January 2017 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,408 Member
    I am nearly 400 posts and 15 pages behind so not likely to catch up with everyone's running exploits and all the accomplishments and discussions. I have to say I miss you all! Talking running and all the fun discussions and just seeing how everyone is doing. Between work and travel my life is crazy right now. I have no doubt it will calm down eventually, I just wish it would happen sooner rather than later!
    I came home to rain and flooding but had to get the myself and the pup out yesterday. the plan was to just walk but we ended up running most of the almost 6 miles. Hobbes the Vizsla even got to run off leash and play like a crazy boy with some other puppy friends we met along the way. No time to run today and it was pouring all day but I did get in some strength training with heavier weights tonight! Felt great but I know I will be sore tomorrow.
    I am heading to Austin on Monday for work so I hope I can get in a run or walk every day between now and then and maybe one at the hotel on Monday when I arrive.

    I hope you are all doing awesome and I will be back to catch up and interact soon I hope!

    01/02......4.58........4.58 - + Agility
    01/03......4.28........8.86 - + Strength Training
    01/05......4.39......13.25 - + Strength Training
    01/06......8.01......21.26 - run before travel to Seattle
    01/07......0.00......21.26 - Wedding dress shopping
    01/08......3.65......24.91 - Hotel treadmill run
    01/09......0.00......24.91 - Atlanta meetings
    01/10......0.00......24.91 - Atlanta meetings
    01/11......5.75......30.66 - Run between storms
    01/12......0.00......30.66 - + Strength Training


    My completed and upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
    07/23/17 - San Francisco 1st Half Marathon
  • zipsterj
    zipsterj Posts: 29 Member
    @JessicaMcB dont stress ....do you need to use the cord, i wrap it round a handle on the treadmill :)
  • zipsterj
    zipsterj Posts: 29 Member


    This is really not going to plan ...after injury my fitness is out the window ...i need to do something ...been going back to spin to help stamina and will get outside today. here in scotland its not too cold ...well -1 degree c at momnet but very icy underfoot ...tread with caution :smiley:
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    Hi all!

    So much snow from Monday to yesterday so I couldnt do any run, plus the gym was closed all these days due to bad weather. Yesterday it was the first day, so I did some light jogg at treadmill.

    Aim: 100k

    8/1: 5.7K
    12/1: 2.6k


    Stay free of injuries!
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Had hoped to get in a run before picking my daughter up, but this mornings icy/snowy/slushy really not appealing (really need to get some trail shoes!) and don't have time to get to the gym. Probably won't get out for a run until Monday now, nor have time to follow your progress here so hope you all have a great day today and fantastic weekend.

    I'm already way behind where I wanted to be for Jan due to illness and birthdays etc, but hopefully can get in some good running next week onwards to see how close I can get to my goal:
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited January 2017
    So, with all this talk about toenails, does it hurt to lose a toenail? The bottom right of my big toenail is bruised and the toenails on both my big toes hurt. (I'm shopping for shoes with a wider toe box this weekend.) Anyway, if I do lose the toenail, just wondering if it's going to be painful.

    I had one where the back part separated and re-grew 3 times before the entire thing fell off... all 3 extra half nails that had stacked up. No, it did not hurt. I didn't really feel it.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Cleared to run by PT last night and I wake up to -26F temp this morning. Hoping this evening will be a little closer to 0 so I can run then.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    dkabambe wrote: »
    Had hoped to get in a run before picking my daughter up, but this mornings icy/snowy/slushy really not appealing (really need to get some trail shoes!) and don't have time to get to the gym. Probably won't get out for a run until Monday now, nor have time to follow your progress here so hope you all have a great day today and fantastic weekend.

