January 2017 Running Challenge



  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    @dkabambe For that budget here in the U.K., I wouldn't look at a Garmin. The TomTom Runner watches do everything a Garmin does, only much cheaper. I think they are on to model 3 now, so if you look online for model 2 then I bet you could pick one up for £50. I love mine, I'm so glad I didn't waste money on a Garmin (they are just SO expensive here!)

    Thanks @louubelle16 - I'll definitely check those out.

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    dkabambe wrote: »
    @dkabambe For that budget here in the U.K., I wouldn't look at a Garmin. The TomTom Runner watches do everything a Garmin does, only much cheaper. I think they are on to model 3 now, so if you look online for model 2 then I bet you could pick one up for £50. I love mine, I'm so glad I didn't waste money on a Garmin (they are just SO expensive here!)

    Thanks @louubelle16 - I'll definitely check those out.

    I have a tomtom multisport (non-HR) and find it useful. I don't know what it does in terms of comparison with the Garmin, but it fits my needs. I like the fact that it has a treadmill setting (so doesn't need a GPS lock), a 'freestyle' setting for when I'm just out for a walk, and various running settings/swim etc. I have barely used all the different modes on it.

    The tomtom app itself is ok, but I sync it to Strava which I find has better GPS info, and provides a map which the tomtom doesn't. Strava also records non-moving time better (I think with the Tomtom you need to manually pause, but Strava picks up that you haven't changed location)

    enjoy your shopping!
  • nats2508
    nats2508 Posts: 45 Member
    Happy New Year all.
    I'm in (again). I tried in Dec but got injured so back on it this month. Will commit to 30 hours
  • tltmom
    tltmom Posts: 37 Member
    January goal: 80
    1/1-1/4 5.5
    1/5 3. Total 8.5
    1/6 weights
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    1/1 rest. Colds suck
    1/2- 5.23
    1/3- 4.03
    1/4- 4.01
    1/5- 5.0
    1/6- 4.0

    Total: 22.27

    Monthly goal: stay healthy and continue base building to start marathon training at the end of the month. Nominal mileage goal: 140 miles.

    Today's notes: 4 boring treadmill miles.

    My calf officially hates me. I had it wrapped with an ace bandage all last night, and while I was running this morning. I took it off to get cleaned up, then made the mistake of not wrapping again. My calf has a consistent dull ache to it. I'm really considering scratching my long run scheduled for tomorrow and giving myself 2 days of rest before running again on Monday. Anyone have suggestions on what else to do for recovery?

    This is a hard time for me I'm not "officially" marathon training, but I also don't want to have to cut back miles too much. I'm just glad that my training plan won't start for another 3 weeks so I can get this calf thing figured out.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    I'm freaking out about windchill of 2F in the morning. The best it will get all day is 12. Last Jan/Feb was my first winter running and I enjoyed temps around freezing and even a few 19F runs. But I never ran with a windchill of 2 :|

    I live in Texas and did a 8 mile run a few weeks ago where the windchill was -2 but warmed to 5 during the run. I dressed in layers, and once I got started, I was quite warm. I had to unzip my windbreaker a bit and take off my exterior gloves for a while. I also did this as a trail run so the wind was blocked by the trees. However, I was the only crazy person out on the trails for the entire run, which would never happen with warmer weather.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    I am a little late to the game for January digitally - but I have been running. I've been mentally tackling the idea to train for a 10K when I haven't done that distance in quite some time, and I was SERIOUSLY lazy over the holidays.

    So I will be in for 40KM for January as I'm just starting my training program and I don't run until April 30 (if I do at all).

    January 1 - Personal Training Session (this happens almost every Sunday for me)
    January 2 - 2 KM
    January 3 - Rest (all Tuesdays will be rest days for me during training)
    January 4 - 3.9 KM
    January 5 - 2.3 KM (including cool down walk because I forgot to stop my watch :| )

    Distance Run: 8.2 KM Distance to Go: 31.8 KM

    How I feel about yesterday's run: this one was not as great as the one on January 4. I wasn't sore at all from that run, until I started running again. Also, I am in the process of moving to a new job so this week in my office a lot of people are taking me for lunch/wanting to grab an extra coffee/ and so on so I may not have been eating the greatest for which I have no one to blame but myself. So this last run wasn't as great as the one before it but I didn't give up, either, and kept plugging away. I stayed with my training plan's target distance and even though it's slow I still went when I really felt like going to home to curl up on the couch and catch up on tv.

    Happy Running Everyone!

