Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • kirbygirl41
    kirbygirl41 Posts: 304 Member
    :) May 4
    Burn more calories than I consume. :)
    7000 steps :)
    Drink 32 ounces of water :)
    Take my vitamins :)
    Read and study :/
    Write in journal :)
    Check work do to list and make sure I have everything covered for this week. :)

    May 5
    Burn more calories than I eat
    7000 steps
    Walk at least 2 miles with dog.
    Drink my water
    Visit a couple ladies that I haven't seen in while.

  • noexcuses0626
    noexcuses0626 Posts: 60 Member
    Just for Today:
    1. I will log all food - no matter what I eat. Be accountable.
    2. I will go to the gym on my way home from work
    3. I will not binge after supper (on anything!)
    4. I will stay within my aloted calories
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Goals for Friday, May 5:
    Garden work--so much planting to do, I don't know where to start; we've had a lot of rain, and it's very wet in the yard.
    Practice--30" or more
    Clean office--30"
    Get back on track---ate way too much pasta last evening (and it wasn't all that great, I just wanted pasta!"
    Fix that cauliflower soup that's been sitting in the fridge--waiting!
    Good luck with your goals, everybody, and enjoy the upcoming weekend.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member

    @HGSmith0920; The real challenge is going to be this weekend. I'll be all alone this weekend, so it's gonna be tough to eat right because I'll only be cooking for myself! I think I'll invite my mom over for dinner Saturday night. Lol
    Maybe you should fix something that you like, but your husband doesn't like. Men aren't generally keen about salads--you could fix one with all kinds of veggies, then add chicken or shrimp for protein

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @asclepsia That is actually a really good idea and I just went shopping and picked up an organic salad mix on a whim anyway! I think that will be my lunch tomorrow! I found a recipe for a clean eating caesar dressing and bought all the ingredients but never got around to actually mixing it up, so I'll do that too and have a really awesome dressing to put on it!

    Thanks for the idea!
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    @HGSmith0920 : Glad you liked the idea. I finally made the roasted cauliflower soup that's been "lurking" in the fridge. It was really good, and only 135 calories per cup. It was a little high in sodium, so I think if I make it again, I'll use a low-salt broth. Found it on Allrecipes.com.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    @HGSmith0920 : Glad you liked the idea. I finally made the roasted cauliflower soup that's been "lurking" in the fridge. It was really good, and only 135 calories per cup. It was a little high in sodium, so I think if I make it again, I'll use a low-salt broth. Found it on Allrecipes.com.

    This sounds awesome. Never had th roasted version before so I'll look it up!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited May 2017
    Happy Saturday everyone.

    Busy day today-restaurant lunch with kids & moms, spaghetti dinner/bingo at church.

    Pretracked part of the day-checked restaurant chain for options & listed on MFP tracker, spago is tracked & I will not partake in the all-you-can eat option!
    Going to listen to an inspiring podcast-Half Size Me
    Going to gym-weights.
    Elliptical 20 mins.
    Aiming for 150g of protein.
    Drink 8 cups of water.
    Early to bed-10pm
    Try to meditate/breath for 20 mins. I'll need this before going out tonight.

    If anyone is struggling with binge eating, I recommend you listen to Cookie Rosenblum. Ironic that I her name is what I used to binge on LOL. Just google her.

    If I fail to plan, I plan to fail.

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    :) Stay under in calories
    :) Eat 2 fruit and 3 veg
    :) Bed by 11:00
    :) Complete one set of exercise for Ilvermorny classes
    :) Leave work no later than 4pm
    ;) Make a new to-do list with some reeeeeeaaaaallllly low hanging fruit. Had to do that this morning, but it is done!

    • Clean downstairs
    • Clean bathrooms
    • Finish wand ceremony
    • Eat 3 veg and two fruit
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »

    If anyone is struggling with binge eating, I recommend you listen to Cookie Rosenblum. Ironic that I her name is what I used to binge on LOL. Just google her.

    If I fail to plan, I plan to fail.

    Thank you - I will google her. I just starting reading the book "The Beck Diet Solution". Trying to get my binge eating in control!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,362 Member
    I feel like I have hit a brick wall and crashed. I left work yesterday at noon and have not left my couch except to go to bed since. I'm physically and mentally exhausted from working such long days for such a long stretch. It's a beautiful day here in Green Bay today so I need to get off this couch and get outside. Maybe run to Steins and get some flowers to plant.

