January 2017 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Ugh, I hadn't heard about a shooting :(

    5 dead, shooter in custody.

    I was listening to it while on the dreadmill at the gym. They were talking to a guy who was right at baggage claim when the shooter started, it was heartbreaking to listen to him talk about him shooting people and all. I really just can't wrap my head around *kitten* like this.
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    edited January 2017
    Today was a planned rest day, but it looks like that will be extended until at least next Thursday but quite possibly longer than that. I had my sports medicine appointment today. They took an x-ray of the shin and a bone study x-ray of my legs to see about bone size discrepancies due to imbalance in gait. Unfortunately, my doctor is not liking the placement of my pain as she said that may indicate a less common and more serious type of stress fracture (forget the name but it's completely anterior on the bone). X-rays don't really show much in terms of stress fractures but are a required prerequisite to an MRI. However, the x-ray shows a bulge on the bone and she said that may be a good thing as they see that sometimes when a stress fracture has already started healing an a callous forms but she also mentioned the bulge is bigger than they normally see. Bone study results may take a few days to come back. MRI is scheduled for Monday and follow-up is Thursday.

    I don't think at this point that it's a question of whether I have a stress fracture or not, it's how bad it is and what course of action should be taken. The doc mentioned that it's possible that if the stress fracture is already healing that I might be able to continue with some light/small runs, however in the same breathe she also said that if I was in pain walking around most days that she would have put me on crutches. Obviously I'm hoping for the less severe diagnosis but preparing myself for a month+ off running.

    This also leads me to question whether or not I should definitely get the MRI or not if I likely have a stress fracture anyway (doc said she'd treat it as one if I elected against one). They can be very expensive but when I had one done several years ago for the same reason, it was very well covered and I only ended up paying $100-150 out of pocket. If it's the same cost, I'll keep the appointment but I spent over an hour on the phone with various people trying to get a straight answer in cost and never got to the bottom of it. What would you do?

    Sorry for the lengthy novel, just need to vent to people that actually understand my situation. Definitely have the running blues tonight. Going to celebrate the fact that it's the weekend with a lean cuisine pizza and a beer and take comfort in the fact I won't have to do a long run in negative windchills this weekend.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just made a thread here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10497893/training-for-my-first-marathon/p1?new=1 about getting my training plan today, and the beginnings of marathon training. I'll be updating that thread with my workouts, thoughts, etc... instead of cluttering these monthly threads up.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @OSUbuckeye906 That sucks! I hope that you have a smooth/speedy recovery!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @OSUbuckeye906 Sounds rough. If they are going to treat it the same regardless, maybe put off the MRI. The crutches may not be a bad idea, at least for a few weeks to help the healing process.

    I know it's depressing being sidelined. Hang in there.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @osubuckeye906 wow that is a lot for you to take in. First I'm really sorry for what may turn out to be a not so happy diagnosis for you. To answer the question on what what I do about the MRI vs the Xray, can the Xray tell them exactly what the bulge is? If the answer to that is no, then I would have the MRI so I know exactly what I'm dealing with. I think it would worth the money to me to know what I'm dealing with, though she said it could be very normal, I'd like to know why it's bigger than they normally expect to see. I guess to me it would be making sure there isn't anything more wrong than they think. Again I'm really sorry this has happened, I know it's very frustrating.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Very sorry about your injury, @OSUbuckeye906

    Try to enjoy a well-earned rest and look after yourself. Hugs.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @OSUbuckeye906 - What a bummer. Having been through a stress fracture, I'm familiar with the drill of they don't always show on x-rays, what the callus means, etc. In 20-20 hindsight, I think I had an undiagnosed stress fracture in my right foot in 2013. That foot developed arthritis, which will likely be a nuisance (if not worse) for the rest of my life.

    Since then, I've become a big fan of shelling out the bucks for the medical diagnosis and treatment. Right now, I wouldn't miss the money if I'd spent an extra $2000 [WAG, and probably high] in 2013; the unknown is whether my foot would have healed better if I'd known more about what it was and had more medical attention than I sought.

    In your position, I'd go for the MRI. Maybe it doesn't tell you anything you don't already know. Or maybe it illuminates something that changes how you need to treat the leg. Do you want to bet that you already know everything you need to know, with a benefit of a few hundred dollars if you're right and a cost of potential long term inability to run if you're wrong? That's not a gamble I'd want to take.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Wow so much goodness from everyone, @BeeerRunner Hope the right knee comes around - love that you self described yourself as the " only crazy person out on the trails for the entire run, which would never happen with warmer weather ". @girlinahat Loved the description of meander up and down through the woods etc. A high end Headlamp/Torch is well worth the investment for the outdoor trails. @orphia and @michable playing in the Australian summer. LOL @skippygirlsmom with her 1" snowfall - schools and business's shutting down. Of course we have the infrastructure for snow removal and Winter Snow Tires are the real key. Stella Dragging @lporter229 around on the slick roads. Glad to hear that @instantmartian wasn't physically hurt by her " Rental Car Fun ". @MNLittleFinn I use 1-2 well placed strips of KT Tape and Compression socks ( smartwool are my fav ) on my Wonky Right calf and it has been a great help ( physically and confidence wise ). Barefoot running because of MIA Shoes - that's dedication @jennkain97, not something I will try. @MobyCarp That's a nice Toque with the Winter Warrior snowflake Logo. We have a similar one for our local club.