  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Having a terrible first week of the year, dealing with a coughing/sneezing thing that has co-opted my entire genome. Haven't run since Monday! Hoping I can get back out Saturday AM. New pair of shoes on the way to keep me motivated!
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member

    6/1/17 5 km
    5/1/17 3 km

    Total: 8 km
    Remaining Distance: 42 km

  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Yesterday's run = 5.1 miles

    Thought I was done after 5k but after a brief walk break decided I had a couple more miles in me.

    Currently very cold out there, temps in the teens with below zero windchill. Hoping it warms up a teeny but for my Saturday run I'm my mom's neighborhood.

    Totals = 17.6/100
  • nats2508
    nats2508 Posts: 45 Member
    I meant to say 30 miles in previous post! Only had a short lunch break today so did 1.75 miles so 28.25 to go...
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    Good morning and Happy Friday gang! :smiley:


    1/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    2/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    3/1: 3.52 kms (Wk1 D1 C25K) + 30 mins yoga + 10 mins Squat Challenge + 5 mins Tabata HIIT
    4/1: 3.54 kms (Wk1 D2 C25K) + 30 mins yoga + 7 mins HIIT
    5/1: 3.54 kms (Wk1 D2 C25K – repeat) + 30 mins yoga + 14 mins HIIT
    6/1: 3.63 kms (Wk1 D3 C25K) + 30 mins yoga
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Jan 1-5.3 miles
    Jan 2- Rest day- P90X3 yoga
    Jan 3- 6 miles w/ 3 @ tempo
    Jan 4-5.1 miles (1 with crazy Stella)
    Jan 5-5 miles treadmill fartlek run

    Yesterday we got snow. I postponed my run until evening in the interest of getting to work before things got too nasty. I got home a little early and played with Stella in the snow. She was having a blast. I decided that I would try and take her for a run in the snow before I set out to do my run. This turned out to be a horrible idea. The roads were slick and it was getting pretty dark. She was pulling like a champ with all of the excitement and almost dragged me on my butt several times. That's when I decided that our run would turn into a walk. It was still a bit of a disaster as she was so excited and was trying to run and it was all I could do to hold her back and avoid sliding all over the place. When we finally made it home, my hands, feet, face and just about every part of me were freezing because I had dressed for a run. That's when I decided I did not want to go back out in the cold with icy roads, so I begrudgingly hit the treadmill. The run was supposed to be 40 minutes at easy (zone 1-2) pace, but I have a hard time doing anything steady pace on the treadmill. I played around a bit with speed and made it a bit of a fartlek run. I don't think I ever made it into a true zone 3 though, so it was still a pretty easy run.

    Today's run is supposed to be 10 X 30 second hill sprints. I am hoping the hills by my work are clear enough to do this. Temps are only going up to 9F, so I am just hoping that the road crews might come by one more time and clear enough of a shoulder. For me, doing hill sprints on the dreadmill would be truly dreadful (I HATE the treadmill incline). If that ends up being the case, it may just become an interval run.

    @beerrunner-I think an upper body P90X and some yoga sounds like a fabulous alternative. Hope the knee feels better soon.

    @shanaber- I have to agree with @skippygirlsmom . Atlanta has no clue how to handle snow. I lived there for 6 years and being from Pittsbugh, I was like "What the ???". In their defense, though, they are not very well equiped to deal with it and it usually starts out as an ice storm. Good luck!

    @MNLittleFinn - If it's your calf muscle that is hurting, I would suggest some yoga/stretching and foam rolling. Maybe give it a day off or just run easy. I have found that muscle soreness usually fixes itself pretty quickly if you just give it rest. If you try to push it, that's when it could lead to something worse, especially if your running form ends up being compromised as a result. Fortunately you are not in the heart of your training plan, so do what you can now to get that off to a good start.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    I feel bad so many of you are in the freezing and finally the weather is nice in Orlando. I was so happy to get out and run. I do have a little bit of a cold, but it seems to just help drain everything (didn't use my spray so as to get it all out!) I'll have my payback from April-November when it's hot as a biscuit here.
    Suppose to rain tomorrow morning so biking may be off.

    @skippygirlsmom - daughter leaves Sunday morning. She goes to wedding this afternoon/tonight though so won't see her until Saturday.

    1/1 - rest day (recovering from stomach virus)
    1/2 - 40 mile bike ride
    1/3 - 4 miles
    1/4 - 4.1 miles
    1/5 - rest day
    1/6 - 5 miles

    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn - If it's your calf muscle that is hurting, I would suggest some yoga/stretching and foam rolling. Maybe give it a day off or just run easy. I have found that muscle soreness usually fixes itself pretty quickly if you just give it rest. If you try to push it, that's when it could lead to something worse, especially if your running form ends up being compromised as a result. Fortunately you are not in the heart of your training plan, so do what you can now to get that off to a good start.

