


  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Sometimes I wonder if flirting is perceived differently between the sexes. I've been told I'm a flirt here but it's usually only because I'm going for the easy joke. And I like to tease people in general. I think women understand this better than men possibly?

    I have been told I am a flirt too, I know I do it here. It's just for fun and to kill time but in public, I am told I flirt. I don't think I do. I am just nice, I joke around, make small talk and I am polite. I think people confuse that with flirting.

    I've never been called a flirt irl, only online. Possibly because I'm not as shy? But it's the same.. if you single someone out and interact with them, is that flirting? Is telling someone they have a nice penis flirting? I dunno, I don't get it.

    I think telling them they have a nice peniz is sexual harassment and crosses the flirting threshold but I have come to find most guys don't care. You just told them they have a nice peniz. That's the only thing they are thinking about at that moment. Then I reach in and steal their wallet.

    I only do it to guys who are asking for it
  • fjmartini
    fjmartini Posts: 1,149 Member
    I'm naturally charming so it's not flirting.
  • fjmartini
    fjmartini Posts: 1,149 Member
    Is it flirting to give random compliments?
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,507 Member
    hellvee wrote: »
    hellvee wrote: »

    You again :| Enjoy the flag <3

    WOWWWW you crow of a woman

    Flagging is flirting.

    Post Reported!

  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    This is an awkward subject for me, because I tend to flirt with people without really meaning to or even knowing I'm doing it - it's just part of normal friendly interaction for me. I'm a very affectionate person; I've been known to find out several months into a relationship that someone thinks I'm interested in them as something other than a friend and it just leaves me going "...ah...crap."

    Luckily I have a pretty good circle of friends where there's no confusion between us, and my actually pretty similar in that regard so we work amazingly together. Since I've realized I'm like this I've made a point to tell people about it upfront, and tell people to set their boundaries with me upfront, and it's resolved most of my problems.

    So, to answer your question, I don't think its necessarily "stringing someone along" to be a more affectionate/flirty friend than the accepted norm, ESPECIALLY not if you know that you are like that and make a point to let people know. If it is, well, I guess I'm a real jerk by complete accident.