Everyday Healthy Habits - January challenge



  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 2, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 5k walk
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: YES!
    Practiced meditation): Yes

    Current weight (Jan.1): 139.5
    Goal weight Jan.8: 138
    Goal weight for February 1: 133 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Last day of Christmas holiday for me... I will need to work out how to schedule in my daily exercise on work days so I can keep accomplishing that goal, and get some lunches packed!

    Current strengths: I set an action plan yesterday to help me accomplish the no unplanned PM snack goal and I did it! Will need to be mindful to continue to work on this today... it takes a lot of conscious effort to change a habit, but I know this is a key to me hitting my daily calorie goal.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    111# at goal. Zumba and free weights done. 86 mins total. Stayed below calorie range. Did 2 min of planks. Sat around too much on computer. Challenge is tomorrow back to getting up at 4:30am. :#
  • hbo2010
    hbo2010 Posts: 16 Member
    edited January 2017
    Date: January 2, 2017

    Logged food intake: ✔- dining out twice a day, not a good idea, thankfully only two more days of visitors in town

    Fruit or veg with every meal: ✔✖️✔ - it just does not sound right to count the steak fries I had for lunch

    Exercised: reached daily activity goal, but still no extra exercise (planning on gym for January 4th, when all visitors have departed)

    Back exercise: ✖️

    Avoid stress eating (main goal for 2017 due to upcoming move in August):✔

    Do better in social situations: ✖️

    Avoid unplanned PM snack: ✖️- too much xmas chocolate around (positive - it's gone now)

    Struggles: dealing with unsupportive visitors
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    Date: 2 January 2017

    Daily Devotions: Done, and started a new journal for the year

    Hit 100g Protein Daily: Just missed - 99 g Protein
    Drink at Least 8 Cups of Pure Water: Done - 9 cups
    Dry January: 2 of 31 days done

    Workouts (M-F primarily):
    • Mileage (20 miles/wk): 4.38 miles (Total Weekly Mileage: 8.08 miles)
    • Strength Training (2-3 days/wk): Done Today; 1 of 3 for week
    • Planks (M-F): 3 minutes

    Start Weight (30 December 2016): 127.2 lbs
    Current Weight: 127.2
    Goal Weight (end of Jan): 125 lbs

    Struggles: Getting that much protein is hard if I want to enjoy other things during the day. Need to work to get more fruits and veggies. Have to stop putting planks off until late night (done tonight at 11pm).
    Strengths: Water done! Workout miles done! Devotions done! Protein almost done. Planks done! Still okay for Dry January, but can tell the cravings are lurking.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Date: January 2nd, 2017
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes.
    - 60 min walking (leisurely)
    - 60 min Yoga
    - 30 Day January Arm Challenge Days 1 & 2
    - 30 Day January Thigh Challenge Days 1 & 2
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced Yoga: Yes
    Did stretches: Yes
    Met personal iron goal: Yes

    Current weight: 130
    Goal weight for February 1: 128 (1lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Not going to an extreme and overdoing it in certain exercise and being too harsh on not logging a certain amount. I think I'm going to give walking a break for a little now I'm doing Yoga and the Challenges since I have trouble moderating it and it takes too much of my time with everything. Still having trouble staggering my calories.

    Current strengths: I managed to get more protein in than usual today which has been an issue these past few (might add it as a goal to help) and I'm starting to settle into more of a consistent routine for my workouts! I'm also now getting better at controlling when I do and don't eat and the like.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    edited January 2017
    Date: January 3, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 3k walk, 35 mins exercise bike at gym
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: YES
    Practiced meditation: Yes

    Current weight (Jan.1): tbd Sunday
    Goal weight Jan.8: 138
    Goal weight for February 1: 133 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: No real struggles!

    Current strengths: Glad I renewed my gym membership... It can be hard to get outside to exercise here in the winter. So, no excuses - there is a gym and a pool handy for those days it is easier to stay inside :smile:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • buxbert
    buxbert Posts: 244 Member
    Date: January 3rd, 2017 (reporting for today)
    Logged food intake: Yes, so far (it is lunchtime here)
    Avoid unplanned after dinner food:
    Practiced morning back exercises (5 minutes to make the pain go away and start to be more flexible): no, only found this challenge today, will start tomorrow morning
    Current weight: 89.5 kg
    Goal weight for February 1: 86.5 kg

    Current struggles: Getting used to being serious about calorie counting again. Bad cold so I find it hard to breathe. No exercise happening at the moment.

    Current strengths: Just starting again. The excitement is back and I am looking forward to feeling better and healthier soon. Hence the lower goal weight. I am hoping for a quick success at the beginning.