    Just found out about the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting. :(:'(

    @OSUbuckeye906 Hope you have a fast recovery.

    7km outside in the new snow. -17C / 1F ( -25C windchill / -13F ) 20km/hr NE wind was just NASTY. Going N right side of face took the brunt of it, going south left shoulder/back were actually chilled at the end. -24 > -30C heading our way again.

    01/04 8.0 km –8.0km –125.0 km – YTD 1351 km - Pats Creek in the Snow
    01/06 7.0 km –15.0km –132.0 km – YTD 1358 km River bank trails
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn I use 1-2 well placed strips of KT Tape and Compression socks ( smartwool are my fav ) on my Wonky Right calf and it has been a great help ( physically and confidence wise ).

    Thanks for that info! Funny you mention Smartwool. I LOVE smartwool, and just ordered a pair of compression sleeves from them today.
  • snowyne
    snowyne Posts: 268 Member
    1/6 - 4.0 mi.
    January total: 19.5/90

    Even though my run felt great today, tomorrow I will take a rest day. I've got a small area on my lower anterior right calf (slightly above the ankle in the muscle between bone & my achilles tendon) that's been extra sore. Feels more like imflammation than a strain? Hoping a more experienced runner on here might know the cause. I've been very good about post-run stretching and I haven't had any problems with my feet or legs until this. Maybe I'll stick some ice on it...
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    01.01.17 - 15 m. LR
    01.02.17 - 10 m.
    01.03.17 - 9.1 m. 6 M + 5K.
    01.05.17 - 9 m. TM w/ incline.
    01.06.17 - 10 m. TM. 9:10 pace.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    01.01.17 - 15 m. LR
    01.02.17 - 10 m.
    01.03.17 - 9.1 m. 6 M + 5K.
    01.05.17 - 9 m. TM w/ incline.
    01.06.17 - 10 m. TM. 9:10 pace.

    I could not do those distances on the TM. Great job!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Had SO much fun at parkrun this morning! I was volunteering as a Water Pistol Marshal (new role :smiley: ).
    It was 30 degrees Celsius (86F), and our wonderful Event Director had this brilliant idea.
    There were 3 of us with water pistols and people told us they really appreciated it.
    I was shooting everyone as they came round at about the 2 km mark. Then when the tail runner came through, I started running and sprayed quite a few people a second time on my way round to the finish.

    That sounds like an awesome job to have at a run!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Haven't posted an actual total yet, so:
    21.73% of goal

    01-Jan: <Life Day> - Flying back from Japan
    02-Jan: 12.39 miles inc 5.33 on Dreadmill
    03-Jan: 7.74 miles - Double Day
    04-Jan: 4.13 miles
    05-Jan: 8.39 miles - inc 2.26 w/ Alan
    06-Jan: 4.08 miles
    08-Jan: <Life Day>
    14-Jan: - Race Day!
    15-Jan: <Life Day>
    22-Jan: <Life Day>
    29-Jan: <Life Day>

    Upcoming Races:
    14-Jan: Museum of Aviation HM, Warner Robins
    04-Mar: Albany/Snickers HM, Albany
    25-Mar: Cherry Blossom Road Race 10K, Macon
    08-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K/15K, Macon

    (I didn't see a ticker that looked like cold and wet and dreary, which is what January usually is for us here - tho there's the "threat" of a light dusting of snow tomorrow morning.... )

    Obviously I haven't spent much time with the local race calendar yet. But it appears that the jet lag is finished - the last few runs have been back to "normal" - whatever that is. C'mon - I'm a runner: that means "normal" isn't really normal. :wink:
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Looking forward to a cold but sunny and wind-free run tomorrow!

    @orphia Funny pic. When we go to a local-ish amusement park in summer my hubby will stick a quarter in a machine just to shoot strangers with the water gun!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @OSUbuckeye906 So sorry. Injuries stink :(
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Got a great 10km in today and barring any incisional shenanigans arising am planning tomorrow to be 15-20k long run day. Couldn't get my doctor nailed down to okay HM Saturday this week -_-

    January 1- Travel Day
    January 2- 8.1km
    January 3- 8.1km
    January 4- 8.1km
    January 5- Rest Day
    January 6- 10km