    Anyway, Just for Saturday:
    1. STAY in the GREEN
    2. Get my steps in
    3. Listen to insipring podcasts
    4. Declutter closet and pack a donate box
    5. Make a nice dinner for my husband tonight
    6. Meal plan and make shopping list for tomorrow
    7. No negativity or stress!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I have not been logging my food, have hardly been exercising, and just losing my motivation. So I dug out a book I had from years ago "The Beck Diet Solution", and trying to read a few pages each nite. I am hoping it will get me back motivated, and learn how to better control the binge eating. I know it starts in the grocery store - and why do I put ice cream and potato chips in my cart -- when I know they are triggers! Just because Ice Cream is in sale 2 for $5.00 does not mean I should buy it. I use, as an excuse, that it is for my daughter. But .... she does not need this either.

    So JFT, Saturday
    1. lay out gym clothes from tomorrow ( already went to the gym today, and plan to get in a walk later also)
    2. log ALL FOOD!
    3. drink water
    4. only 1 diet coke. Stick with some tea and/or water
    5. Try to be aware of sabatoging thoughts about food/eating. I am in control of what I eat!

    Try to keep these things in mind all day:
    1.You encounter a trigger
    2.You have a thought
    3.You made a decision
    4.You act

  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member
    Jft 5/5
    Stay active despite any obstacles
    Make healthy food choices

    Yesterday was pretty frustrating regarding staying active. However, I want lazy. Although my dinner was not super healthy, I didn't overeat. I didn't have time for a full workout, but I still managed to do 3 exercises late at night.

    Jft 5/6

    Enjoy some foods I normally don't get to eat, but don't overdo it. Set some rules for myself.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,111 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I have not been logging my food, have hardly been exercising, and just losing my motivation.

    Try to keep these things in mind all day:
    1.You encounter a trigger
    2.You have a thought
    3.You made a decision
    4.You act

    Dont worry about losing the motivation. I find that mine fluctuates from high to low! It's hard to keep it on going! So don't worry, you'll be on a high again soon! It will come back!

    As for buying triggers
    I end up buying them for other people in the house (genuinely) but I realised I wasn't buying anything for me.
    So if you do think "that's for my daughter" then think... well what am I going to have as a treat? And then you go round and find a nice low calorie treat. And then maybe when you open that freeZer and see the icecream you will remember what you bought for yourself!

    They're very good permanent goals
    It's just taking the time to stop and think about the actions. So many of my actions are subconscious and before I know if it's too late. Then 3-4 digestives and pack of crisps are already in my tum!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    Goals for today:
    1. Stay in the green
    2. Spend more time standing at work
    3. Go to the gym after work(it's supposed to down pour all day, so no walking today)
    4. Do meal planning for next week
    5. Make a shopping list for tomorrow

    Lots to do today! But I'll have the time since DH is leaving before I get home.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Well I ALMOST managed to stay in the green. I didnt get home from work until about 3:45pm. I whipped up a giant batch of low calorie egg salad and divvied it up into smaller portions and had that as a late lunch early dinner, but about 8:30 after I did all my meal planning, shopping list making AND doing half of my shopping, I realized I was starving and in a terrible mood for some reason. So I whipped up a rather large bowl of whole wheat spaghetti and low-fat marinara sauce. Ate about two servings of pasta and totally killed my carb goal. And my sugar was high because I drank a fruity beer and had a bunch of fruit. Lol. But I stayed under my calorie goal because I went on a twenty minute bike ride and was able to get some of those calories back. Lol. But I did do all the meal planning for the week and made my shopping list. I even went to one of my normal stores and picked up about 2/3 of what I need for the week and spent about $35 less than I had budgeted. It was a really nice feeling. But I got home, popped open a beer and just became really frustrated. I think it was because my laptop is really REALLY old and was being INSANELY slow. Lol.

    Went to bed a little late but got to lay in bed and talk to my DH who was laying in bed in a totally different state. Lol. But boy did I NOT want to get up this morning! I must have hit the snooze button three times. But I still managed to get to work before everyone else! Lol


    1. Stay in the green!
    2. Have a wonderful dinner with Mom
    3. Go to bed at a decent hour
    4. Run to the store
    5. Go to bed at a decent hour

    I MAY get a walk in there somewhere but I am actually really tired so I think I am going to nap until I have to get ready for dinner.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I feel like I have hit a brick wall and crashed. I left work yesterday at noon and have not left my couch except to go to bed since. I'm physically and mentally exhausted from working such long days for such a long stretch. It's a beautiful day here in Green Bay today so I need to get off this couch and get outside. Maybe run to Steins and get some flowers to plant.

