No sugars and no carbs



  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    The shoes I have are new. About a month old the Champ ones I believe. I bought dr scholls inserts from that thing you stand on in the store. The reason why I started walking was bc my knee has been doing this since a week before Christmas. I wore a knee brace for almost 3 weeks and tried steroids for a week. Finally I just went without the knee brace and it doesn't change. It was the same with the brace on. No pain just swelling. Dr didn't seem concerned but I also know the next step is an MRI and I don't have the money to do all that. I already spent money on an ablation for my back 5 months ago that also included an MRI. So I didn't know what else to do other than go on with my life.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Oops sorry forgot about the squats. It's good form knee does not go over the feet, straight back and not to low right now
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Oops sorry forgot about the squats. It's good form knee does not go over the feet, straight back and not to low right now

    That actually doesn't sound like good form.

    1: Knees over feet is fine.
    2: Not too low (plus knees not over feet) gives me the impression that you aren't hitting parallel - which tends to be...let's just say, "not great" for the knees.

    Straight back is good, though.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    The shoes I have are new. About a month old the Champ ones I believe. I bought dr scholls inserts from that thing you stand on in the store. The reason why I started walking was bc my knee has been doing this since a week before Christmas. I wore a knee brace for almost 3 weeks and tried steroids for a week. Finally I just went without the knee brace and it doesn't change. It was the same with the brace on. No pain just swelling. Dr didn't seem concerned but I also know the next step is an MRI and I don't have the money to do all that. I already spent money on an ablation for my back 5 months ago that also included an MRI. So I didn't know what else to do other than go on with my life.

    I had an MRI and X-rays and they didn't give me any useful information. My official diagnosis is 'Pain with Activity.' I had to work up slowly to walking and have to modify a lot of yoga poses when I do my full routine as opposed to just warm ups which I've modified to include all the knee strengthening exercises from my doctor. Seems like I can do two activities ok but when I try to do three I have problems. I've been doing ok with walking and weight training (upper body only - have not found a lower body routine that is safe for lower back and knees). Then I tried to add more vigorous yoga, knees started hurting again, so I backed off.

    I do these with yoga and in between weight lifting sets:

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Oops sorry forgot about the squats. It's good form knee does not go over the feet, straight back and not to low right now

    That actually doesn't sound like good form.

    1: Knees over feet is fine.
    2: Not too low (plus knees not over feet) gives me the impression that you aren't hitting parallel - which tends to be...let's just say, "not great" for the knees.

    Straight back is good, though.

    I would think hitting parallel would be harder on the knees (?)
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited January 2017
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Oops sorry forgot about the squats. It's good form knee does not go over the feet, straight back and not to low right now

    That actually doesn't sound like good form.

    1: Knees over feet is fine.
    2: Not too low (plus knees not over feet) gives me the impression that you aren't hitting parallel - which tends to be...let's just say, "not great" for the knees.

    Straight back is good, though.

    I would think hitting parallel would be harder on the knees (?)

    No. Full ROM is substantially better. By cutting the squat short, you are putting more stress on your knee - to actually stop. If you go to where you're supposed to go, the muscles do the work.

    eta: If you can't physically hit parallel, that may be one thing, as that's simply where your body naturally stops.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Thank you for the pictures that may help. Maybe I misworded my squat. My knees don't pass my toes. They do go over my feet but not past them. From what I remember I believe that was bad. I do a lot of stairs at work. My job has me moving a little. But never pain, unless the swelling gets big. But then it's only achy from it. I ice when that happens. Usually after work I do 30minutes ice no more than that. It seems to take most of the swelling down. Then I start all over again the next day
  • cece1012003
    cece1012003 Posts: 11 Member
    I understand and I am on day 5 of the same. I'm doing it not for a fad but a way to change my lifestyle. I have ridiculous cravings, I can eat all night, and I have terrible brain fog. I'm looking to ward off the cravings. So for me, no refined sugar, no carbs as well.

    I am having a hard time with meals as well, especially in a house with carb eaters. It may be best to reference some Paleo recipes. I don't follow them to the letter, but they give great ideas on what to make while doing this. Don't knock Red lentils and kale soup until you try it. Of course veggies, veggies, and more veggies. If you're really in doubt consult a dietician, and a good one too.

    I'm going for as long as I can until my cravings and brain fog subside. Do your best.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Thank you for the pictures that may help. Maybe I misworded my squat. My knees don't pass my toes.

    I figured that's what you meant. And it's still fine. In fact, it's expected. I'd be willing to be that if you let them go past your toes, you'd be able to go lower. Below is an image from one of the (if not the single) best training instructional book. Even if you're not using added weight, you can keep your arms in front of you for balance, but your knees will go past your toes.

