January 2017 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn any strides I do are part of a longer run captured by my Garmin, and are always included in my totals. I would guess that your plan has you do a warm up prior to any strides, which are also included in the total. I can't imagine a scenario where you wouldn't count strides as part of your monthly total.

    If and when I do strides, I do the same. And I guess that is because when I do strides, they are really in the form of say "pick-ups" or "bursts". Technically speaking, if you do "strides", you are supposed to start and stop from a resting position. I don't. I do it as Lenny says above, as part of my longer run. So by this definition, I guess you wouldn't technically call them strides, but "bursts" or "pick-ups". Minor technicalities. But if you were to do it in the form of... OK, I am done with my big run or just before I do my big run. Let me start from a resting position and then slowly get into a sprint for 2-5 seconds and then slow down and come to a complete stop. That is the actual way you are supposed to do a "stride", and if you did do it that way, I can see how capturing it on your Garmin can be confusing. However, I seen people do just that. You see in their strava or GC feed as 8 separate short runs titled, "Stride #1" "Stride #2" and so on. I never did it that way myself though.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn any strides I do are part of a longer run captured by my Garmin, and are always included in my totals. I would guess that your plan has you do a warm up prior to any strides, which are also included in the total. I can't imagine a scenario where you wouldn't count strides as part of your monthly total.

    So, I'm guessing I just run my 4, keep my garmin going and do my strides? LOL, I'm such a newb

    Yep. I can't think of a situation where you would do strides independent from a longer run. Your legs need to be warmed up and loose.

    That's what I was figuring. LOL, having a structured totally set up plan is interesting and new.

    I can't wait for the next 2 weeks to go by so I can get going...though I may start a week early so I can fit either another long run, or stretch my taper to 3 weeks from 2....

    I always like to start my plan a week early. It gives you an extra week in case of illness or family emergency or something like that. You never know when you may need to take an unplanned cut back week. If I make it through to the end without using it, I just put in a moderate transition week into my taper.

    Check out gripe #3 :smile:

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    If and when I do strides, I do the same. And I guess that is because when I do strides, they are really in the form of say "pick-ups" or "bursts". Technically speaking, if you do "strides", you are supposed to start and stop from a resting position. I don't. I do it as Lenny says above, as part of my longer run. So by this definition, I guess you wouldn't technically call them strides, but "bursts" or "pick-ups". Minor technicalities. But if you were to do it in the form of... OK, I am done with my big run or just before I do my big run. Let me start from a resting position and then slowly get into a sprint for 2-5 seconds and then slow down and come to a complete stop. That is the actual way you are supposed to do a "stride", and if you did do it that way, I can see how capturing it on your Garmin can be confusing. However, I seen people do just that. You see in their strava or GC feed as 8 separate short runs titled, "Stride #1" "Stride #2" and so on. I never did it that way myself though.
    Chances are, I'll just do them at the end and of my runs....say, finish mile 4, slow down a little and do stride one, slow down do 2, etc....but we'll see.

    about your training plan gripes....yup.....if it weren't for my setback with my leg this week, I'd have started my training plan this week and just found a good time to repeat some weeks. I MIGHT just go and start it next week, since starting mileage is only 32mpw.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Speaking of running pick-ups, here are 38 Runner Pickup Lines:

  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Azercord wrote: »
    @jahend08 Welcome and don't worry if you haven't found a dead body and you aren't walking then you are a runner. You'll get there in no time.

    Surely only people walking with dogs are the body finders?

    Joggers. Joggers find the bodies. So, if you don't find a body, you must not be a jogger - therefore, a runner!

    I once found a missing kid while walking. He was alive, though... am I still a runner?

    ETA: I did not have a dog with me at the time.

    The joke doesn't specify live kids while walking, with or without a dog. If you run, you're a runner. ;)
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member

    01/01/17 - 5 miles
    01/02/17 - 5 miles
    01/03/17 - 3 miles

    01/05/17 - 6 miles

    01/07/17 - 10 miles
    01/08/17 - 3.25 miles

    01/10/17 - 6 miles
    01/11/17 - 5.5 miles
    01/12/17 - 3.25 miles
    01/13/17 - 6.5 miles
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @girlinahat - love the spark notes!
    @mnlittlefinn - great news!
    @BeeerRunner - when I first heard about the toenail loss in this group a couple years ago, I was horrified. But I've since lost two and it wasn't bad at all. Just one day while running the toe was hurting and I wasn't sure what was going on. Then a few days later it turned black. Never hurt after the run for me.

