January 2017 Running Challenge



  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited January 2017
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    I'm going to Japan for 2 weeks - anyone knows if running there is ok?
    Just came back from visiting my son - he's in Miyada (Nagano Prefecture), but we spent most of our time in Kyoto and Tokyo. Saw a LOT of runners in both places, especially around the downtown area and around monuments and things like the Imperial Palace grounds. But my runs were on in-town "side" streets, and I wasn't alone in doing it. There were also a fairly large number of group runs that I saw.

    Looks like the typical outfit is a track suit in polyester, and a backpack - prob about 75%+ were like that. But on my couple of short runs in my mismatched shorts and tights with long-sleeved shirt under a short-sleeved tee, with hat and gloves and headphones, I didn't see anyone that was laughing at my outfit. But then again, they're Japanese and that would've been unthinkable for them, culturally-speaking. :smile:
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    No runs yet. Spent the day at the local Ski Hill enjoying the company of my Niece, Nephew and their 4 children.
    That counts as Cross Training ? right? I must add no Chair Lift just two old T-Bars so a real workout for the legs. Especially when my 6 yr old great niece decided she had to ride the T with me. Nothing like the T being at your Knees as a real workout.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited January 2017
    Just jetting back in to things again. I'll keep it at a modest 30 miles.

    1/2/2017 1.5 Miles

    Awesome. Welcome to the best group of runners I've ever met. There are some truly phenomenal runners here., and they give out advice very willingly. I've learned a lot. Again, welcome!
    Limeycat wrote: »
    I fell out of the running habit a couple of years ago, but am going to give it another go. I do a lot of weightlifting these days but need to improve my cardio fitness!! So I'll set a conservative goal of 25 miles to start and see how things go....
    welcome! Good choice setting a conservative goal. When you smash it, you'll feel great!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @juliet3455 sounds like great cross training to me. I'm not a skiing, I've been a bunch of times, but just never really enjoyed it. I did have to laugh at the T-bar comment. Lots of luck with the knee high bar.

    It's good to see new people and people who have been away coming back. :smiley:
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Looks like tomorrow will be a rest day. My right hamstring is complaining big time. Blah.

    So not looking forward to going to the gym on Wednesday since it is now New Year's resolution time.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @7lenny7 Great Photo's in your last post of 2016 - Turkeys, Frozen Waterfall, Frozen River and Interesting Architecture. Glad to here that you weren't to beat up by your Ice Dancing experience.

    That must be one slow flowing river for it to Freeze.
    Our River is still open - but lots of Ice Pans floating downstream.
    My nephew took a few pics from the top of the Misery Mountain Ski Hill Today - I will post them if he pass's them on to me.
  • kathrinep
    kathrinep Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm fairly new to running and quite out of shape but I'm determined! My goal is minimum of 1000 miles this year walk/run with the high end being 2017miles! I've never made this many miles before but I'm working on a 10k program to help my endurance (length of running stretches before I have to walk for a bit). My avg. pace is around 16.5 and I want to get that well under 15. The running club I'm in starts back up in June/July so that will help me stay on track as well.

    I have a question for more experienced runners though... What is the best way to deal with, or stretches to do before/after a run for tight calves, shin pain, arch aches, and hip joint pain? These are my biggest struggles and without these I would feel like I'm flying! I know a lot of it is that I need to get my weight down. I'm currently around 220 and my goal is to get down to 170 at least. I do a lot of calf raises/stretches prior and after running, but I often still have to stop a couple times during a run to loosen them up further. The back of my neck also gets quite tight during a run... Maybe my posture isn't correct? I try to keep my arms bent but relaxed and shoulders back.

    Very open to feedback! Glad to be in this journey with you all! Feel free to add me.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    January goal: get up. Move.