    Anyway, Just for Saturday:
    1. STAY in the GREEN
    2. Get my steps in
    3. Listen to insipring podcasts
    4. Declutter closet and pack a donate box
    5. Make a nice dinner for my husband tonight
    6. Meal plan and make shopping list for tomorrow
    7. No negativity or stress!

    Tracy - sometimes, after a long day, being a couch potato is what you need to do. I know for me, somedays I am so totally exhausted. I tend to get frustrated then, because I hate to just sit around. But the days I literally forced myself to do things, I actually felt worse, and took me longer to recover. I am starting to listen to my body. If I am so exhausted (like I was all last week when we were ripping out carpet), then I know that I just need to rest. Taking care of ourselves is our most important job.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So tomorrow is a new day! I had a wonderful dinner with Mom and I ran to the store, though doctors and insurance companies can be really annoying! Especially when you have to get home to get food ready! Lol. I managed to stay well set in the green today, except for my sugar, which I broke even on! How did I manage to do that? Not a clue! And I plan to go to bed right after I finish writing this. Right now it's 9:18pm.

    But as for tomorrow!

    Just for tomorrow 5/7

    1. Get up and go to church.
    2. Do laundry
    3. Finish food shopping
    4. Take a walk
    5. Give the DH a GIANT hug when he walks through the front door
    6. OH! And stay in the green!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member
    I missed getting on here yesterday. I have a really bad attitude. Feeling like the only thing going right in my life is my weight loss. At least I can be OCD about it and forget about the rest of my troubles for awhile.

    Friday's goals:
    1. Keep calories under 1300 / carbs under 20 g. :smile:
    2. Drink 8+ glasses of water. :smile:
    3. Meet step goal: 9,000. :smile:
    4. Work on new budget. :neutral: Got started, but easily sidetracked.
    5. Get caught up on laundry. :frowning: Need to attack that today!
    6. Hunt for gift. :smile:

    Saturday's goals:
    Meet exercise and eating goals :smile:

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Keep calories under 1300 / carbs under 20 g.
    2. Drink 8+ glasses of water
    3. Meet step goal of 9,000
    4. Work on budget.
    5. Work on laundry.
    6. Do some reading.

    Goals for May:
    1. Lose 5 pounds. :smile: Down 2.4, 2.6 to go.
    2. Build up to 10K steps per day. :smile: Progressing, increased to 9,000 this week.
    3. Incorporate strength training at least 3 days/week. :neutral: At least we bought weights yesterday, so we can start working on this goal.

    Went shopping yesterday, which was kind of like therapy for me. It helped a little. Felt good that I bought my husband the weights he had been wanting for his birthday present. We will be attending the local Fest in two weeks to celebrate his birthday. Is it sad that I am really looking forward to this so I can eat a pretzel? We plan to go off the diet for Friday and Saturday, then back on track on Sunday. Hope the plan works!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Saragirl2 wrote: »

    If anyone is struggling with binge eating, I recommend you listen to Cookie Rosenblum. Ironic that I her name is what I used to binge on LOL. Just google her.

    If I fail to plan, I plan to fail.

    Thank you - I will google her. I just starting reading the book "The Beck Diet Solution". Trying to get my binge eating in control!

    Joan, please let me know what you think of the book. I've heard a lot about it.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    I preplanned yesterday but still made some bad choices. Could it have been worse? Yes. So today's another day and I'm going to reflect on what I could've done differently. Clearly, my weekdays are more structured than weekends, especially when there are events w/food involved.

    Two changes I would make in the future:
    1. Don't get talked into ordering a deep fried appetizer (opened the flood gates for me)
    2. Mentally prepare myself (control the quantity of food being served on my plate & avoid the dessert table/snacks left on table)

    Pretracked a few items-still deciding on lunch with DH as we're having company. Include healthy choices.
    Going to listen to an inspiring podcast-Half Size Me
    Going to gym-weights-possibly
    Elliptical 20 mins. possibly
    Aiming for 150g of protein.- not there yet. Plus my body has had to adjust to the increase. Digestion is a little wacky.
    Drink 8 cups of water.
    Early to bed-10pm
    Try to meditate/breath for 20 mins.

    If I make it to the gym, it'll be a big surprise today with all that's going on. I'm leaving that open for now.
    Although I've been going to gym frequently, working hard, tracking food, etc. I want to see results now, which is not realistic. I'm noticing an uptick in my mood, clarity of thought and energy but not in my clothing. I have to keep inspiring & motivating myself. Have to stay on the path.

    A bad choice=opportunity to learn & adjust my actions