    1/1 - rest day (recovering from stomach virus)
    1/2 - 40 mile bike ride
    1/3 - 4 miles
    1/4 - 4.1 miles
    1/5 - rest day
    1/6 - 5 miles
    1/7 - 4 miles
    1/8 - 5 miles
    1/9 - 4 miles
    1/10 - 4.1
    1/11 - rest day
    1/12 - 4.1
    11/13 - 4.0

    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando

  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Got out of work early today but had to stay in the area because I was headed to my mom's later in the afternoon... so I checked out the Xsport gym near my work building. OMG, SO much nicer than the one by my apartment! SO many treadmills! And more channels on the TVs! And a halfway decent locker room! Something tells me I will be going to this gym after work rather than the other one from now on.

    Felt really good, and the different treadmill model I was on felt really comfortable, so I was able to do 10k again. That makes five days in a row with some running... so I will be resting tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    If and when I do strides, I do the same. And I guess that is because when I do strides, they are really in the form of say "pick-ups" or "bursts". Technically speaking, if you do "strides", you are supposed to start and stop from a resting position. I don't. I do it as Lenny says above, as part of my longer run. So by this definition, I guess you wouldn't technically call them strides, but "bursts" or "pick-ups". Minor technicalities. But if you were to do it in the form of... OK, I am done with my big run or just before I do my big run. Let me start from a resting position and then slowly get into a sprint for 2-5 seconds and then slow down and come to a complete stop. That is the actual way you are supposed to do a "stride", and if you did do it that way, I can see how capturing it on your Garmin can be confusing. However, I seen people do just that. You see in their strava or GC feed as 8 separate short runs titled, "Stride #1" "Stride #2" and so on. I never did it that way myself though.
    Chances are, I'll just do them at the end and of my runs....say, finish mile 4, slow down a little and do stride one, slow down do 2, etc....but we'll see.

    about your training plan gripes....yup.....if it weren't for my setback with my leg this week, I'd have started my training plan this week and just found a good time to repeat some weeks. I MIGHT just go and start it next week, since starting mileage is only 32mpw.

    I know you were concerned about your leg, and rightly so, I think you did the right thing and get it checked out.
    I was just throwing it out there in general that anyone should always give yourself more time than you think you need.

    Anyway, I am happy you are cleared to start your training. Good luck!
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    ...if it weren't for my setback with my leg this week, I'd have started my training plan this week and just found a good time to repeat some weeks. I MIGHT just go and start it next week, since starting mileage is only 32mpw.

    @MNLittleFinn - Don't sweat it too bad. A training plan is like a battle plan in that it gets modified once the actions starts. Right now, I'm in a 16 week training plan that counts down to Boston, so I'm on Week 14. None of the weeks so far have gone exactly as the plan is written. Week 16, I chopped a mile off the long run to hit the weekly mileage. Week 15, Coach totally replaced the speed workout on Thursday because I had a half on Saturday. Week 14, both speed work sessions were changed and I'll have a 5 mile race plus some extra mileage instead of a long run. In theory, Week 13 could go exactly like the plan; but I already know there are reasons that Weeks 12, 11, 10, and 8 will need to be modified.

    Yeah, it's harder to accept that the first time through a training cycle, before you've experienced how the training plan fits together. Try not to worry too much about it anyway.

    On the strides, I count mileage as everything I have Garmin record. Garmin stays on for strides that are part of a workout, but in the grand scheme of things they aren't significant distance. When I run strides before a race, I typically don't record them. A pre-race warmup will be included in mileage if I record it, which means if I expect it to be long enough to matter.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited January 2017
    Thanks @MobyCarp I have a feeling that there'll be a lot of hiccups along the way.

    I'm testing my leg on a "longer" 4 mile run this evening, and hopefully a 6 mile tomorrow evening. IF BOTH runs go wekk, I'm going to move up my training plan start date by 2 weeks and Monday will be week 1 day 1. I figure that, if my leg cooperates for this, having a 2 week cushion will allow me to either A) take time off if I'm injured again, or B ) HOPEFULLY, add another long run week with a 22 mile long run, and then add another week to the taper I have, since it's currently only 2 weeks.

    I know the plan is like a fight, as soon as the first "punch" is thrown, all goes out the window, for me, it's more of it being nice to have something to fall back on, and having a structure to help me keep going.

    Sorry for that long reply to your post!
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Daily check in: Today was planned as a rest day. Yesterday evening I asked Coach about quarter inch vs. three eighths inch spikes, and he said go with three eighths inch. So I got it into my head to run a couple miles in the spikes after changing the 1/4 inch out for the 3/8 inch.

    Got as far as swapping out the spikes this morning. Knocked the shoes on my driveway to start clearing the dried mud from around the installed spikes, and noticed pin prick holes in the asphalt. The spikes were not noticeably blunted. Hmm, when they include asphalt in the surfaces the spikes are good for, they aren't kidding! I wonder how much I'd tear up my driveway if I ran on it in the spikes!

    Then I got to thinking about another conversation last night. A guy who had been missing from practice for a while showed up. I welcomed him back, and he thanked me for telling him to run his long runs slower. (The "run slower" conversation happened some time in the 4th quarter of 2015, and I'd forgotten it till he mentioned it.) I told him that most runners, myself included, are stupider for themselves than they are for other people. That's why I have a coach.