    I'm already way behind where I wanted to be for Jan due to illness and birthdays etc, but hopefully can get in some good running next week onwards to see how close I can get to my goal:

    I usually wear trail shoes on roads when there is snow also, but last time there was just ice in spots (previous snow melted and then re-froze where the water collected). I wore my normal road shoes (Hoka One) and just got really careful in those icy spots (slowed down, took small steps).
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    It was in my plan to run yesterday, but I worked late again (it's been a very long week at work) and despite that it was 20F (around 11F wind chill), I just could not feel warm even inside. Turned on a space heater at full blast right next to me, made some hot food, and ultimately that wasn't enough until I turned up the whole house thermostat. I'm not sure if I'm fighting an infection, but just wasn't going to run in the cold wind. I am hoping I feel better tomorrow (and that I don't have to work) so I can go out for a longer trail run. It's supposed to be even colder and possibly an ice storm, so if I can't feel warm inside with heat at full blast, I won't go outside to run.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Took some time off this week since my legs have been sore and tired. I wanted to get out on Wednesday but my legs said no. I started working out at the gym again and doing the stuff my PT gave me to do when my Piraformis was acting up so I think that is what wore me out. All this talk of injuries ahs me nervous. It did some good because today felt great. I was able to do almost a mile at a time without a walk break on the treadmill which is huge for me.
    I did a quick read of prior posts and have to settle for a blanket post. I hope everyone who is injured gets healthy soon and I hope everyone else stays healthy and reaches their goals.

    Date. Run. MTD
    1/2 - 2 miles - 2 miles
    1/4 - 4 miles - 6 miles
    1/7 - 3.6 miles - 9.6 miles
    1/13- 2.5 miles - 12.1 miles

    5/21 Cleveland Marathon Half
    6/11 Run and Ride Cedar Point Half (back up plan) otherwise...
    6/10-11 Run and Ride Cedar Point 5k and 10k
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Jan 1-5.3 miles
    Jan 2- Rest day- P90X3 yoga
    Jan 3- 6 miles w/ 3 @ tempo
    Jan 4-5.1 miles (1 with crazy Stella)
    Jan 5-5 miles treadmill fartlek run
    Jan 6- 4 miles total -1 mile warm up outside with Stella then 3 miles of intervals on dreadmill
    Jan 7-7.7 miles
    Jan 8-14 miles
    Jan 9- Rest day
    Jan 10- 4.5 miles treadmill
    Jan 11-6 miles (slow and icy)
    Jan 12-5.7 miles

  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    Happy Friday gang!!! :smiley:


    1/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    2/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    3/1: 3.52 kms (Wk1 D1 C25K) + 30 mins yoga + 10 mins Squat Challenge + 5 mins Tabata HIIT
    4/1: 3.54 kms (Wk1 D2 C25K) + 30 mins yoga + 7 mins HIIT
    5/1: 3.54 kms (Wk1 D2 C25K – repeat) + 30 mins yoga + 14 mins HIIT
    6/1: 3.63 kms (Wk1 D3 C25K) + 30 mins yoga
    7/1: Walked 16K+ steps + 4 hours of cleaning (post paint job)
    8/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    9/1: Walked 16K+ steps + 2.5 hours of cleaning (post paint job) - Had to fast for a medical app't in the morning, so no usual workout
    10/1: 3.55 kms (Wk2 D1 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 1 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    11/1: 3.63 kms (Wk2 D2 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 2 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    12/1: 3.60 kms (Wk2 D2 C25K – repeat) + Strength Training (Day 3 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    13/1: 3.70 kms (Wk2 D3 C25K) + Fit Test via FitStar (Day 4 of 30 Day Challenge is Rest) + 30 mins yoga
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Got another short run in yesterday. Puked once, but that's cool. Felt much better after. Pretty sure I have bronchitis, but not going back to the doctor. I have asthma. This happens every year. Not a big deal, just annoying and a little disruptive to my training schedule. Today is rest and travel, tomorrow is trail running in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, and Sunday is the race! Can't wait to leave work and skip town for the weekend.

    4.5/70 miles completed

    Good luck! We'll be looking for your race report!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Got another short run in yesterday. Puked once, but that's cool. Felt much better after. Pretty sure I have bronchitis, but not going back to the doctor. I have asthma. This happens every year. Not a big deal, just annoying and a little disruptive to my training schedule. Today is rest and travel, tomorrow is trail running in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, and Sunday is the race! Can't wait to leave work and skip town for the weekend.

