Everyday Healthy Habits - January challenge



  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,138 Member
    Date: January 5, 2017 - For 1-4-17
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Early morning 60 minute Zumba, 30 minutes Turbo Jam at lunch. Did first of my goal of two lunch-hour workouts per week. 15 minutes of working to learn the moves and only 15 minutes of a practice workout. Planks 3 minutes.
    Avoid unplanned PM snack:- few pita chips and carrots while making my lunch for today. Counted in food intake.

    bit emotional, my sister who passed birthday. Very busy at work, which is good for my eating habits.

    January 5 for today:

    Good start 32 minutes Zumba, 33 minutes Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. 2 minutes planks.
  • michele2020
    michele2020 Posts: 19 Member
    newbie2143 wrote: »
    (Starting up a few days early for those of us who want to get back on track NOW!!)

    Good Morning and Happy new year
    My name is Michele .
    Excellent idea for this challenge , count me in .
    Please feel free to add me and I will be back later to set up my goals .
    Have a wonderful day new friends

  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,096 Member
    @ShaleSelkies - per the scale in the cafeteria, if it gets to be to much of an issue to bring it with you and use it, try this to get better at estimating (which is better than nothing, but notably not as accurate as a scale)...at home, weigh out food that you would normally eat in the cafeteria and then use your had to compare to the volume of the weighted item - palm (full/half), fist, thumb (one knuckle, full thumb), etc. Then if you don't have your scale, you can at least estimate the weight based on the volume (really good for restaurants too). Remember different foods are heavier than others, so a fist of something might actually weight the same as a thumb of something else.

    It's actually an old trick I learned in high school from one of my teachers who told me that her index finger to the first joint was approximately 1", so she never had to break out a ruler to ensure we were doing our papers with proper 1" margins - she could just hold up her finger to the page. For years, I've done the same with linear measurements (my index finger joint is also about 1"), but I also knew my foot was 9" (3/4 of a foot) so when I measured out rooms when checking out new apartments, I could just walk the room and get a good estimate of the square footage without a tape measure.

    Later I was using an eating program that had you estimate your portion size with your palm, but I never verified that their estimates matched up with the actual weights for the volume (so I was typically over eating on that program). But I figured it was still a pretty good way to estimate portion sizes, and have worked to build a list of estimates of food weights based on my hands, since I always have them with me, but I don't always have my food scale.

    @120maggie - so sorry about your sister. It's always tough when you lose a loved one, especially during their birthdays and holidays. (((HUGS)))
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    @ShaleSelkies - per the scale in the cafeteria, if it gets to be to much of an issue to bring it with you and use it, try this to get better at estimating (which is better than nothing, but notably not as accurate as a scale)...at home, weigh out food that you would normally eat in the cafeteria and then use your had to compare to the volume of the weighted item - palm (full/half), fist, thumb (one knuckle, full thumb), etc. Then if you don't have your scale, you can at least estimate the weight based on the volume (really good for restaurants too). Remember different foods are heavier than others, so a fist of something might actually weight the same as a thumb of something else.

    It's actually an old trick I learned in high school from one of my teachers who told me that her index finger to the first joint was approximately 1", so she never had to break out a ruler to ensure we were doing our papers with proper 1" margins - she could just hold up her finger to the page. For years, I've done the same with linear measurements (my index finger joint is also about 1"), but I also knew my foot was 9" (3/4 of a foot) so when I measured out rooms when checking out new apartments, I could just walk the room and get a good estimate of the square footage without a tape measure.

    Later I was using an eating program that had you estimate your portion size with your palm, but I never verified that their estimates matched up with the actual weights for the volume (so I was typically over eating on that program). But I figured it was still a pretty good way to estimate portion sizes, and have worked to build a list of estimates of food weights based on my hands, since I always have them with me, but I don't always have my food scale.