    I am not sure how the daily reporting will work for me, I was never good at keeping a dairy. let's see if it helps me to reach my goals.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    OP you only have 7lbs to lose - 1.5lb to lose per week is be too much when you aren't overweight and you'll lose too much muscle mass.
    0.5lb a week would be healthier and also more sustainable.

    But this thread is a good idea to give all who need it the chance to refocus.

    All the best everyone.
  • ktbousemafitforlife

    Date: January 2
    Logged food intake: Yes I did, but the food after dinner, my snacking was not completely accurate. When I eat extra food then I put in my exercise to gain more calories. But my exercise is not always exact. I did not stay under my goal food intake.

    Exercised: yes, I did about 20 minutes of walking and running then I did some body weight exercises, and light lifting.

    Avoid unplanned PM snack: I did not I let in to eating, I was a t a friend's house watching bachelor. I told myself when I walked in that I would not eat anything. But I ate anything I wanted.

    Practiced meditation: no I did not open my Bible or devotional. You'd think since I'm on break is find the time. But I'm lazy.

    Current weight: 149.4
    Goal weight for February 1: 144

    Current struggles: Finding the will power to say no. I also sometimes forget why I want to lose weight. I think it's because my mindset going about it is wrong. Weightless is all a mind game, and I am weak.

    Current strengths: I've been active. Also I'm trying, which is good because when I'm not trying to lose weight I feel like I gain it.

  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    I have a hard time following templates so I thought I'd just post.

    Jan 3rd - back to work, a huge anxiety provoking stressed. I prepared my smoothie for the day (it was loaded with yummy calories) and a granola bar. Got me through the day!! Now I need to commit to preparing a healthy dinner with my hubby.

    Challenges: a why bother attitude

    Achievements: walked during my lunch break and got a new book, a healthy mind can't hurt right
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    Morning workout was solid. Total 64 minutes, cardio and lifting.

    Then all kinds of surprise changes at work and a key player that I rely on resigned. I wanted to hit the chocolate, but fortunately all the holiday treats and crap is gone from the kitchen. --- and I was very busy. The busier the better for my eating. Stayed at calorie target, but I could have easily done emotional eating.

  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    Date: 3 January 2017

    Daily Devotions: Not done

    Hit 100g Protein Daily: Done - 101 g Protein
    Drink at Least 8 Cups of Pure Water: Done - 8 cups
    Dry January: 3 of 31 days done; some cravings today.

    Workouts (M-F primarily):
    • Mileage (20 miles/wk): 4.12 miles (Total Weekly Mileage: 12.20 miles)
    • Strength Training (2-3 days/wk): Rest Day; 1 of 3 for week
    • Planks (M-F): 2 minutes

    Start Weight (30 December 2016): 127.2 lbs
    Current Weight: 127.2
    Goal Weight (end of Jan): 125 lbs

    Struggles: Think all my sugar free seltzer water (in lieu of mixed drinks or wine) is doing a number on my tummy today. Feeling super blarghy. So, didn't leave the house and didn't do much today.
    Strengths: Water done! Workout miles done! Protein done! Planks done! Day was better than I thought though missing my devotions is a big negative. Actually did better to get more fruits and veggies into my eating today.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2017
    Date: January 3rd, 2017
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes.
    - 60 min Yoga
    - 30 Day January Arm Challenge Days 1, 2 & 3
    - 30 Day January JH Arm Challenge Day 3
    - 30 Day January Thigh Challenge Day 3
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: No
    Practiced Yoga: Yes
    Did stretches: Yes
    Met personal iron goal: Yes

    Starting weight: 132 (adding this in to track better)
    Current weight: 130
    Goal weight for February 1: 128 (1lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Felt pretty weak today - I got the proper macros though so I think it was mostly that I'd gotten a little used to feeling the energy from walking so much before doing any yoga. I was fine once I got into it. Having some trouble with salt cravings too so I'm going to see if I can figure out if there's anything which may be causing that or if it's just a general thing.

    Current strengths: Getting better at planning my meals for the next day as opposed to just winging it which often ends up with me getting imbalances in my nutrient intake and stuff. I'll see how I am at actually following this tomorrow (or, today by the time I'm posting this)
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Welcome to the thread, @buxbert, @ktbousemafitforlife - hopefully you find it helpful here!

    I think part of the beauty of this challenge is that it is that everyone gets to reflect on their own experience and set their own goals, making it meaningful to the individual person. As you can see by reading the different posts, we are all at a different place activity-wise and weight-wise, and that's OK- we are all on our own paths, committing to make small changes that we know will improve our own lives.

    @ShaleSelkies - Good job - I don't always plan out my meals for the next day, but when I have it has been so helpful... I am going to start doing that again.
    @b3achy - dry January - now that is an admirable challenge, lol
    @120maggie - good for you staying on track even when work went crazy - after work on a day like that is my worst emotional eating scenario... I didn't fare as well as you yesterday
    @hbo2010 - It's January 4! Visitors all gone?