    So I thought about how beat up I felt this morning after yesterday's speed work. It's familiar, if not serious. I'd like to keep it at the "not serious" level. Goal number one is to avoid injury. So I made the mature, adult decision to honor today as a rest day. I won't even get 10,000 steps in today, and that's okay. Being healthy enough to run is more important than arbitrary numeric goals.

    This evening, I feel pretty good. I could go out and run 3 or 4 miles and not even feel it right now. But I won't, because today needs to be a rest day. Tomorrow the plan is to run 13 to 15 miles, 5 of them as a race. The rest day today should make it easier to have a good running day tomorrow.

    Now I need to wind down and get to bed early, so I can be up and do a preview of tomorrow's race route for my warmup. Gun time is at 10, so if I start my warmup about 8:45 that should be good.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Oh dear. @Stoshew71 that bouncing thing sounds FUN!!!!
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    zipsterj wrote: »
    @JessicaMcB dont stress ....do you need to use the cord, i wrap it round a handle on the treadmill :)

    I have ortho issues so my knees dislocate/subluxate at random. I haven't had an issue on the treadmill yet but my husband would lose it on me if I didn't use the stupid thing. We'll see how I fare tonight :/
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn any strides I do are part of a longer run captured by my Garmin, and are always included in my totals. I would guess that your plan has you do a warm up prior to any strides, which are also included in the total. I can't imagine a scenario where you wouldn't count strides as part of your monthly total.

    So, I'm guessing I just run my 4, keep my garmin going and do my strides? LOL, I'm such a newb

    Yep. I can't think of a situation where you would do strides independent from a longer run. Your legs need to be warmed up and loose.

    That's what I was figuring. LOL, having a structured totally set up plan is interesting and new.

    I can't wait for the next 2 weeks to go by so I can get going...though I may start a week early so I can fit either another long run, or stretch my taper to 3 weeks from 2....

    I always like to start my plan a week early. It gives you an extra week in case of illness or family emergency or something like that. You never know when you may need to take an unplanned cut back week. If I make it through to the end without using it, I just put in a moderate transition week into my taper.

    Check out gripe #3 :smile:


    @Stoshew71 Love that blog post!

    I'm hoping to do a couple of 3-hour LSRs this year before I decide to do my first marathon.

    I'm just building up endurance gradually. Longest run so far is 2hr 15 min (HM), but that was trying for pace as well. I've done 5 HMs since June.

    I'll be interested to see what distance I do when I run for 3 hours as slowly as possible.
  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    I need to add and revise and add some mileage, I didn't realize C25K measures distance, I was just estimating.

    1/2/2017 2.4 Miles
    1/4/2017 2.0 Miles
    1/7/2017 2.3 Miles
    1/9/2017 2.2 Miles
    1/13/2017 2.3 Miles

    Total: 11.2 Miles
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Well no cord issues tonight! I think I've hit my electrolytic groove again (finally!) and ran a quick 7 tonight because a pint of So Delicious and movie night with the hubs awaits. Figure it's cool since I HM tomorrow night.

    Not gonna lie, I'm jealous of everybody doing these cool races right now but am also loving reading about them. My next event isn't until April!

    January 1- Travel Day
    January 2- 8.1km
    January 3- 8.1km
    January 4- 8.1km
    January 5- Rest Day
    January 6- 10km
    January 7- 15.1km
    January 8- 6km
    January 9- HIIT Day
    January 10- 10.1km
    January 11- Rest Day
    January 12- 10.1km
    January 13- 7.1km


  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm trying to watch to see if it's really growing back or not. It's like lumpy for lack of a better word. If it keeps looking weird I'll have it looked at.
    The 2nd one I lost came back "lumpy" at first, but now it's fine. But that was like almost a year ago. Now I've just got a little darkening on the outside edge of both of the big 'uns.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    I told him that most runners, myself included, are stupider for themselves than they are for other people. That's why I have a coach.
    And that's why I'm HERE - I don't have a coach, and don't know that there are any around here (I tried reaching out to the high school's running team coach, and they never even responded).
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    So I made the mature, adult decision to honor today as a rest day. I won't even get 10,000 steps in today, and that's okay. Being healthy enough to run is more important than arbitrary numeric goals.
    That's one I'm having to learn to deal with too. I broke a LONG streak of 10K/day when I flew to Japan (although I rationalized it by saying I'd crossed the dateline, and if you counted both "days" within that 24-hour period, I made my steps!), and won't make it today. But Garmin says my average daily is 17,256 - which, if I'm looking at it right, is a tad more than 10K/day (can't really say - I'm just a lowly big iron mainframe programmer, so I have machines do all my adding for me! :wink: ). I need to grow up and realize that one day, in that kind of 17K average framework, means nothing!