in very different ways, and I'm not just talking about weight.

    It took me a long time to realize that whatever weight I was, I was never going to have the hip curve of the women in the magazines, because my hips are not and never will be shaped like that. My hipbones are where they are, my thighbones are where they are, and it would take major bone surgery to move them.

    My waist and belly button are never going to look like the pictures, because I'm very short waisted. I remember thinking "Wow, I just don't look like that in a swimsuit' and its because the space between the bottom of my ribs and my belly button is just not the same. I'm not shaped like that.

    My shoulders are sloped and rounded. My collarbone juts out and starts to look bony while I still have a potbelly. My breasts point in opposite directions. I'm so short waisted that I have a hip shelf because there's no room for a taper. None of those are "ideal" and I've seen young women talking about all those things in despair. But they aren't character flaws, they're just how your body is put together. Not all bodies can EVER look like the image of "perfection" that we're given, or that we select out of the mass of images we're exposed to.

    "Looking your best" means looking YOUR best, not looking your grandma's best or some magazine's best or your roommate's best or your sister's best. And it might not be just like you imagined when you started this journey, but you've got to let your body be itself, and you have to learn to be yourself IN your body.

    This was inspiring and something everyone needs to remember. It took me nearly 48 years to finally accept that I am the way I am, that my body is unique (as is everyone's) and that it's the only body I'll ever have. It was so freeing when the epiphany came and allowed me to finally stop obsessing about everything.

    I hope the OP can eventually come to that realization too.
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    Thanks for the help! My metabolism is messed up because I lost weight quickly at 1200 cals a day with exercise. I also have hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, possible PCOS, reasons for not getting my period.
    I would LOVE a food scale but my roommates would freak out. They already reported me to the campus nutritionist and now I have to go to therapy every week. A food scale is just not possible in my situation:( I wish it was.
    I guess recomp seems to be the way to go I'm just so clueless. Thanks..

    OP do you have a history with EDs by chance? Somethings 'off' here.....

    NO! My friends and family and nutritionist just think I'm getting one. My best friend was anorexic in high school and trust me, I'm NOT! Yes, I obsess about it but they just don't understand! I put so much work into this and it's frustrating to not see results! I feel like I worked so hard I should look how I want to look and I just don't. They think I look "great" but they don't see the cellulite and rolls that I do. I just want to be happy about my body and it isn't cooperating. I'm terrified of increasing anything because I don't want to gain weight and have all my hard work be for nothing:(

    Red flag, trust me! My own history shows this as a red flag. Don't obsess, it's step one down a LOOOOOOOONNGGG and dark road!! Appreciate they care, and think about it, if you saw your room mate obsess like this, wouldn't you worry too?
  • jenniferdee1974
    jenniferdee1974 Posts: 6 Member
    I do about the same amount of excercise & probably about the same amount of walking & my maintence is 2500 too. I find that I lost the vanity weight when I eat a little more & try to move a little slower. Vanity weight doesn't like to come off so easily (: You can "fool" your body by eating at maintenence a few days & below a few days & going slow. I'm 5'6" 118 lbs now. I never shoot for 1700 calories, the lowest I go is 2000 & try to end the week at 1750 below (about 1/2 lb). Typical days would be 2000 for 4 days, 2500 for 2 days, & 2750 for one day. I also found that when I included calcium from dairy at 120% I had much better results. It was crazy how much better my results were actually!! Good luck, but go slow. This isn't a great time of year to be trying to lose and if you try too hard it really can lead to binging when you can't live up to your own expectations.
  • jenniferdee1974
    jenniferdee1974 Posts: 6 Member
    One last thing is that I really do feel like having a day where you go slightly over keeps my metabolism revved up & I see better results!!
  • lady_ghost
    lady_ghost Posts: 175 Member
    At your height 140 is perfect weight. Sometimes weight goes up and down. You could be missing ur periods from the weight loss and intense workouts loosing ur period is not healthy it leads to having brittle bones and hormonal problems s see a naturopath in at what helped me get my periods back
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    stephmph16 wrote: »
    Screw what grandma thinks, a woman who gets her rocks off being mean to little kids will not suddenly go "wow you look amazing!" at Christmas dinner, so let go of that pipe dream.

    Be kind to yourself.

    Awesomed :+1:

  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    stephmph16 wrote: »
    Screw what grandma thinks, a woman who gets her rocks off being mean to little kids will not suddenly go "wow you look amazing!" at Christmas dinner, so let go of that pipe dream.

    Be kind to yourself.

    OMG, this is so, so true. If she gives up on talking about your weight, she will switch to something else, and probably keep comparing you to other people. If she couldn't be loving and supportive before, it wasn't about you, it was about her.