Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,525 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    @cschmitz110515 : choir rehearsal....500th anniversary of Reformation this weekend, singing at 3 services over 2 days.

    That's a lot of singing! Will you be singing in a Lutheran church? The church where I played for 10 years is having an organ recital on Sunday, based on Lutheran chorales; lots of good music that was adapted from those chorales, especially by Johann Sebastian Bach.

    Lutheran, born and raised. There will be lots of Martin Luther's own compositions this weekend. Choir will be singing Sat. evening and in 2 morning services Sunday. That's a lot for us, we're a small group, and normally only sing one Sunday or Sat. service per month, if that. The local churches had a combined service two weeks ago at the performing arts center to celebrate the Reformation Anniversary, but I was unable to attend.
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    1. Stay green on calories :( had some ice cream last night but still was reasonable
    2. At least one quiz done :) 2/3!
    3. Go for a walk after work :( husband got home right after us and took kiddo for a bike ride so I relaxed in peace
    4. Hair color tonight :) thank goodness!
    5. Work on schedule starting next month :) in progress

    1. Stay green on calories
    2. Finish homework and quiz
    3. Start meal planning for next week

    Keeping things simple today. I'm down 2.2 pounds this week so I'm keeping it up but not stressing myself out.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,525 Member
    Recap R 10/26
    1) Walked dog 3.02 miles before work, have to reroute slightly due to road closed, but can't see what b/c it's pre-dawn. A bit nippy this morning at 34F. Hard to see stars with light cloud cover. Happy dog. :smiley:
    2) Stop at service station & have "check tire pressure" light on 2012 car checked & cleared. My old 1997 car never warned me. = Done :smiley: It was the usual: every time there's a big temp fluctuation, tire pressure light goes on. What a pain. At least my service station totally understands that's what they're there for. :smiley:
    3) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 15,929 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 37 floors :smiley:
    4) Net calories green = Net calories red 117, but daily w-i F a.m. was down, so maybe active enough? I don't log all the incidental activity, usually, mostly dog walks. Drank 14c water / low on fiber lately. :neutral:
    5) Do > 4 items on to-do list in evening, either before or after choir rehearsal....500th anniversary of Reformation this weekend, singing at 3 services over 2 days. = Good progress again! :smiley:
    6) Unwind 9:30 / floss / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = Fail (so many things on to-do list!) / Yes / Fail but at least today is Friday! :smiley:

    JFT F 10/27
    1) Walked dog 3.02 miles before work, blustery west wind and saw snow flurries in my headlamp! Thankfully, temps in low 40s, nothing sticking yet...too early for snow in October. Happy dog. :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green
    4) Order bday gift for friend
    5) Floss

    Happy Friday everyone! :smiley:
  • groundhog07
    groundhog07 Posts: 8 Member
    JFT 10/26/17
    1. Log food, stay within macros - :smile:
    2. Mythical land of Gym again - does anyone else use a program at the gym that interfaces with MFP? Our Y has it and it's cool but for some reason yesterday didn't work quite right; likely user error - :smile:
    3. Continue web content tasks - :neutral:
    4. Update LinkedIn profile and connections - :(
    5. Practice vulnerability by revealing something personal to someone I don't know well. I think this can be a small thing, perhaps unimportant to the receiver, but an act of courage for me. - :)

    JFT 10/27/17
    1. Log all food, focus on macros!
    2. Yoga/stretching today
    3. Complete preparations for 1000 trick or treaters. Truly, ONE THOUSAND bags of treats for tomorrow.
    4. stop into the tea shop, get tea just for me.
    5. Practice vulnerability during my doctor's appointment this morning.

    Happy Friday everyone! Hope it's a good start to the weekend for you.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,525 Member
    Mythical land of Gym again - does anyone else use a program at the gym that interfaces with MFP? Our Y has it and it's cool but for some reason yesterday didn't work quite right; likely user error - :smile:

    Complete preparations for 1000 trick or treaters. Truly, ONE THOUSAND bags of treats for tomorrow.

