


  • Nitroalley2
    Nitroalley2 Posts: 3,419 Member
    And here I am flirting my heart out and no one wants to love me what the hell

    You don't sing me love songs anymore.
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    Flirting is a form of has a send and receive mode...That is why I think you need to be clear on the intention of the flirting, so that a harmless "make you feel good" flirt isn't received as an "I want you" flirt. It causes all sorts of hurt feelings, which is counter to the purpose. So you have to be honest and open...and know the flirtee...
  • cahubbard6421
    cahubbard6421 Posts: 769 Member
    10/10 agree with above.
  • cahubbard6421
    cahubbard6421 Posts: 769 Member
    At least one of you intended to take it further. May not have been you but one of you had to want more.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I flirt, but not because I want a relationship....I just want the n00dz.
  • BrinaBecnel
    BrinaBecnel Posts: 122 Member
    Damn, this post got real serious.

    I know, right? I was just asking if my intentions are clear, is it still okay to be playful and still joke around like I normally do. But I think people are taking it as me saying "come here big boy" and then pushing him off when he gets there.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,507 Member
    ChelseyOK wrote: »
    Do you consider it stringing someone along if you just like to flirt or are naturally flirty, but you're very clear that you don't want a relationship?

    As long as they don't stick their tongue down my throat while flirting, I'm ok with it.

    Not me!