    1/1: rest (ha! Failed at goal already!)
    1/2 3.55

    Total: 3.55

    Ticker is my goal for 2017 and total to date:

  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! Feel free to add me as a friend

    @_nikkiwolf_ Good luck with your HH plan! I used his plans for my first few half and full marathons but then just kinda started making mine on my own. I wasn't very happy with my running in 2016 and looking back, I can see that I just wasn't putting the right miles/training into my races...which is probably why I didn't run that many to begin with. I'm determined 2017 is going to be different if I can help it and that starts by sticking to a HH training plan.

    @RunsOnEspresso So sorry you're not feeling good this close to the race, but I think that being a little under 2 weeks out still gives you plenty of time to get better. I know it's probably not the best thing for your mental state of mind to miss some runs, but missing some of your taper runs will not mean you won't be able to complete the marathon. You've put your time in and done your long runs, so I would say the best thing you can do for yourself right now is to make sure you're 100% healthy for race day. I had a sinus infection for my first marathon and was just recovering from walking pneumonia for my second and ever since then, I immediately go see the doctor if I even have so much as a sniffle within a week of my race haha. Drink lots of EmergenC, take lots of vitamin C, and get lots of rest! You've got this!

  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Forgot to post my monthly challenge goal. After failing to meet my goal 2 months in a row, I am staying with the 50 mile goal for this month and at least one in outside per week.

    1/1......rest day Happy New Year!
    1/2......6 miles...pace 12:30.

    1st long run in a long time...felt great....started slower, then settled into a tempo run with fartleks. Became a little tired after mile 5. Temperature was 51 degrees. Wanted to run 8 miles, but darkness changed my mind. I don't mind it but my husband freaks when be knows I am running in the dark.

    Will catch up on posts Wednesday night.

  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    I'm going to Japan for 2 weeks - anyone knows if running there is ok?
    Just came back from visiting my son - he's in Miyada (Nagano Prefecture), but we spent most of our time in Kyoto and Tokyo. Saw a LOT of runners in both places, especially around the downtown area and around monuments and things like the Imperial Palace grounds. But my runs were on in-town "side" streets, and I wasn't alone in doing it. There were also a fairly large number of group runs that I saw.

    Looks like the typical outfit is a track suit in polyester, and a backpack - prob about 75%+ were like that. But on my couple of short runs in my mismatched shorts and tights with long-sleeved shirt under a short-sleeved tee, with hat and gloves and headphones, I didn't see anyone that was laughing at my outfit. But then again, they're Japanese and that would've been unthinkable for them, culturally-speaking. :smile:

    Thank you so much! I'll spend a few days in Tokyo and Kyoto and I'm glad Ill be able to run - then will travel between places and I'll use that time as rest, but at least it sounds I won't stop for 2 weeks

    I'm so looking forward to it, but I don't want to offend anyone - blowing my nose will be certainly a problem :)@ddmom0811 does cycling increase the production of snot? I've got an extra layer of "protection" now on my gloves and neckband :D
  • zipsterj
    zipsterj Posts: 29 Member


    Starting over after so many injuries .......fingers crossed
  • zipsterj
    zipsterj Posts: 29 Member
    1/1 5k
    2/1 2k
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited January 2017
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    Thank you so much! I'll spend a few days in Tokyo and Kyoto and I'm glad Ill be able to run - then will travel between places and I'll use that time as rest, but at least it sounds I won't stop for 2 weeks

    I'm so looking forward to it, but I don't want to offend anyone - blowing my nose will be certainly a problem :)@ddmom0811 does cycling increase the production of snot? I've got an extra layer of "protection" now on my gloves and neckband :D
    In Kyoto, around Nijo Castle seemed well used. In Tokyo, around the Imperial Garden and Palace grounds. Yes, blowing and spitting in my usual fashion was a definite no-no, so I just managed to keep my fluids to myself.

    We did both Kyoto Tower and Tokyo Tower. Don't forget Meiji-Jingu Temple in Harajuku - very lovely.