    Regarding apps that interface with MFP, I haven't ever used any. I know the MapMyWalk app will interface but so far have not linked them up. I guess I don't totally trust technology. :wink:

    Wow, 1,000 trick or treaters! That's huge! Have fun. :smiley:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,115 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    JFT: Friday
    - Drink minimum 2 pints One down, one to go
    - Log everything yep :) left over calories too!
    - Get dogs nails clipped and walk him No far too busy today
    - Write down an exercise regime to start next week. Possibly do this in bed or tomorrow

    All in all not a bad day.

    Feeling pretty exhausted though!
    Really cba cleaning up after tea lol
    How do you all do it? Keep going. After I’ve ate all I wanna do is sit and I can never be bothered to clean up after cooking even though I should.

    Is there some secret life lesson I’m missing or am I just pure lazy :lol:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,115 Member
    JFT: Saturday

    - Log everything
    - Drink min 2pts of water
    - Research and write down fitness regime
    - Walk to Tesco (don’t drive!) to pick up 3yos blanket :disappointed:
    - Clean house from top to bottom if possible
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    1. Stay green on calories :(
    2. Finish homework and quiz :)
    3. Start meal planning for next week :)

    1. Grocery shopping
    2. Enjoy family time
    3. Dance my booty off at a wedding
  • groundhog07
    groundhog07 Posts: 8 Member
    edited October 2017
    JFT 10/27/17
    1. Log all food, focus on macros! - :smile:
    2. Yoga/stretching today - :(
    3. Complete preparations for 1000 trick or treaters. Truly, ONE THOUSAND bags of treats for tomorrow. - :smile:
    4. stop into the tea shop, get tea just for me. :) Might have over indulged a bit: Fire Chai, Turmeric Chai, & Happy Tummy teas. Hard to narrow it down though, so many neat options.
    5. Practice vulnerability during my doctor's appointment this morning.- :smile: She makes it easy.

    I did not feel well at all yesterday. Such a bummer! I was on a nice eating well-feeling well streak. I did okay with food intake still but here's hoping today is better.

    JFT 10/28/17
    1. Try MCT Oil
    2. Pack and tie treat bags without one single sample - 90% there!
    3. Make sure to have enough lchf snacks ready today
    4. Try to get some stretching in today at least!
    5. Not worried about vulnerability today - handing out treats to 1000 kids and their parents today so I'm more concerned with maintaining kindness and patience. Should be fun but it's the first year we've participated in this event so I'm wary. We just opened a little garden shop and we're part of our merchants' trick or treating event.

    [post edited by mods]
    Good luck with your JFT goals today!

  • groundhog07
    groundhog07 Posts: 8 Member
    Recap R 10/26

    JFT F 10/27
    1) Walked dog 3.02 miles before work, blustery west wind and saw snow flurries in my headlamp! Thankfully, temps in low 40s, nothing sticking yet...too early for snow in October. Happy dog. :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green
    4) Order bday gift for friend
    5) Floss

    Happy Friday everyone! :smiley:

    It is way too early for snow! I do love the first sight of it though - there's still a bit of childhood thrill for me.
    Nice work on all your goals!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    Happy Saturday! It's going to be a beauteous day even though it is gray, windy and drizzly with possible snow flurries outside. I'm feeling very happy today! I got a job offer yesterday and after weighing pros and cons, I plan to accept it on Monday. I am so terribly excited, I can hardly contain myself!!! I really feel that I will be able to go back to working 40 hours a week instead of 65! I will regain my life outside of work. That is priceless to me.

    So, I will work hard this weekend and through the next couple of weeks to get everything caught up so I can pass off my projects, and then I shouldn't have to bring my work home with me at night or on weekends anymore! It's so surreal to even think about. This is a huge step for me and although it is exciting, it is very bittersweet to leave a place I have been loyal to for 23 years.

    Just for Saturday:
    1. Journal all intake
    2. Finish OakLeaf Lesson plans project
    3. Meal plan for the week
    4. Start a donate box
    5. Listen to podcast while walking
    6. Start Christmas baking and freeze (breads maybe?)
    7. Research resignation letters and write one. Determine my last day of work.
    8. Be grateful for today. Be grateful for new adventures coming. Be present in the day.