    Unfortunately the reason I'm eating at the cafeteria is that I kind of have to eat there! I don't have the same sorts of foods at home so its awkwardly measuring things there at least until I get an idea of the portions vs weights of various things or nothing.
    That will be useful if I'm ever in such a situation though thank you! One of my teachers taught me the inch trick as well (and a cm one - the width of the tip of my forefinger) but I forget to use it for things a lot.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    I'm starting this a few days late, but better late than never

    Date: January 4th
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, Crossfit
    Avoid eating sugar at night: Nope, ate 2 Lindor truffles
    Mini break exercises at work (3 sets): Yes

    Current weight: 192.5
    Goal weight for February 1: 186.5 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Sweets and getting enough activity

    Current strengths: Although I've gained weight over this last year (25lbs it's been a hard year in my marriage) I haven't lost much strength so that's a plus. Positive outlook for this New Year.
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    Jan 5th- my bootcamp i signed up for is cancelled due to low registration. I NEED the morale. I have searched for classes in my neighbourhood and there are none. Im so bummed out.
  • Date: January 5
    Today was great! Again! I ate under 1200 calories without sacrifice. I didn't do much for exercise but I'm mentally strong, so I'm working out my mind. I did my devotions in the morning and I ate under my calorie goal. I'll weigh in tomorrow :)
    Current weight: 149.4
    Tomorrow's weight: less
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2017
    Date: January 5th, 2017
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes.
    - 60 min Yoga (not including the challenge)
    - 30 Day January JH Arm Challenge Day 5
    - 30 Day January Thigh Challenge Day 5
    - 30 Day January JH Sun Salutation Challenge Day 5
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced Yoga: Yes
    Did stretches: Yes
    Met personal iron goal: Again, hardly but yes

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 130
    Goal weight for February 1: 128 (1lbs per week)

    Current struggles: I found out I was actually overestimating my portions and ergo not eating enough and now I'm having trouble convincing myself that eating more to actually get close to my calorie goal (which is already at deficit) won't make me gain suddenly or something. I will eat more but it doesn't stop me worrying.
    Also I keep forgetting to change the date on these posts aha.. My last one was for the 4th not the 3rd.

    Current strengths: I think I'm settling into the routine of trying to finish exercises a little earlier - it really helps me do more through the rest of the day since I'm less distracted by not having finished them yet than usual. For some reason still having exercises to do is just very distracting for me.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Good morning! Welcome @michele2020 and @moniquedeanne !
    @120maggie - no words.... I can not imaging losing my sister. I'm so sorry for your loss.
    @b3achy - nice tips :) glad you shared them
    @candythorns - disappointing about boot camp.... What about doing something with the people in the "biggest loser" group you organized at work?
    @ktbousemafitforlife - I love hearing about great days!! So happy for you.
    @ShaleSelkies - was it the new scale that told you that you were UNDERestimating? It can be hard to eat MORE, but know that your body needs it and trust the science.... I'm guessing you will be more successful in the long term if you don't short-change yourself!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 6, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: No. Life got in the way... Back at it today
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced meditation : Yes

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight Jan.8: 138 (haha, just noticed I wrote 'tbd Sunday' here on previous posts... I meant ACTUAL weight tbd Sunday)
    Goal weight for February 1: 133 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Did not get any physical activity (other than just activities of daily living) in today. Tuesdays and Thursdays in particular are long work days for me and I struggle to make the day longer with a workout at the end of it.... I'm not the best morning workout person, but I am starting to think about maybe trying to get out and be active BEFORE work on these days. Worth a try, anyway I guess.

    Current strengths: So far so good hitting calorie goals without feeling deprived. Looking forward to carrying on with my Everyday Healthy Habits :)
  • michele2020
    michele2020 Posts: 19 Member
    newbie2143 wrote: »
    Good morning! Welcome @michele2020 and @moniquedeanne !
    @120maggie - no words.... I can not imaging losing my sister. I'm so sorry for your loss.
    @b3achy - nice tips :) glad you shared them
    @candythorns - disappointing about boot camp.... What about doing something with the people in the "biggest loser" group you organized at work?
    @ktbousemafitforlife - I love hearing about great days!! So happy for you.
    @ShaleSelkies - was it the new scale that told you that you were UNDERestimating? It can be hard to eat MORE, but know that your body needs it and trust the science.... I'm guessing you will be more successful in the long term if you don't
  • michele2020
    michele2020 Posts: 19 Member
    (Thursday check in )
    LOGGED FOOD logged all food , and pre planned all meals .
    EXERCISE - ran 1.5 miles outside , walked 1 .
    I have missed running running (not a big fan of the gym ) so yesterday I just decided to brave the cold ..if only for 5 minutes . I am happy that I did ,turned out to be the best part of my day .
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Date: January 5th
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, Strength & Mobility video 30min.
    Avoid eating sugar at night: Nope, ate 2 Lindor truffles
    Mini break exercises at work (3 sets): Only got in 2 sets.