    4.5/70 miles completed

    I've visited that park a couple times to hike, and it looks like a great trail running spot. Good luck on the race!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited January 2017
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @runsonespresso ugh I'm sorry that totally sucks
    @MNlittlefinn happy calves ha ha let us know how PT goes today. Hey I had one of those toes for months, then half came off and how I have a half lumpy toe nail about a year later. Amazing how slow toe nails grow.
    yeah, haha, I've had that toenail for months.

    I can answer the @Stoshew71 question you had. SPM is steps per minute. Higher steps per minute is better for injury prevention and, from what I read, it's also connected with making sure you don't over stride, shorter strides with higher SPM are easier on your body. I was told, by 2 different folks I was working/running with that a good goal is 180 SPM.

    To which I would add, studies of world class runners show that taller runners have longer strides and lower SPM than shorter runners. I was reminded of that on a paced run, when my SPM came out near 180 and Jim's came out in the mid 160s. He's taller than I am, and I have to believe that someone who has completed 15 Iron Man Triathlons doesn't have a problem with his cadence.

    @mobycarp I was thinking about this too, Skip is only 5'1" and I'm 5'6" and I know when we are running together she take more steps than I do, I can see it. Unless we are running "fast" then she takes less because she lengthens to stride.

    @girlinahat great recap for @shanaber ha ha!!!

    My toenail only hurt when it was first turning black, it really hasn't since then. I talked to someone who said, it'll hurt a bit, it'll stop, if it starts to hurt again, go to the doctor. Okay fair enough. Like someone said above (sorry can't recall who it was), it won't hurt if it comes off itself because it will be a dead nail.

    I was looking at hotels for a trip home to Jersey in April and the one hotel I'm looking at has an outdoor track. Wow how my little town has grown in the 16 years since I've seen it ha ha. Skip has never seen where I grew up so we are going to take a day or two in that area so she can.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @runsonespresso ugh I'm sorry that totally sucks
    @MNlittlefinn happy calves ha ha let us know how PT goes today. Hey I had one of those toes for months, then half came off and how I have a half lumpy toe nail about a year later. Amazing how slow toe nails grow.
    yeah, haha, I've had that toenail for months.

    I can answer the @Stoshew71 question you had. SPM is steps per minute. Higher steps per minute is better for injury prevention and, from what I read, it's also connected with making sure you don't over stride, shorter strides with higher SPM are easier on your body. I was told, by 2 different folks I was working/running with that a good goal is 180 SPM.

    To which I would add, studies of world class runners show that taller runners have longer strides and lower SPM than shorter runners. I was reminded of that on a paced run, when my SPM came out near 180 and Jim's came out in the mid 160s. He's taller than I am, and I have to believe that someone who has completed 15 Iron Man Triathlons doesn't have a problem with his cadence.

    @mobycarp I was thinking about this too, Skip is only 5'1" and I'm 5'6" and I know when we are running together she take more steps than I do, I can see it. Unless we are running "fast" then she takes less because she lengthens to stride.

    I am only 5 ft tall and I have a naturally high cadence, usually in the 190s. I agree that it has to do with being short. There is only so much length I can get out of my stride, so if I was going to get faster, it was more likely going to be by increasing my cadence. It's not something I ever really worked on, it just happened. In a way, I think that the natural mechanics of how us shorter folks do things on a day to day basis probably comes into play a bit here. With a lower center of gravity and less "leverage" in our limbs, I think we tend to use our core a little more, which I think also contributes to a higher cadence.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited January 2017
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Azercord wrote: »
    @jahend08 Welcome and don't worry if you haven't found a dead body and you aren't walking then you are a runner. You'll get there in no time.

    Surely only people walking with dogs are the body finders?

    Joggers. Joggers find the bodies. So, if you don't find a body, you must not be a jogger - therefore, a runner!

    I once found a missing kid while walking. He was alive, though... am I still a runner?

    ETA: I did not have a dog with me at the time.