  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    The shoes I have are new. About a month old the Champ ones I believe. I bought dr scholls inserts from that thing you stand on in the store. The reason why I started walking was bc my knee has been doing this since a week before Christmas. I wore a knee brace for almost 3 weeks and tried steroids for a week. Finally I just went without the knee brace and it doesn't change. It was the same with the brace on. No pain just swelling. Dr didn't seem concerned but I also know the next step is an MRI and I don't have the money to do all that. I already spent money on an ablation for my back 5 months ago that also included an MRI. So I didn't know what else to do other than go on with my life.

    I had an MRI and X-rays and they didn't give me any useful information. My official diagnosis is 'Pain with Activity.' I had to work up slowly to walking and have to modify a lot of yoga poses when I do my full routine as opposed to just warm ups which I've modified to include all the knee strengthening exercises from my doctor. Seems like I can do two activities ok but when I try to do three I have problems. I've been doing ok with walking and weight training (upper body only - have not found a lower body routine that is safe for lower back and knees). Then I tried to add more vigorous yoga, knees started hurting again, so I backed off.

    I do these with yoga and in between weight lifting sets:


    Have you noticed that these exercised have helped your knee(s)? I need to strengthen my right knee without using weights. Interested in trying these.

    Also, with yoga, do have a website you can suggest to look at modified poses?
  • cece1012003
    cece1012003 Posts: 11 Member
    This is basically a Ketogenic, or high fat/low carb diet (HFLC). I've eaten this way for over a year and have lost over 30 lbs.
    This type of diet is good for those who have a lot of weight to lose. The fat consumed helps increase the feeling of satiety; allowing for decreased cravings and hunger.
    Mainstream nutrition generally doesn't agree with this type of diet, but it works.

    It works for you. But you have to realize that satiety is a very individual thing. Fats, for example, do absolutely nothing to satiate me.

    Nothing satiates me lol. Of course I have binge eating disorder so I don't know if that's just cause my brain is all wonky. If it wasn't for the medication they put me on to help me organize my eating habits better I could eat two whole chickens and probably still want more more more. Lol. It always used to frustrate me when people would talk about protein and fats keeping them full and I never felt that way at all.

    You're not me, are you? This describes me to a T!
  • cece1012003
    cece1012003 Posts: 11 Member
    rpalmisano wrote: »
    That is called L diet. Careful, it cannot be done for long periods as it damages your system!! Wake up people!!! A little carb makes your body organs function properly.

    That's where the starch vegetables come in: corn, peas, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkin, squash, zucchini, yams, etc.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    edited January 2017
    Anvilhead wrote: 'Diet sodas, Crystal Light and artificial sweeteners do not have any sugar in them. None.'

    True - not all artificial sweeteners have sugar in - but it is thought that they increase appitite and so would make the low carb thing work less well.

    NOBETTAHEA Posts: 1 Member
    you do realize all the chemicals in diet soda will not be good for you right?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    The shoes I have are new. About a month old the Champ ones I believe. I bought dr scholls inserts from that thing you stand on in the store. The reason why I started walking was bc my knee has been doing this since a week before Christmas. I wore a knee brace for almost 3 weeks and tried steroids for a week. Finally I just went without the knee brace and it doesn't change. It was the same with the brace on. No pain just swelling. Dr didn't seem concerned but I also know the next step is an MRI and I don't have the money to do all that. I already spent money on an ablation for my back 5 months ago that also included an MRI. So I didn't know what else to do other than go on with my life.

    I had an MRI and X-rays and they didn't give me any useful information. My official diagnosis is 'Pain with Activity.' I had to work up slowly to walking and have to modify a lot of yoga poses when I do my full routine as opposed to just warm ups which I've modified to include all the knee strengthening exercises from my doctor. Seems like I can do two activities ok but when I try to do three I have problems. I've been doing ok with walking and weight training (upper body only - have not found a lower body routine that is safe for lower back and knees). Then I tried to add more vigorous yoga, knees started hurting again, so I backed off.

    I do these with yoga and in between weight lifting sets:


    Have you noticed that these exercised have helped your knee(s)? I need to strengthen my right knee without using weights. Interested in trying these.

    Also, with yoga, do have a website you can suggest to look at modified poses?

    Yes, these exercises definitely helped my knees. I used to have pain after 20 minutes of walking and now am up to 75 minutes, plus hills.

    For Moon Salutations I replaced the deep one legged squat with Gate Pose and completely axed Garland Pose - the deep two legged squat. I'm very careful with Pigeon. Things like that.

    Here are some suggestions from Yoga Journal:

    Here are some more knee strengthening exercises. The first time I did them I did it all the way through and had pain afterwards. Now I do an exercise between sets when I'm lifting weights and skip Tree Pose.