If anyone thinks MFP forum members are mean...



  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    I found the nicest, kindest, most supportive wedding forum on the Internet while I was planning my wedding (unfortunately, it's not around anymore). Any time I'd venture over to the mainstream ones, I'd walk in and walk right back out. Stressed out brides can be seriously nasty people.

    I accidentally followed links to an MRA forum once. THAT was terrifying. That takes a flying leap from "mean people" to "scum of the earth."
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm still surprised pornhub has a comments section, not that I ever go there....
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    You don't know crazy until you join an infertility forum. Like real crazy

    Oh wow I can imagine virtual cat fights....
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    You should read the comment section on pornhub

    There's a comment section on porn hub? I've been using the side wrong all this time.. Heading over to read!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Lol, the religious forums can get pretty good too. Especially when people were believing in the apocalypse a few years ago. Harold Camping's prediction failed and then he repredicted again later for that year and failed again. All the while, taking money from his followers.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited January 2017
    Wait...it's not Friday quite yet! Not ready for the mean people threads!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    There's a group on here that think the veteran posters are "so mean". I always want to ask them who gives the best advice. >:)

    Right? I think sometimes people don't like straightforward direct advice. Lots of time being "mean" is really just someone getting to the point and not tap dancing around the issue.
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    JenHuedy wrote: »
    Parenting forums also. It's a bloodbath.

    Definitely the Worst. Ever.

    I was on a scrapbook message board that was all sorts of crazy. Between arguing politics, engaging in competitive parenting, and picking apart each other's religions they still had the energy to critique scrapbooking and photography techniques. If they were really on a roll, you could get all in one thread.

    I recall a crock pot thread that was an pile on of epic proportions.

  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    Sorry I was glitching out there. Haha about the scrapbooking people!
  • jenwil1999
    jenwil1999 Posts: 38 Member
    Well, I'm new here, but I've actually been impressed with how nice people are here. I generally avoid internet forums, but this one is actually encouraging me to check in sometimes... which also encourages me to get online and log food. So that's all good!
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited January 2017
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    Even Yahoo answers is worse than here. This girl asked if she was ugly. At least we validate each other here.


    Growing up, my dad used to always tell me... Don't ask questions that you don't want to hear the answer to.

    Honestly, that's some of the best advice I've received :joy:
  • Savagedistraction
    Savagedistraction Posts: 312 Member
    I'm mean, but not in a vindictive way, more a "call you on your crap" way.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    MFP- Creepy, Needy, Narcissistic, Perverted but not mean.
  • I'm new also, and I haven't encountered anyone mean. I like you guys, and it's Friday. That is all.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I'm new also, and I haven't encountered anyone mean. I like you guys, and it's Friday. That is all.

    Hey there, Welcome!

    ... How do you feel about Pop Tarts?

  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    I never thought people on here were mean. Some people are really sensitive and/or stubborn & refuse to believe there's a chance something a friend/coworker etc. is nonsense.

    And starting posts with the disclaimer "don't say anything negative" or "if you disagree don't comment".

    That's asking for it!
  • alarmed123
    alarmed123 Posts: 87 Member
    You're kidding me? Try a parent's forum, they're vicious animals!
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Vicious is political or religious forums. They have to be the worst.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Vicious is political or religious forums. They have to be the worst.

    Oh goodness I imagine so. People are truly passionate about thatshit. I don't like discussing either subject.