    Thanks for the advice! Rest is exactly my plan. I hate to skip my long run, but I was just thinking that taking an extra rest day tomorrow, so I have 2 days off in a row, and starting back up on Monday would be better. I've been stretching it periodically since I got to work, 30 second static calf stretch every 45 minutes-1hour.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be pretty darn cold, like -11 when I would be running, so I was feeling pretty wimpy anyway, I think resting my calf on one of the coldest run days is better than trying to get my 9-11 miles in and freezing my *kitten* off while hindering recovery from this calf issue.

    Thanks again!
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Late to the party, but I'm in.

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    1/1 - Still wasn't feeling up to it.
    1/2 - Bodypump, the 2.25 miles on the 'mill
    1/3 - 4.5 miles on the treadmill (Trek class). That'll clean your lungs out.
    1/4 - Stayed in bed. Lingering cold + a bratty greyhound = not enough sleep.
    1/5 - Bodypump, then 2.25 treadmill miles.
    1/6 - 4.2 'mill miles. -3° F is way below my comfort level to run outside.

  • melaniefay82
    melaniefay82 Posts: 34 Member
    Coming in a little late, but I don't have anything logged for January yet due to illness. So.... hoping I'm back at it at least some next week, I'm going to try and salvage 70 for the month.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @greenolivetree my oldest son went to school in short year round, and rarely wore a jacket in the winter. Once they get to high school I let our kids wear whatever they want, even if I think it's not near enough. If we go out of town I'll make them bring warmer clothes along, but they don't have to wear it. If they want to trade comfort for fashion, go for it. My one rule, though, is that the heat in my truck is set to MY comfort, not theirs. About your windchill of 2F...if that's because the wind is blowing hard, that sucks, but if the wind is calm, that's not bad at all. For running comfort, it's not just the temp or the windchill, but the wind speed as well. 2F windchill on a calm day is great running weather. 2F windchill with 25 mph winds sucks.

    @dkabambe I'd look for a used GPS. I've seen the Garmin Forerunner 305 as low as $40, including heart rate strap. It's a really old model but it's actually quite feature packed. The biggest missing feature is that it doesn't sync to your phone. You have to connect it to a PC. Or you can check out the Epson Runsense series. I'm hearing good things about them. The SF-510 goes for US$120 on Amazon though that doesn't include the optional heartrate strap. I'm considering getting the SF-710 for running ultras since my Forerunner 220 battery life may not be long enough.

    @nats2508 I hope your injury is behind you and January is much better!

    @MNLittleFinn do you have any compression type running socks? I've had been battling a sore calf/Achilles which had been slowly getting better. When I went on my long run last weekend I used a new pair of SmartWool compression running socks and for the first time in quite a while I had no discomfort in my calf. It hadn't been THAT bad recently anyway so maybe it was just coincidence, but for the time being, I'm using my compression socks for long runs. Foam rolling as @lporter229 suggested is also a great idea. That helped me quite a bit when I remembered to do it. Also think about eccentric calf raises. I'm not a big fan of static stretches of cold muscles though. As far as recovery, I'd say do whatever you need to to make sure you're healed up by the time your "official" training plan starts. You may stress out if you fall behind the plan because of injury.

    @acorsaut89 fantastic job sticking with the run even though it wasn't the best! Those are the tough ones but they make you appreciate the good ones even more.

    @melaniefay82 !!!!!!!

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited January 2017
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn do you have any compression type running socks? I've had been battling a sore calf/Achilles which had been slowly getting better. When I went on my long run last weekend I used a new pair of SmartWool compression running socks and for the first time in quite a while I had no discomfort in my calf. It hadn't been THAT bad recently anyway so maybe it was just coincidence, but for the time being, I'm using my compression socks for long runs. Foam rolling as @lporter229 suggested is also a great idea. That helped me quite a bit when I remembered to do it. Also think about eccentric calf raises. I'm not a big fan of static stretches of cold muscles though. As far as recovery, I'd say do whatever you need to to make sure you're healed up by the time your "official" training plan starts. You may stress out if you fall behind the plan because of injury.


    I just googled eccentric calf raises, I'll be trying those out, not much different from the regular calf raises I've been doing. Also, thanks for the input on the Smartwool socks, I have been thinking about getting a pair for recovery after runs and, possibly for running too...just have to get over the idea that I'll look dorky, if they work out well.