    Date: January 4, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: Yes, missed calorie goal by 100 calories
    Exercised: No - plans got derailed when I had to drive my son in to town after supper
    Avoid unplanned PM snack (bad time for me for emotional eating): No - fell into my usual habit of 'treating' myself after work (crackers&cheese).
    Practiced meditation (something I want to try for stress management): Yes

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight Jan.8: tbd Sunday
    Goal weight for February 1: 133 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: So I did really well most of the day, until I got home from work! First day back, short-staffed, busy busy busy all day, then find out I have to drive my son into Toronto from the burbs instead of hitting the pool to swim after supper. Did not do too well on my goals today, particularly disappointed that the after work snack won the day. I will need to be especially mindful of my thoughts at this time of day tomorrow...

    Current strengths: Patience. I know from experience that tomorrow is another day! Not hitting my calorie goal today just means that it might take me a bit longer to hit my weight goals, but I still made mostly good food choices and practiced meditation to help manage my stress levels. I will just get back on track today and carry on....
  • ktbousemafitforlife
    Date: January 3
    Exercised: Would you call about 5 minutes of Zumba exercise? No..
    Logged Food Intake: no I didn't log all of it, I overate.
    Avoid Unplanned Snacks: No I didn't because I went out to eat and I didn't control myself.
    Current Weight: 149.6
    Goal weight for Feb: >144
    Current Struggles: I was struggling with staying positive and believing I can do this. I also have been struggling with the reasons why.
    Current Strengths: God is my strength in weakness. I know I can do it! If I keep that positive confidence I will do this.
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    Jan 4- brought soup to work, walked on my break and organized a biggest loser challenge with my colleagues which will start tomorrow!!
    Challenges: feeling fat and frumpy makes it hard
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    Date: 4 January 2017

    Daily Devotions: Not done

    Hit 100g Protein Daily: Not done - 65 g Protein
    Drink at Least 8 Cups of Pure Water: Done - 8 cups
    Dry January: 4 of 31 days done

    Workouts (M-F primarily):
    • Mileage (20 miles/wk): 0 miles (Total Weekly Mileage: 12.20 miles)
    • Strength Training (2-3 days/wk): Missed; 1 of 3 for week
    • Planks (M-F): 3 minutes

    Start Weight (30 December 2016): 127.2 lbs
    Current Weight: 125.4
    Goal Weight (end of Jan): 125 lbs

    Struggles: Day started with a sore throat and ended with running a fever, having a headache, feeling like crap. So, didn't get much of anything done today.
    Strengths: Planks done! Water done!
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2017
    Date: January 3rd, 2017
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes.
    - ~60 min Yoga (not including the challenge)
    - 30 Minutes Mild Stretching (not including my daily ones)
    - 30 Day January Arm Challenge Days 4
    - 30 Day January Thigh Challenge Day 4
    - 30 Day January JH Sun Salutation Challenge Days 1-4
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: No
    Practiced Yoga: Yes
    Did stretches: Yes
    Met personal iron goal: Hardly but yes

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 130
    Goal weight for February 1: 128 (1lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Ended up eating some unplanned food on impulse - still managed to stay under my calorie goal with it but I feel pretty bad about it all the same, it throws me off. My body image today hasn't been too good today either so hopefully that'll have faded by tomorrow.

    Current strengths: I got my food scale today! I'll be able to start logging things tomorrow, though it'll be a bigger challenge figuring out how to do so in the cafeteria once the semester starts. I got a small one though so I think I'll be fine to be discrete about it since the portions they give down there just... really aren't the most accurate in the world I don't trust them at all.
  • ktbousemafitforlife
    Date: January 4
    I did great today! I drank lots of water. I logged all my food. I stayed under 1200 calories. I didn't do any late night snacking or snacking period. I spent the whole day walking the zoo. I also started the day off with my devotional and in positivity. Today was a great day. I know I can do this. Busy days are really good for me, it makes me feel productive, I need more of these.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    edited January 2017
    Date: January 5, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, gym for cardio and weights; great workout!
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced meditation : Yes

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight Jan.8: tbd Sunday
    Goal weight for February 1: 133 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: I'm still working on the no unplanned PM snack thing.... Yesterday was easy because I only worked 1/2 day - I don't feel the "I'm so tired after a long day of work/I'll treat myself to a snack" pull on my half days. Today will be different, so will continue to be mindful. I think one thing for me to do is just eat supper a little earlier... I'm not truly hungry when I get home, but if I'm going to eat it might as well be my supper instead of a snack and then supper 45 minutes later.

    Current strengths: I had a great day today! My goals all fell into place. Love it when you have a great workout :)