    I still have not had time to go back and read all the posts I've missed! I hope to do that later...It's on my to-do list in my head. Just know I think about you all and am rooting you on from Wisconsin!

  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Thurs
    1. House cleaning day :/:p
    2. Bake cupcakes :) Chai cupcakes, taste was nice, no icing, hubby liked them
    3. More water :|
    4. Brush and floss by 8pm :)
    5. Bed by 10 :)

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,115 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Thurs
    1. House cleaning day :/:p
    2. Bake cupcakes :)Chai cupcakes taste was nice, no icing, hubby liked them
    3. More water :|
    4. Brush and floss by 8pm :)
    5. Bed by 10 :)

    Please expand on Chai cupcakes! :tongue:
    They sound delicious!!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Fri
    1. Laundry :):):) complete!
    2. Birthday gift shopping :/ apparently Sat
    3. Pool :)
    4. Dinner at Subway :)
    5. More water :)
    6. Brush and floss by 8pm :/
    7. Bed by 10 :)

    JFT Sat
    1. More water
    2. Birthday gift shopping
    3. Work on dress for grandaughter
    4. Thea overnight
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Please expand on Chai cupcakes! :tongue:
    They sound delicious!!

    From allrecipes.com
    It's a nice recipe. I use 1/2 whole wheat flour in everything. The reviews said the batter is very watery and it is. They also said the end result was too moist. I didn't find it so.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,115 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Please expand on Chai cupcakes! :tongue:
    They sound delicious!!

    From allrecipes.com
    It's a nice recipe. I use 1/2 whole wheat flour in everything. The reviews said the batter is very watery and it is. They also said the end result was too moist. I didn't find it so.

    Lovely thank you :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,115 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    JFT: Saturday

    - Log everything Need to do this still: can’t remember everything I’ve ate today, but it’s been nothing but junk!
    - Drink min 2pts of water yes, just the 2 but at least it’s all I set out to achieve
    - Research and write down fitness regime Not yet, tbh forgot about this so will do this in bed
    - Walk to Tesco (don’t drive!) to pick up 3yos blanket 2 words. I drove.
    - Clean house from top to bottom if possible :lol: what was I thinking?!

    Only 6.30pm here but just had a cr4ppy day.
    I felt so positive this morning and then out of nowhere just got really down. To the point where I’ve done nothing all day. My brain actually aches from just thinking.
    Don’t even want to face tomorrow
    Ahh. Maybe get an early night tonight
  • Nikeolie
    Nikeolie Posts: 52 Member
    JFT: Saturday

    Going to eat grilled szcheuan chicken vs the deep fried stuff I usually eat. And I'm going to enjoy it!
    I will also avoid eating the cake in my work breakroom because I have more willpower then day old work cake. lol
    Also will inventory more craft fair stock and improve on it!
    Lastly, I will track my food regardless of "bad foods"
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Happy Saturday! It's going to be a beauteous day even though it is gray, windy and drizzly with possible snow flurries outside. I'm feeling very happy today! I got a job offer yesterday and after weighing pros and cons, I plan to accept it on Monday. I am so terribly excited, I can hardly contain myself!!! I really feel that I will be able to go back to working 40 hours a week instead of 65! I will regain my life outside of work. That is priceless to me.

    Congratulations ! So pleased for you :smiley: Hope it all goes well!

    I wouldn't worry too much about resignation letter, I tend to just do it verbally and then do a very short letter which confirms the resignation and says thank you for all the help and support, blah blah blah (I usually don't mean that - there's a reason I'm leaving after all - but has to be done!)

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Dropped off cookies at the Harvest Fair for church.
    Drink water 11 CUPS
    Track meals today.
    Did weights at gym & listened to an inspiring podcast.
    Possible walk in pm w/dog & DH
    Try to break the cycle of procrastination & look ahead to plan for events.
    Bed by 10. Need to keep this going, it's paying off.

    Taking kids to a Trunk & Treat event this afternoon-I'm drinking a protein smoothie to curb any unnecessary snacking on sugary treats b/c once I start, it'll be difficult to stop.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!