    Because of New Year, some of the places we wanted to do were closed. I'm told, if you can't make it to Fuji-san, you can see it well from the Tokyo Metropolitan Building observation deck.
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Combination of going away for NYE and having a cold means this is my first run for a week, and first of the year. Still suffering with the cold so didn't know how today would go, but had a couple of errands to do which were fairly nearby. I estimated the round trip would equate to around 10km which is short enough to ease myself into the year and near enough I could walk/get bus home if I needed to. Also wanted to test out how I felt as I really wanted to head to the gym later, but didn't want to travel there if I wasn't going to be able to do a proper work out.

    It was 0C out, but with windchill taking it down to -4C it was my coldest run to date so was a little unsure what to wear - especially as I didn't expect to be running fast. In the end went with a long sleeve thin base layer and a light cycling jacket - as the jacket is wind resistant I figured (rightly) it would be warm enough. Discovered I definitely need to invest in some decent gloves/mittens for when it gets this cold as my thin ones didn't quite cut it despite the run being fairly short. Still haven't found any need for proper headwear yet, but if it gets colder/windier I may be digging out my gore headband I use to keep my ears warm on the bike.

    As for the run itself it came in three parts. It was 6.7k to the first errand, (direct is about 5km but took a longer [nicer] route) and felt a bit stiff the first kilometre, so I wasn't very hopeful at this stage even though my pace was quite good. Warmed to the task and the rest of the run felt good and averaged MP. The first errand took me about 10 minutes then set off to second one - knew it was only a short hop so took it very easy. At this point I was definitely starting to feel stiff again, and more than just that caused by stopping and starting. The second errand was very quick but by then was feeling pretty bad and actually decided to get bus home. I literally just missed one so took that as a sign to jog back, but by now was definitely feeling the effects of my cold. As it was too cold to walk in what I was wearing I kept plodding on to get home which was about 3k.

    Whilst I felt pretty awful just before finishing (and for 10minutes or so after) I now feel quite good and pleased I went out - across the 3 legs I totalled 11.5k so finally get my 2017 account open. No gym today though.

    3-Jan: 11.49k [6.7k MP + 4.8k easy -suffering with cold]
  • tartanhibee
    tartanhibee Posts: 63 Member
    My first run of the year last night, felt like I was running through treacle although I had eaten so much chocolate before I went.

    In other news I bought myself some new running shoes can't wait for them to come as my current ones are done and I don't fancy getting injured.

    Mtd 3.5
    Target 40
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    1/1 rest. Colds suck
    1/2- 5.23
    1/3- 4.03

    Total: 9.26

    Monthly goal: stay healthy and continue base building to start marathon training at thr end of thr month. Nominal mileage goal: 140 miles.

    Today was supposed to be 6 miles and an outdoor run, but with the snow we had, I had to shovel, and that took about 25 minutes of my morning, which basically killed my ability to get my 6 in. So, after shoveling, I went to the gym and put 4 miles on the TM, 2 at GMP and 2 at GHMP, just to get some mileage in. run felt good, but this cold is really kicking my rear. Tomorrow was only supposed to be 2-3 miles, but I might run 4-5 to make up for the missed miles today.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    Thank you so much! I'll spend a few days in Tokyo and Kyoto and I'm glad Ill be able to run - then will travel between places and I'll use that time as rest, but at least it sounds I won't stop for 2 weeks

    I'm so looking forward to it, but I don't want to offend anyone - blowing my nose will be certainly a problem :)@ddmom0811 does cycling increase the production of snot? I've got an extra layer of "protection" now on my gloves and neckband :D
    In Kyoto, around Nijo Castle seemed well used. In Tokyo, around the Imperial Garden and Palace grounds. Yes, blowing and spitting in my usual fashion was a definite no-no, so I just managed to keep my fluids to myself.

    We did both Kyoto Tower and Tokyo Tower. Don't forget Meiji-Jingu Temple in Harajuku - very lovely.

    Because of New Year, some of the places we wanted to do were closed. I'm told, if you can't make it to Fuji-san, you can see it well from the Tokyo Metropolitan Building observation deck.

    great thanks

    i booked a tour to fuji for 1 day, with some observation decks included and a cruise on one lake, hope the weather will be fine