    Current weight: 190.0
    Goal weight for February 1: 186.5 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Sweets and struggling in the gym. I feel like I'm working out with a weight vest on.

    Current strengths: Enjoying my new activity tracker I bought myself for Christmas and liking that it simply reminds me to move. Also, besides the 2 truffles I ate my diet has been pretty clean the last few days and I'm feeling pretty great beside minor workout aches and pains. I attribute this to drinking water, eating clean, exercising, and all the supplements I'm taking. I hope I can keep this up.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    newbie2143 wrote: »
    @ShaleSelkies - was it the new scale that told you that you were UNDERestimating? It can be hard to eat MORE, but know that your body needs it and trust the science.... I'm guessing you will be more successful in the long term if you don't short-change yourself!

    Overestimating as in I thought I'd been eating 43g of something but I'd actually only eaten around 21g and the like! As I said I know I'll lose in deficit regardless but the worry is just there whether its reasonable or not.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    Date: January 6th, 2017
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes.
    - 30 Day Januay Arm Challenge Day 6
    - 30 Day January JH Arm Challenge Day 6
    - 30 Day January Thigh Challenge Day 6
    - 30 Day January JH Sun Salutation Challenge Day 6
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced Yoga: Yes
    Did stretches: No
    Met personal iron goal: No

    Starting weight: 132
    Current weight: 130
    Goal weight for February 1: 128 (1lbs per week)

    Current struggles: I couldn't do much today, I was just so anxious and coiled and I needed to spend time on my comic so I mostly just did that and drew other things. I feel kind of bad for not doing my usual amount of yoga but I think it was a good decision.

    Current strengths: Didn't have much trouble resisting eating things today, I think it was because I was distracted drawing for most of it I need to find a way to transition between exercise and art/writing mindsets easier.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 7, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes - 30 mins lengths in the pool, 20 mins bike
    Avoid unplanned PM snack: Yes
    Practiced meditation : Yes

    Jan.1 wt: 139.5
    Goal weight Jan.8: 138
    Goal weight for February 1: 133 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Tried to meditate on my own (ie. Without a recording of someone telling me what to do), and it didn't go as well as I hoped! I think following guided meditation for a while longer is probably the way to go. Also, I don't think I'm drinking enough... Going to track my fluid intake over the next few days.

    Current strengths: Community - glad to have all of you here!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Overestimating as in I thought I'd been eating 43g of something but I'd actually only eaten around 21g and the like! As I said I know I'll lose in deficit regardless but the worry is just there whether its reasonable or not.

    At least it wasn't the other way around!! Enjoy your larger portions today ;)
    I'm glad you got the scale... I love how accurate I can be with mine.
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    @newbie2143 thanks for the encouragement. But it's 4 guys who I don't really hang out with outside of work.

    Jan 7- last night was cal horrible. Had a salad at jack Astors. Thankfully calories are posted everywhere now or I could have eaten way worse!
    I did a card challenge today. You assign each suit a move, and the reps are the number on the card. Flip cards till done. I also hula hooped a bit.
    Made a big egg white scramble.

    I also signed up for a boot camp that I have to bus 40 minutes to....but I want this so I must right

    I brought my scale to work so we could do our weigh ins there, so I'll report each Thursday for now. I was at 164.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Sorry, I can not commit to every day. That is not an attainable goal.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Date: January 6, 2017 (reporting for yesterday)

    Logged food intake: - Yes, under calorie goal

    Exercised: Yes - 60 min. CrossFit

    Avoid Sugar at night: No, 3 Hersey's kisses

    Current weight: 188.0 lbs

    Goal weight for February 1: 185lbs (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: still struggling to avoid Sugar in the evening

    Current strengths: I have made sure to move my body more